Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 57: Dragon vein strong, dragon vein destroyed!

Xuanyuan City!

Ji Dihong and Ao Ying stepped out, but appeared in Xuanyuan Hall in an instant.

Ji Dihong smashed the entrance to the Hidden Ghost Road behind him.


The two trembled all over, but they recovered as before, three souls and seven souls, all in their bodies. It was only in the eyes of the two that they were full of anger.

"Holy, Mr. Cangjie fell into the hands of Gu Hai. After some calculation, he finally completed Gu Hai! Chen Zulong's corpse was also lost, Chen hated it!" Ao Ying said sadly.

Ji Dihong has never suffered such a great humiliation. Gu Hai ’s sentence, ‘Ji Dihong, you lost! ’Still echoing in my mind. Stealing the chicken did not cause the eclipse, and sent Bing Ji to cheat Gu Hai into the hungry ghost secret. In the end, not only was Bing Ji lost, but also the barn owl, and the ancient sea body reached its peak. In this life, I have never done such a loss-making sale.

Taking a deep breath and forcing down the anger, Ji Dihong said in a deep voice: "Gu Hai didn't kill Mr. Cangjie, indicating that he would not kill, and your ancestor's corpse. Soon, Ji will grab it back. Here you can It ’s not a hungry ghost, a physical body? Even if Gu Hai repaired that powerful body, he can deprive Chi You, he can also deprive him! "

"Yes!" Ao Yingying said.

The holy means are more than that. Ao Ying firmly believes that the Holy Spirit can certainly fight against the ancient sea.

"You go out first, and Rong Yue calms down. If you want to take good measures, once, nail the ancient sea to the pole of shame on You!" Ji Dihong said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Ao Ying stepped out of Xuanyuan Hall.


Ao Ying stepped out of the hall, and the door of the hall closed.

Ji Dihong's eyebrows trembled slightly, and the voice of Chi You Cannian came out.

"Ji Dihong, you lost! You started to lose!" Chi You's Cannon made a laugh.

"Huh, that's just the secret state of the hungry ghosts, Chi You, not I lost, but you lost, your physical body is not as good as the ancient sea, your devouring world is worse than the ancient sea, and your life is lost!" Dihong chanted.

"Ha ha ha, lose is lose! You start to lose! With this first time, there will be a second, third time, until you fail, until you lose everything, until you lose everything! I am a lingering thought , Waiting to see you lose everything, ha ha ha ha! "Chi You Cannian laughed.

"Hum!" Ji Dihong hummed.

A powerful force acted on Chi You's canopy, and suddenly, Chi You's voice stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong with a moment's gain? It's victory at the end of laughter. Where can I fall, where can I get up, Gu Hai? I will soon regret his enemies!" Ji Dihong showed facelessly.


Heavenless Capital!

Gu Hai stepped out of the Hungry Ghost Road reincarnation.

As they stepped out, the body shivered, and the suppression of the Hungry Ghost Road rule was immediately eliminated, and all three souls returned to the body.

"Your Majesty!" Qun Chen's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Fu Jun!" Chen Xianer and Long Wanqing were excited.

"Brother-in-law, you finally came out!" Long Wanyu was also happy.

Four people came out, Gu Hai, Bingji, Cangjie, Shangguan marks holding dragon eggs.

The two bodies of Gu Hai shared their consciousness for a moment, and the skull flickered and disappeared in front of everyone. They are all themselves, there is no need to say hello, at this moment the ministers are staring at the body, and the avatars naturally retreat.

Mo Yike, Sima Changkong and others frowned slightly, because Ao Sheng was gone and there was one more person. Although this person had a hat covering most of his face, it was not difficult for everyone to guess who he was.


Some Wenchens suddenly widened their eyes. This is the chief counsel of Ji Dihong. Without the Cangjie, Ji Dihong lost his arms.

"You guys, I worry you!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"The minister should do it!" The ministers said suddenly.

"Ancient Qin!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Children are here!" Gu Qin stepped forward immediately. At this moment, he looked surprised at Cangjie.

"This is Mr. Cangjie. Mr. Cangjie is a guest at Wujiang Tiandu. You are responsible for Mr. Cangjie's daily life, and send someone to protect Mr. Cangjie's safety!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Gu Qin said suddenly.

"Gu Qin has seen Mr. Gu!" Gu Qin bowed slightly to Cangjie.

Cangjie smiled bitterly: "Prince Qin is polite!"

Cangjie's posture and footsteps are floating, and everyone can see that it should be sealed and repaired. Called guest, it is imprisoned. However, His Majesty His Royal Highness sent His Royal Highness to accompany himself, but His Majesty attached great importance to Cangjie.

"I've seen Mr. Cangjie!" Mo Yike said first.

"I've seen Mr. Cangjie!" A number of ministers also gave a small gift to Cangjie.

Cangjie smiled bitterly and nodded: "Prisoners below the rank, can't afford your gifts!"

The ministers also said nothing.

Chen Xianer and Long Wanqing looked at Bing Ji.

"Bing Ji? Are you finally awake?" Chen Xianer laughed.

However, Bing Ji looked at him, and then respectfully respected Chen Xianer and Long Wanqing: "Sinner Bing Ji, meet Queen Chen, meet Queen Dragon!"

"Sin? Sister, you can't help it!" Chen Xianer immediately stepped forward and laughed.

"No, the criminals are dead, and they can't be the queen's" sister "!" Bingji took a step back, respectfully.

Chen Xianer looked at Gu Hai in doubt, and Gu Hai smiled slightly.

For many years, Chen Xianer naturally understood the meaning of the ancient sea expression. I knew instantly that Bing Ji was afraid of transgression because of self-blame, only thinking of atonement for merit. In return for guilt of yesteryear.

Knowing Bingji's thoughts and attitude, Chen Xianer looked at Bingji with more pity.

Bing Ji's life has been spent in depression, inferiority and sadness. Tough, but full of misfortune, never dared to surpass. In my life, perhaps only when I met Gu Hai, I became acquainted with resistance. Only for Gu Hai could I resist the adversity imposed on her.

Even today, it may be the greatest satisfaction to stay by the ancient sea, but I dare not ask for anything more.

However, the more so, the less jealous Chen Xianer was, but she had a bit of pity and love.

Without urging Bing Ji, Chen Xianer nodded.

At least for the time being, I don't want to make Bing Ji difficult again.

As for the other courtiers, more or less they knew about Gu Hai and Bingji, and no one would dare to give pointers to Bingji. After all, the attitude of Queen Chen just now was there, and she had obviously accepted her, but Bing Ji was afraid to accept it. Maybe one day it will become the ice queen, and the ministers will naturally not pursue the previous matter.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

Gu Hai's body trembled abruptly, with a hint of black gas.

"Fu Jun, what's wrong with you?" Chen Xian'er suddenly worried.

Long Wanqing, Bing Ji and Long Wanyu suddenly showed eagerness.

"It's okay! The body is too strong, strengthening my physical body!" Gu Hai stopped everyone with a touch of pain on his face.

Strengthen the flesh?

Everyone froze, but they were no longer worried.

"I'm going to the ancient immortal dome, retreat, it should be fast!" Gu Hai said.

Everyone nodded. Retreat is a good thing, as long as your Majesty is safe, everything is harmless.

"Go ahead, then husband!" Long Wanqing worried.

"Wait a minute, before you go, there is one more thing!" Gu Hai looked at the mountains and mountains in the distance.

The earth beyond the borderless sky, all of a sudden, mountain peaks stood up, and the terrain changed like a big earthquake.

But it is the earth's dragon vein of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty, sensing the call of the ancient sea, suddenly wandering from a distant place.


A sudden dragon yelled.

Then everyone saw that from above the earth, it seemed that a golden dragon of eight thousand miles was floating out of thin air.

"The earth dragon vein?" The ministers wondered.

But when I saw the ancient sea spit out, a golden light spewed out of the ancient sea mouth, and the golden light seemed to turn into a huge golden dragon with a length of tens of thousands of miles. The Golden Dragon could not fly and fell down, which was on par with the earthly veins of the Dahan Emperor.


The earth's dragon veins rushed towards Jinlong, and bitten fiercely on Jinlong.

The Golden Dragon seems to be extremely weak, twisting his body during the struggle, but he is struggling without breaking the earth dragon veins. The earth seems to provide endless power to the earth dragon veins. He bit the golden dragon deadly and dragged it into the earth. deep.

The earth shook violently. There was a roar of noise.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Under the ground, the sound of Jinlong's screams came to an abrupt end. It seems to have been swallowed by the earth dragon veins of the Dahan Emperor.


With the borderless sky and capital as the center, the major cities of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty suddenly gathered endlessly, as if suddenly doubled.

The aura doubled, and the sudden changes made countless Dahan emperor's spiritual practice break through the bottleneck and looked at the sky in astonishment.

"What's up, Reiki has increased?"

"So strong reiki, my cultivation is a breakthrough!"

"It's easier to make my elixir!"

"My medicine, elixir has grown faster!"




Exclaimed everywhere. The people of Dahandi immediately benefited from numerous surprises.

Above the borderless sky, many courtiers also understand.

"That was the earth dragon vein of the rhubarb heaven? I am facing the earth dragon vein and devoured the earth dragon vein of the rhubarb heaven?" A courtier surprised.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The joyful sound of the earth dragon veins came from the ground, and the earth dragon veins turned around. Suddenly, countless seeds on the earth were quickly nourished by aura, and they grew up quickly with the naked eye.

At a glance, not only did countless ordinary plants quickly emerge, but some natural treasures also skyrocketed several times.

The Xuanyuan Sword was not digested by the ancient sea, but was digested by the earth's dragon veins, and turned into an endless aura and a dragon vein trend that nourished the Dahan Emperor Dynasty.

In the land of Dahan, Dahan's dragon veins have territorial trends, and the Dahuang dragon's veins have no power to borrow, so naturally they are not the opponents of Dahan's dragon veins.

at the same time. Xuanyuan City.

Ji Dihong, sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes and showed a furious face: "Gu Hai, you are so cruel!"

Countless cities in the rhubarb heaven.

"What's going on, how has Reiki thinned out in our city?"

"Not good. Suddenly the aura becomes thinner.

"My elixir, all elixir is dead!"

"Withered, withered, the trees of the 100,000 mountains are withering!"

"What happened, shouldn't it be guarded by the earth dragon veins?"




In the huang dynasty, a huge civil unrest is about to erupt.


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