Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 56: Ji Dihong, you lost!

Ji Dihong's strength was too strong after all. In front of him, it was a mess. Obviously, there had been a war here before, and Cangjie had disappeared.

"Mr. Cangjie!" Ji Dihong roared loudly.

Under the roar, the voice spread around the world, and the whole reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road was Ji Dihong's voice.

However, there was no answer from Cangjie.

Cangjie is dead?

Ji Dihong suddenly changed his face.

But at this moment, not far below the ground a little bright. Ji Dihong suddenly felt a joy on his face. This is the secret code that Cangjie set for himself?

Ji Dihong arrived at the shining place in an instant, but it was a black and white spar.



Spar suddenly burst into a yin-yang fish-like power. The void shuddered slightly, forming an entrance.

Next to the entrance, a disillusionment appeared.

"Sir!" Ji Dihong worried.

But it ’s Cangjie ’s remnants. Cangjie ’s remnants looked at Ji Dihong: “Holy, if you see this remnant of me, it means that I am in danger, and, before I can ask for help or say goodbye to you, the energy in this spar can open the door. Go to the outside, one day, go out as early as possible! "

"Sir, what's wrong with you? You're in danger, but you're still alive?" Ji Dihong looked anxiously at the disability.

"I don't know. This remnant was prepared two years ago!" The remnant shook his head.

Cangjie is life or death, and nothing is known. However, Cangjie prepared this entrance for himself in case of accident two years ago?

"This is the crystal that was thrown out when Mr. Cangjie was in danger. What happened to Mr.? It was killed, no, Mr. cannot be killed. Gu Hai, if there is something wrong with Mr. Gu, I want your life!" Ji Emperor Hong's face shouted.


Turning his head, Ji Dihong shot quickly towards Gu Hai.

If Cangjie dies, Ji Dihong will avenge Cangjie. If Cangjie lives, Mr. Cangjie must be rescued.


Ji Dihong was extremely fast, and soon reached the place where the ancient sea was.

The ancient sea is devouring the sky, the speed of devouring, terrifying, and countless hungry ghosts are pulled by the force of law and come across time and space.

Upon Ji Dihong's return, all the black gas and all the hungry ghosts all entered the body of Gu Hai.

Gu Hai's belly suddenly had a diameter of five thousand feet, and it was extremely large.

There was a hint of black gas in the scales, and the shape of the ancient sea gradually returned to normal. At the same time, the volume reached the extreme.

Fifteen thousand six hundred feet!

After eating all the hungry ghosts, there are only 15,600 feet?

You know, Ji Dihong has 15,000 feet!

Ji Dihong ’s body is the condensation of Chi You ’s body. Chi You ’s body is the body that devoured billions of souls, including the ancient witches ’devourers.

Gu Hai swallowed up the entire secret state of the Hungry Ghost Road, which was actually not much stronger than Ji Dihong.

Although there is only a gap of six hundred feet, the black dragon is thicker than the purple dragon.

Next to him, Shangguanhen assisted Ao Sheng and completely suppressed Ao Ying's body. Zulong's body was also suppressed at this moment. Ao Ying had already lost to the two.

On the other side, Detective Bingji pinched the blood-covered barn owl. Cangjie was not killed at this moment.

Seeing Cangjie still alive, Ji Dihong showed great joy.

"Bingji, do you want to rebel, let Mr. Cangjie go!" Ji Dihong angered.

Bingji looked at Ji Dihong coldly: "I am now the commander of the Third Army of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, Bingji, only obeying His Majesty, how can I obey your orders!"

"You are my granddaughter, and I gave you your life!" Ji Dihong said coldly.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha! It's all you give? It's not from the moment you gave me Cangjie to refining it into maggot, Ji Dihong, who killed my mother, not my father too, it's you, you are the culprit. The culprit! "Bingji growled angrily.

"Miscellaneous account!" Ji Dihong growled, trying to dive down and grab the barn owl.

Bingji inserted her nails into Cangjie's throat, and the blood blew up.

"Don't come, come again, I'll break Cangjie's neck and see if you're fast, or I'm fast!" Bingji exclaimed.

"Do you dare!" Ji Dihong stunned.

"See if I dare!" Bing Jihan whispered.

Ji Dihong stopped in the air, but did not dare to dive down.

"Presumptuous! You rebellious evil girl!" Ji Dihong's eyes glared, and the whole body burst into anger.

Heilong Guhai swam for a while, but smiled coldly: "Ji Dihong, Bing Ji is not rebellious, nor is she a sinful girl. You have never regarded her as a granddaughter, nor have you regarded her as a human. , Where is the evil girl? "

"Holy, you go quickly, the passage I left for you, supports up to a day!" Cried Cangjie.

Ji Dihong's face was gloomy: "Sir, today, I must save you out!"

"It's useless. The minister has fallen into the hands of the ancient sea. You and I all know his ability. I can't take the minister today. Don't worry about me in the Holy!" Cangjie said bitterly.

"Yi seize the ancient sea, will certainly save you!" Ji Dihong flew to the ancient sea instantly.

The ancient sea did not let it go at all, and swayed its tail and rushed up instantly.


The two dragons opened their mouths and spit at the same time, a purple laser column was ejected from the purple dragon's mouth, and a black laser column was ejected from the black dragon's mouth.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Two laser voids collided, instantly bursting a large void.

The two dragons exposed their faces, spitting energy, and rushed to each other, the claws of the dragons churned, and they lashed out with the force of tearing.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The claws of the dragons collided, bringing forth bursts of fierce fire. But no one let each other. Under the severe tearing, the scales on the other's body were torn apart countlessly.

Two dragons, one black and one purple, rose up fiercely.

For a time, the entire world was falling apart, rickety, and on the ground, smashed numerous ditches and canyons, leaving the sky with traces of the sky.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Once again, four dragon claws collided.

The two dragons face each other.

"Ji Dihong, although you deprived Chi You of Devouring the World, but Chi You also passed on the Devour of Devouring the World, just to defeat you. Although you won Chi You at the beginning, today you lost to You, He also lost to Chi You! Ji Dihong, you lost! "Heilong roared suddenly.

But I saw that the black dragon's claws were so powerful that they snapped the purple dragon's claws.

"Tear it!"

The right front dragon claw violently pulled, and suddenly, on the surface of the purple dragon, large scales shattered, and a large piece of flesh was burst and torn apart by the black dragon claw, and blood exploded in all directions.


Burst a lot of blood. Ji Dihong burst out.

During the explosion, his head buzzed, echoing the words that Gu Hai had just heard.

Ji Dihong, you lost!

Ji Dihong, you lost!

Ji Dihong, you lost!




A voice echoed, like a curse, and struck Ji Dihong's head, Ji Dihong shuddered.

"No, no, I ca n’t lose, except Jiang Lianshan, no one can beat me, no one! You ancient sea, even more impossible!" Ji Dihong roared angrily.

Gu Hai smiled coldly.

A gap of six hundred feet? It may not seem like much, but it is quite different.

The ancient sea rushed again.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Three more collisions, Gu Hai once again torn Ji Dihong's large flesh and blood, Ji Dihong defeated successively and was smashed into the ground.

"No, my body is the first!" Ji Dihong shouted in despair.

"Holy, hurry up, in the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road, you can't be the opponent of the ancient seas, holy!" He cried out.

Ji Dihong was agitated, and he was sober immediately.

Although defeated in the hands of Gu Hai, but in the end it is just the body, I still have the soul body, and I also have the secrets of witchcraft. Leaving here and outside, I kill Gu Hai.

"Roar!" With a roar, Ji Dihong went straight to Cangjie with blood.

"Come again, I'll kill him!" Bingji's eyes glared, and his fingers were inserted countlessly into Cangjie's neck again.

Ji Dihong looked at Bing Ji, showing grief and indignation.

"Bingji, you wicked girl, Mr. Cangjie, there is something unexpected, the end of the world, you will frustrate you!" Ji Dihong roared.

The black dragon's tail slammed on the back of the purple dragon.


The loud sound of the broken purple dragon came out.

Ji Dihong's injuries were even more serious. He knew that if he dragged on, he would be ruined by the ancient sea.

The ancient sea suddenly opened a huge mouth, swallowed towards Ji Dihong.

Ji Dihong swung the dragon's tail, and a large amount of divine power slammed the black dragon's mouth, which immediately blocked the devour of the ancient sea, and instantly swooped towards Aoying.

At this moment, Shangguanhen and Ao Sheng urged Dragon Ball, and they have completely suppressed the ancestral body of Ancestral Dragon. How Ao Ying urged the body of Ancestral Dragon could not be moved at all.

Ji Dihong dived suddenly.


Ji Dihong ran into Shangguan marks and opened his mouth.

Ao had no choice but to give up manipulating the body of Zu Long, soar into the sky, and flew into Ji Dihong's mouth.

Ji Dihong had the intention to devour Shangguan marks and Ao Sheng, but, before it was too late, the black dragon claws of the ancient sea caught it again.

"Tear it!"

Once again, large scales shred, flesh flew out, and keel sprang up.

The black dragon seemed to be a ghost, and dragged on, and he was finished.

"Gu Hai, today's shame, return 100 times in the future!" Ji Dihong roared into the distance.

Heilong chased for a while, but saw that Ji Dihong turned into a human figure, and took Ao Ying to rush into a Shenzhou land entrance in the distance.

As soon as I went out, the entrance was broken from the outside.


The entrance was broken, and the ancient sea emptied.

"Hmm, Ji Dihong, I'm waiting for you!" Heilong Guhai was depressed.

Turn your head and fly back to your place quickly.

In place.

Ao Sheng turned into a two-legged blue dragon, borrowing the power of the Dragon Ball, and opened his mouth strangely, swallowing the ancestral body of the dragon.


Ao Sheng trembled all over his body, emitting a large amount of strange energy, and then wrapped himself in it, forming a giant egg, the giant egg trembled, condensed to the size of a watermelon.

"Ao Sheng has also become an egg?" Gu Hai turned into a humanoid, surprised.

"He swallowed the ancestral body of Zulong, and he can thoroughly refine the dragon ball of Zulong. This time, he may be able to break through the Great Heavenly Palace!" Shangguanhen looked forward to.

"That's good!" Gu Hai nodded.

Shangguanhen was holding the dragon egg.

"Mr. Cangjie, offended!" Gu Hai smiled at Cangjie.

Cangjie is still wrapped in a wide hat, only the mouth under the brim can be seen. Seeing that bitter smile.

"The ancient Emperor Shenwei, such adversity, can reach the top of the invincible, Cangjie admire!" Cangjie said bitterly.

"Mr. rest assured, I will not abuse Mr. M., please follow me back to Wujiang Tiandu to stay for some time!" Gu Hai said.

Cangjie stopped talking, knowing that it was useless.

Gu Hai looked at Bing Ji, and gently touched Bing Ji's hair. A hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and a distress.

Bingji shuddered, then worshiped respectfully: "Sinner Bingji, meet Your Majesty!"

Bingji was unwilling to admit that feeling, and perhaps did not dare to admit it, and had a great guilt in her heart. Now she just wants to use her status as a courtier to redeem her achievements.

"Well, let's go out!" Gu Hai said.

"Your Majesty, follow me!" Shangguanhen led the way.

Shangguanhen held the dragon egg and took the three of them to the entrance to the borderless sky.

The four step out of the secret state of the hungry ghost.


After everyone stepped out, the entrance suddenly disappeared, leaving only an empty world. All the hungry ghosts were eaten up by the ancient sea.


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