Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 31: 姬 Emperor body

The retreat of the Dazizuo Tianmo from the borderless city of heaven also turned the eyes of the people of the world to Xuanyuan City!

The battlefield in nothingness, the battlefield of the eighteenth floor of **** can not be seen, and the loud sound of Bagua Mountain is also sent to investigate, but the battlefield of Xuanyuan City is on the bright side.

The two great heavenly palaces are completed. No two, one, you can destroy the empty Xuanyuan City. Today it is two.

The Shoucheng enchantment was also broken, and Xingtian and Houyi were all approaching.

No more nonsense, go straight. Xingtian's giant axe fell, and the entire Xuanyuan City was about to be destroyed.

Xuanyuan City's Shangtiangong strong resistance, but, did it resist? Even Cangjie, at this moment, was entangled with the unborn, and could not do anything.

Xuanyuan City is over!

It was as if everyone had thought that Boundless Heaven was over at the moment when the Devil appeared.

The fierce power broke into the entrance of Xuanyuan Hall, and a large number of officials even scattered in fright.

escape? Is there time to escape in front of the Great Heavenly Palace?

As a result, it is self-evident that the spies of the Quartet used a positive tone in their communication with the figurines, and Xuanyuan City was about to be destroyed.

When countless emperors and suzerain heard the news, they also announced that Xuanyuan City was over.

However, at this very moment, a man wearing a yellow dragon robe stepped out of Xuanyuan Hall.

The man is not someone else, it is Ji Dihong!

"Holy, holy ~~~~~~~?" Kong Di and others exclaimed with an incredible incredulity.

Outside, countless spies suddenly exclaimed: "Ji Dihong? No, this is impossible!"

The figurine spread the news to the Quartet.

The Quartet emperors and lords were also stunned.

"What Ji Dihong, quickly say, what Ji Dihong?" The emperors and suzerains were anxious and did not know what happened to Xuanyuan City.

Some strong men flew towards Xuanyuan City without hesitation.

When Xingtian Yi axe came, his eyes stared into bronze bells. This is impossible.

The axe is so powerful that it doesn't stop for a moment.

Ji Dihong looked cold, looking up to the sky, poking out his right fist and heading for the axe. One punch.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A powerful impact blew up over Xuanyuan City, and the huge axe that destroyed the world suddenly stopped in midair. It was blocked by Ji Dihong's fist.

Not only that, but after a block of breath.


The huge axe burst openly, and even Xingtian's axe was smashed.

The people in the city suddenly felt a rush of ecstasy. That destroyed an axe and was shattered by the Holy?

"Long live Saint, live long live!" Countless officials and people bowed down in excitement.

At this moment, Ji Dihong appeared like a savior, trying to turn the tide.

When the axe burst and Xingtian retreated, it was also determined that this was not fake.

This is really Ji Dihong. He did not leave Xuanyuan City, he has been retreating in Xuanyuan City?

"No, not good!" Xing Tian's face changed.

"Swallow the sky and eat the sword? He is Ji Dihong's body, and has been in Xuanyuan City, retreating and refining Chiyou's Shinto secret method. The fist just now is comparable to the weapon of the magic weapon?"

"Leave, Houyi, hurry up!" Xing Tian exclaimed with a stare in his eyes.

"Oh, go? Xuanyuan City is the place where you want to come and go?" Ji Dihong sneered.

With a sneer, he stretched out his right palm.


Void suddenly condensed a slap covering the sky and grabbed it with a palm toward Xing Tian, ​​as if the entire world was in Ji Dihong's palm.

The majestic power is dark.

"Broken!" Xingtian Yi shield patted it.

However, Zhetian Zhangzhang was not shot away, and he was still overwhelmingly arrested towards Xingtian.

"The arrow is coming out!" Houyi drank softly.

"call out!"

A streamer came straight to Ji Dihong. Houyi shot an arrow and wanted to rescue Wei.

As long as Ji Dihong's attention is drawn, Xingtian will be able to avoid that slap.

Houyi's arrow, the world's first arrow, has great power. Previously, with just four arrows, it broke the Xuanyuan City's defensive array. Even those who completed the Tiangong Great Dare didn't dare to hit the arrow. Will you hide?


Ji Dihong just cold in the corner of his mouth, suddenly extended his left hand. Thumb, forefinger, **** pinch.


There was a sudden blast in front of him, and the void seemed to be torn, but Ji Dihong stabilized the void with a strong aura and did not tear.

There was only a ripple of void with a storm.

The storm dispersed, revealing Ji Dihong's left hand inside.

Ji Dihong's left hand, three fingers, pinching the tip of the arrow?

Between lightning and flint, everything is developing too fast, and many people have not reacted to it. Everything in front of them has subverted everyone's perception.

Outside, countless detectives have been dumbfounded. An urgent sound came from the figurine in his hand.

"What's going on, say quickly, is Xuanyuan City broken?"

"What Ji Dihong?"

"Come on!"




The spy figurines of the spies eagerly heard the voices of the emperors and lords of all parties.

A number of spies did not know how to explain.

But he saw that Ji Dihong lost the arrow feather, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, and continued to hold his right hand, holding Xingtian in it.

"Impossible, Ji Dihong, you won't be so powerful!" Houyi exclaimed.

During the exclamation, a bang clapped to Zhetian slap, to rescue the internal Xingtian.


There was a loud noise in the void, Houyi slammed from the outside of the fist boxer, Xingtian slaped from the inside of the fist boxer, and all of them let the huge boxer shake for a while, and did not break.

"You want to go in too?" Ji Dihong sneered.

Just when Ji Dihong wanted to make another shot.

A red light fell from the sky, almost piercing the clouds and mist to the place where the palms of the sky were covered.


With a loud noise, a large hole was slammed in the palm of his hand, and Xingtian flew out.

"Go back!" A woman's voice came from the sky where Hongguang shot.

It was the sound of crickets.


Xing Tian and Hou Yi turned around and fled towards the East in an instant.

Ji Dihong did not hunt, but turned his head and looked at the distant oriental dynasty.

Dayu Heavenly Kingdom, Honghuang City, the mouth of the Temple.

I have returned from Shenzhou Central.

Standing at the entrance of the God Temple, he looked coldly at Ji Dihong.

Ji Dihong looked coldly at Xi, and the two looked at each other across an endless distance. But no one said anything.

"Holy, you, you are in Xuanyuan City? Who was the one who went to the borderless sky capital before? ..." Kong Di said suddenly.

But the voice instantly drowned the cheers of the ministers.

"Sacred power!" The ministers surprised.

In an ecstatic sound, Ji Dihong slowly shifted his eyes from the Temple of Puppet Gods, and looked at the fugitive Xing Tian and Hou Ji. There was a pity in Ji Dihong's eyes, so he turned his attention to the officials.

The ministers were pleasantly surprised at the moment, and they were constantly in doubt.

Only Cangjie lamented: "Holy, ashamed trust in holy, have to disturb holy retreat, please holy punish!"

Ji Dihong took a deep breath: "Mr. does not need to blame himself. The details of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty are beyond expectations, nothing to do with you!"

"Yes!" Cangjie nodded.

Suddenly, Cangjie looked at the Dan furnace in front of him: "The unborn person intends to withdraw?"

Cangjie looked at Ji Dihong again.

Ji Dihong looked up to the distant borderless sky.

The borderless heavens have returned to peace, and the people in the Heavenly Demon Holy Place have withdrawn, especially the withdrawal of the free and easy Heavenly Demon, which has made Ji Dihong's knowledge of the borderless heavenly capital extremely sharp.

All previous battles were based on his knowledge of the Dahan Emperor. Now, there are countless unknowns. Ji Dihong will naturally not rush to the borderless sky capital.

"Withdraw!" Ji Dihong nodded.


A loud noise. Cangjie trembled suddenly.

The stalemate with the unborn is over.

"Holy, not good, near Chiyou City, seal Chiyou's four places, three southeast and west, they have stolen Chiyou's body, Hou Qing is gone, Chiyou's followers are gone. Baguashan's 'Bagua Candle Dragon' Dazheng 'still, I don't know how the ancient sea escaped! "Cangjie showed extremely incomprehensible.

"That is to say, there is still a Chi You head in the blood maple forest?" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

Cangjie nodded.

Ji Dihong's face was gloomy, and he looked up, looking again in the direction of the distant Wutian Heavenly Capital, and looking at the entrance to the Diantian Temple.

At this moment, the powerful people in the world have finally received the news.

"Ji Dihong, in Xuanyuan City? Impossible!"

"Who was the one who had gone to nothing before? Ji Dihong has been retreating? What's a joke?"

"Impossible, how could this happen?"




The strong men in the world are in an uproar and want to refute, but this is an indisputable fact. Ji Dihong went out of the customs and broke the punishment day and Houyi.

Now that Ji Dihong is retreating, who is going to nothing?

"Ji Dihong's clone? The clone ????" Countless strong men came to a conclusion.

Then, because of this conclusion, everyone took a cold breath, Ji Dihong's clone? The gods are fulfilled?

How should the ontology be perverted?

"Sect Lord Qi Ji, Ji Dihong's face is now gloomy, as if staring at the direction of Wudu Tiandu!" Some spies continued to send messages.

Looking at the borderless sky?

"Is Ji Dihong still wanting a second wave? Destroying the borderless city of heaven?" The excitement of countless strong men suddenly showed the color of expectation.

Dazuo Tianmo left for no reason. However, there is Ji Dihong's ontology. If Ji Dihong's ontology returns to the borderless sky capital, wouldn't it destroy the borderless sky capital?

It's too fast to reverse! Just now I felt that Wu Jietian was over. But in a blink of an eye, there is no obstacle to the borderless sky. Xuanyuan City is over.

The dazzling sensation made countless strong people shocked by this battle of Huang and Han.

The powerful man who looks at the borderless sky is getting the news, and he looks at the borderless sky for the first time. He wants to know if Dahan has any second hand. Can the Jidihong be blocked in the unknown hall?

However, countless strong men turned their heads and looked at the mouth of the Heavenly Palace of Wujiang Tiandu, rubbing their eyes unconsciously.

"My eyes are gone? Who is standing next to Chen Xianer and Long Wanqing?"

"Gu Hai? Why is Gu Hai at the entrance to the Heavenly Temple? Why is he here?"

"Did not Gu Hai and Ji Dihong's avatar go into nothingness? Why is this here?"




Countless strong people cannot understand and cannot accept it. Too much surprise in this battle, too much to understand.

Ji Dihong is not rushing to the borderless sky, but facing the ancient sea?

Xuanyuan Diankou, Ji Dihong!

Soaring to the entrance of the palace, ancient sea!

The two emperors ended their confrontation and looked at each other coldly.

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