Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 90: Shennongyu

Although the Scarlet Goddess was desperately struggling, the body's surface was still gushing with black gas, and the endless sin red light was quickly dissipating.

Da Riru's transcendence can be described as the word of Tianyin. In the **** **** handsome body, one after another, the ghosts are superexposed, and then reincarnated into the ancient fairy heaven.

In this way, Gu Hai battled with him while fighting, and after a day, Scarlet God finally calmed down and stopped attacking Gu Hai.

Moreover, his body shape also changed slowly. Gradually, the armor disappeared and slowly returned to the shape of a dead wood root.

However, dead wood roots are as old as life. Moreover, there are some human forms, like a skinny old man.


A series of coughs is like an old man who is about to die.

"This is after the time has passed, the fear of continued life has also dissipated, its life ...!" Da Rirui frowned slightly.

At this moment, although the Scarlet God is still experiencing a dangerous breath all over his body, he has already moved hard and is extremely old.

"Ancient sea? Keke, met again! Unexpectedly, you have become so powerful now!" The old man with a dead tree transformed by the Scarlet God suddenly said.

"Huh? Do you know me?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"I used to offend a lot. I was exhausted, but I was at the end of my life, but I was still stubborn. I fell asleep, and when I was asleep, I was refined by the Master Shou to become the Master of the Underworld. Unfortunately, the more he lives for me, the more vague my consciousness is. Now, with your excess, I can barely sober! "The old man withered wood sighed.

"Do you know me? Who are you? At the same time, there will be six moves of Zhenjun and Jiang Lianshan. I don't remember you?" Gu Hai was surprised.

Gu Hai's ability, old man did not remember knowing this figure.

"You've seen me, but I wasn't like that at the time, and I didn't talk to you!" Said the old dead wood bitterly.

"You are?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"I'm that holy holy!" The old dead wood sighed.

"A gimmick? Shennong 锄? The fourth magic weapon of the ancient 16th National Congress, Jiang Lianshan's Shennong 锄?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Yeah, here you are suppressed, I don't have it, so I was able to compare with you before! If outside, I am not your opponent!" The old dead wood tree smiled bitterly.

"You actually have savvy? Wait, did you go with us 800,000 years ago, and then stayed with Jiang Lianshan 800,000 years ago, and have been through 800,000 years?" Gu Hai frowned.

"To be precise, I slept for 800,000 years in the Donglinghuohai. This is the place where the Holy Lord fell! It was very peaceful when the Holy Spirit left. At that moment, the Holy Lord seemed to see Murong Yan, although he was broken by the bones of the six true monarchs. However, the Holy Spirit begged to die, and at the moment of death, the Holy Spirit was smiling and walking! "Shen Nongyu smiled bitterly in his memories.

"You mean, Jiang Lianshan is dead?" Gu Hai frowned in surprise.

Jiang Lianshan is dead? Who was Jiang Lianshan I saw before?

Shennongyu didn't seem to hear the ancient Chinese dialect, but nodded: "Sacred God has fought with Liudao Zhenjun for a long time. Liudao Zhenjun repeatedly used the Holy Sword's moves to confront me. I also learned the Holy Sword in the battle. , Unfortunately, in the end, I was full of scars, and my **** was smashed in the battle, leaving only the stalks to survive! "

"Your holy sword is learned from Liudao Zhenjun? However, you said just now that Jiang Lianshan is dead? Then who did I see the other day? Isn't he Jiang Lianshan?" Gu Hai frowned.

"That's why I can't stop thinking about it. He is Holy, not! Holy God wanted to die, and when he died, it was a wish, but ..." Shen Nongyu said bitterly.

"Wait a minute, tell me first, who is Jiang Lianshan I saw the other day? What is it?" Gu Hai frowned.

Shennongyu glanced at Gu Hai, and finally sighed, "He is a holy spirit, Vulcan!"

"Vulcan?" Gu Hai froze.

"Yes, the three souls and six souls of the Holy Spirit were all destroyed in that battle, but the Fire Spirit, also known as the Vulcan, survived because of the Eastern Spirit and the Sea of ​​Fire. Although it has the memory of the Holy Spirit, a soul, But he could not have the holy emotion. He was a fire god, because the power of Dongling Huohai did not dissipate, so he could not leave Dongling Huohai! "Shen Nongyu explained.

"He is Jiang Lianshan's Vulcan? No wonder, from his conversation, I felt that he had lost his humanity, but he had the shadow of Jiang Lianshan!" Gu Hai frowned.

"The human body is the three souls. The seven souls are all derived from the three souls. Without the three souls, the seven souls should be dispersed, but it is not. This fire **** has been posing as the Holy Spirit, but he is just the Holy Spirit. Part of it, is it qualified to pretend to be holy? I went to him, but was hit hard by his design, huh ...! ”Shen Nong said bitterly.

"The body is also part of the human, how do you ...?" Gu Hai frowned.

"He is only a part of the holy. He can't pretend to be all, just like your hair has fallen off. Can he pretend to cheat you?" Shen Nongyu reluctantly said.

"Uh!" Gu Hai froze slightly.

"Guhai, how is the family of the Holy God now?" Shennongyu looked at Guhai.

Gu Hai was silent for a while, and said what happened over the years.

"Look, if he is holy, he can watch Prince Chiyou dying? If he is holy, he will watch Mu Rongyan die?" Shennong said angrily.

"In the past few decades, what did he plan on in Dongling Huohai? Hearing a stranger asked Xia Houshou, what Suzaku treasure did you mention?" Gu Hai curiously said.

Shennongyu was silent for a while, and nodded: "Holy fire **** body, want to get the ability of Suzaku, resurrect Nirvana by the east spirit sea! These years, have been looking for Suzaku treasure!"

"Nirvana reborn? Jiang Lianshan resurrected?" Gu Hai stared.

"Oh, do n’t think about it. The so-called Nirvana rebirth is not the Holy Spirit's resurrection, but the transformation of its Vulcan body into a soul body, rebuilding the flesh, focusing on his Vulcan body, condensing the new Three Souls, not the original Holy, with at most a memory of the Holy! "Shen Nongzhen explained.

"Suzaku Treasure? I haven't found it for 800,000 years? Is that something that doesn't exist?" Gu Hai frowned.

"No, it exists. When 800,000 years ago, the Holy Lord fought with six true monarchs, we saw Suzaku Supreme!" Said Shen Nongyu.

"See Suzaku? He's not dead?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"It's true. It's in the East Sea of ​​Fire that the Holy Fire God can escape the destruction of the six true monarchs, or Supreme Suzaku's last help!" Shen Nongzhen recalled.

"What's going on?" Gu Hai exclaimed.

"That year, the Holy Lord confronted the six true monarchs. The six true monarchs possessed an immortal source, and their strength became stronger and stronger. Finally, the Holy Lord was defeated. Here, it is the last battle of the Holy Lord. The Holy Lord vented his last remorse. Desperately, in the end, he was ready to draw the power of Dongling Huohai into the body for self-detonation, and was ready to end up with the six true monarchs! "Shennongzhen recalled.

"Introduce the power of Donglinghuohai and explode?"

"Yes, unfortunately, the six true monarchs used Xianyuan to mobilize the power of the Three Thousand Avenues to seal the saint, so that the self-explosion could not be completed. The moment before the six true monarchs crushed the body of the saint, the body of the saint had a flame after all. It exploded, and even blew out with me, and the flame that exploded escaped the attention of the six true monarchs, and the body of the Holy Spirit was broken to pieces! "Recalled Shen Nongyu.

"That flame?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, that is the flame, the flame with the Holy Fire God and me, flew into the sea of ​​fire, and after Liu Zhenjun left, a huge flame Suzaku condensed!"

"Flame Suzaku sealed a trace of Nanming who had left the fire to enter the Holy Vulcan, saved the body of Vulcan, and told him that as long as he did not go out to the East Spirit Fire Ocean, he could survive in the East Spirit Fire Ocean with the body of Vulcan. Suzaku also said, It was just a ray of his energy body, and his other energy was sealed somewhere in the East Sea of ​​Fire. Let the flame **** of the holy find and find the treasure of Suzaku, and he could be born again by the Suzaku treasure Nirvana! " Road.

"Suzaku's energy body?"

"Yes, it seems that Suzaku has been sealed in a certain place. Even that place is not clear to him. I only know that in the Donglinghuohai Sea, Suzaku has a little bit of strength to escape, but this little bit of overflowing Energy can't last for too long. When he talked about the Suzaku treasure, it was gone! "Shen Nongzhen recalled.

"and after?"

"Later? The Fire God of the Holy Spirit wanted to refine me and let me obey. Oh, I only obeyed the Holy Lord. How could I promise him? I fell out with him, but despite the fall, I did not destroy him at first. The heart, after all, is part of the Holy, but he was framed by him, and escaped dangerously. Later, I went to revenge, but I still failed. I am not willing, I want to destroy him as the Holy One. This is how I live. The only obsession now! "Shen Nong said with animosity.

"You want to destroy him?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes, the Three Souls of the Holy Spirit are the essence. If the Seven Spirits are scattered, as long as the Three Spirits are present, the new Seven Spirits can be condensed by reshaping the body. In other words, the Soul Body is only a magic weapon of the Soul Body. God is the same magic weapon as me. How can he be qualified to refine me?

"800,000 years, he hasn't found where Suzaku was sealed?" Gu Hai frowned.

"It's 800,000 years, enough for him to dig the Donglinghuohai to the ground three feet, but unfortunately, no one would have believed it unless he had encountered Suzaku Supreme at that time!" Shennongyu sighed.

"I see, why Jiang Lianshan needs Jingwei, he is the Suzaku **** in Jingwei, to help find Suzaku, open the seal, borrow Suzaku's treasure, and rebirth Nirvana?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Suzaku God?" Shennong stunned slightly.

Gu Hai talked about Jingwei and Lin Waner again.

"So it ’s so, haha, it ’s really unscrupulous. It ’s really a trick to sacrifice the holy priest and make the little princess innocent. It turned out to be just to satisfy his selfish desires. He found a node in Dongling Huohai and wanted Use Suzaku God, use the taboo technique, and sacrifice the East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire with the princess's life to open the Suzaku Supreme Seal? "Shen Nongyun looked ugly.

"Use Waner's life to make a sacrifice? He wants to kill Waner and kill Jingwei?" Gu Hai suddenly looked cold.

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