Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 46: Capture Nangong Shou

Xuanyuan City!

Shangguanhen used eight or nine mysterious powers, seventy-two changes, and changed into the style of a Cangjie. Walking and the palace, he was about to reach the main hall of Nangong Shou, but he came to the emperor.

"Mr. Cangjie, why are you here, you haven't gone ...!" Conte surprised.

The change of the seventy-two changes was too real, and Conte also found no abnormalities for a moment.

"Something happened there. The Lord sent me to Nangong Shou. He didn't want to, he dared to betray the Lord!" Cangjie whispered.

"What?" Conte's face changed.

"Be quiet, Nangong Shou doesn't know that the Holy See has seen him through, so ..." Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"Nangong Shou? But he followed the old man in the holy. Did he inherit a generation with two hearts? Impossible, sir!" Kong Di surprised.

"Specifically, there are two hearts. It is decided by the Holy Spirit. Conte, do you want to take this capture?" Cangjie looked at Conte.

Conte's eyes lighted, but he was puzzled the next moment: "Sir, isn't Nangong Shou obedient to you? By your means, you don't need to take this trouble!"

"You don't want to, just forget it!" Cangjie said lightly.

"No, I'm willing, ha ha, sir. I definitely believe in sir more than Nangong Shou, but Nangong Shou is no longer in the palace, but in the ground, raising Zhu Guo!" Kong Di laughed.

"It's not too late, let's go!" Cangjie said.

Cangjie was a change in Shangguan marks, and it was a shock in my mind at the moment. Fortunately, I met Conte, otherwise, wouldn't it be empty to go?

Conte led the way. Soon, the two came to a forbidden area in the palace. Although there were heavy guards, no one dared to stop the emergence of Cangjie and Conte.

Like a crater cave, the two go all the way down.

It didn't take long for me to smell the smell below.

"This is the place where Nangong Shou wants to go to the holy place. No one has been here. Every time Zhu Gong's offerings are taken from here, I don't know how to make them, sir knows?" Conte wondered.

Cangjie didn't speak, but flew down.

Soon, the two reached the bottom of the cave, the bottom was glowing with red light, no, it was a pool of **** water glowing with blood.

It seems that the entire crater is sealed down, and there is a lot of blood floating above it. There is a large number of corpses floating above the blood, and there is a vine on each corpse. The vine is inserted into the corpse, as if the human flesh and blood were extracted as nutrients.

Countless vines are the roots of a large black vine tree, and the peak of this black vine tree has a fruit shaped like a human brain with countless red lights.

"Zhu Guo, mature again?" Conte's eyes brightened.

Cangjie looked at the blood pool. A corpse, many of them alive, were **** by vines and inserted into the body. Those people showed despair and became raw fertilizer.

"Forgive me, Daxian, forgive me, forgive me!"

"Devil, even if I die, I will be a ghost, and I want you to die!"

"You Juras, you must die!"




Desperate curses alive.

A child not far away, Nangong Shou, wrapped in a white robe, smiled coldly: "Everyone is a rhubarb dynasty prisoner. What is the struggle? Since it is a crime, it is better to grow Zhu Guo to honor the holy!"

"Devil, you must die!"

"We are breaking the law, but we will not die!"

"I'm wrong!"

"Ji Dihong has a demon head and must not die!"




The prisoners roared.

"Well, the Holy Ghost doesn't know what I'm doing, but if you dare to insult the Holy Ghost, then die!" Nangong Shou waved his hand.


All the vines sucked violently, and the voices of all the shouters came to an abrupt halt. In an instant, everyone dried up and all died.

And that Zhu Guo is even more charming and beautiful.

"Well, without you, I have endless prisoners. I don't have any. I still have the army of the enemy!" Nangong Shou sneered.

Shangguanhen wanted to save, but he was one step late, and his face was cold for a while.

"Who is it?" Nangong Shou yelled suddenly.

"Nangong Shou, you really are a good means. It turns out that Zhu Guo is made this way? Eat one, and you can increase your life by 500 years. It turned out to be a long life!" Kong Di said coldly.

"Oh, Lord Kong, why are you here at my Zhuguo Palace, ah, Mr. Cangjie!" Nangong Shou suddenly surprised.

But the next moment, Nangong Shou's face changed: "No, you are not Mr. Cangjie!"


Shangguanhen shot in an instant, and his body looked like a streamer. A flash of light appeared in front of Nangong Shou, holding his neck around him. Sealed his whole body.

"What ...!" Nangong Shou stared in astonishment, his neck stuck and he couldn't make a sound.

Conte was a little surprised.

fake? What's fake?

However, at the moment when Cangjie shot his hand, Kongdi was instantly excited and knew it was not good. Because Cangjie never uses force, even if he deals with Nangong Shou, he will definitely use spells, but that action just now.

fake? Conte reacted instantly.

"Not good!" Conte turned his head and fled towards the cave.

"Come, grab the assassin!" Kong Di roared into the sky.

Shangguanhen clutched Nangong Shou with one hand, and smashed the harmful monster Zhu Guoshu with one palm, and immediately chased to Kongdi.


Conte had rushed out of the crypt, blasted the outer hall, and roared loudly, immediately attracting the attention of countless strong men in Xuanyuan City.

Shangguan marks soaring into the sky, naturally will not stay for a moment. Fasten Nangong Shou, turn around and shoot at Wudu Tiandu.

"Thank you, Emperor Confucius, for meeting me inside and outside, ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Shangguan Hen Fei Yuan, but the sound of laughter passed into Xuanyuan City.

Conte, who had fled the danger, changed his face: "Shangguan marks, you!"

call! call! call! …………

Feng Bo, Li Mu, Ao Ying, and Xiong You, all the great consummates from the Heavenly Palace flew quickly.

"Conte, why is Shangguanhen in Xuanyuan City, what does he mean by that?" Feng Bo was puzzled.

"Yeah, what fits inside and out, Conte, what did you do with him?" Ao Ying frowned.

Conte: “……………………!” ——

Hungry ghost reincarnation. Vast mountain top.

Ji Dihong, Cangjie, Bingji and a man in Tsing Yi stood on the top of the mountain.

The man in Tsing Yi was extremely handsome, holding a wooden ruler in his hand and tapping his palm gently.

"Ji Dihong, the hungry ghosts under my hand have already sent you out. Should you tell me now, who is that dragon-shaped hungry ghost?" The man in Tsing Yi said quietly.

"Jumang, you are the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road, one of the Five Familiar Kings of Hungry Ghosts. In this world, you can be said to be the overlord of the world. Why do you need to know so much about Shenzhou?" Cangjie laughed.

"Do n’t think that I really do n’t know. In ancient times, the hungry ghosts of my hungry ghosts’ reincarnation reached a certain level, and they could go out of this rebirth and be sealed by the heavens. Now, in the six cactus days, he closes the reincarnation of hungry ghosts No one of us can go out, let me wait to swallow each other to reach the strongest hungry ghost, and then he will be cheaper in the future. He will be made into a body to increase the flesh. Why do you think our five hungry ghost kings will pamper you? Waiting for the reinstatement of the Hungry Ghost Road in these years? It is fancy that you can open the exit and let me escape. What dragon-shaped hungry ghost do you want to catch, why do we do our best to help you, not waiting for your re-reward, but Yes, we are going out! "Jumang said in a deep voice.

"Who catches me, or kills me to find someone, who will I let out!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"Is this true?" Jumang's eyes brightened.

"Is this true?" "Is this true?" ............

Four more voices came from the Quartet in this world. Obviously, it is the eagerness of the other four hungry ghost kings.

"Jun has no jokes!" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"Well, just say this to you, I'm just killing all the dragon-hungry ghosts in this world, why not!" Juman laughed.


Suddenly, a giant snake with wings on its back came flying in the distance. The serpent has thousands of feet, exuding a lot of suffocation all over its body.

"What's wrong?" Said Mang Shen.

"A small Cypriot barracks in Qinghukou, northwest, was hit by an evil dragon!" The giant snake cried.

"Evil Dragon?" Everyone's eyes brightened.

"Yes, however, the evil dragon is not fierce. In the barracks, three thousand soldiers were almost swallowed up by it. Only two teenagers escaped and sent a message to the city. When the men went, the evil dragon had fled. Now! The whereabouts are unknown now! "Said the serpent Shen.

"Three thousand soldiers swallowed up, how old is the evil dragon?" Cangjie eagerly said.

"His subordinate said that he is as long as a hundred feet, and he is extremely violent!" Said the snake.

"Baizhang? It can't be Guhai, how could he have Baizhang?" Cangjie shook his head.

"No!" Ji Dihong's face sank.

"I have a feeling, it is him!" Ji Dihong's face changed.

"Isn't it possible, is he a hundred feet?" Cangjie was a little disagreeable.

On the side, Mang Shen said, "You just said, he swallowed three thousand soldiers, three thousand? He was not afraid of the will of three thousand soldiers, and fainted his head?"

"I don't know!" The snake frowned.

"It must be the ancient sea. The Baizhang is big, the Baizhang is big. You must find him. Where is he? Where did you just say?" Ji Dihong's face was dark.

"Yes, Northwest Qinghukou!" Said the snake.

"Northwest Qinghukou?" Jumang's eyes brightened.

Ready to hunt. The other Hungry Ghost Kings in the Quartet were shocked when they heard the sound.


"In the northwest of Huanghu City, there is an evil dragon, devouring a million hungry ghosts in Huanghu City!" Another giant snake came to report.

"What are you talking about, a million hungry ghosts? Eaten by an evil dragon, what about that evil dragon?" Juman's eyes glared.

"It's a two-hundred-foot-long black dragon. I don't know what evil method to use. At the beginning, no hungry ghosts were found. A few hungry ghosts who escaped said that there was an aroma at the time, which made them full of vitality and made them unable to move Move your leg. If it is not a coincidence, it has already been swallowed by the evil dragon! "The snake anxiously.

"Is it another evil dragon?" Juman frowned.

"No, it should be him, Gu Hai!" Ji Dihong's face sank.

"Millions? Why isn't he crazy?" Cangjie wondered.

"It used to be a hundred feet, but now it's two hundred feet. No, I just ate another city of hungry ghosts, millions?" Ji Dihong's face changed.

"Can't let him grow up, can't let Gu Hai grow up, he must have found the flaws in the laws of heaven and earth, and can no longer let him go!" Cangjie worried.

"Five Hungry Ghost Kings, from now on, whoever kills this evil dragon will not only allow you to go out, but also allow you to go out with your own army!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"Hahaha, you said!" Jumang was overjoyed.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

In the distance, there were four loud roars, as if the other four hungry ghost kings were moving in their nests.

PS: Gu Hai's son, Gu Taiji was born. Want to know the current situation of Gu Taiji? On the WeChat public account, I will tell you the story of Prince Dahan and the ancient Taiji job fair. In addition, WeChat responded '11' to participate in WeChat activities with prize collection photos. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

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