Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 77: No one believes!

Hell! Eternal capital!

The sacrifice of the ancient sea of ​​skeletons and the body almost sacrifice to the immortal dome, and promoted the Dahan Emperor to the heaven.

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"

"Dahan Tianchao, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live!"

The sound of the mountain is all over the ancient Yin.

In the north of the underworld, everything has been mastered, without any attacking forces.

Like the sun, the courts, the world amnesty. Good governance gives people.

Dahan Tianchao, the world is moving.

The arrested Laoshan ancestors and others have been in shock. I don't know how Gu Hai will execute himself.

During that time, Sima Changkong went to the prison himself and met with his ancestors once.

It means that Dahantian Dynasty is willing to compile them and ask them if they are willing.

Sima Changkong asked very casually, and that attitude was obviously casual.

But the ancestors seemed to have caught the life-saving straw and immediately nodded in excitement, only a few ancestors reluctantly. However, Sima Changkong is a master of juggling. Several inadvertent disclosures made a group of ancestors lose their tempers. He was even frightened that Dahan would not accept himself.

Half a month later, the town hall was on the court.

Gu Hai, dressed in a black gold dragon robe, was sitting on a dragon chair and overlooking the ancestors.

Quietly in the hall.

Laoshan ancestors are at the forefront of the group of ancestors, kneeling down on the ancient sea, watching the courtiers in the two columns of the court, Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen and others respectfully stand on both sides.

"Sima Changkong said, are you willing to accept Dahan Zhao'an?" Gu Hai looked down, faintly.

"Yes, I'll wait, Caomin, Weichen, meet Holy!" Patriarch Laoshan worshiped respectfully.

After saying three titles in succession, Laoshan ancestors were a little nervous.

"Meet the Holy Ghost, Long Live the Long Live Long Live!" A group of ancestors followed him.

"After entering the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, first for the white body, Er and so on temporarily joined the town's national army, with the army to fight the Quartet, Yier and other people to break the city, to appease the people's meritorious service, to build a career! Then divide the rewards!" Gu Hai began.

"Yes, Xie Sheng!" The old ancestors immediately bowed down.

Such a reward can also be regarded as a sigh of relief for the ancestors, so that they are completely safe.

Free yourself? Escape from the Han Dynasty?

Looking at Kong Xuan and others who couldn't see far away, all the ancestors also lost their minds. Think about it the other way around, joining Dahan Tianchao may not be a bad thing. The credit is obviously given away in vain. Those cities were originally under their own control, and it was easy to build achievements.

With the back of the Dahantian Dynasty, you don't have to worry about being killed by another strong man. After all, the battle in the underworld is still very dangerous.

At this moment, the ancestors understood. Kong Xuan and Mosquito Taoist marshals were their four marshals, but they were only deputy marshals. They also had a head coach Mo Yike, and it was Dahan Sheng who went up.

Mo Yike presided over the town's national army. The next step is not to break the city, but how to receive the city and how to make the management of the masses of cities proper.

For a time, the territory of the Dahan Tianchao quickly expanded, and the people's hearts quickly accepted the Dahan Tianchao.

In the north of the underworld, the most powerful force was slowly born.

The rise of the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom in the underworld quickly spread throughout the underworld, causing a huge wave in the underworld—

Underworld West. In a dark hall. The name of the main hall ‘Yin Shrine’!

The Yin Temple is extremely gloomy. On the main seat of the main hall, there is a ghost image, hazy and dim.

Standing below them were Wu Shangtianmo and the Scorpion Tianmo.

"Master, Dahan Tianchao's promotion was successful, and a vice dynasty was also opened in the underworld!" Wu Shangtian's face looked ugly.

"In the middle of the sun, Ji Dihong also died, and the rhubarb heavens collapsed!" God Scorpion Tianmo also looked ugly.

Sitting on the Lord, naturally is the illusion of the free and easy demon.

Dazuo Tianmo nodded his head: "I know this deity!"

"Ji Dihong made some calculations, and finally turned into an empty talk, unfortunately!" God Scorpion Tianmo frowned.

"He's so anxious!" Dazuo Tianmo said lightly.

"Yeah! But, Lord, my heavenly holy land and the ancient sea's enemies, do you want to forget this?"

hatred? The Heavenly Devil's Holy Land originally had twelve peaks. At this moment, there are only four peaks left. Almost all other peaks have died because of the ancient sea. However, the Dragon Warring States in the Dahan dynasty made it difficult for the free and easy demon to live.

"Lord, you said that you have seen the Dragon Warring States, but why didn't the Dragon Warring States show up? Is he afraid of the Six Immortals? Not necessarily!" Wu Shangtian Mo frowned.

"This is also where the deity can't understand!" Shen Tianran said in relief.

"God, was it intended by Gu Hai? The Dragon Warring States may not be true, it's just too much like that, so the master misunderstood it?" Wu Tiantian frowned.

The big free spirit is slightly silent.

When I first saw the Dragon Warring States, I had doubts, but after some inspections at that time, it was determined that it was true. But now ...

Really, why dare not show up?

"What if the ancient sea was deceived by the master? We deliberately prevented us from shooting, so he gathered a group of strong men to deal with Ji Dihong? Divide and strike?" Shen Scorpion Tianmo said.

Dazuo Tianmo also doubted at this moment. After being silent, he said, "Yes, we must first find out, is it true that the Dragon Warring States of the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom is true?"

"If it is really the Dragon Warring States, then nothing. If it is false, hum, this deity will make Gu Hai regret coming to this world!" Dazuoxin said in a cold voice.

"Yes!" The scorpion demon and Wu injury demon also answered in a deep voice--

In the middle of the sun, Dacheng Tianchao, Honghuang City! In the palace's back garden.

"Sister, you were so good before, that will make Ji Dihong's fart urinate!" Jing Wei looked surprised.

I sat down, and my maid made fragrant tea for her.

After drinking the tea, he said quietly: "Ji Dihong, was annoyed by the ancient sea, otherwise he would not be so defeated!"

"It's Guhai again, that Guhai can't be compared with her sister at all, don't you say that he hasn't even reached the Tiangong Great Success?" Jingwei took the tea ceremony in disapproval.

"You are wrong, this ancient sea is a powerful character, Ji Dihong died, 90% of the reason is ancient sea!" Shen Shen said.

"It's impossible, I know the whole process, mainly because my sister took everything from Ji Dihong, and he was defeated!" Jing Wei shook his head and disbelieved.

"Believe it or not, I told you before, do you remember? In three days, I will help you get out of Lin Waner's body and attach a new body, which is also the body of Huoding!" I sipped. Tea, lightly.

"What? I don't, sister, I want this body, I want this one, I don't change it!" Jing Wei suddenly changed his face, exclaimed.

"Huh?" He looked grimly at Jingwei.

"Sister, are you afraid of that ancient sea? He hasn't even reached the Grand Palace successfully!" Jingwei eagerly said.

He shook his head: "Afraid of him? No! There is nothing that can scare me in this world, but people are unbelievable. In my life, I hate the most unspoken people. That's why Ji Dihong was like that. Will look against him, now that Gu Hai saved you from water and fire, his woman Lin Waner was possessed by you, you are already too immoral, Gu Hai does not care about it, and I agree on your behalf, when you find a new body, you must return to Lin Waner, Now that everything is in place, do you think of it? "

"No, sister, is there any other way, this body cannot be given to the ancient sea!" Jing Wei anxiously said.

"There is no other way, you must do what you say! If you really like Lin Waner's body, you will be able to take it back from Gu Hai later! But after three days, your spirit must come out of Lin Waner's body. "" Shen Shen said.

Jing Wei looked at Yun's resolute tone, and for a moment he was not tangled.

After being silent for a while, Jing Wei bowed his head and said, "Sister, let me tell you the truth. I belong to Lin Waner. All this was arranged by my father in the past. I borrowed the special features of Lin Waner and Fire Emperor to make me the present body. The seventh soul has transformed, formed, and formed the Suzaku god! "

"Huh?" He narrowed his eyes.

Suzaku god?

"Sister, I have a Suzaku god, which belongs to the body. I am out of spirits. Isn't this Suzaku **** cheap Lin Waner? Suzaku God, you know the preciousness of Suzaku God. Xuanwu, with Suzaku the most honorable, and also involved that big secret, sister, can not be cheaper Guhai! "Jing Wei eagerly said.

I stared at Jingwei for a moment, and frowned slightly.

"Sister, did you agree?" Jing Wei expected.

In the end, alas, shook his head: "I insist, no one can be unbelievable and not cheap. He saved your life. Your life is not as good as Suzaku. Besides, if you really care about Suzaku, you will come again in the future. Just come back from the ancient sea! "

"What? No, sister, I don't want it. Suzaku is mine, and I don't give it to anyone!" Jing Wei said anxiously.

"It goes without saying that after three days, I will help you change your body. Complaints are indispensable. You must report complaints, and you must not forget them!" Shen Shen said.

"No, sister, I won't give it!" Jing Wei anxiously.

"Okay, let's go!" I didn't want to say more to Jingwei.

Jing Wei's face was depressed. How could my sister be a deadhead. Suzaku, Suzaku god? Why give to the ancient sea!

Jingwei knows that fooling around will only make her sister angry, and with a big depression, Jingwei slowly exits the back garden.

During this time, Jingwei never lived in his palace, but lived in the palace with his sister, but at this moment the sister did not want to stay in the palace and returned to his palace outside the palace.

"Crap, crack, crack!"

In his palace, Jing Wei lost his temper and smashed a large piece of furniture at home, and a number of servants avoided it, fearing to be implicated.

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry!" Until the next night.

"Oh, who made you angry and made you angry like this?" Suddenly, a little girl's voice sounded in Jingwei's palace.

"Who?" Jing Wei stared.

This sound is so familiar, who is it? Why can't you remember? Moreover, they are not allowed to enter the palace. Who dares to break in at this time.

A closer look, but saw that not far away, at his dressing table, a little girl braided in front of the mirror.

"Who are you?" Jing Wei Shen said.

Who is so brave and dares to break into his own palace?

But she saw that the little girl had pigtails and turned slowly.

Turning around, Jing Wei saw the little girl's face clearly, and her face changed suddenly.

"You, you, you, who are you?" Jing Wei trembled in shock.

The little girl is not a stranger, but a hook that the ancient sea has seen in the past.

Jiang Lianshan's two daughters, the eldest daughter is Jiang Ye, that is Ye! The little girl was called a baby girl, who drowned in the East China Sea, her soul turned into a fine guard, her body sank in the East China Sea, and disappeared. I thought I was eaten by fish and shrimp, but didn't want to, I fell into Huangquanhai and turned into a hook.

The four zombie ancestors, the water zombies, yoke!

He turned around and Jing Wei shuddered in shock, wasn't this himself? Looking at his former appearance and smiling at himself now, Jing Wei suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

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