Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 89: Broken wood?

Without much hesitation, Cat Tianyun soared into the sky!

The Scarlet Goddess is in rage, receiving Xia Houshou's last command, and constantly attacking the ancient sea. His moves are extremely horrible and powerful, and his body is as tough as the ancient sea.

Gu Hai and his heavy blows could not hurt each other.


Cat Tianyun suddenly soared into the sky, attacking Scarlet from the rear.


The Scarlet God was a holy sword, and it was immediately cut on Cat Tianyun, and Cat Tianyun flew out.

"Meow, I don't believe it!" Cat Tianyun suffered a big loss, and rushed up again with great depression.


Taking advantage of it, Cat Tianyun attacked his back, but the effect was not obvious. The Scarlet God is invincible, and Cat Tianyun's claws are bent, and he cannot hurt it.

"Meow, why is this so?" Cat Tianyun exclaimed.

"You don't have to attack. In Dongling Huohai, although you are better than everyone else, you are finally suppressed in strength," Gu Hai cried.

"What then?"

"Take him out, you take the unborn, and lead the way!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Okay!" Cat Tianyun nodded depressed.

The extremely cold gourd, real fire gourd, and vine world gourd have all used the Scarlet God, but the Scarlet God does not know what it is, but they are all immune? This surprised Gu Hai.

Gu Hai's flesh and blood are inaccessible, which is exactly equivalent to it.

Cat Tianyun and the unborn were leading the way.

The ancient sea and the Scarlet Goddess retreated side by side, moving toward the East Linghuo sea.

Gu Hai knew that as long as the East Linghuo was out, the Scarlet Goddess was not his opponent, and even when he did not have to do it himself, a group of consummates in the Heaven Palace could surrender the Scarlet Gods.

Now, while the **** handsome head is a little unclear, he lied to it first.

Along the way, the crowd was fast. Two hours of effort reached the border of Donglinghuohai.

"Come on, let me teach him!" Cat Tianyun screamed and rushed out.

At the border, the blood-stained and handsome man suddenly stopped, and the whole person stopped, then turned to the depths of Donglinghuohai.

"What? He refuses to come out?" Cat Tianyun exclaimed.

The ancient sea is also surprised, isn't this scarlet handsome handsome unconscious? How to know the danger outside? Gu Hai suddenly rushed up, the Scarlet Goddess was still fighting Gu Hai, but several times cheated to the edge of Dongling Huohai, he was reluctant to go out.

"What to do now?" Cat Tianyun exclaimed.

"You go back first, but you are not born, and you will immediately interrogate Xiahou Shou, what is this **** handsome!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Yes!" The unborn person answered.

Gu Hai was unwilling to lose the Scarlet Deity and fight him again and again.

Cat Tianyun quickly returned to the ancient capital of Yin with the unborn.

The ancient capital of ancient times, the ancient sea of ​​skeletons has long been waiting.

"How long can I stay awake this summer?" Skeleton Guhai asked.

"Chen is doing his best! Chen is going to Shouyuan Temple!" Weisheng said.

Gu Hai nodded his head.

The unborn brought Xiahou Shou to his residence. Entering Shouyuan Hall, Xiahoushou was placed on a gossip platform. Probe a little Xiahou Shou's eyebrows.


The resentment of Xiahou Shou's eyebrows burst out instantly, and the unborn person gathered up in a small bottle.

Xia Houshou's hat had been lifted. A skinny and dry old man looked like a broken eyebrow, his hair was shed, and he looked at the unborn person warily.

"Unborn, you caught me? You caught me? No!" Xia Houshou shouted in anger.

"Don't want to die so early, immediately make clear, what is the Scarlet Deity handsome? Haunted life, haha, ordinary people can't stand it, the intensity of the fear is that the heavenly palace will be completely ruined, but The Scarlet God was able to bear it, who is he? "Weisheng asked Shen Sheng.

"Oh, ha ha ha, do you want to know? Don't think about it, I won't say it!" Xiahou Shou said coldly.

"This is not Dongling Huohai. In Dongling Huohai, I am not your opponent, but here you are controlled by me, I have 10,000 ways to deal with you!" Weisheng said coldly.

"Hum!" Xia Houshou hummed.

"You asked for it!" The undetected probe pushed the gossip platform.


The chain that penetrated Xiahoushou's lute bone instantly stimulated a current of electricity, and immediately made Xiahoushou tremble suddenly. The unborn person took out a black bug and slowly stuffed Xiahoushou's brows.

"What are you doing, what are you doing!" Xiahoushou exclaimed.

"You won't say, then I'll come by myself!" Weisheng said coldly.

"Zombie? No, don't, I said, don't make it!" Xiahou Shou exclaimed.

The unborn person ignored it, and let the corpse worm penetrate into Xiahou Shou's head. Xiahou Shou trembled suddenly. But the unborn now drew a rune on Xiahoushou's head.

After a while, Xiahou Shou no longer struggled, but at this moment, Xiahou Shou's eyes became empty.

"That **** handsome, what is it?" Weisheng asked.

"I don't know!" Xiahou Shou said dullly.

"I don't know? How did you get it?" Weisheng said coldly.

"Thirty years ago, I saw it in Donglinghuohai, a secluded valley. At that time, it was full of scars, like a piece of broken wood, but on this broken wood, there was an emanation. A terrifying atmosphere! I feel extraordinary, want to refine, don't want to, it actually has spirituality, I just want to refine it into the handsome **** of the underworld! "Xiahou Shou explained dullly.

"Broken wood, sore?" Weisheng was surprised.

"After he was refined into the Underworld Master, I couldn't fully control it, and his consciousness was extremely vague. He vaguely mentioned the words" Suzaku Treasure "," Six Immortals "and" Sacred Unwillingness "! Xiahoushou explained.

"Suzaku Treasure? Six Immortals? Not willing to be holy?" Weisheng said in astonishment.

"His strength made me realize that I might come into contact with some kind of giant treasure, especially the Suzaku treasure, and he was still in a state of confusion. I guessed that the Suzaku treasure must be something extraordinary, maybe it was Suzaku Supreme Treasure, I must get the secret in his mouth, so while searching for the Suzaku treasure in his mouth, I caught countless ghosts and came to continue his life, hoping that it will be sober, but unfortunately, his thinking is getting more and more The more chaotic, the more blurred! "Xiahou Shou said dullly.

"Ghost's birthday? Of course this evil method has made him more confused, but what have you been looking for in these 30 years?" Weisheng asked.

"No, I've traveled to Dongling Huohai, except for places where there are countless arrays. I have searched for nothing. There are others in Dongling Huohai. I send other Netherfire masters to explore those arrays. However, I never went there. I did n’t dare to go in person. It so happened that Gu Hai and the unborn person caught one of my Netherfire goddess and wanted to find me. I used them to find out who the man was , Finally probed into Jiang Lianshan! "Xia Hou Shou explained in a sluggish state.

"What about Cat Tianyun?" Weisheng asked.

"On the day Mao Tianyun entered, I found out that he broke into a gossip array arranged by Jiang Lianshan. The array was dangerous. When he came out, he was already groggy, and I just caught him with the Scarlet Gods , Filled with resentment, let him use it for me! "Xiahou Shou stunned.

"Cat Tianyun, did you pick a bargain?" Weisheng said strangely.


"Dongling Huohai, since you have walked all over again and know where all the large arrays are arranged, then draw them out!" Weisheng asked.

"Yes!" Xiahou Shouying said.

It didn't take long for the unborn to take a map to the ancient sea of ​​skulls.

"Holy, this is the layout of Donglinghuohai, and ...!" The unborn person would ask, describing Gu Hai aside.

"Broken wood?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

A piece of broken wood can be so powerful?

"Is there a way to wake up this broken wood?" Gu Hai frowned.

"The **** **** is handsome, devouring more than one billion ghosts, and the whole body is stricken with fear, boundless sin, and just the resentment. He needs to be extravagant for those ghosts and send them into reincarnation, maybe ...! "No one explained.

"Excuse me?" Gu Hai froze slightly.

"Yes, although they were swallowed by the Scarlet Gods, but this is a kind of longevity array. It stands to reason that they have not been completely destroyed, but they are constantly struggling in the belly of Hell with the Scarlet Gods! You must not be detached!" The stranger explained.

"Then go overboard!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Yeah, it's not a minister's strength!" Weisheng worried.

"Anyway, Da-ri should be more familiar with this. Dongling Huohai is too dangerous after all, you don't need to go in again!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes!" Weiren nodded.

"There is also a winter Tibetan birthday, I will find it for you as soon as possible!" Gu Hai said.

"Xie Shengsheng!" Weiren thanked him.

The unborn person was sent away, and Gu Hai immediately invited Da Riru to come, and Da Ri Ru was very happy to agree.

I gave a map of Da Ri Nu Lai and pointed out the location of Da Ri Nu Lai.

Two days later, Da Ri arrived at the depths of Donglinghuohai.

With a strong force, the ancient sea stalemate with the Scarlet Goddess, put it on the ground, neither of them could move.

"Amitabha, Mr. Gu, I'm here!" Da Riru came immediately.

"Let's go overboard!" Gu Hai shouted.

"It's not difficult to overdo it, but I just sensed it a moment ago. This Donglinghuohai seems to be suppressed by a force, and the channel of reincarnation is not available!" Da Riru frowned.

"Exceeded into my ancient immortal sky, let this scarlet goddess be sober!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Okay!" Da Riru nodded.

While talking, sitting cross-legged, the Buddhist scriptures were chanted and turned into golden ‘卍’ characters. For a time, countless 卍 characters poured into the body of the Scarlet God.

"Ah!" The Scarlet God shouted in pain.

It was from his body that a black gas suddenly appeared. After the black gas, one after another, the blue ghosts were overdone, overflowing from their bodies, and then thanked the ancient sea and the big sun, and the ancient sea immediately sent the ghosts in. The reincarnation of the ancient immortal dome.

The sounds of the Buddha are all around, such as the overdone. Scarlet handsome struggled frantically.

However, the ancient sea in front of him was not weaker than him, and he was repeatedly pressed down to the ground, constantly in excess.

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