Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 49: Confronted goki

Xuanyuan City, Xuanyuan Diankou!

There was a sudden twist in the void.


A **** figure suddenly fell onto the square.

"Who!" Suddenly the guards glared.

Conte was not far from the square. He was previously deceived by Shangguanhen and was still in his arms. He hated himself for being so sincere. If he came again, he would be able to dismantle his camouflage.

Suddenly, noisy in the distance, Conte immediately walked past.

"Ah? Mr. Cangjie, how did you do this?" The guards' faces changed, and they immediately needed help.

Cangjie was covered with blood, extremely weak, and he stood up hard at this moment, and a group of guards stepped forward to support him. He could have breathed his breath.

"Stop!" Kong Di stopped drinking and stopped the guards.

"Sir? This is Mr. Cangjie!" The guards said in astonishment.

"What kind of Cangjie, Mr. Cangjie came back, how can it be a person? Shangguan marks, do you still want to lie to me?" Conti immediately stepped forward.

Cangjie was full of blood, and looked at Conte in amazement.

"Well, Mr. Cangjie is there, with the blessing of the King of Five, with the Holy Spirit on the side, and the Lord of Bingji County. How can it be hurt? Still so miserable? Hahaha, Shangguanhen, you lie to me once , And want to do it again? Who are you going to catch this time? "Cried Conte.


"Conte, cough, what are you talking about? What Shangguan marks? I'm Cangjie!" Cangjie cried weakly.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" ...... …………

Hearing the news, Ao Ying, Xiong You, Feng Bo, and Li Mu hurried over. As soon as they fell off the square, everyone saw that Cangjie was injured, and his face changed suddenly, and he wanted to come forward to help him, but Conte's glaring look let everyone rest. Is it fake again?

Seeing the great consolation of the four heavenly palaces, Conte now had enough courage to stop fearing Shangguan marks.

"Is something happening?" Cangjie looked suddenly, and said in a deep voice.

Feng Bo and others showed a little doubt, but it was unclear for a moment, and Feng Bo wanted to ask.

Conte stepped in one step immediately, stepping on Cangjie's chest: "I want you to install, I want you to continue to install, but also want to lie to me a second time, holy? You did not bring holy with you? Who do you lie to? ? "

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Cangjie was severely hurt by Kong Di's trampling, but at the moment he was seriously injured but unable to resist.

"Holy God was framed by the ancient sea, we were all deceived by the ancient sea, Conte, you are wanton!" Cangjie said in pain.

"What?" Feng Bo and his face changed.

Holy and framed by the ancient sea? problem occurs?

"Guess I believe it or not, God will be deceived by the ancient sea?" Kong Di stomped a few more feet.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Cangjie screamed in pain.

On April 4th, the powerful men did not know what to do, and at the same time, guarded that Cangjie really became a Shangguan mark.

Just in the rage of Cangjie's pain.


The gate of Xuanyuan Hall opened suddenly.

"Stop!" An angry drink came out of Xuanyuan Hall.

But it was Ji Dihong himself, stepping out of the Xuanyuan Hall with glaring eyes, angrily drinking Emperor Kongdi.

Conte's foot to step down.

"Holy, are you out of customs? Great, this time, Shangguan marks can no longer escape!" Conti immediately exulted.

"Meet the Holy Lord!" Ao Ying and others immediately worshiped.

Ji Dihong didn't bother, but walked straight to Conte.

Conte thought that the Holy Spirit should reward himself.

But seeing Ji Dihong bending over very carefully, he raised Cangjie.

This bending down, everyone who looked at it for a moment, Kong Di also said suddenly: "Holy, be careful Shangguan marks him ...!"

Half of it was interrupted by Ji Dihong's voice.

"Sir, are you all right?" Ji Dihong worried.

At the same time, a surge of energy poured into Cangjie's body, helping Cangjie to repair the injury.

Feng Bo and others: "………………!"

A group of guards: "...............!"

Conte: "………………!"

Kong Di was there, just to remind Ji Dihong that he was careful when Shangguan marks were interrupted, and his expression suddenly froze there.

Is this really a Cangjie this time?

Feng Bo, Ao Ying, and a group of guards were also in shock, and all eyes of compassion were on Conte.

Just now, Mr. Cangjie fell to the ground with serious injuries, and Kong Di kept stepping on him with his feet? It looks so easy to step on! ——

Hungry ghost reincarnation.

The Black Dragon Guhai swallowed Xuanyuan Sword, and the whole body suddenly burst out of golden light.

Xuanyuan Sword is the refinement of the earth's dragon veins of the Rhubarb Heavenly Kingdom. Even if there is no righteousness, it also has the perfect strength of the Heavenly Palace. Most of the sword's power was suppressed, just like the ancient sea in which it first entered. Full strength is not available.

The same is true of Xuanyuan Sword, otherwise, it would not be possible to be attacked by Gu Hai.

Although Xuanyuan Sword did not exert its full strength, the power of the earth's dragon veins is contained in it. Moreover, the earth's dragon veins are not energy bodies, but a kind of general body, which cannot be digested for a while, and is only sealed by the black dragon.

Thousands of feet of golden light burst out, and the two thousand five hundred feet of black dragon did not grow much.

However, the crisis at this moment is extremely terrifying.

One by one the Hungry Ghost Marshals and Generals arrived, and more importantly, the appearance of the five Great Hungry Ghost Kings pushed the ancient sea into a corner.

The five Hungry Ghost Kings are so tall that they are invincible.

Seeing that Gu Hai swallowed Ji Dihong in one bite, and Cangjie escaped from the world with a wounded body, it was even more anxious because Gu Hai swallowed not only Ji Dihong, but also the hope of all the hungry ghost kings going out.

"Sin barrier, find death! Do not spit Ji Dihong!" Jumang turned into a man of ten thousand trees, the palm of the towering giant tree, hit the gate of Heilongmen suddenly.

With this palm, the black dragon must be stunned.

A threat of death rushed forward.

"Ji Dihong can give you, I can give you the same!" Gu Hai shouted.


Suddenly, the monstrous giant palm stopped suddenly in front of the black dragon's face door, without a single palm.

"What did you say?" Jumang sank.

The other four hungry ghost kings also changed their faces.

The anger that was just because he couldn't go out was extinguished by Gu Hai's words like a basin of cold water.

Gu Hai didn't know what they were trading, but Ji Dihong did not subdue the five hungry ghost kings, indicating that they only had an interest relationship. As long as this interest is found, they can cut off their alliance with Ji Dihong.


But three-footed Bai Wu flew in at once.

Bingji came hurriedly, looking at everything in front of her, angrily: "Don't believe him, Lord will be back soon. It was just a sacred clone!"

"Huh?" Ju Mang and others sank.

Gu Hai shouted, "Did you, I said just now, don't you believe it? Ji Dihong promised you anything, and I can do it. And, I guess, with Ji Dihong's skeptical temperament, I will definitely use you What, but I won't! "

"Don't believe him! Kill him!" Shouted Sanwu Baiwu.

Gu Hai looked at Bingji and sighed slightly: "Bingji was controlled by brainwashing, and the trouble temporarily stopped her from messing up!"

"I don't!" Bingji called.

"Bing Ji, wait a minute!" Said Mang Shen.

Bingji's face sank.

"You just said, Ji Dihong promised us, you can do it too? Can you take us out? Then you open the entrance to the land of Shenzhou." Jumang said in a deep voice.

Jumang opened his eyes, and all the hungry ghosts' eyes brightened.

Indeed, Ji Dihong's work is still frustrating, and even if it is completed, there is no guarantee that Ji Dihong will open the exit for himself to go out. It would be worse if the conditions were raised again, but this ancient sea is different He is in front of himself, and now everyone is around him, he must not escape, if he can go out, why need Ji Dihong?

"Ji Dihong just promised to let you out? Is it easy to go out!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Oh?" The five starving ghost kings' eyes brightened.

"But, I still can't do it now, I have to wait!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"What are you talking about? You can't do it, and you want us to let you go?"

"You want to lie to us? Hey, boy, you're not timid!"

"Just playing with me? Boy, you're looking for death!"



The five hungry ghost kings stared at Gu Hai. It seems to pounce on and tear up the ancient sea.

"Mouse eyes!" Gu Hai drank suddenly.

"What?" The five starving ghost kings sank.

"I said to you, you can't keep your eyes open, you don't know anything about the land of Shenzhou, and you want to break free!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Gu Hai understands that at this time, he must not be softened. In order for them to believe in themselves, they must have a positive tone and a strong tone. Even if they are strong, internal and external, they must be strong, strong, and strong.

"Don't understand? Oh, don't understand, what's the matter with you? If you can't open the exit, why should we keep you?" Jumang said coldly.

"I said, I can't open it now, it doesn't mean that I can't open it in the future! My people must be on the job, and the outside world can open the exit within a few days!" Gu Hai said in a silent voice.

"Why do we believe in you? You think the hungry ghost reincarnation is so easy to open? What kind of thing are you?" Another starving ghost stared.

"So, I said that you are blind-eyed! Why does Ji Dihong deal with me at any cost? You ca n’t see through? Can you ask Bing Ji, my ancient sea, in the land of Shenzhou, does Ji Dihong have it? The power that made Ji Dihong afraid? "Gu Hai shouted.

Gu Hai shouted loudly, and the faces of all the hungry ghost kings changed.

There is no need to ask Bing Ji, the five hungry ghost kings can guess, and have already guessed, this ancient sea is in the land of Shenzhou, Ji Dihong must have broken his brain, and then he was deceived into the hungry ghost secret. Obviously, in the land of Shenzhou, the ancient sea cannot be dealt with for a while.

The ancient sea in Shenzhou should be extremely powerful. What he said may not be false?

"My people will soon be able to open the entrance, and I can take you all out!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"He lied to you. If his people could open the entrance, it would have been opened a long time ago. It could have been opened many years ago. The Holy Ghost would return soon. Don't believe him!" Bingji eagerly said.

Gu Hai smiled slightly, not blaming Bing Ji, but distressed for a while.

"It's up to you. Do you believe me or don't you believe me. And Ji Dihong? Oh, if he could come, he would have been here, wouldn't he? , He can't come back yet, I don't know, I'm dead, you may never go out! "Gu Hai laughed.

The five starving ghost kings changed their faces and fell into silence for a while.

The silence of the five hungry ghost kings also made Gu Hai understand that there is no problem in his safety.

PS: Gu Hai's son, Gu Taiji was born. Want to know the current situation of Gu Taiji? On the WeChat public account, I will tell you the story of Prince Dahan and the ancient Taiji job fair. In addition, WeChat responded '11' to participate in WeChat activities with prize collection photos. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add the WeChat public account program, open WeChat-click on the top right corner--click on 'Add a friend'-click on 'Public account'-enter 'aiguanqi' search-add attention, the icon appears, and my wife Wedding photo.


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