Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 37: Heavenly Palace Eighth

Ji Dihong rushed out of the six immortal vaults! He quickly flew against the periphery of Liudaoxianqiong.

Although I don't know where Xuanyuan Sword is, Ji Dihong firmly believes that as long as he goes around the periphery of Liudaoxianqiong, he can find it eventually.

Ji Dihong's idea is correct.

Gu Hai and his party are indeed outside the Liudaoxianqiong. This is the place where Gu Hai was determined at the beginning.

In the depths of nothingness, it is impossible for the body to find the skeletal avatar. Only the skeletal avatar can lead the Xuanyuan Sword to a specific place on the edge of the Six Immortals Dome, which is convenient to find.

Moreover, the loss of Hao Ran's righteousness cannot be wasted at all.

In the old days, there was also a mighty righteousness, but that righteousness was just the righteousness condensed by the rules of the book, even if the scriptures of the Holy Word had their own righteousness.

The righteousness of this Xuanyuan Sword is condensed by hundreds of billions of people ’s convictions. Not only hundreds of billions of people. In the thousands of years of the Rhubarb dynasty, people have died and died for many generations. To bring together this righteousness, tens of trillions of people Both. Moreover, the annual bonuses have been non-stop. Even Ji Dihong collected a large number of Holy Books for Xuanyuan Sword to shape the body of righteousness. Only condensed this endless mass of righteousness.

Today, the righteous air is in a liquid state and billows into the body of the ancient sea.


There was a tumult in the ancient sea.

Although Ji Dihong was searching for Gu Hai and his party with all their strength, the Six Immortals dome was too big after all, and it could not be found in a short while, and the strong eyesight of the past was useless in nothingness.

One hour, two hours, three hours!


There was a loud noise on the surface of the ancient sea, and a stream of air rushed straight away.

But in the eyes of the sky, a righteousness has condensed.

"The righteousness? The eighth weight of the heavenly palace!" Gu Hai's eyes lit up!

On the one hand, Kong Xuan, Gu Han, Long Wanqing, and others all showed a happy look, because everyone understood that the foundation of Gu Hai was too solid. When it was repaired for each liter, its strength increased geometrically.

"Not finished yet?" Skeleton Guhai said unexpectedly.

"Continue!" Gu Hai continued to absorb righteousness.


Two hours later. The rest of the righteousness is turned into the light of annihilation.

In the eyes of ancient Haitian, the light of destroying the gods reached as many as eight.


Xuanyuan Sword split into a shock. But all the righteousness was absorbed by the ancient sea, and its human form turned into a golden long sword.

"Xuanyuan Sword!" The eyes of the two ancient seas suddenly lightened.

Xuan Yuanjian's righteous body was seized by the ancient sea. At this moment, he has already been defeated, and the air flames are completely dim.

As soon as Skeleton Guhai collects the killing knife, the detective will grab it.


Suddenly, a huge breath came straight.

"Not good, Ji Dihong's body!" Skull Gu Hai's face changed.

Kong Xuan, the ancient Han, Shangguan marks, mosquitoes were also immediately enemies.

Skull waved between the ancient sea light and flint.

Xuanyuan Sword suddenly looked like a golden Changhong and shot into nothingness.


As Xuanyuan Sword shot into nothingness.

Ji Dihong's body also completely arrived in front of everyone.

The whole body burst into flames, Ji Dihong's face showed fierceness.

After searching for a long time, Ji Dihong had not found the whereabouts of the ancient sea, and was almost frustrated. Suddenly, feeling a faint scent in the distance, Ji Dihong was ecstatic at once, knowing that he found it, and instantly Shoot.

The moment I shot, I saw Xuanyuan Sword, but at that moment, an ancient sea actually threw it into nothingness.

In nothingness?

Ji Dihong was furious and stopped in front of everyone: "Gu Hai, how dare you!"

The ancient Han, Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, Mosquito Taoist, and Long Wanqing were suddenly close to the enemy, and they were extremely nervous!

However, the two ancient seas were extremely calm, and they looked at Ji Dihong not far away.

"Ji Dihong, have been waiting a long time!" Gu Hai himself sneered.


Ji Dihong's right hand was about to stop.

"Wait long? Do you know I'm here?" Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed.

"Rest assured, there are just a few of us, and no one else, you have to compete with me here, one point?" Gu Hai himself sneered again.

"Just a few of you?" Ji Dihong suddenly sank.

"Yes, just a few of us, with the full strength of your gods, wouldn't you be afraid?" Gu Hai himself sneered.

Ji Dihong's eyelids jumped wildly.

If this is the case, Ji Dihong will definitely make a shot, but the ancient seas have determined that Ji Dihong is too suspicious and must think twice about everything.

Be careful. Ji Dihong can reach today, relying on this caution and suspicion.

Because of this, Gu Hai put on a very relaxed look, but Kong Xuan and others put on a very nervous look. In this way, Ji Dihong could not see through for a while.

The more you see through, the heavier your suspicion.

Just like the empty city plan that the ancient sea looked on the earth in the past, Sima Yi was too smart to win the Zhuge Liang's empty city plan.

The ancient sea is now almost the same.

The more the ancient sea was more casual, the more Ji Jihong became impatient, and more importantly, there were two things in Ji Dihong's heart that were affecting Ji Dihong's judgment.

The first thing is the "Dragon Warring States" news I just heard. The Dragon War Congress will not ambush here, but it is an intentional trap set by Gu Hai.

The second thing is the Xuanyuan Sword. Xuanyuan Sword was shot into the nothingness by the ancient sea. After flying for a while, even if you can't find it, if you don't take the Xuanyuan Sword now, even if you give up the Xuanyuan Sword?

Ji Dihong's heart was agitated.

I don't understand right now, but the Xuanyuan Sword on the other side is about to disappear?

"Huh, Gu Hai, I will come to you!" Ji Dihong chuckled coldly.

"call out!"

Turning his head, Ji Dihong immediately plunged into the nothingness and went after the Xuanyuan Sword.

Ji Dihong instantly disappeared into nothingness.

"Let's go!" Gu Hai himself secretly sighed.


"call out!"

The crowd flew towards the Six Immortals.

It was dangerous just now.

Although there are many people on the ancient sea side, and their strength is extraordinary, even the ancient sea of ​​skeletons is still in nothingness, relying on their own capabilities, the Xuanyuan Sword of the gods has been defeated.

However, everyone knew nothing about Ji Dihong's strength.

Gu Hai didn't think he had much chance of winning, because that was Ji Dihong!

Xuanyuan Sword? At best is Ji Dihong's sword, how can it be compared with Ji Dihong's body?

The success of the empty city plan made Gu Hai not want to stay, and quickly plunged into the Six Immortals.


The crowd returned to the Six Immortals.

This place is the starry sky above Emperor Dahan.

Entering here, Gu Hai was relieved.

Because here, Gu Hai can mobilize the trend of the past, so that Gu Hai can compete with Ji Dihong.

A group went straight to the borderless sky.


At this moment, the borderless sky is over, and the disappeared fortunes are condensed again, and they are tiled over the borderless sky.


From the ancient body of the skull, the Golden Dragon of Qiyun flew into the Cloud of Qiyun, and it was tumultuous.

The 40,000-mile-long Golden Dragon of Qiyun is getting stronger and stronger, and a large amount of Qiyun has accumulated, as if telling Gu Hai that the level of Qiyun can be promoted to heaven.

People in the borderless sky, seeing the luck of the sky, just looked up and continued to lower their heads to do their own things.

Not once or twice. In the weather like the sky falling down in the dynasty, in the Dahan dynasty, it was like a regular meal.

Gu Hai and his party landed at Chongtian Temple Square.

"Fu Jun, are you okay?" Chen Xianer greeted worriedly.

"It's all right!" Gu Hai shook his head.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls was wrapped in a black robe and hidden in the dark.

There are no days, and there are no two kings in the kingdom. Although the two ancient seas are one consciousness, and even the thinking has just been synchronized again, for the bright side of one country, there can only be one.


In nothingness.

Ji Dihong plunged into the depths of the void, and it didn't take long before he saw the Xuanyuan Sword in flight.


Ji Dihong grabbed the hilt of Xuanyuan Sword and exhaled.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Sword was not lost.

However, the Xuanyuan Sword in hand made Ji Dihong's face suddenly sink.

"What about Hao Ran's righteousness?" Ji Dihong's face suddenly changed.

The righteousness of Xuanyuan's sword body surface is completely gone, and there are still some cracks.

The righteous body can make the power of Xuanyuan Sword reach the completion of the gods, but now, when the righteous body is broken, the power is greatly reduced.

"Gu Hai, Gu Hai!" Ji Dihong showed his hateful voice.

Turning his head, Ji Dihong headed for the Six Immortals.


Xuanyuan City.

The moment when luck was broken. The people in Xuanyuan City were in a panic.

Fortunately, Cangjie and Baiguan quickly pressed down. There was not much riot.

However, the ministers were still worried.

Most of the time later.

"Report, Lord Qilu, the luck of Wudu Tiandu is restored!" An official came to report.

"Skyless capital?" Cangjie turned his head and looked.

"Mr. Cangjie, the resumption of air transport in the borderless sky means that the ancient sea has returned. Will there be a holy **** over there ..." Conte worried.

"Sacred will definitely be fine!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.


Just when the ministers were anxious.

The dissipated luck suddenly came out of nowhere, and the ministers suddenly showed great joy. The return of luck indicates that there is no hindrance to the Holy Spirit.


A stream of light instantly fell on Xuanyuandian Square.

"Holy!" The ministers ushered in immediately.

Ji Dihong nodded. At this moment, Ji Dihong was holding a large number of cracks in Xuanyuan Sword, his face was gloomy for a while.

"Xuanyuan Sword, what did you encounter that was actually stripped of righteousness by the ancient sea?" Ji Dihong closed his eyes slowly and slightly urged Xuanyuan Sword.

The consciousness in Xuanyuan Sword was immediately shared with Ji Dihong's consciousness.

"Demon!" "Evil thief!" "Return to my child's life!" ……………………

The endless shouts went straight to Ji Dihong's mind. Ji Dihong knew everything immediately, and Ji Jihong's head was shocked for a while.

Ji Dihong was excited, and his eyes opened instantly, looking at Xuanyuan Sword in horror.

"This is the case, this is the case, Gu Hai, what a cruel way you are!" Ji Dihong looked ugly.

This not only made Xuanyuan Jian unconscious, but also destroyed his will. In the consciousness of Xuanyuan Sword's detachment, only hopelessness and helplessness remained.

PS: A little little Cavern, the second is a little later!

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