Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 43: Hungry ghost, hungry ghost!

"Hungry ghost reincarnation?" Long Wanyu's face changed.

"Should be!" Weisheng said quietly.

"Your life master can go in and out of the Hungry Ghost Road at will?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Bingji should have borrowed Cangjie's stool, I don't have that ability yet!" Weisheng shook his head.

"Isn't that brother-in-law's body dangerous?" Long Wanyu said ugly.

"Hungry ghost reincarnation? What does it look like?" Skeleton Guhai asked.

"Reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road, as the name implies, is the world of the Hungry Ghost!" Long Wanyu said eagerly.

"Evil? Evil?"

"No, it's hungry! Hungry ghosts are not the same as hungry ghosts, but they are relatively hungry!" Long Wanyu said.

"What's different?" Skeleton Guhai eagerly said.

"Hungry ghosts are ghosts turned into ghosts. Hungry ghosts are ghosts of ghosts. To be precise, the reincarnation of the starving ghosts is a spirited world! When a person enters, the three souls will be suppressed, leaving only The lower soul was condensed! "Long Wanyu said.

"Soul spirit? After a person dies, soul fly is dissipated, isn't spirit dissipated? Can it be reincarnated?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Three souls are the basis, seven souls are the second, because the three souls have the memory of the seven souls. The birth of the seven souls is a kind of" weak spirit ", which is a subsidiary of the three souls. As long as the three souls are there, they can nourish the physical body. The seven souls are reborn. For example, the seven souls are like human hair and nails. They are part of the human body, but they are not essential. However, since the seven souls are 'weak spirits', they have spirituality. People After death, the spirit flutters, and the spirit dissipates, meaning that all the memory of the person on the spirit will disappear, but the spirit, not disappear, is like a person who has cut his hair, a person is gone, and his hair is still there. , They have entered the cycle of hungry ghosts! "Long Wanyu explained.

"Soul spirit? Hungry ghost road reincarnation, is soul spirit world?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghosts will help the soul reshape the flesh. According to the soul's needs, it will reshape the new flesh. The spirit is like an insatiable hunger. It looks like a ghost, so it is called a hungry ghost! When it meets other evil spirits that match, they will blend with each other and become one. "Long Wanyu explained.

"The world of hungry ghosts, people go in, the three souls are suppressed?" Gu Hai frowned.

The two bodies of the ancient sea are sympathetic to each other with the consciousness of the three souls. No wonder the little consciousness of the ontology can't be sensed, if the sea of ​​clouds of luck above the head is still there, even the ontology is thought to be dead.

"Yes, when people go in, take charge of the body and accept the transformation of the world, but the soul body is suppressed by the power of the law and falls into a deep sleep. Unless it is eaten by other hungry ghosts, the soul body will escape from the hungry ghost path Reincarnation, forming evil spirits! However, being able to escape the reincarnation of the hungry ghosts is also a relief. Because, that world is too cruel and bloody! "Long Wanyu looked ugly.

"What then?" Long Wanqing said anxiously.

"You must rescue the husband's body as soon as possible!" Chen Xian'er sank.

"Yes!" Skeleton Gu Hai cried.

"A good Ji Dihong, a good Cangjie, they set this strategy of poisoning!" Mo Yike's face sank.

At this moment, everyone finally understood the intention of the messenger of the Dahuang Tianchao. Demonstration? No, this is framed by the ancient sea!

"Is there any way to enter the cycle of hungry ghosts?" Skeleton Gu Hai asked in a deep voice.

"I can't help it. Hungry ghosts have reincarnation. That year, it has been sealed off! By the way, Shoushi, the unborn, you are also the Shoushi, you said, how to get in!" Long Wanyu suddenly looked at the unborn.

The unborn person also looked at Long Wanyu's attitude towards herself, and it was a bitter smile, but he did not blame it.

"Shoushi does have the means, but I'm inadequate now! Unless ...!" Weiren said without a word.

"Unless what?" Long Wanqing eagerly said.

"In the past, the eight birthday teachers, four lives and four deaths, I thought that was all the birthday teachers, but now it seems that there is something in Shou Xiu's veins that I don't know, but if I master the four lives, or the four deaths, , Can open the rebirth entrance of the Hungry Ghost Road! "Weisheng said.

"Just say it, what to do!" Long Wanyu eagerly said.

"I am Qiufeng Shou and Ximen Shou. I just caught Dongfang Shou and Chun Shen Shou. They have died for two lives and two more lives, or two deaths. It is OK. The whereabouts of the two deaths are unknown, but they know their location. , Nangong Shou is in Xuanyuan City, Bei Mingshou is in the Demon Holy Land, and they are brought to me, and I can take their lives and open the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road! "Wei Sheng solemnly said.

"Just grab Nangong Shou and Bei Ming Shou, and talk so much nonsense!" Long Wanyu looked angry.

Unborn: "...............!"

"Okay, then Mr. Trouble!" Gu Gu solemnly said.

"As long as His Majesty catches them both, it's not trouble for me!" Weisheng explained.


Xuanyuan City. Go to the study.

Cangjie looked at a glowing energy circle in front of him, and inside, a red dot suddenly disappeared.

"Finished, Holy, Gu Hai was dragged into the Hungry Ghost Path by Bing Ji!" Cangjie said happily.

"Sir, this is a big problem!" Ji Dihong laughed.

"The Holy Ghost is praised, but the ancient sea has broken through four reincarnations. This is the fifth one. Every time it breaks out, this time, don't take care, you must destroy it as soon as possible!" Road.

"Yes, but haven't you already arranged the Bingji? You and the uncle, in the vast mountains, can just wait for Bingji to capture the ancient sea. I don't know what kind of monster the ancient sea has become! Road.

Cangjie nodded.


Hungry ghost road reincarnation!

When the ancient body was dragged into the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road by Bing Ji, the Soul Soul Dan was inserted into Bing Ji's mouth.


Bing Ji's body shivered, and a white light appeared from her body.

It was also at this moment that Gu Hai had reached the cycle of the Hungry Ghost Road, and at that moment, Gu Hai felt a tremendous pressure straight into his mind.

This feeling has been experienced in the reincarnation of beasts and the reincarnation of Asura, even in humane reincarnation. During the reincarnation of Asura, the ancient sea became the body of Shura. The reincarnation of the beast is the body of the soul.

It's the same now. Suddenly, there was a roar in my mind, as if being hit hard, and I fell asleep.

However, under the deep sleep, the weird self was awake.

"Three souls are asleep? Are seven spirits still alive?" Gu Hai exclaimed.

Seven souls have memories of the ancient sea, unlike those of the dead, soul souls have been lost.

To be precise, the ancient sea is the six souls, the six souls have memories, and the other souls are not completely cohesive.


Gu Hai's flesh produced a tearing sensation.

Gu Hai looked up at the sky. The entire sky was dark red. A law of heaven and earth was helping to reshape the body, but Gu Hai was suppressing this change.

He turned to look at Bing Ji aside.

When Shouhun Dan entered the body, Bingji shuddered, unlocking the memory of the human soul, and the memory of the human soul spread to the seven souls instantly, but the human soul was suppressed in a blink of an eye.

Seven souls have memories, a spirit, looking at the ancient sea.

"Your Majesty, Chen Wan died, and brought Her Majesty into this desperate situation!" Bingji kneeled and cried sadly.

Bingji's body was also trembling, and it seemed to resist the law's physical transformation.

"Bing Ji, don't be sad, tell me quickly, where are your heaven and earth souls? I can help you to get justice!" Said Gu Hai holding Bing Ji.

The tears in Bingji's eyes continued: "Your Majesty, you don't care about my heaven and earth souls, you should be my dead, ah, I feel the power of Cangjie, and it is suppressing my memory, Your Majesty, you killed me , Fast, otherwise, I will take orders for a while and hurt you, fast! "

Bingji's body trembled, but Gu Hai held down his trembling hands.

"Come on, where are your heaven and earth souls?" Gu Hai eagerly said.

"Your Majesty! Kill me!" Bingji was still anxious.

Before the ancient sea, Hugging Bingji with her lips on her lips, Bingji suddenly became calm, suddenly excited.

"You don't have much sober time, don't waste your emotions. Where are your heaven and earth souls? Quickly, this is an order!" Gu Hai worried.

"Here? Here is the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road. My two souls are sealed in the bodies of the two Hungry Ghost Kings by Cangjie, just to prevent you!" Bingji shivered in the middle.

"The King of Hungry Ghosts here?" Gu Hai froze.

"How do I get it?" Gu Hai asked again.

"Eat him, or kill him, my two souls can escape!" Bingji glowed blue light in one eye, and the barnyard seal in her body seemed to be attacking.

"Eat? Eat the Hungry Ghost King? That won't hurt your soul?" Gu Hai eagerly said.

"For the sake of this rule, the hungry ghost dies and the soul comes out. The hungry ghost cannot touch the soul. This is the rule here!" Bingji explained.

"Can't touch the soul, who are those two evil spirit kings?" Gu Hai eagerly asked.


Bing Ji's other eye suddenly turned golden, as it changed. Suddenly a body-building spirit. But the memory was sealed again.


Bingji yelled, and suddenly no longer resisted the transformation of the body by the law, and instantly turned into a giant three-footed white owl, three-footed, with a golden eye and a blue eye. With a violent breath, suddenly a wing.


Countless mountains of stone suddenly exploded.

Gu Hai was blown away in this violent breath.

"What?" Gu Hai's face flying in the air changed.

Because Gu Hai felt that his three souls had been sealed, and he had repaired most of them. Now his strength is at most about the same as Xiatian Temple.

"Oh, Gu Hai, there is a command from the Lord to take you to the vast mountains!" Sanzu Baiwu drank and chased towards Gu Hai.

Gu Hai's face changed, and she suddenly plunged into the forest.


Three-legged Baiwu destroyed an earthy mountain forest, and suddenly, from the forest, ran away from each giant monster. These monsters are extremely weird.

Some human figures have one horn on their head, one eye, and two mouths. Some horse head snake body. Some are ox-shaped, with twenty eyes and more dorsal wings.

Anyway, it is an extremely weird monster.

At this moment, Gu Hai was hiding under the belly of a three-foot-tall 'multi-eye bi-winged cow', and fled as a group of monsters fled around.

Here, unlike the outside world, Sanzu Baiwu can only be seen with the naked eye. Where can I find the ancient sea?


Three-footed Baiwu roared, flapping his wings, and suddenly, while the earth was raging with flames, the earth was frozen for thousands of miles.

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