Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 52: Climate Black Dragon

Hungry ghost road reincarnation!

Ji Dihong, Cangjie and Ao Ying were shocked after they got the initial news.

Rather than die, Gu Hai provoked the five hungry ghost kings in the vast mountains? In order to confirm the situation, the three went to the Quartet again.

"Provoked the five Hungry Ghost Kings? But we just passed all the way just now, as if many bases of Hungry Ghosts were destroyed?" Cangjie Shen said.

"Maybe something happened to the Hungry Ghost King?" Ji Dihong's face sank.

"Well, look, there's a hungry ghost general, I saw it last time!" Cangjie was surprised.


The three suddenly turned into a streamer and went straight towards a hungry ghost in the shape of a rhino.

At this moment, the hungry ghost was like a bird frightened by a bow, feeling a breath of breath, and his face suddenly changed: "Don't eat me!"

"It's me, General Sharp!" Cangjie yelled.

"Ah? Mr. Cang, Mr. Cangjie?" The rhino's grimace changed.

"What happened? We passed by the area controlled by your king and found that many of the Hungry Ghost Marshals and Generals were gone, and the Hungry Ghost base was also a mess?" Cangjie curiously said.

The sharp General looked at the three at this moment, with a bitter expression: "Mr. Cangjie, you are late, my family, already ...!"

"What happened in the vast mountains that day?" Ji Dihong eagerly said.

"On that day, the five hungry ghost kings saw you fleeing and were ready to take down Gu Hai, but Gu Haiyan said that he could take everyone out. All of them stopped at Gu Hai. Two hungry ghost kings believed, and three Do n’t believe it. The five Hungry Ghost Kings formed an opposition. At that time, Gu Hai provoked from it, and the Five Hungry Ghost Kings fought! ”Said the sharp General with a grin.

"Provocation? How to provoke?" Ao Ying frowned.

"The two hungry ghost kings of Jumang and Tianwu support Guhai, and Guhai will leave with them, but the other three hungry ghost kings do not want Guhai to leave their own control. Jumang and Tianwu naturally stand on the side of the ancient sea. The fanning of the flames ignited, and in that battle, all of our forces in the five parties participated in the battle. The fighting was dark and the two defeated. The ancient sea was touching the fish and eating all the ordinary hungry ghosts in the hungry ghost base! "General Sharp said with a grin.

"No one stopped the ancient sea?" Ao Ying frowned.

"Jumang and Tianwu helped the ancient sea. Although the other three hungry ghost kings wanted to seize the ancient sea, as long as they were alive so that they could be handed over to you in the future, they did not kill the ancient sea and bore the ancient sea!" Sharp General smiled bitterly.

"What then?" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"Then, the five Hungry Ghost Kings suffered both defeats and suffered great damage. In the end, Gu Hai took Jumang and Tianwu and left with a big swing!" The sharp General laughed bitterly.

"Is Gu Hai going away like this?" Ao Ying looked depressed.

"How else? The three hungry ghost kings don't know the way forward, and didn't do their best. They want to wait for a while. But whoever thinks, who thinks of the ancient sea is insidious!" Said the sharp general.


"Yes, he left with Ju Mang and Tian Wu, but he bothered them and immediately attacked a starving ghost king who was against him, which is my king." General Sharp said.

"Two sneak attacks?" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Gu Hai's plan, pretending you are back, cheating my king in a hidden place, my king is ecstatic and unprepared, and the ancient sea's treacherous scheme, the king was ambushed by Jumang and Tianwu to death, and Jumang I swallowed it! "Said Sharp General bitterly.

"The pattern of the Five Hungry Ghost Kings has never changed, and no one can kill anyone. I did not expect that one planted in the hands of the ancient sea!" Cangjie said in a silent voice.

"I later heard that Gu Hai bewildered Jumang and Tianwu, and said that they would all leave the world anyway, and all that can be used should be used. Let Jumang and Tianwu eat the three opponents, Hungry Ghost King, and Gu Hai "Myself, the subordinates of the King of Hungry Ghosts, that's us!" Said the sharp General, terrified.

"The Hungry Ghost King devoured it, and he could only eat one or two at a time. His ancient sea was not restricted. The ancient sea borrowed their hands to make it easier for them to devour all souls!" Cangjie said in a silent voice.

"Yes, the Black Dragon eats evil spirits, it's terrifying! If I didn't run away fast, at this moment, I'm also eaten by the ancient sea now!" Said the sharp general, terrified.

"How many hungry ghost kings did they eat?" Ji Dihong sighed.

"Two, in addition to my lord, there was also a hungry ghost king. Jumang and Tianwu, one person ate one. Although Gu Hai was a weak one, he was also a marshal and general. , He's extremely huge now! "Recalled General Sharp in horror.

"How old is the black dragon transformed by the ancient sea?" Cangjie said.

"I don't know. Three months ago, the last time I saw him, he was already five thousand feet. Five thousand feet, older than me. At that time, he was already a marshal level! "The sharp General recalled with a hint of horror.

"Three months ago, five thousand feet?" Ji Dihong, Cangjie, and Ao Ying all sank.

Cangjie is extremely irritable at this moment. The strategy of deceiving Gu Hai into the secret place of the Hungry Ghost Road is determined by himself. However, he did not expect to smash his own feet. This ancient sea was not only killed, but it became more and more vulnerable to raising tigers.

Half a year? He and his party left for half a year. This ancient sea, without its own suppression, actually grew to five thousand feet. No, five thousand feet was three months ago and another three months. Somehow now.

"Holy God, **** him, blame me all!" Cangjie said bitterly.

"No, sir, no one had thought that Gu Hai could break through the rules of this world. No wonder Mr. Now, it is the key to think of a solution to kill Gu Hai first!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"Yes!" Cangjie nodded.

"That is to say, two of the five hungry ghost kings have already been eaten by Jumang and Tianwu? There is also a hungry ghost king who should have been informed long ago and should avoid the ancient sea?" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"I heard that not long ago, the remaining three Hungry Ghost Kings fought another battle. However, no one was helpless, and they were separated from each other!" Said Sharp General.

"Holy, the key to dealing with the ancient sea is still in Jumang and Tianwu!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I feel the same way. They support Guhai because they lost hope with him and thought that he would never return. If you let them know that he is back and you can take them out, they can cooperate with him to deal with it. Ancient sea! "Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, holy, at least Gu Hai's courtiers have not yet come. Jumang and Tian Wu put their bets on Gu Hai, but have not seen the results. If we quietly appear in front of them, they will definitely lean on us!" Cangjie said .

"Come back to Mang and Tianwu again? So, let's be quick!" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

fast? Before the ancient sea courtiers find the ancient sea, counter them, otherwise everything will be abandoned.

"Yes, quickly, we must rush Jumang and Tianwu as soon as possible!" Cangjie nodded.

"General Sharp, do you know where Jumang and Tianwu are?" Ji Dihong looked at General Sharp.

"General Sharp, you take us to find, the Holy Spirit can take you out of this hungry ghost secret!" Cangjie tempted.

There was a look of anticipation in General Sharp's eyes, and he nodded: "I know, I know where they are!"

"It's not too late, we avoid the ancient sea and find them first, we must quickly!" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"Good!" The sharp General answered.

The four were extremely fast. In just one hour, they saw Jumang and Tianwu in a valley.

The two were shocked to see Ji Dihong and his party.

"You're actually back?" Juman exclaimed.

"We all know what happened here, two, I don't know if you can cooperate with me again? After cooperation, I will take you out!" Ji Dihong laughed.

Jumang and Tianwu's eyelids fluttered wildly for a while.

"I know that you are waiting for Gu Hai's promise, but will Gu Hai take you out? How many years in the past, how many people can open the entrance to the Hungry Ghost Road? Except for my special case, can Gu Hai definitely do it? The opportunity is just this time. If you don't cooperate with us, you will never have another chance! "Cangjie advised.

Jumang and Tianwu glanced at each other. Indeed, during this time, they have desperately desperately, but in front of Ji Dihong represents ‘OK’ and Gu Hai only represents ‘Uncertain’. The two just remained silent for a while and nodded.

"Okay, I hope you don't break your word on Rhubarb!"

"Jun has no jokes!" Ji Dihong laughed.

Suddenly, the tense atmosphere of the crowd disappeared.

"Gu Hai is not with you?" Cangjie curiously said.

"Mr. Do you remember the soul you used to have with me?" Jumang said.

"Bingji's heaven soul?" Cangjie exclaimed suddenly.

"Yes, Gu Hai grabbed Bingji and asked me for Bingji's heavenly soul. I thought you wouldn't come back, so I gave it to him, and the earth soul was at Qiangliang. Both defeated and wounded, and it stopped, but Gu Hai thought of the earth soul in Qiangliang's hands, and went to look for Qiangliang alone! "Jumang said.

"Yes, Gu Haidou is not strong, and should return soon!" Tian Wu nodded.

"No, that's bad, where is Qiangliang? Guhai may not be fighting Qiangliang!" Cangjie anxiously said.


"The ancient sea city is extremely deep. How could he do something unsure? He used you to hit Qiangliang first, and he just went there. Take us to see Qiangliang!" Cangjie anxiously said.

Jumang and Tianwu sank and nodded.

Suddenly, Ji Dihong, Cangjie and Ao Ying were heading north.

The crowd was extremely fast, when they reached the far north. From a distance, the black air spreads over the sky, and the huge aroma comes out.

"That's right there, the black gas from the ancient sea black dragon!" Jumang's face changed.

Suddenly, there was a scream of screaming in the dark mist.

"Ah, Gu Hai, you are in danger, I am not willing ~~~~~~~~~!"

With a scream, it was shaking.

"Qiangliang's voice." Jumang's face changed.

"Gu Hailiang ate Qiangliang? How did he do it, Qiangliang is the hungry ghost king!" Tian Wu also surprised.


But I saw that in the far north, countless evil spirits were suddenly sucked into the sky by a powerful suction in the black mist. No matter how they struggled, they could not stop the tyranny of suction.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" ………………

In the dark mist, the hungry ghosts cried for help.

"Broken fog!" Juman waved.


A violent gale rolled up on the ground, and instantly, the rolling black mist was scattered. Vaguely reveals the internal scene.

But I saw that countless hungry ghosts all rushed into a huge dragon's mouth in an instant.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle!"

The mouth of the Black Dragon chewed for a while, as if swallowing all the hungry ghosts, and cleared away in the distance.

However, the shape of the black dragon roaming in the black mist, with a gigantic magnificent power, ripples in the rippling void.

The black mist slowly dissipated, slowly exposing the black dragon that changed in the ancient sea, swallowed millions of evil spirits, the black dragon eye exposed red light, swallowed the black smoke in the mouth, floated in the sky, the mighty power was as prison, and the vastness was as sky.

11,800 feet!

PS: Gu Hai's son, Gu Taiji was born. Want to know the current situation of Gu Taiji? On the WeChat public account, I will tell you the story of Prince Dahan and the ancient Taiji job fair. In addition, WeChat responded '11' to participate in WeChat activities with prize collection photos. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add the WeChat public account program, open WeChat-click on the top right corner--click on 'Add a friend'-click on 'Public account'-enter 'aiguanqi' search-add attention, the icon appears, and my wife Wedding photo.


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