Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 61: Laoshan ancestor

Hades, North!

With the advent of the Dahan Emperor, they sang along the way and quickly seized one city after another, causing a sensation in the underworld.

After all, a hundred cities is not much, but with the rapid acquisition of territory by the Dahan Emperor, 500 cities have been opened in just three months.

Invincible, every city will break. Gradually attracted the attention of the major forces of the Quartet.

In the north of the underworld, a smoky mountain forest land, countless ghosts worshipped at a huge grave.

"Please ancestors come out of the mountain, my sect is about to die."

"Old ancestor, my ancestor is coming soon!"

"Laoshan ancestors, my eighteen ghost ancestor alliance, will soon be captured by the Dahan Emperor dynasty that emerged from the sun, ask the ancestors to leave the mountain!"




The ghost kings, one by one, kept hoeing toward the giant tomb.

At the top of the giant tomb, I don't know when a ray of green smoke will come out, but he is an old man in green robes, looking grimly to the eighteen ghost king who worshipped.

"Old ancestors, you finally came out!" Said the Ghost King Sovereign surprise.

Laoshan ancestor said lightly: "Come in!"

"Yes!" Said the eighteen ghost king masters in surprise.

Followed by Laoshan ancestors into the giant tomb.

Among the giant tombs, there seems to be a small world with countless palaces, and the eighteen ghost king lords dare not look at them chaotically, along with Laoshan ancestors, they come to a hall.

In the main hall, Laoshan ancestors sat on the main seat, holding a bowl of blood tea in his hands, and tasted it gently.

"Hundred years ago, I explained that without my permission, I must not disturb my avenue of enlightenment. Fortunately, my ancestor finally broke through and reached the ninth level of the heavenly palace. Otherwise, you boys, you will never see me! "Laoshan ancestor said lightly.

"Old ancestors broke through? Great, old ancestors mighty, north of hell, old ancestors will be unified!"

"Great, Heavenly Palace is the ninth most important? The ancestor God is infinite, and he will definitely help us turn the tide!"




A crowd of ghost kings said in surprise.

"Say, what's going on?" Sheshan ancestor said lightly.

A host of ghost kings immediately told the story of the Dahan Emperor.

"Imperial dynasty?" Laoshan ancestor narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, it seems that he entered the underworld from the sun. Little guess, he must not be able to mix in the sun before he had to hide in the underworld. Or, their emperor, by the way, their emperor seems to be a bone ancestor. Ancient sea! "Said a ghost king monarch immediately.

"It turned out to be the ancestor of Wanguyinshan. This ancestor, I remember, his state is very unstable. Sometimes in Wanguyinshan, he was awake sometimes, sometimes he was horrible. At that time, this ancestor did lose to him. However, now that this ancestor has broken through to the ninth weight of the Heavenly Palace, he may not be his ancestor's opponent! "Laoshan ancestor sneered.

"That is, of course, ancestors, if you take the shot, you must try to turn the tide up!" Said the lords of the ghost kings.

"Your eighteen ghost ancestors, after all, is my place. You must look at the owner when you hit the dog. It seems that the ancestor of the bone turned against me? Huh!" Laoshan ancestor snorted.

"No, it doesn't seem to be!" A ghost king suspiciously looked.

"Huh?" Laoshan ancestor looked at the ghost king lord.

"The Dahan emperor dynasty attacked without distinction, not only our Eighteen Guizong Alliance, but also their dynasty capital, Wangu Yindu as the center, scattered and spread, with eighteenth army, no, mainly the four marshals , Gao Xianzhi, Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God! "Said a ghost king suzerain.

"The four marshals, the eighteenth army? What are the strengths of these four marshals?" Sheshan ancestor Shen said.

"I don't know, they never did anything. There is a Supreme Master of Shangguan next to Gao Xianzhi. It seems to be the Supreme of the Xuanwu tribe of Yangjian. It doesn't look very good. Kong Xuan, Mosquitoes, and Dragon Gods have never done anything. Far worse than the ancestors! "Recalled a ghost king monarch.

"They didn't do anything, and you just lost out?" Laoshan ancestor chuckled coldly.

"We, we, we didn't expect that they had so many people who opened the Tiangong Palace. They seemed to be called the Demon Army. Besides, the skeletons assisted, and the dragons and basalts of the sun, and a large number of strong men, we had no time to shoot. And, there are too many of them. We ... ……! "The ghost king ruler smiled bitterly.

"Capturing the thief first captures the king, you all don't know to destroy the four marshals first?" Sheshan ancestor said lightly.

"We ...!" Said the host of ghost kings bitterly.

"You just said that the Dahan emperor sent troops without distinction, offended all forces, and wanted to expand the territory quickly?" Sheshan ancestor Shen said.


"Then there is no need for me to do my best, the bone ancestor? Although he dominated the underworld in the past, he has countless enemies. I broke through, and other ancestors may also break through. Help me to send a post to the old people. Zu! "Said Laoshan ancestor lightly.

"Yes!" Said the overlords of the Ghost King overjoyed.

At the same time, in the north of the Underworld, apart from Laoshan ancestors, other forces also called for help from their respective ancestors. All of them suddenly became curious about the Dahan Emperor.

I originally thought that the Dahan Emperor would accept it when he saw it, but another month later, the territory of the Dahan Emperor in the underworld expanded to 800 cities.

Also completely angered a lot of ghostly ancestors.

At the Laoshan Giant Tomb, Laoshan ancestors feasted on a large number of strong ghosts.

"Congratulations to Laoshan ancestors.

All the ancestors who came to the banquet were still arrogant. When they saw the breath leaked by the ancestors of Laoshan ‘inadvertently’, they were shocked. There are only three ancestors, just a simple surprise, not as terrified as the other ancestors.

These three ancestors have also become the most important VIPs of the Laoshan ancestors.

The ancestors of the three ancestors may be very high. However, seeing the ancestors of Sheshan also reached the ninth level of the Heavenly Palace, they were treated equally.

"You have also seen that the Dahan Emperor Dynasty is too rampant, and the 800 cities are still greedy. What do you think?" Laoshan ancestors said at halfway to the banquet.

"Isn't that the bone ancestor? Some time ago, I was killed by a bone **** called Bone God. Somehow, he regained the throne, but it must be similar to before!"

"The Dahan Emperor, the Kong Xuan, the Mosquito Taoist, the Dragon God, the Shangguan Mark, the Gao Xianzhi, have never heard of it. It must not be a character. The ancestors here, any of them, are not all one of the heroes? It's easy! "

"That's right, what about the ancestor of bones, he made enemies everywhere, but he made a taboo! I wait for all the shots, it will ruin him forever!"




A number of ancestors kept counting.

The underworld is not like the underworld. There is no Qin figurine to send a message, and the news is relatively closed. When a major event occurs, it will take a long time to reach elsewhere.

Among the marshals of the Dahan Emperor, except for the Mosquitoes who were in the West of the Underworld in the past, none of them had appeared in the north of the Underworld. No one knows nature.

As for the melee between the sun, although some people died, the ghosts entered the hell, but those ghosts know Dahan as the emperor of the world, and how many people know the ancient sea floor? Moreover, these ghosts are weak and mostly ignored.

The ancient sea grew so fast that in the eyes of the ancestors, everything was just the ancestor's credit.

A group of ancestors just thought that the ancestors did not open their eyes and killed the Quartet. They found a group of people in the Heaven Palace and thought they were invincible?

The ancestors ate human brain meals, drank the childish blood, tasted the delicious taste of evil, pointed at the mountains with a smile, and scolded the Emperor Han Dynasty.

Here, all of them are the strongest ghost ancestors in the north of Hades. Although we know the strength of the Dahan Emperor, but when the ancestors gathered together, they never looked at the Dahan Emperor again. Shoot in person, just hold your own identity. Today, the alliance has already reached an alliance.

"Since everyone agrees, then we will let the bone ancestors, no, he is now called Gu Hai, let Gu Hai take a good look at it, breaking the rules, what is the end!" Laoshan ancestor Shen said.

"Okay!" The ancestors answered.

"Then prepare, we will use the thunder method to bring Dahandi to one pot at a time." Sheshan ancestor Shen said.

"it is good!"

"Originally, the thief captured the king first, but the little emperor, the ancestor of the bone, was able to make alliances with us, and it was also his honor. We went down with the might of the emperor. "The ancestor of Sheshan said in a deep voice.

"Laoshan ancestor is right!"

"So, before we go to the ancient capital of Yin, we'll give a gift to the ancient sea, how about it?" Laoshan ancestor said to himself.

"What a gift?"

"How about the heads of the four marshals? I think Guhai saw their heads, no, and their ghosts, and took them together. Guhai sees that they will definitely ...!"

"Scared **** is rolling, hahaha!" A group of ancestors laughed loudly.

"The four marshals? Oh, what mosquitoes, Kong Xuan, Dragon Gods, and Gao Xianzhi with Shangguan marks, these four marshals, which ancestors are ready to kill!" Said Laoshan ancestor.

"I'm coming!" "I'm coming!" ...............

The old ancestors were suddenly excited. This is not only the destruction of the enemy, but also a good opportunity for Yang Wei. All ancestors thought, what kind of Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon Gods, and Shangguan marks can step on one's own foot, a bone ancestor's subordinate, what are they afraid of? We are the seventh, eighth, and ninth invincible invincibles in the Heavenly Palace.

"Bone ancestors in the past, north of Megatron Underworld, this time, it is rare for me to wait for an alliance to witness the destruction of ghosts in other countries! Destroy the four Marshals first, and then pick the head of the ancient sea, let all the dead and living beings know what the rules are End! "Laoshan ancestor said with a cup of blood wine.

"Destroy the four marshals, kill the ancient sea!" All the ancestors toasted, exclaiming excitedly.

After drinking this cup of allied blood. Laoshan ancestors first smashed the blood cup into the ground. With a snap, the fragments were flying, full of anger.

"It shouldn't be too late, everyone, I am happy today, I will wait for the ride and kill him without leaving a piece of armor!" Laoshan ancestor laughed.

"Kill him without leaving a piece of armor!" All the ancestors smashed the wine glass in their hands.

An ambitious ambition made all the ancestors go for their blood. Picking up their magic weapons and weapons, they went to the Dahan Emperor to destroy the family.

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