Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 67: Inquiry of Yuanshi Tianzun

"What if there is no ancient Tang soul, now it's you! Today, in the blood-stained maple forest, no one can save you! Your death is here!" Ji Dihong said to Lu Sen coldly.

A devastating murderous force was suppressed towards the ancient sea.

"It's not the death of the uncle that comes, but your death has come, Ji Dihong!" A trace of icy coldness appeared on the surface of the ancient sea.

"You're dead, you're still stiff, this isn't the secret place of the hungry ghosts!" Ji Dihong Han whispered.

"Yeah, there is no Yuanshi Tianzun there!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Huh?" Ji Dihong frowned, as if he felt something wrong.

Just looked up.


I do not know when a white robe man appeared above the Blood Maple Forest. The man was expressionless, standing quietly in the void, coldly looking down at the ancient sea and Ji Dihong.

"Yuanshi Tianzun?" Ji Dihong's face sank.

Not far away, Feng Bo and Li Mu also opened their mouths. I don't understand why Yuanshi Tianzun appeared here.

The strength of Yuanshi Tianzun is unknown to everyone, but not long ago, the Six Immortals and their tit-for-tat ended up returning without success, as if the Dragon Warring States were generally strong. Before the Six Immortals went out of the customs, a ray of consciousness could only do whatever they wanted. .

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked coldly at the opposite Gu Hai and Ji Dihong, squinting coldly, and did not rush up the first time.

But standing in the air so quietly, it gave everyone a strong oppression.

In the distance, Cangjie originally felt that the ancient sea didn't know how to live and die. In order to be the first level of Chiyou, he dared to face Ji Dihong face to face. But now, when he saw Yuan Shi Tianzun, Cangjie suddenly fell on the stone bench.

Cangjie understood Gu Hai's plan, and Gu Hai found Ji Dihong's dead point.

"How could Gu Hai know, and how would he know?" Cangjie couldn't agree.

"If you don't know, unless you don't do it! Mr. Cangjie, the dust is settled!" The ancient man said aside.

"Ha ha, is the dust settled?" Cangjie showed a hint of bitterness.

At Xuanyuan City.

Yuan Shi Tianzun slowly fell beside the two men, and the original sword disappeared. Ji Dihong looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun very calmly. Gu Hai is also on guard for Yuanshi Tianzun.

Geyin Yuanshi respected this person and was too cold-blooded. No, there should be no emotion. The only obsession may be the Master of Heaven, but unfortunately, the Master of Heaven was also ridiculed.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, what are you doing here at Xuanyuanyuan?" Ji Dihong asked Shen Shen.

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked coldly at the ancient sea.

"That's the truth. Yuanshi Tianzun, the culprit of killing the master of Tongtian is right in front of me. I have the idea of ​​using your hand to deal with Ji Dihong, but only I have found out the truth for you, and it's me. He didn't die, he didn't even know who was killed! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Gu Hai, what are you talking about, killing the leader of Tongtian? Do you want to frame yourself?" Ji Dihong stared.

Yuan Shi Tianzun took a deep look at the ancient sea and recalled what he did in the past. Of course, the memories are only related to himself. The other things that ancient sea has done in these years do not need to be taken care of by himself.

In memory, Gu Hai saved the Tongtian leader 800,000 years ago, and the Taishang leader 800,000 years ago defended the ancient sea so much that he even kept his mouth open. He must keep the ancient sea. And in the South China Sea not long ago, Gu Hai shot his best to save the Tongtian leader, but he was not as good as a man, and he couldn't save it.

In general, Gu Hai is on the side of the Tongtian leader, and just now, his tone was very straightforward, and he bluntly killed Ji Dihong by his own hands. He did not have the slightest pretense, but won the first impression of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Gu Hai said, of course, to check.

Yuan Shitian turned his eyes to Ji Dihong.

Ji Dihong's heart sank, but in his mouth he said, "Yuanshi Tianzun, Xun and Gu Hai have great revenge. He said that he was using you to kill Xun, wouldn't you be his thug?"

"Oh, I will find out!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

Ji Dihong said, "You check yours, but don't affect my grievances with Gu Hai!"

Yuan Shitian Zun was not found out in the past, it is impossible that Gu Hai's one sentence is evidence. Ji Dihong was to stabilize Yuan Shi Tianzun, and he killed Gu Hai first.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, Feng Bo over there knows the truth. He is the emperor of Ji Dihong. It is impossible for him to give false testimony for me!" Gu Hai said.

Feng Bo?

Feng Bo in the distance suddenly changed his face. Ji Dihong also changed his face, because Feng Bo was naturally clear about this matter, and Feng Bo had always been involved in it.

Feng Bo wants to escape, but he will not try to escape. But don't run away, Yuan Shitianzun's death-like eyes made him terrifying.

Feng Bo looked at Ji Dihong.

Ji Dihong was about to speak, but Yuanshi Tianzun nodded suddenly: "It's so good, but Ji Dihong, this Li Mu is your courtier?"

Li Mu's right arm was smashed by Hou Ji's arrow, which was seriously injured at the moment.

"Yes, Yuanshi Tianzun, ancient Hisense mouth is yellow, don't be blinded by him!" Ji Dihong looked ugly.

"Li Mu and Feng Bo are both your courtiers, so it's easy to handle. I ask Feng Bo a few words and help you repair Li Mu's injury!" Yuan Shitian said in a deep voice.

"No need, your country affairs, you handle it yourself!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled coldly: "I said this, not to ask you for advice, but to tell you, I have given you a face, don't know why!"

Ji Dihong's face sank with unbridled tone.

Yuan Shi Tianzun moved momentarily, probed a little, the void suddenly burst into purple energy, and instantly poured into Li Mu's body.


Li Mu suddenly felt a sore sensation in his right arm. Then, the right arm grew quickly with the naked eye, and after only a while, it grew completely.

Li Mu's broken arm was repaired by Yuan Shitianzun?

Ji Dihong's face sank.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's other hand suddenly went to catch Feng Bo.

"Save me!" Feng Bo fled in horror.

However, the strength of Yuan Shi Tian Zun is comparable to Feng Bo. Just in the steps of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, Feng Bo was caught immediately. When the probe was pressed, Feng Bo could not move easily.

"No!" Ji Dihong's face changed.

Li Mu also knew that it was going to be bad, and suddenly called out, "Yuanshi Tianzun, I don't want your help, this right arm, return you!"

Yelled loudly. Li Mu slammed on his right arm with a bang, Li Mu's right arm exploded, and it was worse than the injury just now.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, I didn't want your help, let go of Feng Bo!" Li Mu eagerly said.

Yuan Shi Tianzun smiled coldly: "It's your own thing to destroy your right arm by yourself. What I have given away has never been returned!"

"Yuanshi Tianzun! Don't blame the courtier again, don't blame him!" Ji Dihong exasperated.

On the side, Feng Bo showed despair, because Feng Bo did know everything. Once judged, not only would he die, but the Holy Spirit would surely be implicated. It's better than ...

"Holy, take care!" Feng Bo shouted with red eyes.

"Feng Bo, don't!" Ji Dihong's face changed.

"Want to explode? Oh, it depends on who exploded in front of you!" Yuan Shitianzun suddenly looked cold.

A finger, suddenly point to Feng Bo's brows.


Feng Bo's eyebrow made a crisp sound. Feng Bo's whole body was shaking, as if he was in a bad mood, his thoughts were chaotic, and he could do nothing at once.

"Originally, I was just skeptical, but now it seems that skepticism is not so simple, Ji Dihong?" Yuan Shitianzun looked at Ji Dihong with a cold eye.

Gu Hai said the truth, Yuan Shi Tianzun may not believe it. Come this time, one rescue one system, for what? It is to find out the truth.

Because Yuanshi Tianzun didn't want to be used by Gu Hai himself, even if he didn't feel bad about Gu Hai!

Yuan Shitian Zun kills people without having to worry about the consequences, but in his heart, Yuan Shitian Zun seems to have an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but he does not like to be used by others. Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun would rather work a little more this time.

However, Li Mu's evasion, Feng Bo wants to destroy the evidence by himself, but is constantly proving the ancient sea.

Yuan Shitianzun looked at Ji Dihong, and became more and more cold.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, let go of your grandson, otherwise, don't blame grandma!" Ji Dihong said coldly.

Yuan Shi Tianzun glanced at Ji Dihong coldly, but he didn't bother at all, and once again pointed to Feng Bo.

"Did Tongtian teach the Lord, did you participate in it?" Yuan Shitianzun asked in a deep voice.

Feng Bo trembled for a while, and his face showed a struggle, as if the three souls were all haunted, and his memory was disordered. Now, when someone asks a question, it seems to guide his memory.

Suddenly, a thread of memory emerged about the Master of Heaven. Instinctively answered.

"Yes!" Feng Bo said dullly.

Not far away, Ji Dihong's face changed.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you asked for it!" Ji Dihong roared facelessly.

In the roar, a palm slammed into the back of Yuanshi Tianzun.


Yuan Shi Tianzun did not know when he turned his body, everything was so close that even the ancient sea could not see clearly.

There was no bullshit, and a punch greeted him.


With a loud noise, this area shrouded by the rules of the blood maple forest burst into a monstrous rift. You know, the previous Sunday 10 didn't cut it off. Shows the power of boxing.

Under the mighty power, Li Mu was a stunner, and this power made Li Mu feel that if he hits himself, he will definitely burst instantly.

Even the ancient sea, I feel the horror of this force.

Ji Dihong exhausted all efforts, Yuan Shi Tianzun refused at all.

After the huge impact, the Blood Maple Forest had ten rules and the Scarlet Maple tree was blown open. Ji Dihong even withdrew ten steps to stabilize his body.

"Really solid flesh, huh! You are far more powerful than last time in nothingness!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"Huh, Yuanshi Tianzun, in this world, you are not invincible, you can't do it with your courtiers!" Ji Dihong rushed again with a cold face.

Yuan Shitianzun's eyes were cold, and his probing waved, and the void seemed to shoot down a huge sword, which instantly pierced Ji Dihong's body.


Ji Dihong flew up and down a hundred feet before she stopped and stabilized her body. The clothes on her body were shattered innumerable, leaving a few light marks on her skin.

A sword, defeated?

Ji Dihong's face is extremely ugly. The strength of Yuanshi Tianzun is too scary.

Yuan Shi Tianzun also narrowed his eyes: "It can block my chaos sword chaos, and it is physically invincible, but now I haven't come to your account, I want to hear everything, wait for me to understand everything, then come slowly Hello, Ji Dihong! "

"A chaotic sword air, you try again?" Ji Dihong rushed away again.

"Huh!" Yuan Shitianzun looked cold and waved his hand.


A blackbird emerged out of thin air, and immediately wrapped a roll of Ji Dihong, like Bao Zhizi, wrapped in it, exposing only one head, revealing the color of horror.


Ji Dihong is constantly struggling in the blackbird, but the blackbird is in a twist, wrapping it inside, making it impossible to escape.

"An ancient sixteenth national magic weapon, the fourteenth magic weapon, Yuan Shizhen?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"My Yuanshi 幡 is full of softness, you can't break it, hum!" Yuan Shi Tianzun snorted.

In the cold hum, he turned his head to look at the murky Fengbo again.

"You continue to say, how did Tongtian teach the Lord die?" Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

Ji Dihong's face showed a sorrow and indignation. If his Xuanyuan Sword was still there, would he be trapped by Yuan Shizhen's tenderness? No, there must be a way to crack it, no matter how flexible it is, when I surpass it, no amount of flexibility can be used. I still have strength.

"Listen to the people of the Dahuang Tianchao, Ji Jihong was met by a foreign enemy, please raise your right hand and borrow the power of Er and so on to break the foreign enemy!" Ji Dihong shouted.


Over the head, the sea of ​​luck clouds roared.

Li Mu covered his broken arm and rushed up to protect Ji Dihong's use of rhubarb. Shot against the ancient sea.

Gu Hai didn't rush up, watching Ji Dihong be restrained, but suddenly looked at Chi You's head.

"Brother, Ji Dihong has been restrained, please trouble you, and return the power of your Spirit Mother God King! Instead, peel off Ji Dihong's impenetrable flesh!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Om!" Chi You's first level suddenly burst into a black light.

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