Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 79: Donglinghuohai

Heavenless Capital! Go to the study!

Gu Hai looked at Bing Ji in front of her, and frowned slightly: "Bing Ji, during this time, are you unhappy with Xianer and Wanqing?"

"No, both queens are very good to the courtiers!" Bingji said with a serious look.

"Then why would you please transfer to the rhubarb land?" Gu Hai frowned.

"The minister is the commander of the Third Army of the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty. He is obliged to contribute to the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty. The Holy Spirit has repeatedly maintained it. The queen's closeness will make many courtiers give pointers!" Bingji whispered.

"Who dares to give pointers?" Gu Hai frowned.

Bingji bit her lip: "Holy, please let me go. The Jiuli Dynasty and the Dahuang Heavenly Kingdom have no master right now. This is a good time for me to collect in the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty secretly. The door is cheap! "

"You don't have to go there yourself! I have sent officials there!" Gu Hai advised.

Bingji bit her lip, her eyes reddened and said, "Holy, please let the courtier go, otherwise I really don't know how to do it. I want to do things, I don't want to be idle ..."

Two lines of teardrops slipped in Bingji's eyes.

Gu Hai was suddenly surprised that all the previous temper was gone.

Bing Ji crying? Maybe it was too tight.

Going to Bing Ji, looking at Bing Ji's sobbing expression, Gu Hai suddenly softened.

Holding Bingji gently in her arms, Bingji pushed and struggled. I just wanted to call, but I heard Gu Hai's soft voice: "When you go to the south, you must pay attention to safety!"

"Ah?" Bingji froze, looking at Gu Hai with a trace of tears.

"The biggest thing in Dahan Tianchao is not 朕, but your tears! Be careful! Don't worry me anymore!" Gu Hairou whispered.

"Huh!" Bingji said suddenly.

A warm current rushed straight into my heart, Bingji looked at Gu Hai, knew Gu Hai's love, was moved, and resolute. It seems that most of the boundaries of the Jiuli Dynasty and the Dahuang Heavenly Kingdom must be accepted.

"On this trip, I will let Shangguan Hen to accompany you and take charge of your safety. At the same time, the ten former emperors and rulers have now entered my great empire, and you will take them to build a career and collect their hearts!" Gu Hai Said.

"Huh!" Bingji pursed her lips, preventing tears from falling again.

Shangguan marks accompanied him, but the Heavenly Palace was so successful that he personally accompanied him to protect security, which shows that Gu Hai attaches great importance to himself.

"Before you leave, say hello to Xianer and Wanqing, they have carefully prepared a birthday party for you!" Gu Hairou whispered.

"Well, I will. Queen Chen and Queen Dragon treat me, I, I can't stand it, I ...!" Bingji nodded.

"What can't stand it, you have to say this again, they are sad!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Well, I won't say it, I won't say it!" Bingji wiped her tears--

Underworld, the ancient capital of Yin. Go to the study.

Skull Gu Hai sat behind the desk, reading the choir, and a man in black was kneeling on one knee.

"On Qilu Holy, the commander of the Donglinghuohai area of ​​the Blood-clothed Guardian, came the news and found that Xiahoushou had fallen!" The man in black respectfully said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai suddenly had a brush in his hand and looked at the man in black unexpectedly.

"Accurately speaking, Xiahoushou should have been there for a long time. It will appear once every one year, grab a large number of ghosts, and be expelled into the East Linghuohai. Three days ago, I came out again to catch the ghosts, and it was just seen by our blood cloak. , Dangerously escaped from his big net, on the occasion of escape, I heard that a ghost king recognized Xia Hou Shou, shouting that Xia Hou Shou was spared! "The man in black respectfully said.

"Oh? After recognizing Xiahou Shou, how many ghosts did he catch?" Gu Hai asked in a deep voice.

"A ghost town, nearly 200 million ghosts!"

"200 million? So much? How long?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"I heard that for 30 years, but at the beginning, I did n’t catch so many, just a million ghosts. Later, more and more, increasing every year, so now, this time, 200 million ghosts have been captured and entered the East. Linghuohai, never came out! The spirit of the ghost town over there was terrified at hearing this ghost and demon! "The man in black explained.

"That is to say, after catching the ghost people, staying in Donglinghuohai for one year?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, holy, you know, Dongling Huohai is very special. We dare not go deep, so ..." the man in black worried.

Gu Hai was silent for a while, and nodded: "I know, you go down first!"

"Yes!" The man in black answered.

Watching the people in black leave, Gu Hai frowned slightly: "Is Dongling Huohai? It's just to ask Wanyu!"

The sun.

Ancient Sea sent away Bing Ji. So she called the unborn person, Long Wanyu, to come to the study room to discuss.

"See you, Lord!" The unborn person saluted respectfully.

"Brother-in-law, I'm learning to make cakes with Sister Chen, are you looking for me?" Long Wanyu curiously dipped in cream.

The unborn looked at Long Wanyu and didn't know how to say hello. However, seeing Sister Long Wanyu, she felt much more comfortable before she was born.

"Xiahou Shou found it!" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

"What?" Weiren was surprised.

"Xiahoushou?" Long Wanyu found a chair directly, and poured a cup of tea and drank it.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Where? Holy!" The unborn person looked forward expectantly.

"Dongling Huohai!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Dongling Huohai? That's not where people stay!" Long Wanyu sipped her tea and was surprised.

"Dongling Huohai? He went in? What is he doing?" Weiren didn't understand.

"He catches a large number of ghost people every year! This time, he just caught 200 million ghost people and was discovered by the Bloody Guard!" Said Gu Hai.

"Dongling Huohai, most people ca n’t go deep. Even those who have completed the Tiangong Great Perfection have been suppressed a lot internally. If they are not careful, they will fall into them. In the past, the death of our life master and Dongling Huohai The spirit signed the contract and called, which was also outside the East Spirit Fire. Deep down, I haven't even gone in! "Weisheng frowned.

"According to the data, Dongling Huohai has a small area, only ten times the size of the borderless sky. It can be entered, and the whole body is suppressed by an inexplicable force?" Gu Hai frowned.

"In that place, some are similar to the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost. The power of the three souls and seven souls, except for the fire soul, which is the power of the fire god, is not affected. The other three souls and six souls will be suppressed to a certain degree. Deep! So, except for some fiery physiques who dare to break in, most people are afraid to go in. It is said that there are still a mystery inside. People who once had some fiery dinosaurs in history have entered, a small area, It took a few years to come out, of course, more people couldn't come out! "Weisheng explained.

"Eh? No, is there a mystery in it? I remember 800,000 years ago, there was no mystery in it. Although it can suppress human cultivation, but one can flatten it, it has produced at most some fiery creatures!" Long Wan Yu recalled.

"Have you been lost 800,000 years ago?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Yeah, no!" Long Wanyu nodded.

"Is it the power of the law to suppress people?" Gu Hai curiously said.

After all, in the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghosts, the law of the Hungry Ghosts suppresses the power of the three souls.

"No!" Long Wanyu shook her head.

"Oh?" Gu Hai appeared curious.

Long Wanyu was excited because her brother-in-law didn't understand, and just happened to know that she could help her brother-in-law.

"Do you know how Dongling Huohai came?" Long Wanyu laughed.

"I don't know. I only heard that there is Nanming Lihuo in Dongling Huohai. Should it be related to Suzaku?" Weisheng asked curiously.

"Yes, of course, because Dongling Huohai is the result of Suzaku!" Long Wanyu recalled.

"Suzaku? Which Suzaku?" Gu Hai wondered.

"It is the battle of the ancient Lich, Suzaku the Supreme!" Long Wanyu laughed.

"Extreme Suzaku? Speaking of which, in the corpse world, there was a blue dragon but no Suzaku. I thought Suzaku was just like a white tiger and was not dead!" Gu Hai frowned.

"At the beginning of the battle of the Lich, in the final period, the Wu clan had commanders and commanders. As if the situation was broken, the demon clan would see a big defeat. Suzaku set up an altar in Donglinghuohai, and wanted to defeat it! Long Wanyu recalled.

"Sacrifice? Who does Suzaku sacrifice to? He was already the top power in the world at that time, please help?" Weisheng was puzzled.

"No, he is a sacrificial puppet!" Long Wanyu recalled.

"Huh?" Gu Hai's pupils shrank.

"Yes, in ancient times, I left Liudaoxianqiang and once had a pet Suzaku. Suzaku has been with Suzaku for a while. Therefore, although Qinglong is the supreme leader of the four monsters, Suzaku's method is the most strange. He Some of the methods were taught by He. He went into nothingness and died. At that time, Suzaku was ill and rushed to the doctor. He set up a large altar, and how many demon sacrifice with him. I do n’t know how to sacrific. Anyway, in the end, the sacrifice failed. I was already dead. How could I use Suzaku to help him turn the tide? "Long Wanyu picked up an apple aside and scooped up.

"Without borrowing power, Suzaku is dead?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I do n’t know. The sacrifice is very strange. According to the truth, you did n’t borrow it before you borrowed it, but it seems that you borrowed a little. The entire altar turned to ashes, and how many demons sacrificed life. Suzaku was there too Shi Luoluo, with the flesh, the altar, thousands of demons, and the strange power that somehow came, turned into the East Spirit Fire! Since then, Suzaku has become a sing! The East Spirit Fire has always existed! "Long Wanyu remember .

The ancient sea was lost in thought.

As Long Wanyu said, Suzaku, as a pet of Lu, used to have contact with Lu's abilities. I should have borrowed some of Lu's power at that time, but I don't know what happened, and I ended up losing it? Accumulate everything, turn into a sea of ​​fire?

"At that time, Suzaku slumped and dealt a heavy blow to the demons. In the end, the demons defeated, but later, the minister also strangely turned against the water, and was a bit confusing. But, I remember, 800,000 years ago, The consciousness has entered the East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire, and there are no lost formations in it. These lost formations must have been newly born in the 800,000 years! "Long Wanyu affirmed.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Holy?" The unborn looked at Gu Hai.

"Rest assured, I promised you, will help you find out Xiahou Shou!" Gu Hai surely looked at the unborn.

"Yes!" Weiren nodded.

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