Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 48: Swallow Xuanyuan Sword

Hungry ghost road reincarnation!

More than 30,000 evil spirit bases formed! Instantly calmed the ghostly world, because the black dragon finally disappeared.

The hungry ghost king of the five parties has been guarding the five parties of the world one by one. As soon as the ancient sea appears, they can go there as soon as possible, leaving the ancient sea nowhere to escape.

Gu Hai looked at the Quartet, and naturally saw Ji Dihong's intention.

However, Guhai didn't make a move.

In a large mountain, black gas burst out, but was suppressed by the ancient sea with great force.

It was a black pangolin hungry ghost the size of a thousand feet. Suppressed by the ancient sea, and forced into the mouth of thousands of hungry ghosts to help them digest.

"Roar!" The pangolin hungry ghost yelled, his body dark. Seems crazy.

"Hungry ghosts reincarnate, suppress other rules, but they have their own rules. I can't deal with the five hungry ghost kings now, and you can't deal with a little pangolin hungry ghost, isn't it right?" Gu Hai sneered.

A seal was placed under the pangolin body.

The pangolin ate a large number of hungry ghosts. Now, the hungry ghosts are rushing to their brains and going crazy. Irritable.

"If it weren't for your breath, it would have been in the belly already. 朕 This seal can seal you for two days. After two days, you should not wake up, get angry, wait for you!" Gu Hai said coldly.

The pangolin was sealed in the valley, and the ancient sea immediately went elsewhere.

Two days passed by.

Vast mountain pass.

Ji Dihong, Bingji, and Cangjie are also surrounded by countless hungry ghosts, and they are also a base of hungry ghosts. The hungry ghosts of the five parties are in one place, waiting for the hooks of the ancient sea.

"Report!" A giant snake shot instantly.

"Subordinates of Jumang? Say!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"Far east, there is black air, the Dragon of Doubt is here, and the King sends his subordinates to inform you!" The snake said.

"East of the East? Gu Hai finally appeared?" Ji Dihong's eyes brightened.

"Yes, the news came to the Hungarian Ghosts of the Quartet, among the generals of the Hungry Ghosts of all parties. Now, a large number of hungry ghosts ran there!" The snake said.

"I'm going!" Bingji's eyes were cold.

Bingji instantly turned into a three-footed white wu, lingering for thousands of miles, and shot quickly towards the far east.

When Ji Dihong and Cangjie looked, they also had to step away.


"Far north, there is black air soaring into the sky, the Dragon of Doubt is here, and the king sends his subordinates to tell the grown-up!" Another wicked ghost rushed forward.

"Far north?" Ji Dihong's face changed.

Cangjie also sank: "Sounds east and west?"

"East hits the west? Guhai, hum!" Ji Dihong snorted coldly.

"Holy, let's wait for the news. Bingji has already traveled to the extreme east, and there should be news soon!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"No, the ancient sea is very cunning. Once there is a respite, it is even more difficult. Bingji goes to the east, and Ji goes to the north, sir, you go with Ji?" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"No, when I leave, there is no protection for the hungry ghosts here!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"Okay, that gentleman is staying here, just in case. Just come and go, the ancient sea is only two thousand feet, the gentleman's body is as large as three thousand feet, and he will be able to sit here!" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Cangjie nodded.

"call out!"

Ji Dihong shot towards the north.

The world ’s five kings of hungry ghosts have been devouring evil spirits for thousands of years. Naturally, they are the most powerful. Although Ji Dihong, Bing Ji, and Cangjie have the convenience of this place, the years have accumulated. Five of the hungry ghost kings are far behind.

Ji Dihong was more confident than Gu Hai before he went, but he had to fly to the far north. But it will take a long time.

Even the Five Hungry Ghost Kings, it is impossible to be instant in this world, otherwise they will not be escaped by the ancient seas so many times.

Ji Dihong was flying fast, but he just flew a joss stick.

"Not right!" Ji Dihong's face changed.

U-turn, Ji Dihong fly back to the vast mountains.

Fly back on the way. A giant horse hungry ghost rushed eagerly.

"Sir, I didn't find you just now when I went to the Cangman Mountain. There was dark air in the extreme south. The suspected dragon appeared. The king went to suppress it and sent me a letter. Fortunately, I caught up!" Hungry ghost eagerly said.

"Sure enough, isn't it that the East and the West are arrogant, and the ancient sea sets up a suspicious array, moves the tiger away from the mountain, and leads away the five hungry ghost kings?" Ji Dihong's face sank.

"call out!"

Without hesitation, Ji Dihong rushed towards the vast mountain.

If it really is what he guessed, Gu Hai should go straight to the vast mountains or the nest of the five hungry ghost kings, but the probability of the vast mountains should be greater.


But when Ji Dihong Fei approached the vast mountains, it turned out that a great mess in the distance broke out.

Countless mountain peaks were shattered into the sky, flying sand and rocks, and the sky was dark. The rubble fell to the ground, filled with billowing black gas.

Black gas shrouded the base of the Hungry Ghosts around the vast mountains, and countless hungry ghosts roared.


For a time, a giant giant of three thousand feet seemed to be entangled with a python. Half of the giant's body was covered by sand and fog, and the other half was full of anger and slammed his lower body in the heavy fog.

Three thousand feet giant?

"Mr. Cangjie's transformation?" Ji Dihong hissed.


The giant screamed suddenly.

But I saw that the giant flew out. No, it should be only the upper body flew out, the lower body was gone, blood was dripping from the waist, and flesh flew away. A huge tooth mark left its last trace.

The giant's waist was forcibly severed.

"Gu Hai, you actually deceived the Holy Ghost, and then controlled the hungry ghosts, and pretended to report, while I was not prepared and ruined my body, I will make you everlasting!" The giant roared angrily.

"Everything is gone? I have to take a look at it and eat all of you. How can you still be able to make it disappear!" The cold voice of the ancient sea came from the black mist.

In the roar, a huge dragon's mouth suddenly zoomed in a hundredfold and swallowed away at half of the giant.

"Not good!" Ji Dihong's face changed.

Without hesitation, Ji Dihong waved his hand.


A golden sword gas rushed straight towards the dragon's head, and at the same time, Ji Dihong immediately struck forward.


The huge dragon's head smashed the sword's breath.

"Xuanyuan Sword? Ji Dihong, I guessed, you must still be Xuanyuan Sword's clone, your body is still participating in Chiyou's physical power, haha!"

The black dragon roared in the fog and rushed towards Ji Dihong.

"Two thousand feet of black dragon? Only the physical body is prestigious and dare to arrogance in front of the grandma? Since you brought it to your door. No wonder!" Ji Dihong snorted.


Ji Dihong suddenly turned into a golden sword with a length of nearly four thousand feet, and one sword cut to the golden dragon in the black mist.


The black faucet suddenly greeted.

Half of the giant has formed the appearance of Cangjie, but at this moment, the whole body is blood, and was originally about to escape from the Hungry Ghost Road reincarnation. You can see Ji Dihong's appearance, and he stopped immediately.

The sword is fierce, as if to kill the black dragon. The black dragon can't escape, it must be cut in half.

escape? Even if he fled, he could not escape the lock of Jian Feng, and the Black Dragon was dead.

Suddenly, Cangjie's face changed: "No, holy, be careful, he seems to be waiting for you with a sword on purpose!"

Cangjie's eyes widened, the black dragon did not evade, and even opened his mouth wide to face the golden sword, as if he was not afraid of Xuan Yuanjian cutting himself away from his stomach.

"It's late!" Heilong laughed.


Four thousand feet of Xuanyuan Sword burst into the mouth of Heilong. A sword pierced, as if to stab the black dragon.

The immense impulsive force spread the black gas all around, and immediately exposed the 2,500-foot-long black dragon.

Two thousand five hundred feet black dragon? Four thousand Zhang Xuanyuan sword?

Don't think about it, all understand that the sword is longer than the dragon, and it can certainly tear its sword in half.

Seeing that the sword had been inserted more than a thousand feet, it was necessary to pierce the black dragon.


Longkou bit down suddenly, biting on the sword body, so that the sword could not enter the slightest.

"What? It hurts!" Xuanyuan Jian exclaimed suddenly.

Xuanyuan Sword danced fast and struck the earth with the black dragon, but he couldn't shake the black dragon at all. Can not cut off its film.

"Come on, go to help the Holy One!" Said the blood-filled Cangjie anxiously.

"It's too late!" Heilong grunted.

Opening again, and rushing towards Xuanyuan Sword, Qian Zhang was swallowed again.


Once again, Longya bit his sword deadly.

More than two thousand feet of Xuanyuan Sword was inserted into the black dragon's body. The black dragon should be strung together, but the body of the black dragon still showed a curve.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~!"

Xuan Yuanjian made a sound of heartbreaking pain.

Xuanyuan Sword danced fast, the swordsmanship of thousands of squares, the black dragon skin impacted by the sword flesh flesh and blood, but the black dragon was still exposed, biting Xuanyuan Sword and let it go.

Several more breaths, Longkou rushed forward again, Xuanyuan Sword abruptly retreated, but, it was too late, and he swallowed one hundred feet.

"It's impossible, the ancient sea swallowed up, and it was refined in an instant? How could it be refined? That Xuanyuan Sword was condensed from the earth's dragon veins!" Cangjie exclaimed.

The black dragon was two thousand and five hundred feet, but the Xuanyuan sword that the black dragon had swallowed was almost three thousand feet long. It was simply unreasonable. This weird scene scared the hungry ghosts all around. How could this be?

"Swallow the sky and swallow the sky, Chi You swallow the sky and swallow it and refine it?" Ji Dihong roared in anger.

"It's too late to know, Ji Dihong, do you particularly regret having Xuanyuan Sword here to arrest Yu? Hahaha, I will eat your Xuanyuan Sword first today!" Gu Hai roared.


Under Long Yin, Gu Hai opened her mouth again and swallowed Xuanyuan Sword in her mouth.

Xuanyuan sword, swallowed by the ancient sea? Holy avatar was eaten?

Cangjie is now severely wounded, covered with blood, and naturally cannot resist. The ancient sea digested Xuanyuan Sword, and he must be the first to eat himself.

"Gu Hai, I'll be back, you're dead!" Cangjie roared.

With a stunned figure, Cangjie was distorted all around, and Cangjie slowly escaped from the cycle of hungry ghosts.

Just as the body disappeared. Cangjie saw the black dragon's eyes, showing a hint of panic.

But it is, in the east, the sky is blue.

Jumang came quickly, just to see Gu Hai swallowed Xuanyuan sword.

Suddenly, he became furious and turned into a giant tree-shaped evil spirit.

"Sin barrier, dared!" Jumang charged.

How big is it? How powerful?

The ancient sea was only two thousand and five hundred feet, and it was only a coincidence that it hurt the barn owl and swallowed the Xuanyuan sword.

At this moment, how can the ancient sea resist the mighty power of the deceased Jumang?

Unfortunately, Cangjie has escaped from the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road.

The moment I left the world of rebirth of the Hungry Ghost Road, I heard four more ‘sin barriers, daring! ’

However, the other four hungry ghost kings also knew that they had been deceived, and hurried to see the ancient sea swallowing Ji Dihong's avatar, all raging into the sky, and the ancient sea was broken into thousands of pieces.

The ancient sea has nowhere to run.

But Cangjie has left the world of reincarnation.

PS: It ’s late to arrive home, the update is late, forgive me!

In addition, Gu Hai's son, Gu Taiji was born. Want to know the current situation of Gu Taiji? On the WeChat public account, I will tell you the story of Prince Dahan and the ancient Taiji job fair. In addition, WeChat responded '11' to participate in WeChat activities with prize collection photos. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

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