Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 58: Yatsushou's Life

After spitting Xuanyuan Sword and devouring it to the earth's dragon veins, the ancient sea itself stepped into the ancient fairy heaven!

Not far away, the entrance and exit of the Hungry Ghost Road ’s mystery disappeared.

The ministers then came back from the excitement.

Your Majesty is back, there is nothing to worry about.

"Extreme Shangguan, Supreme Aosheng follows you, what's wrong with him?" Long Wanqing looked at the dragon egg in Shangguanhen's hand.

Previously, everyone saw the dragon egg, but had not had time to ask. At this moment, Long Wan asked and everyone was curious.

"Ao Sheng has made a fortune. As I did at the beginning, when I make a cocoon, when the shell is broken, I should be able to complete the Heaven Palace!"

"Oh?" The ministers were surprised and envious.

"I knew it would be good to follow Your Majesty!" The mosquito whispered quietly.

"Your Majesty confessed that Ao Sheng Supreme will protect him temporarily before waking up!" Shangguanhen said.

The crowd nodded, but Gu Hai thought about it carefully, in case Ao Sheng encountered the unexpected at this most vulnerable moment.

"Bing Ji, go back to our harem with us and tell us what happened inside!" Chen Xianer smiled at Bing Ji.

Bing Ji looked complex for a while, and finally nodded: "Yes!"

Chen Xian'er, Long Wanqing and Long Wanyu left with Bingji.

If the ministers are curious, they will naturally ask for official marks.

"Mr. Cangjie, if you don't give up, live in Xiafu Mansion these days. Please!" Prince Gu Qin smiled and invited Cangjie.

Cangjie nodded, but did not refuse, and left Gu Qin.

The ministers dispersed.

Sima Changkong was looking at the Shouyuan Hall, not far away, and frowned slightly.

"Let's go, Mr. Sima, Your Majesty knows it!" Mo Yike laughed aside.

Sima Changkong looked at Mo Yike and finally nodded.

Both have discovered some problems with the unborn, but the unborn is the father of the Queen of Dragons. No one can plug in anything. Besides, as long as the unborn does not harm the Dahan Emperor, everyone will only open. One eye is closed, the other is at least ancient sea.


In Shouyuan Hall.

The unborn person urged the ban, and constantly extracted a soul-like energy from Dongfang Shou, Nangong Shou, and Bei Mingshou. For a time, the three of them were trembling and slowly stiffened.

The body of the unborn is changing, and the half of the child's body slowly swells and gradually expands into the shape of an ordinary adult.

Although he was still wearing a large black and white robe, the half-white robe was a bit explosive.

Gradually, Dongfang Shou, Nangong Shou, and Bei Mingshou, together with their clothes, remained motionless, as if they had become three statues, without any breath.

"Unborn, you have robbed them of their souls and refined their souls of life? You are so cruel!" Growled Chunshen Shou, not far away.

In the large sleeves of the unborn half of the white robe, a strong man's palm was stretched out, but the palm was full of cracks. The crack was dark red, as if a new body could be torn from the inside.

"Four lives are in me, and four deaths, it's your turn!" Weisheng said.

The voice of the unborn is still heavy, one is still the voice of the old, the other is no longer the voice of the child, but the voice of a full-bodied, adult man.

"No, you promised the ancient sea to open the exits of the yin and yang, I am dead, how do you open it!" Chun Shenshou eagerly said.

"It doesn't matter, I will leave your life in your corpses! Life and death are in your life. I can use your corpses to open the entrances of the two realms!" Weisheng said lightly.

"No, no, then Fuxi listed it as a forbidden practice, and you would be condemned in this way. If Fuxi was alive and knew that you were doing this, you would regret that you passed on your two lives!" Chun Shenshou eagerly said.

"Oh, Fuxi? You forgot what kind of forbidden power I have?" Weisheng said coldly.

"Bashou rebellion against corpse!" Chun Shenshou said in horror.

"That's right, change your life against the sky, and regenerate the corpse! If Fuxi could survive, he would regret it?" Weisheng chuckled.

"Are you going to resurrect Fuxi? He has been extinct and cannot be resurrected!" Chun Shenshou stared.

"Not tried, how do you know?" Weisheng sneered.

"According to this method, you can only use it once, and you can only resurrect one person. You don't want to resurrect Long Xiaoyue?" Chun Shenshou was surprised.

Long Xiaoyue, the mother of Long Wanqing and Long Wanyu, the unborn woman who has been thinking about it.

When the unborn person heard Long Xiaoyue, he was stiff, and then he hated, "What do you know, even if you resurrect Long Xiaoyue, it is not really Long Xiaoyue. I must first resurrect Fuxi, even if he is fake!"

"But do you know what level of Fuxi? He is the world's top powerhouse. How much does it cost you to resurrect him? The Dahan Emperor's dynasty can't do everything, unless you turn Dahan's monarchs into obsessions. Nourishment, otherwise, you can't turn your back on your body, you can't do it! "Chunshen roared.

"You talk too much!" Weiren said coldly.

A slight urge in his hand.


Suddenly a large number of electric arcs were emitted through the chains of Chunshoushou's pipa bones, and then Chunshenshou's body was brightly lit, just like the white shoushi who was previously extracted, he was also quickly extracting the bodies in Chunshenshou's body.

"Ah, you have no one, you will die! You kill me today, you will deal with son-in-law tomorrow? You wait for the condemnation, ah ~~~~~~!" Chun Shenshou growled in pain.

"People who are dying are also worthy of condemnation? Huh!" The unborn kept urging the secret law to refine Chun Shenshou.


Xuanyuan City. Mr. Wuxing Mansion.

There is a figurine in front of Mr. Wu Xing.

The figurine spoke, and the voice of the ancient Han came.

Mr. Wu Xing is Gu Ming, listening to the ancient Han's description, his expression was slightly dignified.

"Cangjie was caught by his father. Ji Dihong suffered a big loss in the secret place of the hungry ghost? Oh, it is indeed his father!" There was a hint of satisfaction in Mr. Wu Xing's eyes.

"Xiao Ming, although you are the smartest of our four brothers. However, if it was not for you to send a message and ask, I would not have told you so much. My father had explained it and would not let us contact you in case you were exposed. Now, once you are exposed, it will be extremely dangerous. Take care of yourself! "The figurine of the piano made a voice that the ancient man worried.

"Relax, my second brother!" Mr. Wu Xing smiled slightly.

"Om!" The figurine trembled, and then there was no sound.

Mr. Wu Xing turned his hand to put away the figurine of the piano, and then the smile just now suddenly converged.

Turning his head, Mr. Wu Xing opened the door and looked through the entrance to the distant Xuanyuan Hall.

Mr. Wu Xing tapped his desk lightly with a finger, a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Come in!" Mr. Wu Xing said suddenly.

Suddenly, eight black robe men came out of the hall!


When eight people entered, they closed the door and urged the formation to isolate themselves from the outside.

"Mr. Eight, Cangjie has been taken down by the ancient sea, Xuanyuan City, no one will let you worry about it again, Ji Dihong will be defeated. His revenge is about to begin, so please prepare early, don't miss this opportunity "Mr. Wuxing said deeply.

Eight people looked at Mr. Wu Xing. One of them said: "If we take that thing, what if Gu Hai intervenes? Will you tell Gu Hai?"

Mr. Wu Xing's brow frowned slightly, and then there was a hint of firmness in his eyes: "The thing that belongs to me is mine. Don't even try to get involved, ancient sea? Ancient sea is not OK!"

"Okay, you can figure it out, it couldn't be better, I'll do my best!" The eight Heipao people solemnly said.

"There are eight gentlemen!" Mr. Wu Xing nodded.


Ancient fairy dome.

The ancient sea stepped into the ancient immortal dome one step, and the goddess of the goddess has now reached the edge of the eruption.


The rolling force blasted the physical body of the ancient sea like a tonic, suddenly filling all the cells of the physical body.

With a loud noise, the ancient sea was shocked, and it was almost impossible to be filled, and was overwhelmed by this force.

All the hungry ghosts in the secret state of Hungry Ghosts, what a huge power this is, even if it overflows with some nourishing flesh, that's too much.

Fortunately, the ancient sea used to be as powerful as the Heavenly Palace. Only to be able to withstand this big supplement, was not overwhelmed by the big supplement.


The ancient body of Gu Hai has been constantly transformed and strengthened under this great supplement, and the skin has become dense black, which makes people feel an unshakable feeling. The flesh may march toward the perfect intensity of the gods.

Gu Hai no longer needs much thought.

The space of Dantian is huge. The inner God Mother God has reached the size of 15,600 feet. Surrounded by purple gas on the surface, the power is constantly overflowing, not only strengthening the physical body. The God of the Five Elements in the body has also been nourished and becoming stronger and larger.

The strength of the Spirit Mother God King is already a fact, and the physical strength is also doomed. Gu Hai is more concerned about the hungry pearl in the palm of his right hand.

Difficult to squeeze open the skin, Hung Zhu immediately fell on the palm of the ancient sea.

There are numerous cracks on the hungry beads, but after the power of the law is cast, there is only one empty shelf left.

However, empty shelves, that is also the pattern of the law of rebirth of hungry ghosts.

"Death book!" Gu Hai beckoned.


The life and death book suddenly flew up, opened the pages of the book, and immediately sucked the empty shelf into it.


Visible to the naked eye, a large number of patterns appeared on that page of the book of life and death, but the reincarnation of the hungry ghost road was engraved.

Hung Zhu slowly dissipated into a group of black gas visible to the naked eye.

Gu Hai waved gently. The pattern of the law of hungry ghosts is suddenly condensed into the ancient fairy dome, and a phantom of the sky and a tree seems to appear in the heavens and the earth. Of course, it is only a phantom and has nothing to do with it.

"The geniuses of the Wu tribe are really powerful. Six rounds of reincarnation? Now that I have five rounds, there is still a 'reincarnation of heaven'. Maybe one day, the ancient immortal sky can really reach the six heavens, Wu Zhixian Dome has a level, which can loop in nothingness! "Gu Hai's eyes flashed a look of expectation.


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