Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 64: Jiang Lianshan

Feng Bo and Li Mu worked hard to rescue the bodies of Ao Ying and Xiong You. In the end, the two could only look at Ji Dihong with scalp numbness.

"Holy, Ao Ying, Xiong You, three souls all died, seven souls died!" Feng Bo said with a trace of thriller.

I thought I was just about the same strength as Ao Ying and Xiong, but who would have thought that the two of them couldn't take a trick in front of him, one hand-knife, all beheaded?

What a strength, in the end.

This is impossible. No one can do it, not even holy.

Ji Dihong had a feeling that the crickets in front of him were even worse than that of crickets. Looking at the uncle, Ji Dihong had the feeling of seeing Jiang Lianshan, that kind of oppression, that kind of oppressive oppression.

Wasn't she afraid to fight against herself before? Why is she so powerful?

The two heavenly palaces were so successful, all of them were completely defeated, and they just reacted a little bit slower, just a little bit, and couldn't even save it?

I came here today, just to make a cut, just to bury a foreshadowing to kill the ancient sea, but how could Ji Dihong be unable to guess that Ao Ying and Xiong You were all dead with just one shot?

"You said just now that you are strong, because the Heavenly Palace is much more fulfilled, isn't it? There is only Houyi and Xingtian behind you, and the Heavenly Palace behind you is so complete that only Feng Bo and Li Mu are left. Otherwise, let them Come and try it? "妭 said lightly.

Feng Bo and Li Mu suddenly changed his face.

The two also achieved great success in the Heavenly Palace, but compared to Ao Ying and Xiong You, they were a bit worse. We are going to fight against the enemy, aren't we ...?

I looked at Feng Bo and Li Mu coldly.

"Houyi, Xingtian!" Shen Shen said.

"The minister is here!" The two answered.

At the first meeting, they beheaded Ao Ying and Xiong, the two traitors, and they were naturally very excited.

"Did you see? In addition to Ji Dihong, there are Feng Bo and Li Mu on it. Since they are here, they are optimistic. If you want to stay, leave them all!"

"Yes!" Houyi and Xingtian suddenly said.

Ji Dihong's eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

I am strong, beyond my own expectations, everything in front of me is a bit unrealistic, but just go so dingy? Ji Dihong can't do it yet.

Not to mention the hatred of Ao Ying and Xiong You, but the strength that is now displayed, but Ji Jihong has a kind of cheekbones in the throat, the ancient sea is stronger than Ji Dihong's expectations. From the beginning, I thought that it was more difficult for you to deal with it. Until recently, Guhai was even more difficult to deal with it than for you. Now, suddenly, you are exposed, but Ji Dihong's heart is suddenly agitated.

Why are there so many that you don't know?

"Ji Dihong, are you going back now, or do you want to stay here?" Lu said coldly.

"Oh, ha ha, my girl, I'm really a puppet you, but I want to know, what kind of patience Jiang Lianshan gave you! Huh!" Ji Dihong hummed coldly.

On step, Ji Dihong stepped out of the flying boat and smashed again with a punch.


A punch was glowing with black light, and it seemed to use the physical power of Chi You, who was inaccessible in the past, to smash the Chi.

"Oh! You choose it!" I smiled coldly.

Stepping forward, I once again soared into the sky and greeted with a punch.


The two punches collided, and the void shattered countlessly. This time, Ji Dihong used all his strength. With all his strength, although Ji Dihong was still standing in place, the lower jaw was not broken, but was punched. There is no distinction in boxing.

"What?" Ji Dihong's face changed.

Before this punch, but merging himself and Chi Youwei, how could he be intimate with him?

"How can you be so powerful?" Ji Dihong disbelieved.

"It's not that I'm strong, but that you can't fully grasp Chi You's power, that's a little bit worse! That's it, so this time, you are destined to return without power!" Sneered.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" ...............

On the two saints, a sudden and fierce battle raged. For a time, the void shattered countlessly, and the two battled into the starry sky.

Neither has the power to mobilize luck, but that is the case. The power of the two has surpassed most of the world. The fist wiping edge can destroy a large number of stars.

Ji Dihong, who thought he was a good solution, set off a huge wave in his heart at this moment.

"Impossible, your strength, your strength is not weaker or even stronger than the Chi in those days. How did you do that, huh? Do the ancestors of Zombies have such great power? Why then So unbearable, but you are so arrogant? "Ji Dihong shouted in depression.

"Oh!" I smiled coldly.

Ignoring Ji Dihong, he attacked again and again. During the attack, the sky was full of fire. Suddenly the fire filled the void, and the whole land of Shenzhou heard the roar of roar.

The Battle of Honghuang City, at this moment, Shenzhou is indeed staring at many strong men.

Sky without borders.

Ancient Han, Cangjie, and others stared at it all.

"Well? Her strength is actually comparable to that of the Holy Ghost? How, how is that possible?" Cangjie horrified.

"No, my strength should be faintly overwhelmed by Ji Dihong. Didn't you see it?" The ancient man said with a narrow gaze.

Above the starry sky, the power of that cricket is getting stronger and stronger. From the beginning, it is quite equal, but now, it has faintly surpassed Ji Dihong. Ji Dihong was horrified.

"No, it wasn't a trick, but it specifically restrained the Holy Ghost. Jiang Lianshan has been guarding the Holy Ghost, and the moves passed on to He are just restraint from the Holy Ghost. In addition, the previous killing of Aoying and Xiongyou also specialize Against them? "Cangjie said in horror.

"Specially restrain Ji Jihong, Xiong You, and Ao Ying's moves? Jiang Lianshan passed on?" The ancient man was surprised.

"You can't go wrong, Jiang Lianshan's tricks and moves are all continually dialed by Jiang Lianshan. I thought I just dialed them to make them stronger, but he couldn't think of it. He was guarding them then. While dialing, helping them to leave a flaw, and only Jiang Lianshan knew about this flaw, he passed it to him, but it was ...! ”Cangjie took a cold breath.

"Yi's moves have always restrained Ji Dihong? It's really an accident! Jiang Lianshan's plan is really far away." The ancient Han also shocked.

"I see, oh, we are all thinking wrong. The rhubarb dynasty and the dynasty dynasty, despite their enmity, have always been peaceful. It is not the holy divine mobilization of one dynasty, but the fear of the divine sacred mobilization. "Oh, Jiang Lianshan, he has long thought about how everyone can restrain himself. No wonder that the Holy Ghost was a great success in the past, and he has never been defeated in the hands of Jiang Lianshan! Hahaha, Jiang Lianshan, you are the real old man!" Cangjie bitterly said.

The West, Lingshan, won the mouth of the temple.

General Chen took Long Aotian to the starry battlefield.

Long Aotian's eyes widened, revealing a hint of incredible.

"Zombie's might, how powerful is it?" Long Aotian said with a hint of excitement.

Today, Long Aotian is a zombie ancestor of the wind system, thinking that one day, he can reach the level of stinginess.

General Chen glanced at Long Aotian, smiled slightly, and did not hit Long Aotian, because Long Aotian's seed of the wind-type zombies had been degraded, and it would never be able to reach the level of cricket.

"God, did my past life, Dijiang, have such strength?" Long Aotian looked forward.

"Dijiang? It's a little bit stronger than Jiu!" Jiang Chen affirmed.

"Ah? Better than her?" Long Aotian's eyes brightened. I think I can certainly reach the height of the previous life.

"That's right, but I'm close to Dijiang. I'm going to send a baptism. After the baptism is complete, I will be transformed once!" Jiang Chen explained.

"Subordinates will eventually reach one day!" Long Aotian looked forward.

General Chen glanced at Long Aotian, but he didn't say much anymore, but turned to look at Xuanyuan City in the distance, where the ancient sea opened the ancient fairy dome in Tengxuanyuan.

"Oh, Ji Dihong this time, lost his wife and defeated the army!" Jiang Chen sneered--

Ji Dihong at this moment, not only lost his wife, but also fought, at this moment regret.

Fighting with Ji, let Ji Dihong have a feeling of facing Jiang Lianshan. He repeatedly made tricks and hit his own weakness again and again, and only Jiang Lianshan knew this weakness.

But nowadays, not only can't be suppressed, even can't be suppressed.

Rage is skyrocketing, but sorrowful!

"Well, you asked for it. Hugh is going to blame it, hum!" Ji Dihong snorted coldly.

With a cold hum, his eyes stared.

A golden scent erupted from the top of the head, forming a giant golden cloud.

The vast golden clouds are tiling in the sky.

"God's Eye, open!" Ji Dihong yelled.


The golden clouds suddenly opened to both sides. At the moment of opening, a huge ‘eye of the sky’ suddenly appeared. The golden eye of the sky opened, a breath of destruction, straight down.

However, the golden heavenly eyes are a bit strange. Among the golden eyes, the pupils are black, like black holes, which can devour everything.

Heavenly Eye?

Suddenly, there were no hundreds of people kneeling down in the flood-stricken city. Only four heavenly palaces were able to withstand the terrifying pressure.

The eyes of heaven opened, the strongest repression, and rushed towards--

Take the mouth of the temple.

"The Eye of Heaven? Here, is this the" Talent "method, Ji Dihong also has a talent method?" Long Aotian was surprised.

"It really is a gifted merit, but it seems like what's wrong?" Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen's eyes brightened: "Oh, it turns out that it is only half of the" Talent "exercises. Someone wants to frame Ji Dihong intentionally?" ——

Sky without borders.

"That's it. The Eye of Heaven. When we dealt with Chi You, it was the Eye of Heaven. We almost killed us. Ji Dihong used this technique to stop coping?" The ancient Han's face changed, angrily. .

Cangjie trembled all over the body: "Well, it's bad, Jiang Lianshan was trapped. Since Jiang Lianshan has a special method of restraining the Holy Spirit, how can it be given to the Heavenly Anti-Traditional Gongfa? And why does Jiang Lianshan not practice" "Talent"? It must be used to calculate the Holy. Holy, you do n’t have to cast it. You are the daughter of Jiang Lianshan. Jiang Lianshan will definitely pass her restraint, Holy! "

Cangjie was terrified, but at this moment Cangjie's voice couldn't reach Ji Dihong's ears.

In the distance, Ji Dihong really showed his face, performed the "Talent" method, and came to suppress it in a state of great destruction.

The eyes of heaven opened, and a super light beam, like the "light of the **** of destruction," washed down suddenly towards the puppet.

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