Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 81: Underworld Fireman

Ancient sea, unborn people step into Donglinghuohai!


Billowing flames came straight at the two. At the same time, Gu Hai felt an oppression like Tianwei.

That power is extremely fierce, like a moment, it will destroy all your will.

The unborn human body vibrated for a moment, and then he stung his body, as if being overwhelmed by this mighty power, and resigned to it. This resignation and relief immediately reduced the pressure by countless numbers.

But the ancient sea did not, the more this Mount Taishan momentum, the more unyielding the ancient sea, looked up against this Tianwei force.


There was a roar around the ancient sea.

"Holy, as long as you lower your head, this horrible Tianwei is gone!" Weisheng cried immediately.

Looking down?

There is no momentum to bow your head. Ji Dihong ca n’t do it, Jiang Lianshan ca n’t do it, neither Dragon Warring States can do it.

Gu Hai was sweating a lot, but Gu Hai was supporting this pressure.

"What a strong breath, is this the Suzaku Supreme breath? Impossible, his breath cannot be so big, even the breath of the Six Immortals is not as strong as this, is this ...?" Gu Hai's face was somber.

"Holy, just bow your head!" Cried the unborn again.

"This is, the breath of 卅?" Gu Hai suddenly sank.


The tremendous pressure went straight to the ancient sea, making Guhai's whole body make a rattling sound. Guhai knew that if it was not his own physical arrogance, he would be overwhelmed by this breath of heaven.

Waiting quietly for a moment, the breath of Tianwei slowly receded.

From beginning to end, Gu Hai did not bow his head.

"Holy, are you okay?" Weisheng asked immediately.

Gu Hai shook his head: "Now, it's okay!"

"Holy, have you adapted to the pressure of Dongling Huohai?" Weiren was surprised.

Gu Hai nodded.

Looking up at the sea of ​​fire, his face was slightly gloomy. This breath is the breath of puppets. In ancient times, Suzaku borrowed from puppets, didn't he contact puppets, should they be connected? Does this piece of Donglinghuo contain the power of 卅?

The ancient sea took a deep breath. I also had an intuitive understanding of me in my heart.

Some of these remaining marks of power have such a powerful breath of heavenly power. I am the king of the world, and all beings must bow their heads? This is just a mark of residual power. How powerful should that be?

Tianwei's breath retreated, but Gu Hai could still feel it, but that day's breath was suppressing the power of his three souls. At this moment, the three souls are all in the heavenly palace, seemingly trapped in it, unable to step out of the ordinary.

The power of the three souls, which can be cast by the ancient sea, is less than one thousandth.

"Here, when the practitioners come in, the power of the Three Souls will be suppressed. The deeper the suppression, the greater the suppression. Hearing that, at the deepest point, they can't do anything!" Weisheng explained.

"Anyway, now that you are here, you must take a look first. Among the spirits, the fire spirit is not suppressed at all, but it is also good!" Gu Haishen said.

"Yes! Therefore, Chen Chen now has only the strength of Yuanying Realm!" Weisheng smiled bitterly.

The **** of the gods of the ancient sea is now invincible. The **** of the gods has always nourished the five gods of the ancient sea, and the **** of fire is also nourishing. At the moment, the strength of the ancient sea is still extremely tough. And the flesh has long gone to the extreme.

"The power of that day still suppressed us and kept us from flying, so holy ...!" Weisheng worried.

"Here is the field of cricket strength. The law expelled, but it was not just forbidden to fly!" Gu Hai said with a narrow gaze.

Because Gu Hai felt that the entrance to the five reincarnations could not be opened. There is no rule of chess here.

"Yeah, here you can't open the entrance of the yin and yang circles!" Weisheng smiled bitterly.

"Let's go!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

The two walked towards the depths.

The fire burned the bodies of the two, and their clothes were replaced with fire magical weapons, and they were not burned.

"It's really strange here, everything is condensed by flames. Is this a tree, is it a flame? The mountain peak is also a flame! There is a big lake there, and the water in the lake is also flame and magma?" The ancient sea showed a hint of curiosity.

"Here is a world of flames. The undead inside are all flame monsters!" Weisheng explained.

Gu Hai nodded, and along the way, he did see some undead, and even saw a few skeletons. However, these skeletons were full of flames.


A flame eagle flapped its wings and came straight to the ancient sea. The eagle had only bones left, but in his eyes, the flames of his eyes showed a glimmer of light, which was torn apart.

No one probed.


The flame eagle exploded instantly.

Along the way, a large number of flame undead seemed to smell the breath of living beings, came to attack, and were all beaten back by the unborn.

The two walked for a while and slowly jumped onto a huge flame mountain.

"All the clues have been burned by the flames, and I don't know where Xia Houshou went!" Weisheng frowned.

"The suppression of this Tianwei atmosphere is getting bigger and bigger, I feel that the power of the three souls will be completely suppressed!" Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

"So is the minister, holy, where should we go now?" Weisheng looked at the vast world of fire in front of him, wondering how to find it.

"We need a guide!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Guide?" The unborn person froze slightly.

"Yes, the flames and dead spirits that attacked us before are not wise. We are looking for wisdom. I remember that in the Yuan Dynasty, you and Dongfang Shou confronted each other. He once summoned a class of Donglinghuohai. Necromancer, Nethervulcan is handsome? "Gu Hai Shen cried.

"The underworld **** is handsome?"

"Yes, they are the undead here, and they can be regarded as the aborigines. They must be familiar with this place, and find them to lead the way, or not? I remember, you can also summon a **** of the underworld?" Gu Hai asked.

The unborn person smiled slightly bitterly: "No, the minister can summon three before, but they, they are all gone, I can no longer sense them, and, once again, three of them accidentally broke out Dongling Huohai, I rescued them, and they reluctantly agreed to me. Dongfangshou, I don't know what luck he is, anyway, it is best not to meet them! "


"The Underworld Master is the characteristic here. They have the lowest strength in the Heavenly Palace, the strong one has the Heavenly Palace strength, and they are extremely irritable. They often fight each other. My three summoned Underworld Masters are destroyed in the internal battle. They are particularly fond of human flesh and blood, once we meet, wouldn't it .........! "The unborn showed concern.

Gu Hai did not seem to hear it, but looked at a large lake of flames in the distance, his eyes lit up: "Here comes, there is one!"

But I saw that above the Great Lake of Fire, there was a big horse in armor with black flames on it. On top of the horse, there was a knight covered in flames. The knight was wrapped in the whole armor and could not see his face. Holding a flame chain. Throw the chain.


From the Great Lake of Fire, a three-foot-tall flame giant fish was bound and yanked out of the lake.

The flame giant fish was struggling for a while, but the chain of the Nethervulcan was even more powerful, and it was pulled suddenly, and the flame giant was suddenly pulled down, then swallowed by the Nethervulcan and disappeared.

"That's a Ningtiangong who has the strength of the underworld god!" Weiren suddenly anxiously said.

"Is Zhongtian Palace strong?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Holy, that chain is very powerful. As long as the ordinary Excalibur's excalibur touches it, it will immediately burn and melt. Let's go around!" Weisheng worried.

"It's too late, he has seen us!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Sure enough, the Netherfire **** who swallowed the flame giant fish suddenly looked up and saw the ancient sea and unborn people on the top of the flame mountain.

"Roar!" The vulture handsome shouted.

Sit down in flames and the horse came straight into the direction of the ancient sea.

"Holy, we are now under restraint. Don't be a hard enemy, retreat first!" Anxiously said.

"Where to go!" Ning Vulcan shouted loudly.

An unborn person was anxious, but Gu Hai's eyes brightened. At least, the Underworld Fire God can speak?


When the Netherfire **** was thrown away, the chain came straight to the two of the ancient seas. The power is great, bringing out a flame storm.

An unborn person was worried for a while, but Gu Hai smiled coldly, and when he came up, he died, and he didn't have the intention to keep his hand. Poke out your right **** and slammed.


The chain head was suddenly hit by Gu Hai, and he turned around instantly and headed for the Nethervulcan.

"What?" The handsome face of the underworld **** changed his face and wanted to change the direction of the chain, but it was too late.


The Netherfire **** and the war horse were blown out by this chain. Suddenly hit a flame mountain.

The unborn person showed a hint of astonishment: "Is n’t the holy practice unsealed? Such a powerful force?"

The ancient sea is a step.

Jumped up instantly, and then fell suddenly.


Suddenly, Gu Hai stepped on the body of the Nethervulcan, and the Nethervulcan crushed the earth out of a lot of cracks.

"You, who are you?" The underworld vicious handsome horrified.

No one was far away in surprise.

"Talking? That would be better. Tell me about Dongling Huohai! Is there a Xiahoushou here?" Gu Hai said lightly.

"What, you're looking for the main character?" The Nethervulcan handsome suddenly surprised.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes lit up.

The unborn person who hurried to him also suddenly surprised, "You say the protagonist? Xiahoushou is your protagonist? Where is he?"

Everything is so good luck, you have to find Xiahoushou just now?

"I, I, I don't know!" The Nether Vulcan handsome was struggling for a while.

"Don't you know? Well, you have been restrained now. I have a way for you to say it. If you don't say it again, I will take your birthday and let you be completely turned into fly ash and become the nourishment of the earth here!" No one looked cold.

While talking, the detective sticked to the head of the Underworld.

"Ah!" The Nether Vulcan handsome screamed in pain.

"I can't say it, I said it, the protagonist won't spare me!" The Underworld Fire God asked for mercy.

"Don't you say, do you think I'll spare you?" The unborn person kept sucking the black gas from the head of Nethervulcan.

"Let me go, if you have the ability to let me go, you and I will fight alone, don't draw me Shouyuan, don't, ah!" Ninghuo Shuai said in pain.

"You fight alone, you ca n’t do it alone. You are willing to help us find Xia Hou Shou. We will take Xia Hou Shou without hurting you. Otherwise, we will destroy you first, and we will find another Master of the Underworld. There will be dead spirits telling us! "Gu Hai said indifferently.

The Master of the Underworld Fire called for a while in pain: "Don't smoke, I said, I said!"

Gu Hai, the unborn person looked at each other, I did not expect this trip to go so smoothly!

PS: There is something today, the update is unstable, the first is more advanced, and the second is more likely to be late. Sorry!

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