Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 53: One enemy three

11,800 feet!

The towering black dragon is exposed from the black mist, the dragon's beard floats, and the dragon's horns reach the sky. The dragon is so large that it oppresses everyone with the power of Tianwei.

Ji Dihong, Cangjie, Aoying, Jumang and Tianwu all changed their faces.

"He really ate Qiang Liang? How did he do it?" Tian Wu horrified.

"Let's use our hands to make a strong hit, and then he will take advantage of the fisherman again?" Jumang said with a dark expression.

"11,800 feet? Hiss!" Cangjie took a cold breath.

A few years ago, when Gu Hai first came in, it was only a few feet tall, right? Today, 11,800 feet?

"Gu Hai is a man who grows when he sees the wind. If he doesn't get rid of it in one day, it will do more harm than heaven!" Ji Dihong's face was dark.

Who heard the name of Gu Hai decades ago? Even ten years ago, Ji Dihong would not take a look at the ancient sea. Even five years ago, Ji Dihong did not think that Gu Hai would threaten himself.

But today, Ji Dihong not only pays attention to the ancient sea, but also regards it as the enemy of his life.

Although this ancient sea does not have the strength of Jiang Lianshan, it is even more dangerous than Jiang Lianshan. Jiang Lianshan is arrogant, but Gu Hai was born weakly, always cautious, and never slacked. It was so dangerous that Ji Dihong had a heart to kill at this moment.

Today, the ancient sea must be left here, and it can no longer be escaped.

"Ji Dihong, Cangjie, Aoying? Oh, after all, you are back again!" Heilong's ancient sea surfaced a hint of coldness.

"If you don't come back, this world will give you all the food!" Ji Dihong said coldly.

Gu Hai turned the dragon head and looked at Ju Mang and Tian Wu in shock.

"Ju Mang, Tian Wu? What do you mean? Did you bring Ji Dihong?" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

Their faces changed for a while. The final sentence was cold and said: "Yes! Gu Hai, you can catch it!"

Seeing the attitude of the two, Gu Hai understood that they had betrayed themselves again.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed: "Two people, can't bear the patience so much? Can't wait any longer?"

"Wait a few more days? Gu Hai, don't lie to us, you can't go out at all. Now, Ji Dihong has promised us to take us out, why should we wait with you for that impossible future?" Tian Wu Leng said.

A glimmer of cold light flashed in Gu Hai's eyes: "Jumang, Tianwu, previously, I was sincerely going to take you out and thank you for your help, so I will help you design and let you devour 'luxury corpses',' 蓐 collect 'Two big hungry ghost kings. After preparing to let you go out, there is stronger power. I never thought that I would help you in this way, but in return it was your betrayal. Hungry ghost kings? Oh, after all, only the body, no ambition, no adhere to!"

"What helped us eat the two Hungry Ghost Kings, wasn't it for your own strength?" Jumang said coldly.

"I have grown strong, so I do n’t need to make the two Hungry Ghost Kings cheap for you. If you forcibly ask for them, you will place your hopes on you, and you will **** them from you? I did eat hungry ghosts and grow up in this half year, but I have never hurt you Subordinates, I only eat extravagant corpses and my subordinate hungry ghosts. After I go out, I wo n’t come back. Why waste? Oh, you two, do n’t know how to persist. Take your good intentions as a threat! ”Gu Hai said coldly.

"You also used us to help you devour Qiangliang!" Jumang said coldly.

"Is He taking advantage of you? At that time, he had made a plan to damage Qiangliang. He told you, and if you go further, you can defeat Qiangliang and defeat Qiangliang. At your disposal, you can worry about the uneven distribution of loot. Hungry Ghost King, the two of you are not good enough. You ca n’t get it yourself, and you do n’t want the other side to get it, so you give up attacking Qiangliang again. You give up narrowly and give up. Then why did you use you? After all, the hungry ghosts are the hungry ghosts, the small-bellied chicken intestines, the unknown righteousness! Even if you can get out of this world, there will be no climate in the land of Shenzhou! "Gu Hai said coldly.

Jumang and Tianwu sank.

"Okay, two, you don't need to argue with Gu Hai, kill Gu Hai, and immediately leave the world!" Ji Dihong said in a stern voice.

Jumang and Tianwu's eyes brightened.

"Ju Mang and Tian Wu, although you and the two are collaborating with Ji Dihong, you have been blessed in the past, and I will give you another chance. Now I will give up the dark, and I can ignore the former suspects and wait for the officials to open the entrance. Take you out. It's up to you two, need this chance! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"His courtiers can't open, two, don't make mistakes!" Cangjie said.

Jumang and Tianwu glanced at each other, and then looked coldly at Gu Hai: "Gu Hai, if you don't hold your hands, don't blame us, you know our strength!"

"You chose the road yourself, but don't regret it!" Gu Hai said coldly.

During the cold drink, the whole body exuded a black gas, and the dragon scales were erected piece by piece, obviously also extremely angry.


Jumang's figure flickered into a 11,000-foot giant tree. The giant tree was rooted in the ground and countless branches were dancing all over the sky. It drove the void into a violent airflow. The giant tree had a face, but also had a double The arm is extremely disgusting.

Tian Wu turned into a giant tiger of 11,000 feet, with a tiger head. Tiger mighty, fierce riots.

Both of them are a little shorter than the black dragon of Guhai, but one is tree-shaped and the other is beast-shaped. Compared with the long black dragon, they make a big circle.

The two hungry ghost kings showed their faces and surrounded the black dragon.

Ao Ying waved his hand.


It was a sudden blue dragon emerging from the sky, but it was the body of the ancestor dragon, exuding the billowing air of green wood, floating in the sky.

Ao Ying stepped on top of Zulong's corpse and manipulated his body.

Although the blue dragon is one circle smaller than the black dragon, the number of small dragons is limited.

The three beasts surrounded the black dragon in the center.

This time, Ji Dihong made up his mind to put Gu Hai to death.

Cangjie stood beside Ji Dihong and waited.

The ancient sea is surrounded in the center. All three beasts are all exposed.

"Gu Hai, you are growing fast, but how fast? Today, do you think you can escape?" Ji Dihong sneered.

"The three of them are here, Ji Dihong, don't you take the shot yourself? In this way, aren't your odds greater?" Gu Hai laughed.

Invitational battle?

The three beasts are not enough for you? Do you want Ji Dihong to come together?

The crowd froze a little, but Ji Dihong's face sank. However, Ji Dihong did not take a shot, but Shen said, "To deal with you, I don't have to take a shot!"

"Okay, then you just look at it!" In the eyes of Heilong's flushed eyes, a fierce flicker flashed.


Without any hesitation, the Black Dragon rushed to Tian Wu's head and tiger.

"Shoot!" Ao Ying shouted.


The three beasts pounced on the ancient sea at the same time.

However, the ancient sea was closest to Tianwu, and suddenly came near, sharp claws grabbed Tianwu's back, and suddenly yanked, Tianwu shouted in pain. A bite on the back of the black dragon.

The black dragon was in pain, but he didn't stop, but bit into the tiger's tail.

Tian Wu suffering from tooth decay. Mouth is stronger.

Suddenly, he took a bite out of the scales of the Black Dragon, but the Black Dragon bit the Tian Wu's tail.

"Ah!" Tian Wu roared painfully.

In one shock, both defeats hurt, but the black dragon didn't yell at all, which showed its fierceness.


The three big beasts arrived at the Black Dragon together. The black dragon and the three big beasts fiercely battled together. With one enemy and three, after all, there is insufficient power, while fleeing away while fighting.

"Want to leave? You can't get away!" Ao Ying laughed.

"Gu Hai, today is your death!" Juman laughed.

"Broken tail, I want you to die!" Tian Wu shouted.

The four strong men are getting farther and farther.

Ji Dihong and Cangjie followed closely behind.

"Holy, aren't you going?" Cangjie asked.

"The three of them are enough to kill Gu Hai, and Gu Hai also invited Yu to fight, but there is a little anxiety in Ji's heart!" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"Perhaps Guhai deliberately disturbed the audiovisual system. He didn't dare to let the saint intervene, so he deliberately provoked him!" Cangjie said.

"Hopefully, but depending on the situation, I don't need to participate in the battle, the three of them can also kill Guhai Town!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

Cangjie nodded.

The current battle situation is indeed the case, the three strong men besieged the ancient sea, the ancient sea can now only escape. Moreover, the ancient sea is getting worse and worse. If it weren't for the ancient sea, it would have been too fierce, and at this moment it would have been hit by the three strong men on the ground.

Guhai, Jumang, Tianwu, and Zulong's corpses were all severely damaged, but the war continued. The three strong men hunted down the ancient sea. Flee from the ancient seafront.

"You can't escape, Gu Hai, you will die!" Juman laughed.

At the front was a wounded black dragon, who suddenly dived down from the sky. During the dive, a black gas was exhaled from the open mouth, and the black gas was huge, which drowned a hungry ghost base instantly.

"What?" Everyone's face changed.

But when he saw the black dragon take another breath, the previous black gas actually wrapped all the hungry ghosts in the entire hungry ghost base and all entered the mouth of the black dragon.

That huge amount went into the mouth of Heilong.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle!"

The black dragon was hit hard by the three strong men, and it actually swallowed the hungry ghosts. The stomach just became large. After being hit three times by the three strong men, the black dragon's stomach was choked and all were digested.

The digested energy instantly repaired the black dragon's injury, and the black dragon's injury was almost half of an instant.

"No, he can heal while fighting, don't let him run away!" Jumang was shocked.

Four people were injured at the same time, Gu Hai suffered the most serious injuries, but Gu Hai could devour endless hungry ghosts to recover the injuries, but the three could only continue to get worse. In the long run, instead of killing Gu Hai, they would be overwhelmed by Gu Hai. of.

"Stop him and avoid the Hungry Ghost Base!" Tian Wu blinked his eyes.

As the battle continued, Gu Hai naturally fought toward the Hungry Ghost Base while fighting. The three strong men stopped it. Although it made Gu Hai fly a lot slower, it was still repeated.

Not far away, Cangjie and Ji Dihong were gloomy.

"Holy, why don't you take a shot. Once you take a shot, you can immediately destroy the ancient sea. Even if the ancient sea has any calculations, it is too late!" Cangjie worried.

Ji Dihong's face was somber and slightly silent. Instinctively, there was a voice telling myself that he couldn't make a shot at this time, otherwise, the ancient sea trap would be hit, but he didn't know what the problem was, Ji Dihong didn't get tangled.


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