Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 54: Regrettable Wu

"Holy, take your shot! Kill Gu Haizhen sooner rather than later, all his backhands will be useless!" Cangjie advised.

Ji Dihong was slightly silent: "I have an ominous foreboding, if I take a shot, I will suffer huge losses! There must be some conspiracy waiting for me in Guhai!"

"Uh?" Cangjie froze slightly.

Ominous foresight, to the extent of Ji Dihong, as long as this feeling, there must be a reason. Moreover, Ji Dihong's feelings have never been missed.

Cangjie no longer urged, but was thinking about what happened to Gu Hai.


The ancient sea, while devouring the hungry ghosts of the Hungry Ghost Base, fought alone for the three strong men. For a time, the fight was dark and dark, from the extreme north to the extreme south, and from the extreme east to the extreme west, with the world as the battlefield. Dangerous world, all ghosts are deterred.

At the moment, the four strong men are all seriously wounded, but they are always on. The battle went on for two days and two nights.

At this moment, in this world, a void is slightly rippling, but an entrance to Shenzhou is opened.


After a comparison between the courtiers of Dahan, Shangguanhen and Aosheng stepped in here to find the ancient sea.

The battle rang loudly and it was shaking. Far away, Shangguan Hen heard it.

"Over there!" Shangguan marks stared suddenly.

"call out!"

The two flew away immediately.

That was in the middle of this world. Gu Hai just swallowed a base of hungry ghosts and fought against the three strong men. The four were all **** and abnormal.

"Gu Hai, have you done that? You can't take time to heal the Hungry Ghost Base now. Although we have also hit it hard, we have also worked out a combined attack method. You can't escape this time! "Juman sneered.

Jumang's tree-shaped body, with numerous branches broken, is also annoyed at this moment, and will smash the ancient sea into thousands.

Most of the black scales were broken, but Gu Hai also knew that he was bad. He looked up at Ji Dihong, not far away, and whispered, "Ji Dihong, are you sure you can't take it?"

The opposite Ji Dihong smiled coldly: "I can't make a shot, I can't turn you to command!"

Look at Jumang, Tianwu, and Aoying who are exposed on the ancient sea: "Since Ji Dihong can't take the shot, let's do it all together and see who can live to the end!"

Gu Hai's eyes glared, and the whole body of suffocation broke out again.

"Roar, get around, Sancai battles!" Tian Wu screamed loudly.

Jumang punched a fist, a blue fist, shattered the void, and smashed the black dragon with the might of might.

The black dragon has a sharp claw, as if to pounce.

But at this moment, a golden streamer came straight.

"call out!"

It was only a short while ago, accompanied by this golden streamer, but it was a golden cane fist. The fist changed from small to large, getting bigger and bigger, eventually colliding with the blue fist boxer.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The two fists bumped against each other once, and the void shuddered. The huge shock formed a wave of power and swung everyone away.

"Who!" Everyone changed his face.

But they saw that beside the black dragon, Shangguanhen and Aosheng were standing at the moment.

Although the ancient sea is the body of the black dragon, the two breaths recognized the glance.

"Your Majesty, I will be late, Your Majesty will forgive me!" Exclaimed Shangguanhen and Ao Sheng.

"Shangguan marks? Ao Sheng?" Ao Ying exclaimed.

"What? Gu Hai's courtier, his courtier really came in?" Jumang's face changed.

Tian Wu also widened his eyes.

At this moment, the two were so depressed, Gu Hai was telling the truth, that his courtiers could open the channel between the two circles? If I believed in the ancient sea, wouldn't I be able to go out now?

In just two days, why are you so anxious, if you wait for two days, don't you have to be a Ji Dihong?

"It turns out that this is the unlucky hunch of Shang! They should have been here long ago, and they have been ambushing in the dark? Huh!" Ji Dihong's face suddenly sank. At this moment, there is no more scruples.

The ancient sea was suddenly spraying a lot of black mist, and the black mist radiated from all sides, sweeping the vast territory. At one time, thirty bases of hungry ghosts were shrouded in black mist.


Gu Hai opened her mouth, and suddenly all the hungry ghosts were sucked in, and entered Gu Hai's mouth.

"Well, you still want to eat! Even if there are two people, just two more people will die with you!" Tian Wu stared.

"Don't talk nonsense, soon after Shangguan Hen came in, it couldn't be too strong, go together!" Ao Ying drank.

Jumang was hesitant. He just fisted with Shangguanhen a while ago, and found that Shangguanhen's strength was not weak, but Jumang was indecisive now. Should he offend the ancient sea?

Gu Hai swallowed the hungry ghosts, but showed a smirk: "You don't need to be tangled. Two days ago, I gave you a chance. If you do n’t, then you do n’t have the right to ask for it!"

"Huh?" Tian Wu and Ju Mang sank.

Jumang originally had other ideas, but Guhai is so unbelievable that you can't blame me.

Jumang's heart became firm in the eyes of Jumang: "So, that ancient sea, stay here today!"

"Oh, a tree monster, dare to pretend to be in front of you, I really don't know how to live and die! Faxiang heaven and earth!" Shangguanhen smiled coldly.


Shangguanhen shook his body, his body suddenly became bigger. It has n’t turned into a monster, it is still a human figure, one foot tall, ten feet tall, one hundred feet tall, thousand feet tall, ten feet tall!

Faxiang heaven and earth, turned into giant giants, comparable to Jumang's body shape, soaring into the sky. Without hesitation, he rushed to Jumang in one step.

"Hum, just get bigger?" Juman snorted and opened his fist.


The two punches collided, and Jumang's figure suddenly retreated. Shangguan marks stood still.

"It doesn't work getting bigger, but it's better than you. Moreover, you are a strange tree, clumsy, where can you keep up with my speed!" Shangguanhen sneered.

"Boom, boom, boom ~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, Shangguanhen and Jumang fought, and the two fought.

Ao Sheng spit out Zulong Dragon Ball at the moment.


The dragon ball suddenly formed a ghostly blue dragon's virtual shadow, swinging its tail, and flew towards Aoying's ancestor's body instantly.

"The battle that day did not end, continue now!" Ao Sheng coldly yelled.


Two blue dragons collided in the void, smashing a large void.

In a blink of an eye, the group besieging the ancient sea became Tianwu.

Heilong smiled: "Tianwu, if you choose to betray, you must accept the price! Ang!"

The black dragon slammed into Tianwu. The two slammed into the void.

With three to one, there is nothing he can do about the Black Dragon, and now only one of them is left, how to be a black dragon opponent.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a scuffle in three battlefields. Ao Sheng and Ao Ying had a draw at the most. Shangguan marks also slightly suppressed Jumang. Only Tian Wu, in front of the fierce black dragon, was defeated one after another. After a short while, Tian Wu had more There is a wound.


The black dragon's claws grabbed Tian Wuhu's body and snapped it down.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Tian Wu screamed, but his right hind leg was bitten by the black dragon, and even swallowed it.

At this moment, the black dragon has reached 12,000 feet, and it is as vast as the sky. Tian Wu was defeated instantly, and he could not even resist the idea of ​​resistance, and immediately flew to Ji Dihong.

"Ji Dihong, I can't do it anymore, you want to save me!" Tian Wu rushed over in horror.

The Black Dragon followed closely, not letting up.

Ji Dihong now knows Gu Hai's hole cards, so he has no scruples. He takes a step, and suddenly his whole body shows a cold purple gas.


The sky is purple, Ji Dihong suddenly turns into a vast purple dragon.

As soon as the Zilong came out, he immediately carried a wave of Tianwei, and the people who had swept the battlefield all changed their faces, turning their heads uncontrollably.

But I saw, in the billowing purple gas, a stout purple dragon covered half of the sky.

"Fifteen thousand feet?" Jumang exclaimed.

Who would have thought that the transformation of Ji Dihong's ontology is actually so huge.

Fifteen thousand feet, no one is as big as the hungry ghost king. Even the ancient sea is a stun. The black dragon transformed by the ancient sea is only 12,000 feet, which is a grade worse.

The ancient sea meal: "Chiyou's Goddess of the Spirit Mother? Chiyou you deprived of is invincible flesh?"

"I know a lot, Chi You is really capable and fortunate. Jiang Lianshan not only gave him countless treasures to devour, but also found the body of the first generation of the ancient cultivator who devoured the heaven and earth, and gave the body to Chi Youton. Eat. To train Chi You's flesh to be the strongest, what about the Hungry Ghost King? In the past, the Wu clan did not eat a small number, and, when the gods were fulfilled, the three souls were even stronger. Gu Hai said, Today, Don't want to leave anymore! "Zi Dihong sneered at Zilong.

"Ji Dihong, have you become so strong? Quickly, help me get revenge. He ate my tail and one leg and help me get revenge!" Tian Wu fled to Ji Dihong and shouted exhausted.

Ji Dihong smiled coldly and opened his mouth suddenly.


In Tianwu's incredible eyes, Ji Dihong swallowed Tianwu into his mouth.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle!"

Ji Dihong chewed Tianwu.

Not far away, Jumang, a shocked spirit, all showed horror.

Ji Dihong ate Tian Wu?

The moment when Tian Wu was eaten, it also showed boundless regret. There seems to be unbelief, more despair.

Gu Hai has given a chance, why not insist on it? I believe Ji Dihong was eaten by Ji Dihong?

Regrets are late, Tian Wu has become a pile of broken corpses and was swallowed.

After all, the power of Zilong is the deprived Chiyou body. The body is not hungry, but it is instinctively better than others. In a blink of an eye, the belly of Zilong is smaller.

"Ji Dihong, you, did you eat Tianwu?" Jumang said in horror.

Ji Dihong twisted the faucet and glanced at the mang: "I give you a chance and continue to kill the ancient sea with you, otherwise, I will eat you when the ancient sea is destroyed!"

"Uh!" Jumang was excited.

He and Ji Dihong are not at the same level at all. If Ji Dihong hunts down with all his strength, would he not be ...!

"Rest assured, I have already boarded your boat, and I won't get off again!" Jumang looked ugly.

At the moment, Jumang, like Tian Wu, had intestinal regrets.

"Oh! That's good!" Zilong Jidihong sneered.

"Go!" Heilong Guhai shouted.

Shangguanhen, Aosheng and Gu Hai flew towards the distance at once.

"You want to run, you can't run away!" Ji Dihong yelled.


Under Long Yin, Ji Dihong led Ao Ying and Jumang to the three of the ancient seas.

There was a look of worry on Shangguanhen and Aosheng's face, only Guhai, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth. It seems that the plot is finally complete in general.

"Scatter away!" Gu Hai shouted.


Shangguanhen, Aosheng, and Guhai were immediately separated.

Ao Ying chased Ao Sheng away, Jumang chased Shangguan Hen, Ji Dihong followed the ancient sea.

One thousand five hundred feet purple dragon vs one thousand two hundred feet black dragon.

Not only strength, but not even the entire flame. escape? Can't escape at all.

In the original place, only Cangjie was left, watching quietly.

It seems that the victory has been divided, but Cangjie suddenly thought of Ji Dihong's previous ominous premonition.

"It seems to be wrong. It was two days ago that the Holy Spirit had an unknown feeling. Two days ago, Shangguanhen and Ao Sheng should not have come to the secret place of Hungry Ghosts. Isn't it, the ancient sea's conspiracy has not been exposed yet? Is it not yet exposed? Is it ... …! "The hair on Cangjie's back suddenly exploded.


A crow roared, and three giant claws descended from the sky, grabbing toward Cangjie's head.

"No, Gu Hai's conspiracy was specifically targeted at me? Bing Ji, Bing Ji got the heaven and earth souls, the memory is restored, and it's bad!" Cangjie's face changed greatly.

However, everything is too late and Cangjie has nowhere to run.


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