Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 47: Two thousand feet

Heavenless Capital!

Shangguan marks returned quickly, and landed on the entrance of Shangshang in an instant.

A group of guards were preparing to intercept, but Gu Gu, the skeleton, had already stepped out with his ministers, and with a wave of his hand, the guards all retreated.


Shangguanhen dropped the inexplicable Nangong Shou in his hands.

"Your Majesty, fortunately shameless!" Shangguan Mark smiled suddenly.

Gu Hai nodded.

No one on the side came forward quickly.

At this moment, Nangong Shou has been sealed and repaired. When no one was examined, he immediately confirmed: "Yes, it is Nangong Shou, Shangguan Supreme is hard!"

Shangguan Mark nodded, then looked at Gu Hai: "Your Majesty, Nangong Shou has already been arrested, and there is a Bei Ming Shou. The mosquito Taoist should have explored it, and Chen will go immediately!"

"Shangguanhen, in the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, everything is careful!" Gu Gu solemnly said.

"Your Majesty, rest assured!" Shangguan Mark answered.

"Unborn, open the underworld channel!" Skeleton Guhai said.


The unborn were even more anxious and quickly opened the underworld channel.

Shangguan Mark did not hesitate to step into the underworld instantly.

As long as Beimingshou is arrested, the unborn can open the entrance to the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road. Shangguan marks suffers from the great grace of the ancient seas. Now that the ancient seas are suffering, they can help themselves, and naturally do not want to delay--

Xuanyuan City.

"Conte, you are confused, Mr. Cangjie needs Nin Gongshou's guidance, and still needs your guidance?" Feng Bo suddenly exasperated.

"I, I didn't expect ...!" Conte looked depressed.

"Originally, I didn't know the location of Nangong Shou, and Shangguan Mark was even more impossible to find. Now, how are you, help Shangguan Mark find Nangong Shou, sigh!" Feng Bo sighed.

"But what are they going to do for Nangong Shou?" Ao Ying frowned.

"I don't know. It stands to reason that the shoushi is only interested in the shoushi. Is the renunciation required? But what is the renunciation to do to Nangong Shou? He hasn't caught Dongfang Shou and Chunshen Shou Is it? "Feng Bo frowned.

"Shoushi? Shoushi? I don't know what the unborn want to do, but he must catch the master and collect them? Dongfang Shou, Nangong Shou, Chunshen Shou? His next goal must be this Shoushi eight One of the pulses, Bei Mingshou, quickly inform the Tianmo Holy Land and let them tell Bei Mingshou to be careful! "Kong Di said.

The crowd nodded suddenly.

The news of reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road is not known to everyone.

Wait until most people have gone. Kong Dicai whispered to Feng Bo: "Feng Bo, we have an accident. Would you like to notify Holy?"

"Notification is useless, as you said, tell the Heavenly Demon Holy Land to keep Bei Mingshou, I guess, the unborn people collect the Shoushi to open the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road! There must be no rest on the Holy Land, as long as the ancient sea dies, Everything is useless! "Feng Bo sank.

"Will Nangong Shou go to the rescue?" Kong Di eagerly said.

"It's too late to save at this time. Wujiangtian is a forbidden zone. It's not so easy to enter. Wait for the news from the holy side!" Feng Bo Shen said.

"Huh!" Conte nodded-

Hungry ghost reincarnation.

A huge grotto like a city, shrouded in darkness. Extremely gloomy.

"It's over there, fast!" A roar of a serpent came from a distance.


Suddenly, Ji Dihong, Cangjie, Bingji and Jumang arrived over the cave city.

The detective waved.


The dark air that enveloped the entire city had disappeared. The cave city was a mess and empty.

"It's late again!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"It's another step. This is the tenth time in these three months. The ancient sea isn't cunning!" Ji Dihong's face was gloomy.

"There's another hungry ghost, hurry up, catch it!" Jumang's eyes brightened.

But I saw that under a collapsed stone mountain in the distance, a hungry ghost with a cat head and snake body was being pressed at the moment. Pressed by the stone at this moment, it couldn't move at all.

"It doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter to me!" The cat-headed snake starved in horror.

"Did you see a black dragon and devour other hungry ghosts?" Juman asked in a deep voice.

"none of my business!"

"Come on!" Juman's eyes glared, and a fierce cat-headed snake stunned.

"Yes, yes, a giant dragon, he exhaled a black gas, covering the whole city, all the hungry ghosts were suddenly hungry and hungry, and wanted to eat, but as a result, he was swallowed as soon as he approached him. Goo, goo, goo! "The cat-headed snake horrified.

"This grotto city, but there are half a million hungry ghosts living there, he can eat all the hungry ghosts? His stomach is not burst?" Jumang Shen said.

"No, when he was in his stomach, his stomach rose for a while, and then he went down. His stomach is bottomless, bottomless!" Cat-headed snake horrified.

"How long is the Black Dragon?" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"Eight hundred feet, eight hundred feet long!" The cat-headed snake was still in fear.

"It's eight hundred feet, it's already eight hundred feet, you know, you can't give him time, how long!" Cangjie said anxiously.

"How long has he been gone?" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"About an hour!" Said the cat-headed snake.

"An hour? It must have run away. Run for him again!" Ji Dihong's face was extremely ugly.

"Ji Dihong, what is the origin of this monster? How many hungry ghosts did he eat? Not only did he eat the big ones, but the young ones also refused to come. Several other hungry ghost kings flew with us several times, and now they are scattered. Searched, but he was run away again and again, this person is too cunning? "Jumang anxious.

"He is more than cunning, but unfortunately, you cannot use the figurines in this world, otherwise, you will not get the news so slowly!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"What now?"

"All the hungry ghost kings, send all the powerful subordinates, dispersed, must be found! He will not die one day, you will become his mouth food sooner or later!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

Juman frowned and nodded.

For a time, the whole hungry ghost path reincarnation world, once again entered a state of intense alert.

Ji Dihong and his party walked away slowly, leaving the cat-headed snake still frightened.

"Is all dead? There is only one of me left in the cave city? Then their magic weapons, aren't they all mine?" When the cat-headed snake was excited, he turned his head and suddenly saw a man in a black robe standing. far away.

The man in the black robe was not someone else, it was the ancient sea.


Gu Hai opened her mouth and swallowed the cat's head snake into her mouth.

"You haven't left?" The cat-headed snake screamed in despair at last. It has been swallowed by the ancient sea and consumed up.

Gu Hai stood in the grotto city, watching Ji Dihong leaving.

"The whole world is looking for crickets? Do you think that crickets are exposed so clearly every time? One day on the outside, one year on the inside, these are only four months, and the outside has not arrived for half a day. Let's play slowly, Ji Dihong!" Gu Hai sneered.


Gu Hai's figure flickered and disappeared again.

Once the policy is set, Gu Hai will not shoot in a place for a long time, and will never fight. He will run after eating. In a flash, it will take two years.

Two years, and several times, the King of Hungry Ghosts has caught the ancient sea. But Gu Hai slipped away and slipped away from the eyes of several hungry ghost kings.

Moreover, once the ancient sea appears, it is once strong.

Millions of cities?

No, Gu Hai took the biggest action and devoured 50 million hungry ghosts. At that time, he was almost caught by Jumang, but in the end, Gu Hai gave the opportunity to escape and escaped because of another hungry ghost king. .

At that time, Gu Hai was bruised by the skin of Jumang. However, they swallowed a group of hungry ghosts and soon recovered.

Vast mountains.

Ji Dihong looked at Jumang, and there were four others in black robes.

"Five hungry ghost kings, you have also seen it. For more than two years, the black dragon is getting stronger and stronger, and now it has reached the size of two thousand feet. If you fight like this, it will only make him stronger!" Ji Di Hong Shen said.

The five hungry ghost kings were silent for a while.

"I know, you all want to go out. In this way, in order to prevent you from competing with each other for the ancient sea, I now decide that as long as you cooperate and slay the ancient sea, I promise you all go out, what?" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

The eyes of a hungry ghost king brightened.

"Ji Dihong, are you telling the truth?"

"Ji Dihong, in order to kill this ancient sea, can you be determined next time?"

The hungry ghost kings rejoiced.

"Yes, but this is not the way to find a needle in a haystack. Mr. Cangjie has a plan, and I hope you will do as he says!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at Cangjie.

"Although I don't know why he can run away from the will of the hungry ghosts, but one thing is that he has to be strong and must eat the hungry ghosts, so I recommend that all the hungry ghosts be gathered in one place. I see how his ancient sea is Eat! "Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, so we don't have to run around, as long as he appears, anyone can tear him up!" Juman nodded.

"But there are too many hungry ghosts in the entire world. It takes too long to get together in one place!" Shen Hung, another hungry ghost king.

"No, Guhai now has two thousand feet. We have selected more than two thousand feet of hungry ghosts, scattered the Quartet, set up hungry ghost bases, gathered the world ’s hungry ghosts, and gathered at the major hungry ghost bases. Guhai wanted to find food, You can only come to the Hungry Ghost Base. As long as the ancient sea appears, as long as you fight with more than two thousand feet of hungry ghosts, once the battle falls into a gel, the rest of us can support it. As long as the ancient sea is dragged, he will die! "

"There are more than 30,000 hungry ghosts of more than two thousand feet. What do you mean, they are all scattered and gathered together, so that there are no hungry ghosts in the ancient sea to eat?" Juman Shen said.

"In this way, it should not take much time!" Cangjie solemnly said.

"Yes, this method is good. At most one month, unless the two thousand feet long ancient sea eats that one-inch, one-foot little hungry ghost, he never dreams to lurk again!" Jumang's eyes brightened.

"It's not too late, everyone should act as soon as possible!" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"--

Hungry ghosts reincarnate the changes in the world, and the ancient sea naturally looks in the eyes.

Looking at a fortress in the distance, all the hungry ghosts were ordered to go. There were more than two thousand feet of hungry ghosts guarding. For a moment, the ancient sea was not good enough.

It was the same after walking one place after another.

Gu Hai's face fell into gloom.

"A good guard against death, no dripping water! Huh, since you are so, then I don't mind playing with you, Ji Dihong, I hope you can be stimulated, huh!" Gu Hai sneered.

PS: Going out today, the second today is more likely to be updated two hours later. Forgive me.

In addition, Gu Hai's son, Gu Taiji was born. Want to know the current situation of Gu Taiji? On the WeChat public account, I will tell you the story of Prince Dahan and the ancient Taiji job fair. In addition, WeChat responded '11' to participate in WeChat activities with prize collection photos. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add the WeChat public account program, open WeChat-click on the top right corner--click on 'Add a friend'-click on 'Public account'-enter 'aiguanqi' search-add attention, the icon appears, and my wife Wedding photo.


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