Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 32: Shenzhou Battle End

Bagua Yamaguchi!

Gu Hai, with the help of Long Wanyu, held the candle lantern, slowly stepped out of the mountain boundary of the Eight Diagrams.

Turning his head to look at the heavy gossip mountain in front of the fog, Gu Hai's eyes flashed a shock.

"Gossip candle dragon array? Really dangerous!" Gu Hai looked ugly.

Neither Houqing nor the 81 giants were expected by Gu Hai. As for the last big formation, it is the most terrible existence. If it is not for Long Wanyu's guidance, it may be necessary to plant a big one here. Follow up.

"Brother-in-law, this is just a gossip mountain, shall we go to Blood Maple Forest?" Long Wanyu asked.

"Cough, cough!" Gu Hai coughed for a while, then shook her head: "No, I'm seriously injured, I have to go back for treatment as soon as possible, and I can't go to Blood Maple for a while!"

"Oh!" Long Wanyu nodded immediately.

Everything is based on the injuries of the ancient seas.

"You can still retreat if you can understand the difficulties!" Suddenly a voice sounded not far from the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's face sank, and she immediately looked at a woman in a red dragon robe not far away.


The ancient Hai suddenly looked frozen and became extremely alert.

Seeing Gu Hai's alert, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The seventh place above is Tiangong. To achieve this step, you have the courage than Jiang Lianshan, and you have the brain more than Chi!" Said faintly.

"Have you been to those two ambush sites, Lord Dao?" Gu Hai asked.

"Yes, it is very dangerous, but without Ji Dihong's careful preparation, it is really easy! Your strategy worked. You took Chi You's body?" Qi Dan asked indifferently.

Gu Hai nodded: "Brother is with me, should you regain his arms and legs?"

"Yes, the four ambush points, the formations are different, Chi Youzhi is in the head, presumably, the suppression of Blood Maple Forest is the greatest!" He looked northward.

Gu Hai nodded, his third eye suddenly appeared.

Looked at two battlefields.

"Time is too late, brother's head, I can only come to Japan to take it again! Alas, leave!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Wait!" I cried suddenly.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked at him. At the same time, Long Wanyu was behind him.

"Is Chiyou's eighty-one brothers taken by you?" Chi Shen said.

"How?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Give them to me!" Shen Shen said.

Gu Hai's face sank. There was a slight silence: "Here you are, but the body of the elder brother, please hand it to me, and I will splice it when I take the elder brother's head tomorrow!"

I was slightly surprised. Finally nodded.

"Kuang!" "Kuang!"

妭 Take out two bronze coffins. Gu Hai turned his hands and took out the 81 giants.

"Roar!" The 81 giant roar seemed to be shooting. I slammed my sleeves.


Eighty-one giants suddenly disappeared.

Gu Hai also folded his hands and put away two bronze coffins.

"Farewell!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"I'll take you for a ride!"

While talking, waiting for the ancient sea to refute, a red light instantly rolled around the ancient sea, Long Wanyu headed straight for the northern borderless sky.

"call out!"

I was very fast, and in a short while I arrived at the borderless sky. It was almost that most people didn't see the figure clearly.

Gu Hai is still on guard.

妭 Turned his head and looked at the unnamed hall not far away, and looked very strangely at Gu Hai: "Unexpectedly, you still have such hiding? Just now at the Bagua Mountain Pass, there are a pair of eyes locked on me, are you protecting? No need, I also look forward to borrowing your hand to pack Ji Dihong! "


The ancient sea fell on the Chongtian Temple Square.

The stunned figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, disappeared into the sky, and went back to Honghuanghuang City.

"Fu Jun?" Chen Xianer and Long Wanqing suddenly surprised.

"Your Majesty?"

Your Majesty is back? Although no one knows how the ancient sea came back, as long as the ancient sea is in the borderless sky, no one will worry anymore, because the ancient sea is there, it will be safe all over the world.

Gu Hai stood at Chongtian Temple Square and turned his head to look at the Unknown Hall.

The eyes that I mentioned just now must be the Dragon Warring States. A slight smile, Gu Hai turned his head to look to the southwest, that direction is Dahuang Tianchao, Xuanyuan City.


The eye of the eyebrows opened, immediately seeing everything outside Xuanyuan City and Xuanyuandian Square.

"Ji Dihong? Ontology? The one who made the six immortals before is ...?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

In the distance, Xingtian and Houyi were about to be trapped by Ji Dihong. A red light from his rescue instantly rescued the two. Ji Dihong did not pursue, but looked across the sea from the infinite power of Shenzhou.

Soaring to the entrance of Xuanyuan and Xuanyuan, Gu Hai and Ji Dihong looked at each other coldly.

In the land of Shenzhou, countless powerful men seem to feel that the two emperors are staring at each other, one by one holding their breath again.

From the beginning of the king to the king, many times have been beyond everyone's expectations, now, once again?

Xuanyuan Diankou.

Ji Dihong looked at the distant ancient sea and said coldly, "Ancient sea? Dahan Emperor? When will he be promoted to heaven?"

Ji Dihong's voice was not loud, but everyone outside Xuanyuan City heard it clearly. Promoted to Heaven? Does it mean that the Dahan Emperor has the ability to be promoted to heaven?

If before this war, the world's strong still had some doubts, but in the previous war, no one questioned the strength of the Dahan Emperor. This imperial dynasty, you say he is not qualified, I do not believe it.

Soaring to the mouth of the palace.

Gu Hai smiled coldly: "I missed Huanghuang Sheng, and the Dahan emperor owes some hope!"

Owe some heat? This time, the Dahan Emperor and the Huanghuang Emperor Dynasties almost tied, and their strength is almost equal. Do you say that you owe something to the fire?

Countless strong people looked at Guhai strangely. You are a senior black!

Don't want to be promoted, but want to discredit the rhubarb heaven?

Of course, only Gu Hai is qualified to say, "Can't" and say "Yes", that is arrogant. It is modest to say ‘can’ and ‘no’.

In the distance, Ji Dihong smiled coldly.

Regarding this war, each has his own mind, and there is no need to scold each other for defamation.

"This farce is over!" Ji Dihong said lightly.

While talking, the detective Ling Xu yanked.

"Tear it!"

A crack was ripped through the void.

On the other side of the crack, a monstrous battle is erupting at this moment. Vaguely, you can see mosquitoes, Kong Xuan, Ao Ying and others fighting inside.

"Sacred can also easily tear the entrance to the eighteenth floor of hell?" Conte surprised.

The internal fighting people also suddenly changed their faces.

"This is, Xuanyuan City?" Kong Xuan said in surprise.

Far away. Soaring to the mouth of the palace.

Gu Hai's face sank, but it was also a probe.

"Tear it!"

The void also violently tore a huge crack. It is also in the eighteenth floor of hell.

The heroes in the internal fighting suddenly saw another void breach appeared.

"Holy!" Said Shangguanhen in surprise.

Gu Hai and Ji Dihong, with the same actions, can actually open the entrance to the eighteenth floor of hell.

Gu Hai glanced unexpectedly at Ji Dihong, and Ji Dihong also glanced at Gu Hai unexpectedly.

Just now, Ji Dihong also felt that in the eighteenth floor of hell, he could do some actions.

At this moment, Gu Hai also easily opened the eighteenth layer of hell, but gave up all his preparations.

"Well, let's go to the North!" Ji Dihong called.

"Return to the North!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Yes!" There was a voice inside.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise inside.

Ao Ying, Xiong You, Feng Bo, Li Mu, Scorpio Demon, Commander of the Dark Guard, Mr. Wu Xing, and the corpse of Zulong all stepped into the exit where Ji Dihong was located and reached Xuanyuandian Square in one step.

Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Shangguan Hen, Ao Sheng, Hou Tu Niang Niang, Dayi Rulai, Ancient Han's Third Buddha, and Xun, all stepped into the ancient sea, and reached Chongtian Temple Square in one step.

Each had injuries. However, the people here are more seriously injured. The results of the war have not yet been separated, but the previous war has already shaken the world.


The two void cracks disappeared instantly.

Gu Hai and Ji Dihong once again looked at each other across an endless distance.

"Gu Hai, the first rank of Chi You in Blood Maple Forest, waiting for you to pick it up!" Ji Dihong sneered.

In a sneer, Xuanyuan City suddenly shrouded in fog. But it was Ji Dihong who re-arranged the defender.

"I will come!" Gu Hai said coldly.


The borderless sky is slowly covered by heavy fog.

The battle on the land of Shenzhou is over. Ji Dihong does not want to see the ancient sea, and Gu Hai does not want to see Ji Dihong.

Xuanyuandian Square.

Ji Dihong looked at the crowd for a moment of comfort. Everyone also knew the previous battle situation, showing a daze.

"It shouldn't be, the third child has gone, and the Lord has also gone. Why did he retreat?"

"That's the truth, God Scorpio, I am bothering you to explore it in the Devil's Department. What is there in the unknown hall, let him actually retreat, so that in the end, this battle did not achieve a great victory!" Looked solemnly at the Scorpion and the Demon.

"Okay, I have to ask clearly, I died there for nine lives, why did they retreat?"

"I'm waiting at Xuanyuan City, waiting for good news!" Cangjie said solemnly again.


Soaring to the mouth of the palace.

Gu Hai turned to look at him.

"Well, thank you for your help in this war!" Gu Hai solemnly thanked.

"In the South China Sea in the past, you also helped me, and there was an extra mosquito. Without me, the strength of your two dynasties is not bad!" He shook his head.

"No, I broke through later. I still need Mr. Ji's previous assistance!" The mosquito Taoist immediately waved his hands.

He smiled slightly, no longer shirk, but looked at Gu Haidao: "Since this is the case, then I will go!"

"Take care!" Gu Hai nodded, but did not stay.

Before leaving, I glanced at the distant southeast and turned to Guhaidao: "Guhai, be careful!"

"Well?" Gu Hai wondered slightly.

I nodded: "I'm not as weak as anyone in the world thinks. Her strength has never been revealed. Why did Ji Dihong pick you first?"

Gu Hai's pupils shrank. Obviously, in the eyes of Ji Dihong, he was a soft persimmon, but he could not touch it easily.

Seeing that the ancient sea has been valued, stepping on it, it instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

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