Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 63: Domineering

The sun! Heavenless Capital!

After Cangjie made a bet with Gu Hai, he has been watching Gu Hai! But found that Gu Hai went to Xuanyuan City, there was only one person!

The Heavenly Palace is eighth and it will take some time to reach Xuanyuan City, but the explosive power of the ancient sea arrived just outside Xuanyuan City in just a while.

Cangjie looked at Guhai in a distant place in shock: "Ancient Emperor, are you really ready to enter Xuanyuan City alone?"

"Mr. Cangjie, you are optimistic. Father Emperor made a gambling contract for you, but he has committed a huge risk!" The ancient man said in a deep voice.

Cangjie was slightly silent--

Outside Xuanyuan City!

Gu Hai looked up at the foggy Xuanyuan City, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

The fog is just to confuse yourself. Is this a trap set by Ji Dihong for himself? However, in the heavy fog, there was a whistle of qi, which was Chi You's first-level, so that people can feel the scent from a long distance, then bait, catch yourself.

"Xuanyuan City?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed for a moment: "Ji Dihong, have you forgotten the ancient heaven of heaven?"


Gu Hai explores a trick. A huge void entrance suddenly appeared.

The ancient sea will fill the entire Xuanyuan City into the ancient fairy dome.


The rhubarb dragon vein was suddenly alert, and a roar from the ground seemed to stop the suction, but the power of the ancient immortal dome was too great. The whole city suddenly shook as if it would be sucked into the ancient immortal dome.

"What's going on?" The people in the city were shocked.

"Holy, holy war sent troops to Honghuang City, it's bad!" Countless officials called in horror--

Honghuang City!

At this moment is also tense.

In order to attract the ancient sea to Xuanyuan City, Ji Dihong moved among the peerless powerhouses.

On a huge flying boat stood Ji Dihong, Feng Bo, Li Mu, Ao Ying, Xiong You and others. With a scorching weather, suppressed the Temple of Puppet God to Honghuang City.

At the entrance of the temple, I took the civil and military officials and looked coldly at the flying boat in the air.

"Is it Ji Dihong? Not long ago, the war books have come out. Are they really here?"

"The Heavenly Palace of the Rhubarb Heavenly Kingdom has come to a close and is almost here?"

"How is this going?"




Many officials showed horror.

Houyi and Xingtian looked cold, but there was no fear.

At the forefront is a badger in a fiery red dragon robe. The badger stepped forward, his eyes were cold and there was no fear at all.

Ji Dihong was dressed in a golden dragon robe, and looked coldly at Yu.

"Ji Dihong, why not go to the ancient sea, you dare to come to the Honghuang Huangcheng to presumptuously?" Qi said coldly.

There are not many troops, but the strong are gathered. Everyone sees the crisis in Honghuang City at this moment.

Ji Dihong smiled coldly: "Yi girl, then you were your general!"

"Three thousand years ago, you fought against Chi You. You were indeed sent to Jiang Youshan by Jiang Lianshan to help you deal with Tai You's army. But at that time, You were also a Princess of Dayan. When you see You, you also want to pay homage, don't you?" Lightly Road.

"You're right. Alas, you ain't watched growing up, but you didn't want to. You would collude with the ancient sea. During the battle of Huang and Han, you actually sent someone to attack Xuanyuan City. As an elder, I didn't embarrass you. At the beginning, who attacked Xuanyuan City and handed them over, can I quit the army immediately without blame? How about Ji Dihong Shen?

Surrender day, Houyi? A large number of courtiers looked at Ji Dihong ugly. This is simply a loss of power and a disgrace to the country. When the War God and the Arrow God Hou surrendered, their prestige plummeted.

"Oh, Ji Dihong, I don't understand. What is the reason that makes you confident and dare to say this nonsense?" Wu said coldly.

"Strength is everything, don't you know?" Ji Dihong said coldly.

"Strength? Just like Jiang Lianshan was stronger than you at that time, you can only be a watchdog obediently, isn't it?"

"Huh?" Ji Dihong stared.

"Holy, I don't know if I'm good, I'm going to fight, I'm right!" Ao Ying screamed.

"Holy, the monarch humiliates his death, and the minister is willing to fight!" Xiong You also yelled.

Ji Dihong stared sneer sneer.

However, Ji Dihong didn't want to kill Xi, but kill Gu Hai.

As long as you fight against You, the ancient sea over there will definitely not miss the opportunity to capture the first level of You, and you even want to destroy Xuanyuan City to fight against your own flames. At that time, you havetily ended the battle with You and returned to Xuanyuan City. Guhai will Escaped in disaster.

Therefore, Ji Dihong must fight with the puppet, because Ji Dihong determined that it would be easy to stop the war. As long as he and his team flew away from the realm of the Great Puppet Heaven and Earth, and the puppet mobilized the power of a country, he could not use it. If she dared to chase it out, she could even kill her.

In Ji Dihong's eyes, He is just a complete success of the Heavenly Palace. Where is his opponent?

Aoying and Xiong have shots. You can test your strength. As long as you do n’t mobilize the one-time trend, you should not be two opponents. If you mobilize the one-time trend, you don't have to be late.

"Just!" Ji Dihong said.

"Yes!" Ao Ying and Xiong You suddenly stepped out. A strong breath came to suppress the magpie.

"Oh, Ji Dihong, this is your strength? If you have a few great followers, you dare to let go of your slang words? If you don't do it, you will send two subordinates to die?" Tong sneered.

"Well, girl, dare to say anything good about the Holy Spirit, I told you to stay in Honghuang City Chickens and Dogs!" Xiong You shouted.

"You are not qualified against the Holy Ghost!" Ao Ying also shouted.

Hou Yi and Xing Tian sank, and were about to step forward.

After all, what kind of hands did your two courtiers play in the duel between the two kings? Is it to make our holy one rank with the courtiers of the enemy?

I felt like the anger of Houyi and Xingtian, and waved my hand gently to stop the two from violently rising.

He looked at Ji Dihong's gaze and showed a sneer, then turned to Xiong You and Ao Ying.

"Bears? You were sent by Jiang Lianshan to Ji Dihong and assisted Ji Dihong. At that time, your bear family was going to be destroyed. It was Jiang Lianshan who saved your entire family. You betrayed Jiang Lianshan without saying, and now you dare to fight against You ? "I sneered.

The bear stared, and was about to open his mouth.

He looked at Ao Ying: "Dragon King of the East China Sea, Ao Ying! Oh, you are not sent by Jiang Lianshan to Ji Dihong. You belong to an absolute betrayal. When the day of the Great Yan Dynasty was killed, you did not care about it. That younger sister, Jingwei, was almost embarrassed? OK, OK, OK! "

Ao Ying looked cold: "King Leng defeated, Jiang Lianshan's time has passed, hey, haven't you denied him? What did he say?"

"I don't recognize him. Jiang Lianshan's conspiracy ruined my life. I hate to kill him, but he died, and my resentment has mostly disappeared. He is your blood father, after all, isn't he?" Lightly Road.

"Huh?" Ao Ying sank.

"I don't recognize him, it doesn't mean I can't take revenge on him. It's like you two, apostasy and rebellion, falling down the rocks and killing!" Pu stared.


A murderous rush was like a torrent of rushing to Aoying and Xiong You, causing the two to explode.

"When to kill? Hahaha, you have a great disaster in the dynasty. Who can you kill? Here is the Holy Ghost, and today you will destroy your Honghuang City!" Xiong stared, and his palm fell from the sky.

"Do you want to kill us? You dream, my sister, your cultivation, but we watched the growth, it was Jiang Lianshan, but you are not Jiang Lianshan after all! Kill? See if you kill me, or I kill you!" Ao It should be a loud drink, and a palm fell from the sky.

Xiong You and Ao Ying, photographed by the successful palms of the two Great Heavenly Palaces, a mighty wave of destruction and destruction seemed to smash the entire Honghuang City in an instant.

The ministers and the people suddenly showed their fear and despair.

Only Ji, Houyi and Xingtian looked calm.

At high altitude, Ji Dihong smiled coldly, facing Fengbo: "I haven't seen it for many years, and this arrogant arrogance has been a lot of ignorance. If you don't mobilize the trend, you also want to deal with the two heavenly palaces' great consummation?

Feng Bo was about to laugh, but suddenly saw the cold light in his eyes.

"People who want to kill have never killed them! Whoever they are!" There was a icy cold in his eyes.

When you step on your feet, the crickets disappear instantly. In the next moment, it seems that you are crossing the void, and you are in front of Ao Ying and Xiong You. There is only one foot away, and they are bizarrely changed into two crickets. His face is exposed, and the same hand knife splits one bright knife.

"What?" Ao Ying and Xiong Youchang's faces changed greatly.

The two didn't even know how he came in front of them, it was too fast, the two didn't even have time to react.

妭 刀 刀手 刀 刀 罡, immediately split from the heads of the two, straight down.

too fast. It's too weird. As soon as the blazing sword came out, the murderous anger immediately made everyone's heart cold.

"This is the compression of the flame? This murderous!" Li Mu's face changed.

Not only Li Mu, Ji Dihong's face changed too, how did He become two? More importantly, from these two blades, Ji Dihong's heart jumped unconsciously, a feeling beyond his control, suddenly permeated the whole body.

"No! Stop!" Ji Dihong's face changed. With a loud roar, a slap in the palm of a bang slapped away.

On the other side, Ao Ying and Xiong You also turned wild and instantly felt a threat of death. I wanted to resist, but I was too close, and too fast, and when the two heavenly palaces came to a close, there was nothing to do, and the sword had been slashed from my head.

"No!" Ao Ying and Xiong suddenly screamed.


The sword suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

In the void, only Ji Dihong came to rescue a slap on the field and slaps on a slap.

The two crickets flickered and merged into one, narrowing their eyes and staring, the other hand greeted them instantly.


There was a loud noise, two palms collided, and the void instantly shattered countlessly. However, Honghuang City was guarded by the formation method, and the people were not greatly harmed. The huge recoil force immediately made Ji Dihong's feet sway. .

Feng Bo and Li Mu looked at him in shock.

"Impossible, you are so powerful, you are also the gods complete?" Ji Dihong exclaimed.

I thought that I was just a complete success of the Heavenly Palace, but I just took a picture of it with my palm just now, but there was nothing I could do. Isn't it that your power is similar to yourself?

How could she be the gods?

"Hmm! Hmm!"

In the middle of the air, Ao Ying and Xiong You's bodies suddenly started from their heads and opened one minute apart. There was no blood.

"Impossible, Aoying is supreme, and Xiong is supreme!" Li Mu beckoned, pulling the two men's four halves onto the flying boat deck.

"Dead? Impossible, how could it be dead? What just happened?" Li Mu exclaimed.

"Quickly regenerate Dan, quickly!" Feng Bo exclaimed.

"No need to save, I killed the people, no one can survive!" I said lightly.

Ji Dihong doesn't seem to know Xiang Yu!

"Ji Dihong, do you think I will mobilize the trend? Don't worry, I don't need the trend today, you continue to look at it!" Lu smiled coldly.

This smile seemed to have a magical power. On the flying boat, Feng Bo, Li Mu and others shuddered.

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