Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 36: Righteousness

It's easy to be abused by the people, and difficult to deceive in the sky!

The people's drinking and scolding, as pointed out by Qianfu, finally shaken the belief of Xuan Yuanjian's avatar.

Xuanyuan sword refining righteousness, righteousness comes from Ji Dihong's absolute self-confidence, and the people's belief in Ji Dihong, believe that everything that Ji Dihong does is just, this is a belief in justice.

Billions of people came together. Protected by Xuanyuan Sword. Only let Xuanyuan Sword reach the level of the fifth magic weapon in the world.

But now, if I fail, can my past beliefs support me? The people even pointed to Wan Fu, and everyone yelled at evil demons.


People say you are righteous, you are righteous! Everyone says you are a demon, are you still right?

Xuanyuan Sword was separated, and the body's vitality was rapidly dissipating. Engulfed in panic and great self-confidence.

The loss of righteousness leaves only evil.

The whole world is still, and Xuanyuan Jian listens to the hundreds of billions of people's drinking and scolding, as if completely lost. At this moment, everyone's scolding is loud and clear.

Hundreds of billions, I don't know how long to listen.

Time seems to freeze.

No, it's not a freeze, but Xuan Yuanjian's avatar is caught in a fantasy.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Sword's clone did not return to the land of Shenzhou, but was in a state of stagnation in nothingness.

Xuanyuan Jian's perimeter is red.

But it was the ancient swordsman of the skeleton that killed the sword, and the sword gave out a red light and drowned the Xuanyuan Sword in its immersion. In the red light, there seemed to be strange pictures.

It is the killing knife that created a defeated fantasy for Xuanyuan Sword. But the ancient sea is carefully prepared!

Xuanyuan Sword divides the body surface, in the loss of Hao Ran's righteousness.

The lost righteousness is not decomposed by the force of nothingness, but there is a person next to it, but the ancient sea body is close, and the rolling "righteousness" is quickly absorbed by the ancient sea body.

It is Kong Xuan, the ancient Han, Shangguan marks, Mosquito Taoist, Long Wanqing who protect the ancient sea itself!

The five heavenly palaces were completed to form a mixed element five-element array, which protected the ancient sea ontology center and let the ancient sea absorb the "righteousness."

"The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth" was exhibited, and the opportunity was not lost, and the loss would not come again.

Kong Xuan and others were shocked at the moment.

At the same time, I am convinced that the ancient sea has not been omitted.

"The queen queen mother, Your Majesty came to nothingness, then the boundless heaven and fortune cloud clouds will disintegrate again, will Ji Dihong's body be robbed by fire?" Kong Xuan worried.

Long Wanqing shook her head: "Be assured, he must have handled everything!"

"Yes!" The crowd nodded, protecting the ancient sea.

Haoran's positive air loss is getting bigger and bigger, but the ancient seas can't resist it. At this moment, all the pores in the whole body are even more relaxed and opened--

Shenzhou Land, Xuanyuan City, in the study.

Ji Dihong's face looked gloomily at the Scorpion Tianmen returning from the Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

The other courtiers, at this moment, also showed their astonishment.

"It's impossible, you said, the God of Freedom saw the Dragon Warring States? What Rafi did he drink with the Dragon Warring States?" Kong Di exclaimed.

The scorpion and the devil also had a long time to struggle, and finally nodded: "Yes, the Dragon Warring States and the Lord talked for a while, and finally told the Lord that there is no need to hide his appearance. Whoever he wants to tell, just say it! "

"Did the Dragon Warring States say?" Cangjie's tone was somewhat uncertain.

"Yes, the Lord said that it had been confirmed. It was not the beast of the ancient seas. It was the real Dragon Warring States. At that time, the Lord also felt an extremely dangerous atmosphere in the Dragon Warring States, as if, as if That Dragon Warring States is more powerful than it was then! "Recalled the Scorpio God.

"More powerful than that?" Ji Dihong frowned slightly.

"The Dragon Warring States should have died in the heavens. At that time, the Six Immortals were certain. If the Dragon Warring States were still alive, how could the Six Immortals not feel it?" Feng Bo did not believe.

"Not inductive, not surprising, as long as they are not in Liudaoxianqiang, Liudaoxian naturally cannot feel it!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"But, sir, that Dragon Warring States is dead. He was killed by Gu Hai in the presence of the Six Immortals. How did Gu Hai help Gu Hai by killing him with his own hands?" Kong Di looked disbelieving.

"No!" Cangjie shook his head.


"You recall what we discovered, what happened to the Battle of Heaven. At that time, the Dragon Warring States was about to die, and the Six Immortals could eventually destroy him, but Guhai took the lead. If Guhai took the lead, it was not to kill the dragon. What about the Warring States Period? "Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"The ancient sea is to save the Dragon Warring States? And to save the Dragon Warring States under the eyes of the Six Immortals? But, can't the Six Immortals see?" Kong Di said a little irritably.

"Hiding the sky and crossing the sea? It's not a particularly complicated thing!" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.


"The Holy Lord is right, why did the Dragon Warring States help Gu Hai? Because Gu Hai rescued him, what doubts it? And, the eldest son of Dragon Warring States, Dragon God, is a filial son, why did you let the country give Gu Hai? Why allegiance to the ancient sea? It goes without saying! "Cangjie said in a deep voice.

The ministers were silent for a while, and horrified at the same time!

Dragon Warring States?

Although it is only two decades old, in the hearts of everyone, it is extremely long.

In the Warring States Period, one person could fight all over the world. That spirit is incomparable.

Is the Dragon Warring Power? Needless to say. The Dragon Warring States was worthy of the first place in the world.

In everyone's mind, the Dragon Warring States died after all. What if a dead person is even more powerful?

But now, you tell me that Dragon Warring States is not dead? The Dragon Warring States are assisting the ancient sea?

What else is going on?

If we were in a hurry before, the Dragon Warring States emerged. What happened?

Are we going to fight against the Dragon Warring States?

"Holy, do you think this is true?" Cangjie finally looked at Ji Dihong.

If you don't believe what Da Zizuo Tianmo said, then everything is unreasonable, but if you believe it, you will be extremely critical.

"Dragon Warring States, only the big comfortable Tianmo have seen, I am not sure yet!" Ji Dihong said lightly.

On the one hand, the Scorpio Demon no longer talked. Obviously, the Scorpio Demon was frightened. At first, I really did die, to destroy the borderless sky, if the Dragon Warring States was blown out, I would not know how to die.

"However, even the Dragon Warring States, there is nothing. If he did not die, he would not dare to show up, because as long as he shows up, his six Immortals will clean him up!" Ji Dihong said.

"Yeah!" The crowd sighed suddenly.

Even if the Dragon Warring States was alive, they would not dare to walk the world with great fanfare.

"But even so, we have to re-evaluate the Dahan Emperor, Holy!" Cangjie solemnly said.

Ji Dihong nodded.

Although he still doubts the words of the big free spirit, Ji Dihong imagined the existence of the Dragon Warring States in his heart, but he was jealous of the borderless sky.

The gods are fulfilled? That Dragon Warring States had been reached long ago, and now I don't know how strong!

I compared the ancient sea with the cormorant, and thought that the ancient sea was a soft persimmon, but after some trials, I discovered that this ancient sea is a hungry tiger. On the contrary, the first thing he had to deal with was the puppet.

I have the power of Jiang Lianshan and her own powerful means.

But after all, she is the daughter of Jiang Lianshan, and she can still touch it.

"Report!" Came a shout from outside the study.

But a guard rushed into the study.

"On Qilu Holy, the borderless sky is reporting, and the cloud of luck for the borderless sky is falling again!" Said the guard respectfully.

"Broken again?" Everyone looked weird for a while.

Luck falls apart, the emperor falls apart! This is a fact that Shenzhou has always argued, but today, for the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, it is a matter of two days.

No one thinks Gu Hai has collapsed, they all think that Gu Hai is bad.

"Holy, Gu Hai will not deliberately lie to you, right?" Conte first guessed.

Deceive the holy ontology?

"This ancient sea is really too overcast!" Li Mu suddenly angered.

"Not necessarily. Maybe the borderless sky is really empty at the moment!" Feng Bo frowned.

"Even if the interior is empty, do you dare to test?" Cangjie smiled bitterly.

"Uh!" Feng Bo looked stiff, but stopped talking.

Go tentative? Feng Bo dared to go half a year ago, but now? Are you kidding me? Moreover, the ancient sea means countless. What if the trap? Not to mention, there are Dragon Warring States! Am I going to death?

Feng Bo didn't speak, and the ministers didn't say anything. They looked at Ji Dihong together.

Ji Dihong took a deep breath and thought slightly.

The emergence of the Dragon Warring States, however, disrupted Ji Dihong's thoughts. If Ji Dihong wanted to test before, now a Dragon Warring States silences Ji Dihong.

Detective Cangjie waved a light curtain and watched it for a while.

"Holy, the ancient sea is no longer on the land of Shenzhou! It should have gone to nothingness!" Cangjie guessed.

"Perhaps it was Gu Hai's intention, laying a trap and waiting for us? Didn't he still have a clone!" Conte said.

"Clone? Not good!" Ji Dihong's face sank, and he immediately looked up.

"What's wrong, holy?" Conte exclaimed.

Cangjie also suddenly exclaimed: "Holy, if the borderless sky is not a trap, or the ancient sea itself is dealing with Xuanyuan sword!"

Xuanyuan Sword?

Gu Hai is dealing with the clone of Xuanyuan Sword?

That is Ji Dihong's big hole card. The strength of Xuanyuan Sword's avatar, but the gods are more successful than their own subordinates in the Heavenly Palace. If Gu Hai had abandoned Xuanyuan Sword's avatar, he would have suffered a great loss.

"I went to nothingness, and Cangjie acted on behalf of Jiu Jianguo, and then guarded the huanghuang dynasty!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"However, how to find the Holy Spirit!" Kong Di eagerly said.

"Now I'm still not sure, but now I'm sure that the ancient sea is on the edge of Liudaoxianqiang, and it's impossible to enter the void too far. I just look for it near the edge of Liudaoxianqiang, and I can find it!" .

During the conversation, Ji Dihong suddenly rushed out of the study, stepped into a figure, and rushed into the sky.


Xuanyuan City's air of luck and clouds collapsed instantly, but Ji Dihong entered into nothingness.

Perhaps the deterrent power of the Dragon Warring States is too great, or it may be that the means of the ancient seas are jealous and unclear, or the Xuanyuan Sword is too important. After all, Ji Dihong didn't rush to Wudu Tiandu, but chose to find Xuanyuan Sword's clone.

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