Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 65: Wedding dress

Ji Dihong used the "Talent" method to gather a golden eye of heaven! Tianwei is infinite, and a ray of god-destroying light is directed at the laser.

Everyone saw this scene as a stimulus, and felt that there were very few aggressions.

Only Cangjie and Jiangchen actually had opposite attitudes, thinking that Ji Dihong was worse.

Sure enough, the cricket did not show panic. On the contrary, the cricket revealed a look of expectation, as if fighting for so long, waiting for this moment.

But I saw that Su suddenly opened her mouth. Slowly spit out a red ball of light from my mouth.

"Yi's magic weapon, red sun?" The ancient man stunned a little in the distance.

In the past, when Xun was freed from the seal, it was a red sky, shining the sky, like a round of the sun, blooming brilliant brilliance. Rumors, this is the inborn magic weapon of A, which can be compared to the ancient 16th National Congress Red magic day.

The red sun was empty. At that time, the master of the heaven, Taiyi Dongxi, and Emperor Xiyu had all fought against each other, but they were eventually retreated by the puppet, and then swallowed the red sun.

Now, Red Sun spit out again, welcoming the light of the **** of destruction under the eyes of heaven.

"Well, even though it is a magic weapon of the sixteenth National Congress of the Ancient People, it can't stop the light of God's extermination. Jiang Lianshan didn't know the goods, and gave" Talent "to him. Hahahaha, the gift of Gongfa is the most powerful skill in the world. Law, to break through! "Ji Dihong glared angrily.


Destroyed the light on the red sun.

The scene where Red Sun was crushed did not happen. On the contrary, the light that destroyed God was still nourishing Red Sun.

I saw that the red sun was touched by the light of the **** of extinction, and then a dazzling light bloomed. The light was huge and shot in all directions, and the entire east of Shenzhou was covered by red light. The lord of countless forces stared blankly.

"What's going on?" Ji Dihong's face changed.

However, I saw that Red Sun and the Eye of Heaven were connected in a line, and then, the light of the **** of destruction was continuously extracted from the Eye of Heaven.


The light of extinction was drawn by Red Sun, and the eyes of heaven shook and trembled, and was pulled down by Red Sun. The rope pulled was the light of Extinction.

Little by little, the eye of heaven was pulled towards Hongri.

"What? The talents and powers are not under the control of you? Impossible, impossible!" Ji Dihong was furious, and constantly controlled the eyes of heaven.

However, Hongri's pulling force was too horrible. In just a short while, the eye of heaven was pulled closer.

At this moment, Ji Dihong suddenly discovered that his eye in heaven, the pupil in the golden eyes, the black hole like a pupil, was as big as Red Sun.

This red day seems to be a part of the Eye of Heaven.

The original eye of heaven was incomplete, and it would be perfect if it filled the red sun. They are a whole.


With a loud noise, the red sunset fell into the eyes of the eyes of heaven, and immediately filled the vacancy.

Perfect and seamless.

When the red sunset enters, it even emits some red light, which is covered with the squares of the eyes of heaven, as if it has formed countless invisible meridians, becoming more and more integrated.

Ji Dihong was shocked, because Ji Dihong felt that the talents he cultivated seemed to be being drawn, and his connection with the Eye of Heaven was being eliminated one by one.

The eyes of heaven flew slowly towards 妭, but it seemed to have established contact with 妭, and slowly became part of 妭.

"You, you want to capture the eyes of the **** of heaven?" Ji Dihong horrified.


Take the mouth of the temple.

"It ’s a great wedding ceremony. Jiang Lianshan disassembled the original" Talent "and gave Ji Dihong the practice part. Then, he also practised some key links in the practice, a practice method, and two people practiced separately. When you need it, you can extract all the parts of Ji Dihong ’s cultivation. The half of Ji Dihong ’s “Talent” has definitely cost a lot of energy, but in the end, it is a wedding dress for Ji. Jiang Lianshan , Good plan! "General Chen lamented.


There are no borders.

Cangjie said bitterly: "Sure enough, when the Holy Spirit practiced this half of" Talent ", I always felt the shortcomings. It is not as flexible as the Six Immortals and Yuanshi Tianzun. It turned out to have a big flaw in itself, and this big flaw Is Jiang Lianshan intentionally staying on it in the past, just to take it back today? "

"No wonder that day we hit our heavenly eyes hard and couldn't keep it for a long time. It turned out to be only half a story, hahaha, Ji Dihong also has today!" The ancient man laughed.


Distant starry sky.

Ji Dihong seemed to understand.

All of this was conspired by Jiang Lianshan. He had known this ending for a long time and had already begun to count himself. From moves to today's gifted exercises.

"No, no, the eyes of heaven are sloppy, sloppy, return it to sloppy!" Ji Dihong yelled out of his face.

A palm patted towards the magpie.

"Huh!" He snorted coldly, and punched away.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the fists and palms intersected without distinction. However, Ji Dihong's body seemed to have numerous golden lights bursting out of it, pouring into the vast eyes of heaven.

The eye of heaven completely disconnected from Ji Dihong, and suddenly a myriad of golden and red lights burst into the body of the puppet, forming an unbreakable connection with the puppet.

"Suck!" I breathed.


The eyes of heaven suddenly closed, and the rolling golden clouds and the golden red light rushed into the mouth, and the flicker disappeared.

Then, my body's surface radiated magnificent golden light, and the golden light went straight into the sky.

The only sun in the sky suddenly poured down into the sea of ​​flames, rushed straight into the body, and poured into the body of the body.


Take the mouth of the temple.

Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed: "The sun heart inflammation baptism? Oh, this Jiang Lianshan is really not missed, baptism? 妭 That" Talent "is of the fire department, so Jiang Lianshan asked her to practice the fire, only the father of the fire In order to withstand the baptism of the sun heart inflammation, almost not work, complement each other, such a well-known Jiang Lianshan! "

"Baptism? God, you said just now that He is only one baptism away from Dijiang. Is this the baptism?" Long Aotian was surprised.

"Yes, this is the baptism. After the baptism is completed, the strength of the divine should be about the same as that of Dijiang that year. After the baptism, Dijiang's strength soared countlessly before he had the courage to challenge me!" Jiang Chen said.

"I heard that it took God a long time to destroy Dijiang. Was it not a puppet after the baptism, and the strength would be close to God?" Long Aotian said in astonishment.

Jiang Chen looked at the distant puppet, his eyes narrowed, and he was not angry, but flashed a look of expectation.


The baptism of the sun's heart, the body's surface is like Hao Ri, the flames are soaring. The scorching heat waves burned the void innumerable.

"My" Talent "exercises, you, you, you return my" Talent "exercises!" Ji Dihong shouted in sorrow and indignation.

I was baptized by the sun heart inflammation, but my consciousness was extremely sober, showing a sneer: "If you want, you can come and get it?"


Sky without borders.

"Oh, God has lost the" Talent "forever!" Cangjie said bitterly.

"Talent"? Mr. Cangjie, Ji Dihong's method can also be taken away? Isn't he a half-book? He can practice again? "The ancient man wondered.

"No, the talents in" Talent "are different. Only those who practiced the" Talent "in the previous generation died, and the new ones can practice. One exercise can only be practiced by one person, because they practice spiritual energy. Five in the world The book "Talent" has divided all the auras, and arranged them according to the order of the exercises, and one person cultivates them in order, the others cannot practice! "Cangjie said bitterly.

"That is to say, unless Ji died, half of the" Talent "exercises in Ji Dihong's hands were already waste paper and could not be cultivated at all?" The ancient man was surprised.

Cangjie nodded bitterly.


In the distance, Ji Dihong naturally understood this. At this moment, when I saw that He was receiving the baptism of the sun heart inflammation, the whole person showed despair. The intensity of the sun heart inflammation was that she couldn't stand it. She was in the fire. , Enjoy like a fire?

The eye of heaven was taken away, and the gift of merit was abolished.

Everything was conspired by Jiang Lianshan, he had already calculated himself.

If you do n’t betray and still enjoy this exercise, once the betrayal, Jiang Lianshan's people will reclaim the reward of that year?

Seeing that he could not kill the uncle, Ji Dihong became more and more angry.

"Okay, okay, Jiang Lianshan, you have a good plan, but you also have the" **** deprivation "of the five main lines of the Wu tribe, and you have deprived Chi You of" swallowing the sky and eating the earth ". "God's Eye" will be deprived of it again. Look at 朕 deprived of it. 朕 I want your calculations to be empty! A dead person wants to calculate me! "Ji Dihong was furious.

Detective, Ji Dihong grabbed the void, and seemed to be doing ‘shinto deprivation’!

The uncle on the opposite side smiled coldly: "Shinto is deprived, huh, it seems that it is also Jiang Lianshan? Try it, it seems that the uncle is also a little different!"


Ji Dihong's head suddenly roared.

He will also be a part of "Shinto Deprivation"? It ’s like it ’s part of the “Eye of Heaven”? Part of it is the key. Can you deprive everything you have?

Jiang Lianshan's calculation? Everything I try is just a wedding dress? A wedding dress for others?

Ji Dihong's hand stopped in the air, and a great fear made Ji Dihong afraid to take the shot, fearing that the deprivation of Shinto would be taken away like the eye of heaven.

Take it?

Fighting again, instead of hurting myself, I was captured by one by one?

"Go!" Ji Dihong looked down angrily and yelled.


Below, the arrow of Houyi also shot at the right time. Instantly, the flying boat brought by Ji Dihong was smashed into pieces, and only Feng Bo and Li Mu escaped.

The two were also terrified at this moment, and they did not expect that the Holy Spirit would fail.

Houyi and Xingtian's shots also shocked the two. Although the two were successful in the Heavenly Palace, they used to be colleagues of Xingtian and Houyi. They naturally understood that they were not as good as the two.

At the moment Ji Jihong shouted 'Go', the two shot at the sky almost without hesitation.

"Want to go? Huh!" Houyi shot another arrow. Instantly chased Li Mu away.

"No!" Li Mu's face changed, and the detective slaped him.


With a loud noise, Li Mu's right arm was blasted away by Shen Jian.

Not afraid to stay, as Feng Bo shot again into the distance.

Ji Dihong looked angrily at Houyi, but at the moment he shouldn't stay long. He turned around and Ji Dihong rushed towards Xuanyuan City.

Today's disgrace, however, can't vent his anger to him. He can only go back and find Gu Hai to vent his anger. Gu Hai, you wait to die, it's all because of you, otherwise I won't lose so much.

Ji Dihong fired quickly at Xuanyuan City.


Take the mouth of the temple.

General Chen looked at Ji Dihong's departure, revealing a trace of regret: "You ca n’t be disturbed by the baptism of the sun's heart inflammation. Unfortunately, Ji Dihong didn't know and was scared away. It's a pity!"

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