Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 78: Jiang Lianshan?

Heavenless Capital! In a banquet room.

Gu Hai looked at the aunt in front of him, Xingtian!

The last time I came to Wudu Tiandu, Xingtian was extremely arrogant. Although he was finally damaged by Da Rirui, he was not very polite. After several wars, Xingtian was much more polite.

At least, the ancient sea in front of her is already qualified to make Xingtian awe.

"After three days, I am going to expel Jingwei's soul from Lin Wan'er?" Gu Hai's face showed a trace of satisfaction.

"Yes, the Holy Lord said, to promise the ancient saints, it is natural to say what they must do, and it will be all right. At that time, the ancient saints can pick up Lin Waner and come back!" Xing Tian nodded.

"The Lord is a believer, and here I am grateful!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"I will bring the words of Gu Sheng, but there is one thing, the Holy One made me and Gu Sheng clear!" Xing Tian frowned.


"In the past, the power of the fire emperor, the power of Jingwei, and the body of Lin Waner's fire tripod combined the three to form the Suzaku god!" Xing Tian solemnly said.

"Suzaku god?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Yes, Suzaku God. It is Lin Waner's seventh soul today. Suzaku's cherishment. The ancient Saint should know that today, from the ancient Lich War to the present day, only this Suzaku God!" Tian Tian Shen said.

"What a coincidence?" Gu Hai frowned.

"It's not a coincidence, it's a calculation on Lao Sheng. However, when Lao Sheng made a mistake in the calculation, Lin Wan'er got caught in it. According to the logic, a fire tripod is needed, but Lin Wan'er does not have to be, but everything happens by chance, so ... …! "Xing Tian somehow did not know how to speak.

"I want Suzaku god?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Princess Jingwei, has been reluctant to let go, so it is difficult to be holy ...!" Xing Tian smiled bitterly.

"Since the Suzaku **** was designed by Jiang Lianshan in the past, naturally I won't be embarrassed. Yours is yours. When Lin Waner returns, I will let her out of the Suzaku god. Then I can exchange Jingwei!" Road.

"Ah? Really?" Xing Tian was surprised.

"He can do what he says, and he has no jokes!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Thank you, Gu Sheng. In this way, everything is well resolved. Before coming, Princess Jingwei had a quarrel with the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost also had no choice but to let me discuss with the Ancient Holy Ghost. Any requirements of the Ancient Holy Ghost, you can. Discuss! "Xing Tian suddenly relaxed and smiled.

"No need, please protect Lin Waner!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"It must be!" Xing Tian immediately said happily.

Gu Hai nodded. You can see Lin Wan'er in three days. Of course, the ancient sea would not be out of season at this time. Talk about the conditions? There is no need to talk about conditions, Lin Waner is more important than any conditions.

"So, I went back to report to the Holy One! Thanks to the ancient Holy One! Three days later, Lin Waner must be escorted back!" Xing Tian said suddenly.

"There is work!" Gu Hai nodded.

Xing Tian quickly left the borderless city of Heaven, and soon returned to Honghuang City.

I just dealt with the politics. As soon as he went down, Xing Tian came immediately.

"Holy, Gu Hai agreed!" Xing Tian cried out happily.

妭 Although Jin Wei's Hu Nuan had been rejected before, she couldn't let go of this sister in her heart, so she let Xing Tian go to the ancient sea to discuss it.

At this moment, when I saw Xing Tian's excited expression, I was also moved.

"Oh? What did Gu Hai say?" I wondered.

Xing Tian described Gu Hai's statement aside.

"Gu Hai, not greedy? This is really easy to do!" Nodded his head, expressing appreciation.

"Holy, will Gu Hai promise orally to change his mind? After all, the preciousness of Suzaku, that is ...!" Xing Tian frowned slightly.

"No, the ancient seas have many methods, but most of them are conspiracies. You still have to do what you say. Otherwise, why do you think he is killing him for the full completion of the Heavenly Palace?" Qi Dandan said.

"Yes! Ye Chen watched carefully!" Xing Tian smiled.

"Go tell Jingwei, make her happy, and let her see you again!" Xiao laughed.

"Yes!" Xing Tian Ying said.

Xing Tian immediately left the palace and went to Jingwei's palace. But I was looking at the borderless heavenly capital of the North.

"Jiang Lianshan, the land of Shenzhou, you can count it as much as you can. However, you have laid out the world, counted countlessly, did not count an ancient sea!" He looked at Shen Shen in the distance.

"You have counted your life and be indifferent, even your loved ones are counted, and they have become your pawns. No matter how we struggle, we still put us into torture. Sealed on me that year, I was tortured by 3,000 years. Hell, do you know what kind of torture I have suffered in these three thousand years? I ca n’t survive, I ca n’t die, you think it ’s good for me to become a stricken ancestor, do n’t you know, I do n’t want to be tortured at all , Die by fire, die again, die by fire, ha ha ha, you know that I will suffer that, but you are cold-hearted, indifferent, ruthless, I thought you really have no feelings But you don't want to, you end up under your own love, and burial for love? Ridiculous, how ridiculous!

As he recalled Jiang Lianshan, Xing Tian flew back in a sudden panic.

"Holy, not good, Princess Jingwei, escaped!" Xing Tian anxiously said.

"Huh?" He sank, wondering.

"Jing Wei is not in her palace. The servants and guards in the palace did not see her leave. But, it's gone!" Xing Tian anxiously said.

"Leave? Honghuang City arranges the array of magical fire. As long as there is a difference between the body of the fire and fire, there must be a reaction, but the magical fire and fire does not respond. How could she leave?" Shen Shen said.

Stepping, I instantly arrived at Jingwei Palace.

Outside the palace, it's a mess. A group of guards and servants searched. When I saw the uncle coming, he knelt down and worshiped.

"Where did Jingwei finally appear?" Shen Shen said.

"The palace, the palace of the princess!" All the servants called out suddenly.

妭 Step to Jingwei Palace.

Xing Tian followed suit.

"Holy, I have searched with divine thoughts, and really are not there!" Xing Tian eagerly said.

"Lost in the palace?" I checked for a moment and turned to look at a servant.

"Yes, yeah, the princess lost her temper, smashed a lot of furniture, and smashed when she saw someone. We, we didn't dare to approach, so ..." the servant said in panic.

I glanced coldly, then looked at the palace again.

The palace was empty.

However, I have my own means.


I saw, however, that the golden red shadows slowly emerged from the top of the uncle's head, and then a small god's eye emerged out of nowhere, but it was a god's eye.

As soon as the eyes of heaven emerged, a red light burst into the palace. Slowly, the picture from a while ago appeared.

But see the picture. Jingwei returned and saw a little girl standing in front of the dresser.

"This, isn't this the body of Princess Jingwei?" Xing Tian exclaimed, looking at the screen.

"Hook?" Haw's eyes were cold, and a chill erupted.

But I saw, I looked at Jingwei quietly. Jing Wei was horrified. Then they exchanged ideas with each other.

At first, Jingwei was extremely resistant to slapsticks. The speech seemed to be thorny, but then, Gou didn't know what to say, and Jing Wei's eyes widened instantly, revealing an incredible color.

Then, Jing Wei showed ecstasy. Suddenly I believed in the hook.

There was no sound in the picture, only two people were in the form, but they saw that Hou went and waved his hands, and suddenly an aerosol appeared.

Jingwei stepped into the mist with the hook, then the two flickered and disappeared. Then the aerosol gradually disappeared.


收 Suddenly closed her eyes in the sky, her face darkened.

"Sacred Lord, just now, that was just a tick? She took Jingwei. You can understand the lip, what did they say?" Xing Tian was surprised.

Suddenly, Yin's face fell down. Did not tell the truth of Xing Tian.

"If you go to Wujiang Tiandu again, tell Gu Hai that you know. At the same time, tell him that he will bring Jingwei back, but it is only a three-day period, and it will be delayed!" He said, looking cold.

"Ah? Yes!" Xing Tian nodded with a hint of blankness.

Was he just taken away by the hook? It should be more than that, because the expression of the Holy See is terrible.

You know, even in the face of Ji Dihong and generals, there was no such angry expression on the holy side.

The Holy Spirit is reluctant to say that Xing Tian dare not make more sockets, and can only step to the borderless sky--

Hell! Above a sea of ​​flames.

The sea is not water, but billowing lava and flames. The flames soared into the sky, as if the sky had been burned.

Flames come in various colors and represent various degrees of heat.

In this sea of ​​flames, there are also flame spirits, wandering around, like fish swimming in the sea of ​​flames, there are flame war horse knights, riding flame horses running on the sea of ​​fire. There are countless dead souls, and the fire demon is vertical and horizontal.

At this moment, there is a big ship of ice crystals.

On the ice crystal ship, at this moment there are only two people, one is Jing Wei, who possesses Lin Waner, and the other is Jing Jing's body, which is stubborn.

The two women looked at some reefs in the distance, manipulating the ice crystal ship to shuttle quickly.

Jing Wei looked at the Hook with some alert: "This is Dongling Huohai, are you sure, we still need to go further?"

"Don't worry, I have to deal with you, you can't resist at all, I won't hurt you!" Wu Gou said lightly.

Jingwei nodded.

Compared with the strength, I was really strong and perverted. Although I do n’t know how it compares to my sister, I am definitely better than Xing Tian and Hou Yi.

"The East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire suppresses all spirits, and only the fiery people can breathe here easily. I am the body of Huoding, don't you seem to?" Jing Wei frowned and looked at Hugo.

"I'm a stiff ancestor in the water system!" Wu Hooked to himself.

Jingwei nodded slightly.

The crystal ship sailed through the wind and waves, and after a day and night of shuttle, finally reached a tumbling mountain.

"This is the Flame Mountain, go ashore!" Wu Gou said lightly.

Wu Gou took the lead in jumping off the ice crystal ship, and Jingwei also jumped off.

After the ice crystal ship disappeared, it was immediately melted by the surrounding fire, turned into a pool of clear water, and then evaporated and disappeared, but this ice crystal ship was originally made of ice.

Jingwei squeezed his fist, with a little nervousness, and quickly ran to the top of the Flame Mountain with the hook.

At the top of the mountain, a man, wearing a golden red dragon robe, stood with his hands on his shoulders, looking at the sky in the distance. As if waiting for Jingwei and Yango.

Jingwei approached a little nervously, a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes, and a sense of uncertainty.

"Come here?" The man said lightly.

Jing Wei could never forget that voice. He was so familiar with it. For a moment, Jing Wei shivered with excitement, and his eyes were slightly red.

"Jingwei is here!" Wu nodded.

The man turned slowly. Doesn't Jing Wei know the appearance? Suddenly a sore nose, tears burst into my eyes.

"Father, Father, are you really alive?" Jing Wei choked quickly and walked up.

The appearance of a man is not someone else, but Jingwei's father. In the past, Dayan Heavenly Pilgrimage, Jiang Lianshan!

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