Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 66: Conte's Despair

Ji Dihong lost to the flood city and suffered heavy losses.

Before coming, the momentum was soaring, although it was to ambush the ancient sea, but in my heart I also had a look forward to this trip to Honghuang City. Maybe it was just an example? Maybe this time, not only can you design the ancient sea, but you can also win it in one fell swoop?

But how could Ji Dihong think so badly.

He did not call the power of the grandmother into the world, and he could suppress himself with no backhand. His heavenly eyes also became his wedding dress. Ao Ying and Xiong were killed, and Li Mu was hit hard. In addition to Feng Bo being intact, the others were annihilated.

Came in a hurry and turned back.

Ji Dihong has an unreal feeling. In the past, it feels that the dominance of the sun is close, but why is it so far away now?

The words of the ancient sea in the secret place of the hungry ghosts echoed in the mind again.

"Ji Dihong, you lost!"

Not only Gu Hai's voice, Ji Dihong seemed to have heard the voice of Ji.

"Ji Dihong, you lost!"

The voices of the ancient sea and the concubine kept echoing in Ji Dihong's mind, making Ji Dihong's head buzz for a while.

"Ah!" Ji Dihong roared angrily.

"Holy, are you okay!" Feng Bo worried with a heavy hit Li Mu.

"I'm okay, I want to go back immediately and crush the ancient sea corpse!" Ji Dihong said in a face.

"Yes!" Feng Bo and Li Mu answered in sorrow and indignation.

All because of the ancient sea, the ancient sea caught Mr. Cangjie, killed Ao Ying and Xiong You, and caused the Holy Spirit to defeat in Honghuang City. At this moment, Gu Hai should go to Xuanyuan City. He must be taken down.

The strength of the three will not last long across Shenzhou. Just outside Xuanyuan City just a short while later.

But when the three arrived, they saw the three angry.

The weather is still there, and the earth's dragon veins are tumbling.

But Xuanyuan City is gone?

Before they left, how could the three of them think that Xuanyuan City would be gone? In addition to the blood maple forest, there are many traps for the ancient sea, but don't want to, even the city is gone. What use are those traps?

"Ancient Celestial Dome?" Feng Bo's eyes stared, revealing horror.

The ancient fairy heaven swallowed Xuanyuan City? Leaving only a huge pit on the ground?

Only the periphery, and some scattered officials and people who escaped.

"Holy, you're finally back, holy!" No hundreds of people were surprised outside.

There was one more in the crowd, but it was Conte.

Conte saw Ji Dihong return, and he flew forward with great joy: "Holy, the ancient sea is inside, there!"

Not far from the deep pit, it was a foggy area.

"Blood Maple Forest is still there, Gu Hai hasn't got Chi You's first rank!" Li Mu's eyes brightened.

"Blood Maple Forest is a law array arranged on the Holy Land, and the Ancient Fairy Vault cannot be closed! Conte is right, there is a sound of fighting in Holy Land, it must be the dark guard commander blocking the ancient sea!" Feng Bo cried.

Ji Dihong's eyes flashed a sigh of anger, and he waved his hand.


The billowing fog suddenly dispersed.

Suddenly, within the thick fog, hundreds of huge blood-colored maple trees slowly moved, and it seemed to form a mysterious array, which made people trapped in it and could not escape.

At this moment, Gu Hai stepped into the mystery. Inside, he was fighting with a man in black.

A huge pillar, Chi You's head, was hung from it.

In this blood maple forest, like the old gossip mountain in the past, the void has a force to suppress the two. Protect the void from being broken.

The battle between the ancient sea and the dark commander was under the pillar hanging the first level of Chi You. It's hard to win or lose. It is not that the power of the Dark Guard commander can be compared with Gu Hai, but that he will hide.

The body is erratic, like a cloud of smoke, and Gu Hai failed to chop his body several times.

After fighting for a while, the two were unable to tell the difference.

But at this moment, the outside fog disappeared with a wave of Ji Dihong.

The dark guard commanded to know that Ji Dihong was back, and he was overjoyed. My task is completed, I should have sought stability, and no longer greedy.

However, the ancient sea on the opposite side was stunned, as if surprised by the return of Ji Dihong, showing the color of panic.

This sacred god, the empty door is wide open!

The empty door is open. What a great opportunity. This is the huge flaw that was exposed for the first time in the battle and it is also a fatal flaw.

Almost instinctively, the Dark Guard stabbed the scarlet sword in his hand.


How powerful is the sword of the Great Heavenly Palace, the sword of the Assassin? Even if it is a rival of the same level, this sword can pierce a pair.

Returning from the holy, the ancient sea panicked, revealing flaws, and this was the call of death.

The sword of the dark guard commander was near, and the ancient sea was nowhere near defensive. The dark guard commanded a sloppy smile on his face, because the sword tip had reached the heart of Gu Hai.

But at this moment, the commander of the Dark Guard was shocked. The ancient sea was not too late to defend, but was not defended at all, and not defended at all? why?


The sword tip stabbed in the heart of the ancient sea, but it made a sound of a golden stone strike. The sword was not stabbed at all. The physical body of the ancient sea is impenetrable and cannot be pierced at all.

"How's that?" Commander Darkwell changed his face.

"Ten days a week!" Gu Hai showed a hint of excitement.

This time, the dark guard commander finally couldn't escape.

"What?" Commander Anwei made a big change in his face.

Gu Hai deliberately exposed the flaws and stabbed himself so that he could not escape? Deliberately just to harm yourself?

"Do not!"


With a loud noise, the whole blood maple forest trembled violently, forming a big explosion, and a large blood-colored maple branch shattered in all directions.

Everything was too fast between the flashes of light. When Ji Dihong discovered the ancient sea plot, everything was too late.

"Gu Hai, how dare you!" Ji Dihong's face growled.

However, under the loud noise, the commander of the dark guard was split in two halves, and the two corpses were blown out.

Feng Bo, Li Mu, and Conte showed their thrills.

The dark guard commander, although the power may not be too strong, but the assassination technique is incomparable. He wants to run away, even if the Holy Spirit is to deal with him, he has to waste a lot of effort, but now, how can this be?

Ji Dihong, Feng Bo, Li Mu, and Conte suddenly rushed to the Blood Maple Forest.

Gu Hai slashed the commander of the dark guard, and immediately rushed to Chi You's first stage, holding Chi You's first stage.

"Gu Hai, you are looking for death!" Ji Dihong punched openly.

Gu Hai's face sank, and Zhou Tianshi cut it out again.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, Gu Hai's body retreated, and the Health Knife trembled suddenly. The force of terror rushed into the arm of Ancient Sea along the Health Knife.


Gu Hai's sleeves burst instantly, and the powerful force shook Gu Hai's body. If you change someone, this shock will already smash it, but Gu Hai's physical strength is not worse than Ji Dihong. Just shaking it, just Stabilized.

Not far away, Ji Dihong seemed to pay special attention to the dark commander.

Feng Bo and Li Mu put together two corpses and wanted to treat them.

"No need to save, I killed people, no one can survive!" Gu Hai sneered.

Hearing Gu Hai's words, Feng Bo and Li Mu were agitated, because these words were just now, and I also said it again.

Ji Dihong's face looked coldly towards Guhai.

"Holy, Dark Guard commanded the lord to destroy all three souls, and all seven souls died!" Feng Bo said bitterly.

Dead? Is it really the same as what I just said, that the people killed will destroy everything directly?

Ji Dihong looked at the head of Chi You held by Gu Hai, showing a horrible hatred: "Gu Hai, ha, okay, okay, okay, before you die, you have to kill Ai Chen, okay, okay, okay, ya It would make you die so easily, wouldn't you kill Ai Chen? Ai also killed your son, let you see how your son died! "

"His son? Which one are you talking about?" Gu Hai sneered.

Ji Dihong waved his hand. The void in front of him was a gap in the void.

"Oh? The blood maple forest is a little fairy dome? These blood maple trees are the principle of the avenue? You put them out to drive the heaven and earth avenue? So it ’s true, your hundred blood maple trees are hundreds of avenues?" Gu Hai stared in surprise.

Ji Dihong didn't bother, but the detective grabbed a green soul from the gap.

"Let me go, let me go, ah!" The green soul cried in horror.

"Gu Hai, do you know who he is? Which son do you think he is?" Conti suddenly shouted.

"Father, save me, I'm Gu Tang, I'm Gu Tang, father, save me!" The green soul cried in horror.

Ji Dihong suddenly urged in his hands. Suddenly, a hot force poured in, and the green soul soon became scarlet, showing pain: "Oh, save me, father! I am the ancient Tang, I am Gu Tang! "

"Well, what do you want to say when you see your son's soul lingering here?" Ji Dihong flashed anxiously in his eyes.

"Ancient Tang? Oh, he is not an ancient Tang!" Gu Hai shook his head.

On the one hand, Conte sneered, "Hum, you forgot. Last time he was reincarnation, God sent me with Ao Ying and Mr. Wu Xing. You forgot, that time!"

"I said, he is not the ancient Tang, do not believe it, you ask him!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"You thought you didn't care, I didn't know what you thought? Hehe, not your son? How could it not be your son?" Ji Dihong sneered.

"It is a replica of Jiang Rulai's refining. You asked him, did Jiang Rulai create it?" Gu Haidandan said.

"Uh?" But the ancient Tang soul was a jerk, and looked at Gu Hai in horror.

Ji Dihong seemed to find something bad and stared at the soul of the ancient Tang.

"It's impossible, you are the ancient Tang, you can't be wrong, Mr. Cangjie will not be wrong." Conte did not believe.

Looking at the soul of the ancient Tang Dynasty, Ji Dihong had guessed from his eyes that it was false, but Ji Dihong couldn't believe this fact, it shouldn't be.

"Mr. Cangjie is not mistaken, but Conte, you used a real ancient Tang soul halfway, and you replaced this fake ancient Tang soul, don't you remember?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Me?" Conte's face changed.

Everyone looked at Conte. Conte remembered immediately.

After recalling it, Conte's face changed dramatically: "Mr. Wuxing? Is he, he changed a fake? Is he yours?"

"Thanks to Emperor Kongdi, his son did not fall into the hands of Ji Dihong!" Gu Hai laughed.

"No, no, no, how could this happen?" Conte said desperately.

Ji Dihong's head was congested at this moment, and the resentment that had just been defeated had not yet let go. At this moment, Kong Di's mistake made Ji Dihong's anger soar again.

He helped Beiguan Shou take Bei Mingshou, and he did not distinguish between right and wrong, and now he is doing something wrong?

"Insufficient success, more than defeat!" Ji Dihong furiously hit Conte with a palm.

"Holy, don't!" Conte begged for mercy.


Ji Dihong laid down with one palm, and Kong Di had been broken into pieces.

Feng Bo and Li Mu looked ugly on the side.


Ji Dihong's other hand crushed the soul of the fake ancient Tang, but it was a scarlet anger that appeared around him.

"What if there is no ancient Tang soul, now it's you! Today, in the blood-stained maple forest, no one can save you! Your death is here!" Ji Dihong said to Lu Sen coldly.

A devastating murderous force was suppressed towards the ancient sea.

"It's not the death of the uncle that comes, but your death has come, Ji Dihong!" A trace of icy coldness appeared on the surface of the ancient sea.

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