Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 42: Hungry Ghost Road Reincarnation

"Your Majesty, the minister may know why Bing Ji has amnesia!" Weisheng suddenly said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes lit up.

The ministers suddenly looked at the unborn.

"Chen has been watching Bing Ji before. She should be missing three souls. At most, the human soul is in the body. The heaven and earth souls are no longer there!" Shen Sheng said innocently.

"What? Heaven soul and earth soul are not in the body?" Kong Xuan surprised.

"What means is this? I think Sister Bingji is all right, just amnesia!" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Lost two souls? Why is there such strength? According to the battle of Xuanyuan City not long ago, her strength has also reached the Heavenly Palace. Without the soul, how could it ...?" The mosquito Taoist was also surprised.

"Bing Ji's strength is not because of cultivation, but in the physical body and physique! It should be Cangjie who used the secret method of Shoudao to strengthen the spirit of Bing Ji. Strong spirit is powerful, and non-soul is powerful!" Weisheng explained Road.

"Shoudao secret method?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes, Bingji's heaven and earth souls are not in the body at all. At most, they are human souls. Human souls are used to lock souls. As the saying goes, the soul is flying away, the three souls are lost, and the seven souls are scattered. But as long as there is one When the soul is there, the seven souls will gather together! "Weisheng explained.

"Why is the human soul in my body?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Human soul memory should be sealed by Cangjie by means of longevity! And the memory of loyalty to Cangjie is imbued. So ...!" Weisheng explained.

"Is there such a method? Shou Dao, it's really weird!" The Mosquito Taoist was surprised.

The ministers were also astounded and talked.


Gu Hai patted his palm on the desk.

When I went to the study room, we calmed down and looked at the ancient sea together.

"Ji Dihong? Cangjie? Okay, okay, okay, I said why you were so kind and sent Bing Ji back. It turned out that Bingji's heaven and earth souls were still clasped?" Gu Hai's face was dark.

"Your Majesty, this is Ji Dihong. Is Bing Ji demonstrating to us?" Kong Xuan said with an ugly expression.

"What two countries make good, is this to anger us? Or do you want to exchange something with your Majesty?" Mosquitoes were also angry.

"Unborn, what you said just now, sure?" Gu Hai solemnly asked.

"The sentence is true. But the Cangjie Xiushou seems to be better than me. Like him, I can't do it, especially strengthening the spirit of Bingji. With the strength of the spirit, he even chased the top of the three souls. "No one sighed.

"You don't have to be arrogant, you can see the situation of Bing Ji, but it's a big help!" Gu Hai sighed.

"What Chen Chen should do, Bingji's memory is sealed by Cangjie. I don't know how powerful that seal is. Chen Chen has a" Shouhundan ", which may be able to release the memory seal for a while!" Weisheng took out a small box.

"Oh? Can you unlock her memory seal?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"It's not for untiring, but for a while, that is to say, letting it restore some memories for a short time can only unlock for a short time!" Weisheng respectfully said.

"It's enough for a little while. I will find a way to save her during the period of Bingji's memory recovery. No one is born, thank you!" Gu Hai suddenly solemnly said.

"Your Majesty is polite, your duty!" The unborn person immediately handed out Shouhun Dan and backed away.

Gu Hai carefully grasped Shouhun Dan. There was a look of expectation in his eyes--

The borderless sky, the place where the rhubarb missions live.

A hall where Bing Ji lives.

When he came out of the Chongtian Hall, Bingji locked himself in the hall. In the hall, he continuously took out a large number of heavenly treasures, and painted the array of magic symbols on the ground.

Busy for a whole day and night, the four corners of the hall have been painted with scarlet runes, and filled with a lot of treasures. It seems like a matrix.

"Qi!" Detective Bingji urged.


In the hall, the formation method was activated, all the runes were brightened, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye. It seems that there has never been an array, but in the hall, it becomes extremely dark, as if all the light has entered it, and it has never been reflected again.

After doing everything, Bingji slowly opened the gate of the hall.


Maybe the cloth array consumed too much, Bing Ji's face was a little pale, but still expressionless. Slowly walk to a ceremony official.

The officials of the ceremony department were only arranged here to take charge of the affairs of the rhubarb mission. They thought that they were standing guard and did not want Bingji to come.

"Ah, rhubarb, no, Bingji Army Commander!" The ceremony official immediately respected.

Bingji slowly took out a comb and handed it to the officials of the ceremony department: "Go and tell Gu Hai, tonight, I will wait for him in the room!"

Having said that, in the gaze of the officials of the ceremony, he put the comb in his hand.

Bing Ji slowly stepped back to the hall, the door of the hall closed suddenly.

The ceremony official held the comb and opened his mouth wide with a strange look. What happened?

Let me tell Gu Hai? I'm just a small official who is not even qualified to participate in the Chaoyang Conference. Would you please let me find your Majesty directly?

Also, in the middle of the night, do you let me down in your room? Is it a private meeting? I heard you right.

The official was so excited that he didn't dare to think about it and immediately reported to his superior.

As soon as the superior was stunned, they reported immediately.

The junior officials were not clear about the relationship between Gu Hai and Bing Ji. At a certain level, some officials knew that, pretending not to know, and quickly reported to Gu Hai.

It didn't take long for this comb to appear in front of Gu Hai.

"Fu Jun, is this for Sister Bingji?" Chen Xianer laughed.

Gu Hai nodded. He looked a little embarrassed. However, it is more dignified.

Ji Dihong sent Bing Ji to demonstrate to himself? Still want to exchange her two souls for yourself?

But Bingji has amnesia. Why can she take out her comb and let her visit her late at night?

Gu Hai instinctively felt something wrong.

"Fu Jun, please go and see, there are more than two hours left and right!" Chen Xianer whispered.

"Yeah, husband, Bingji, do you still remember husband, husband asked to clear?" Long Wanqing also worried.

Gu Hai nodded: "Okay!"

Gu Hai has "Shouhun Dan" in his hands, and he has been looking for a chance for Bingji to eat it, and now the timing is right. Xianer and Wanqing didn't say that they had to talk to Bingji themselves.

When he didn't wait, Gu Hai arrived in advance to the place where Bingji was.

The embassy palace was surrounded by a large number of Dahan guards, and it was getting dark. The guards continued to patrol.

"Who?" A guard glared and drank.

But outside the main hall of Bingji, at this moment is standing a man in a black robe.

Is this someone trespassing?

The guard was about to anger.


A slap hit his head.

"Captain, what are you doing to me? There are assassins there ...!" The guard said suddenly.

"Stab you a big head ghost, can you see who it is?" The guard stared.

"That's not a thorn ..., ah, yes, Your Majesty!" The guard said in surprise.

The guards widened their eyes and wondered why His Majesty appeared outside Bingji's room in the middle of the night. Is this a private matter?

The guard who was about to call out suddenly covered his mouth. Keep yourself silent.

"Go, patrol there!" Said the chief guard.

The guards nodded one after another. Although their hearts were curious as cats scratched, no one dared to disturb Gu Hai ’s “Ya Xing” at this time. They avoided each other and helped Gu Hai look at the wind.

Gu Hai pinched ‘Shouhun Dan’ with one hand, and there was a dignity in his eyes.

Although I feel that Bingji's invitation late at night is a bit wrong, the tenderness in my heart has made Gu Hai unable to care so much. Gu Hai felt so distressed about Bing Ji's situation. Can't wait to swallow Shouhun Dan to Bing Ji immediately.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!" Gu Hai knocked on the door.


The door of the hall suddenly opened a seam.

Gu Hai looked toward the inside, and there was a gloomy inside, which could not be seen clearly. Only a vaguely white woman was seen, standing with her back to herself, standing in the middle of the hall.

The woman is not someone else, it is Bing Ji.

Looking at the fragile figure, Gu Hai felt a distress in her heart.

"Bing Ji?" Gu Hairou whispered.

Bing Ji slowly turned her head. On the cheeks, two lines of tears slipped.

"Bing Ji, meet Your Majesty!" Bing Ji worshiped Gu Hai in tears.

This time, it seems that Gu Hai saw the old ice girl, a tenderness broke out, and Gu Hai stepped into the hall unconsciously.

Stepping into the hall, Gu Hai felt Bingji's abnormality, but, having stepped forward, naturally there was no reason to return.

There was a sense of horror in the hall. Gu Hai has felt the problem.

However, perhaps the tenderness of Bing Ji is too heavy, or the self-confidence in his own strength, went to Bing Ji in the ancient sea alert.

"Bingji, do you still recognize me?" Gu Hai lifted up Bingji.

"How dare you meet each other, but this time I came back, I was going to take me to a place!" Bing Ji suddenly changed her tears and laughed.

With that smile, Gu Hai suddenly felt something wrong and her face changed, affirming that Bing Ji was calculating herself.

However, Gu Hai was not furious, but at this moment, pushed Shouhun Dan into Bingji's mouth.

"Huh?" Bingji stared.

But this time, the formation method in the hall started.

The hall fell into a dark, endless black gas instantly, bursting out of the door crack.


With a loud noise, the whole Boundless Sky was shaken.

"What happened?" Outside, countless guards exclaimed.

Underworld. The ancient skull at Wanguyinshan suddenly changed his face.

"Unborn, open the yin and yang channel, I'm going to the sun!" Cried the ancient sea of ​​skeletons suddenly.

The jade amulet was crushed in his hand, the unborn person was transmitted, and at the same time he flew to the place corresponding to the unborn person.

The unborn person heard the sound of the ancient sea of ​​the skull and opened the yin-yang channel instantly. I saw that the ancient sea of ​​skulls was eagerly stepping out.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Weiren was surprised.

Skeleton ancient sea is stepping into the hall where Bingji is.

"What happened?" Chen Xian'er, Long Wanqing and Long Wanyu also heard the loud noise and quickly walked out of the palace.

A large number of officials came straight to the hall where Bing Ji was.


Skeleton Gu Hai kicked the hall where Bingji was.

However, in addition to the black ghostly atmosphere in the hall, the ancient body and Bingji have disappeared.

"What about people?" Skeleton Guhai exasperated.

"Fu Jun, what's wrong? Bingji?" Chen Xianer was surprised.

"Fu Jun, can't you sense the body, where are you now?" Long Wanqing also eagerly said.

"I can't sense it anymore!" Skeleton Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

"Impossible, is it in nothingness? It shouldn't be!" Long Wanyu was also surprised.

Groups of ministers poured in.

The unborn are constantly checking the black ghost spirit.

"This is, the spirit of hungry ghosts?" Long Wanyu's eyes brightened, and she looked at the black gas exuding in the hall with surprise.

As soon as the unborn person waved his hand, the matrix rune that Bing Ji previously painted slowly appeared on the ground of the hall, but most of it had been destroyed at this moment.

"Reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road? Your Majesty, Bingji dragged your body into the mystery of the Reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road!" Weisheng was surprised.

"Hungry ghost reincarnation?" Long Wanyu's face changed.

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