Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 76: Cangjie Ruhan

The sun!

Yuan Shi Tianzun returned from nothingness, and Jiang Chen also returned from the nothingness to capture the temple.

Jiang Chen just saw Yuan Shi Tianzun in the distance driving the eyes of heaven away.

"Gu Hai actually went to Wanshou Taoism? It was really an accident!" Jiang Chen said with a hint of surprise.

"God, you're back, what about Ji Dihong?" Long Aotian wondered.

"Ji Dihong died, Yuan Shi Tianzun did not use all his strength, but Ji Dihong was powerless to borrow, after all, defeated!" Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Ji Dihong's spirit was accepted by Yuan Shitian?" Long Aotian wondered.

"No, although Ji Dihong is defeated, after all, it is a generation of holy gods, and the king has his own death." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"The king's death?" Long Aotian puzzled.

"Being caught by Yuan Shitianzun, he must have drawn out the three souls, tortured by day and night sacrifice, Ji Dihong knew that he had lost, but retained the last trace of dignity, without asking for mercy, plunged into the endless void, completely cut off from the six immortals Contact, buried in nothingness, leaving the integrity of the king! "Jiang Chen explained.

"Although the defeat was terrible, death cannot be decided by others. Unfortunately, Ji Dihong, the king's death method, is still dead after all!" Long Aotian sighed.

Jiang Chen nodded.

In the distance, the ancient sea has returned from Wanshou Taoism. Before entering the Yuanshi Temple, Yuanshi Tianzun also glanced at the Temple, as if he had paid much attention to it and was discovered by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although found, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say anything, but stepped into the Yuanshi Hall, and then discovered the destruction of the river map. An anger was suddenly heard in the voice, letting the river map show despair.


To the east of Shenzhou, over the deserted city.

妭 After extracting the sun heart inflammation, he went through a huge baptism. Under the huge baptism, hundreds of millions of fires appeared from his body. In the meantime, puppets cannot be disturbed, and of course, they are not disturbed.

Finally at this moment, the complete baptism is over.

"Oh!" I suddenly screamed.

The sound of long howling rushed into the ears of all living beings in the world instantly, and the sound of the ear came to everyone. Suddenly there was a tingling in the eardrum.

At this moment, the ancient sea has returned to the borderless sky.

The screeching noises suddenly caused Wujiangtian to cover his ears in pain without hundreds of people.

Gu Hai suddenly turned his head to look.

But he saw that there were two thorny horns on the head of the cricket, which looked very emaciated. In the center of the corner, there seems to be a golden eye.

However, soon the horns retracted.

妭 The original appearance slowly disappeared, and the atmosphere slowly disappeared.

Walking in the air, Su suddenly looked at the West, and the generals who seized the mouth of the temple.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he said quietly: "General? Now, are you satisfied?"

Seizing the mouth of the temple, it was a surprise for the generals, and He actually found himself directly.

The gentleman smiled slightly: "Congratulations, you have reached the pinnacle of fire!"

"Congratulations? Oh, the heroes climbed the peak, as you wish. Do you think everyone is in your control? Why did Jiang Lianshan act like that, did you help the flames?" Lu coldly said.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen frowned.

"Oh, you look down on Jiang Lianshan. He can count so much, how can he not guess your contribution? You have a great enemy, does not mean that everyone will follow your shots, and you will be the ministers? After all, there won't be a good end! Hello yourself! "I said coldly.

General Chen was blinded. Will you be a minister?

"Let's wait and see!" Jiang Chen finally said lightly.


Xu smiled coldly, swinging his dragon robe, and stepped back to Honghuang City.

Sky without borders.

Gu Hai also frowned slightly.什么 What does that mean? Will you be a minister? Is he just a courtier? Just General? Is he going to rebel?

The enemy of the generals is 卅!

Is He Jun?

However, Long Wanyu said, Ye and General Chen are not of the same age. When He left Liudaoxianqiang, General Chen was not born.

It seems that Jiang Chen still has some secrets that he knows, not himself.

In the distance, the courtier finally smiled slightly and slowly stepped back to the Temple of Deprivation.

Gu Hai was silent for a while, and then she didn't want to.

At this moment, the ministers saw the ancient sea coming back and immediately worshiped.

In the Temple of Heaven, Gu Hai also immediately opened a pilgrimage. Gu Hai ordered Kai Enke to recruit talents from all over the world.

One by one the policies of benefiting the people have been continuously promulgated by Gu Hai. For a time, the Dahantian Dynasty, the two thousand and four hundred people in the city, jumped up and down.

The major forces in the sun once again combed Gu Hai's decades of growth history, and once again fell into silence. Have you been on a live dog for decades?

Compared with decades ago, the forces of the land of Shenzhou experienced almost a baptism.

Three major dynasties, the Dagan dynasty, the Dayan dynasty, and the Huanghuang dynasty.

Three holy places, Sun Temple, Wanshou Taoism, Lingshan Holy Land.

Today, only Wanshou Taoism still exists.

Today in the Yang Dynasty, the emperor dynasty and Zhongzongmen can still compare each other, but in the face of Wanshou Taoism and the three newest upstarts, they can only be astonished.

Touhou, 焱 Temple, 妭!

South, Yuanshi Hall, Yuanshi Tianzun!

West, win the temple, general!

North, Chongtian Temple, Ancient Sea!


Sky without borders.

The ancient Tang Dynasty had the resources of the Dahantian Dynasty, and the natural cultivation was restored quickly. After the practice of the ancient immortal dome, the cultivation has returned to the Xiatian Temple.

The ancient Qin, the ancient Han, and the ancient Ming struggled to restore the ancient Tang, and the ancient sea did not intervene any more.

The brothers are affectionate, and Gu Hai is very happy.

Gu Hai went to Cangjie alone.

"I've seen the Lord Dahan!" Cangjie saw the ancient sea with a small gift.

Gu Haiwei smiled: "Mr. Cangjie, these days are busy with government affairs and haven't bothered to come, this mansion, is he still used to living?"

"Originally, you still let Gu Qin guard me, now, given me the mansion, let me live by myself, aren't you afraid that I will run away?" Cangjie looked at Gu Hai.

"I'm here to help Mr.!" Gu Hai laughed.

Then, probe a little.


The restraint on Cangjie suddenly disappeared.

"Huh?" Cangjie looked at Gu Hai in surprise.

Previously repaired as a seal, Cangjie could not escape if he wanted to escape, but now the seal has been lifted by Gu Hai? No ban was left. Cangjie wanted to go, just between steps.

"I can trust you, sir!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Reliable? Looks like I have no friendship with you, right? Moreover, you have also killed my former Holy Ghost!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"It wasn't me who killed Ji Dihong, but himself! If it wasn't for his anxiety, how could there be a robbery this time?" Gu Hai shook his head.

Cangjie was slightly silent.

In fact, Cangjie also saw in his heart that Ji Dihong was not defeated by everyone, but he was too anxious, and at one time, he was almost against the whole world.

Ancient Sea, Dai, Yuanshi Tianzun?

If Ji Dihong is steady and steadfast, if he is not so greedy, if there is not enough to break the enemy, there will be more to defend the city!


"Sir, do you remember our previous bet?" Gu Hai laughed.

Cangjie was slightly silent. At that time, Gu Haiming knew Ji Dihong's trap, but went to himself in order to make a bet with himself, and finally tried to turn the tide. I lost the bet.

"Oh, but I am a rhubarb minister, do you dare to use it?" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"Sir, do you look down on me so much?" Gu Hai laughed.

Cangjie was slightly silent.

Use the enemy toward the old minister? Gao Xianzhi, Mo Yike, Monte Thai, Sima Changkong, Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon Gods, are not all the ancient rivals and enemies of the ancient sea? Isn't it high weight now in Dahan?

The volume of the ancient sea is indeed the largest that Cangjie has ever seen.

"A bet? Oh, you won the bet, so you're not afraid of me staying in the Dahan Heaven, specifically for destruction? Or, I don't do anything. What's the use of you to keep me?" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"Sir stay, it is already a great blessing. What else do I crave?" Gu Hai laughed.

Cangjie: "………………!"

"Then I'll do nothing!" Cangjie finally sank.

"Okay, I don't force Mr. As long as he is willing to stay in Dahan, I will move Mr. with sincerity. Sincerity is not enough, Mr. He can do nothing!" Gu Hai nodded.

Cangjie looked at the ancient sea. In the end, he took a deep breath and said, "It's only about forty years or so, then I'll stay. I only stay because of the bet, I won't do anything!"

"Ha ha, Mr. You are polite. You can stay in Dahan. You have already reduced Dahan a very powerful opponent. Where can I ask you for anything?" Gu Hai laughed.

"I want to go to Dahuang Tianchao tomorrow, something ...!" Cangjie looked at Gu Hai.

"From today on, Mr. Feng Feng is the head of the Ninth Army Corps and head of the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty. He can raise his own army and domestic servants. All the soldiers will be served on time. You can enjoy all the rights of the head of the army. With military affairs in hand, it ’s Mr. Liberty to go in and out of Dahan, wherever he goes, everything is up to him, there is no need to report to him, if necessary, you can talk to him! ”Gu Hai laughed.

Cangjie was slightly silent, then smiled slightly bitterly: "Yes, holy!"

"That being the case, I won't disturb Mr.!" Gu Hai left with a smile.

Cangjie sent the ancient sea out of his mansion.

Looking at the back of Gu Hai, Cangjie was silent for a while.

While under Ji Dihong, Cangjie was respected. Under Gu Hai, he was also respected, but the two respects were different.

Ji Dihong's mind is not as good as that of the ancient sea. In the past, just in case, the old master of Cangjie was killed just to get the only loyalty of Cangjie.

And Gu Hai's respect only needs to grasp Cangjie's heart. For the life of Cangjie and other matters of Cangjie, it will never interfere. It's not just respect, it's trust.

The next day, Cangjie left Wudu Tiandu.

Gu Hai didn't go to ask questions, and also made Montai and others not to intervene.

The head of the 9th Army of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty shows that Gu Hai attaches great importance to it. A lot of officials will naturally not give pointers at this moment.

When Cangjie left, the ministers didn't study it too much, only the unborn and Gu Ming. After learning that Cangjie left, they made some inquiries.

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