Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 88: Weird Scarlet Handsome

The cat Tianyun was restrained, Gu Hai looked again at the ghost head Shouzhen, and slammed a punch. The huge breaking sound showed that the power of this punch was huge. Once it was real, the ghost head Shou Zhen would burst instantly open!

Xiahou Shou was furious: "Dare, change!"

As soon as Xiahou Shou waved his hand, the ghost head Shou Zhen in front of Gu Hai suddenly shrank, and all returned.


Gu Hai punched short, and even if it was short, it still brought a huge wave of air.

But seeing countless ghost heads, the **** **** suddenly rushed to the top of the canyon.


Under the control of Xia Houshou, the Scarlet Man suddenly stood up, suddenly opened his mouth and took a breath.


Just look at that, one billion ghosts were swallowed up by the Scarlet Devil.

"Don't, save me, save me!" Countless ghosts screamed.

However, everything is useless, and the breath of the Scarlet Godmother seems to shatter the whole void.

Ingesting one billion ghost heads is particularly inadequate, and it is even a mouthful to suck. Around the gorge, the trapped over one hundred million ghost people are all pouring into their mouths under this suction.

The Scarlet God is getting more and more red, but the sin is getting bigger and bigger.

"Help, save me!"

"Senior, help!"

"Don't eat me!"




Hundreds of millions of ghosts shouted constantly, and the **** handsome was also getting bigger and bigger.

Not far away, Xia Houshou wanted to take control, but was swayed by a force of the Scarlet Devil's body, and flew out.

"Xiahou Shou, what the **** is this? You can't control it yourself?" Weisheng cried.

But Gu Hai took a step, and in front of the Scarlet Gods, he punched them in the hope of saving them.


The Scarlet Goddess felt the threat of Gu Hai, his eyes were seeing a red light, and a fist burst into a collision with Gu Hai's fist.


With a loud noise, the valley at the feet of Scarlet God blasted and burst open.

Gu Hai's body was a meal, and the Scarlet Goddess did not quit halfway. There was a Hulong in his mouth, and all the ghosts had swallowed down.

"What?" Gu Hai's face changed.

With one punch, he didn't beat back the Scarlet Devil. What kind of monster is this? The strength is not less than Jiang Lianshan?

"Kill him, kill him!" Xia Houshou yelled at Gu Hai.

Although Xia Houshou couldn't get close to Scarlet God, but Scarlet God was unconscious at this moment, he could listen to Xia Houshou's orders, especially the killing order.

"Kill!" The Scarlet God roared and hurled towards the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's face sank, but she saw that the Scarlet God Suddenly stretched out his right hand, splitting vertically from top to bottom.


A golden light appeared at first glance, directly into the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's face changed and she was greeted with a punch.


With a loud noise, the ancient sea was actually cut off by this golden light a hundred feet away before stopping, and above the earth, at least a hundred miles away, a huge trench was left, and the trench left by the sword gas.

"Holy sword? This is holy sword's move?" Gu Hai's face changed.

"Kill!" The Scarlet Goddess once again killed the ancient sea.

It was the same hand again and again, chopped to the ancient sea again and again, above the earth, leaving one after another the sword marks, the scary sword marks, thousands of miles across, straight into the ancient sea.

Fortunately, Guhai's physical body was inaccessible, so he was not injured, leaving only white marks on the skin.

The twinkling knife came out, and he hurled against the holy sword again and again. The power of the Scarlet Devil was not weak himself.

Gu Hai has already set off a stormy sea in his heart. Holy sword? What is the holy sword! The golden **** body of the six true monarchs, the original Kendo, is the holy sword, that is it, and it cannot be wrong!

This Scarlet God is related to Liudao Zhenjun? So scary?

The power of the holy sword showed the power of the scary and handsome.

"How could that be so fierce that you didn't hurt Guhai?" Xia Houshou also horrified.

How powerful the Scarlet God is, Xia Hou Shou naturally knows that if it is not for the treasure of Suzaku, Xia Hou Shou can rely on the Scarlet God to master the world.

However, the blood in front of him was handsome, but was blocked by the ancient sea.

Although there was no victory or defeat, the battle at this moment made Xiahou Shou's heart beat.

Xia Houshou was anxious, but the Scarlet Devil did not need Xia Houshou to control it, and now he is also out of anger, hitting the ancient sea again and again.

Xia Houshou suddenly turned his head and looked at the unborn person not far away.

Unborn, but Yuan Yingjing strength.

"Hum, for the time being, there is nothing to do with the ancient sea. I will catch you first!" Xia Houshou stared, and flew towards the unborn person instantly.

When the unborn saw Xia Houshou, he was shocked. He was just Yuan Yingjing's strength in Dongling Huohai. Is he an opponent of Xia Houshou? However, unborn people also have magic weapons.


But I saw a golden bowl flying out, suddenly zooming in ten thousand times, descending from the sky, and blasting, covering the unborn and the cat Tianyun.


It is like a huge iron box, covering the unborn person and Mao Tianyun.

"Hum, find a cauldron, can you stop me? The fire power, broken!" Xiahou Shou took a picture.


The golden bowl suddenly waved a golden light wheel, which instantly dissipated all the power of Xia Houshou.

"This is not a cauldron, but before leaving, Da Ri Ru Lai borrows our 'Da Ri Ru Lai Golden Bowl'. It has great power and boundless mana. In the sea of ​​fire, it is as good as an enchantment, no matter how you attack , Can not be broken! "Weisheng cried in the golden bowl.

"There are no bad enchantments, golden veins of the earth, listen to my call, leave the essence of fire, break this golden bowl!" Xia Houshou yelled again.

"Ang!" "Ang!" "Ang!" ………………

Suddenly, there was a sound of dragon groaning under the ground, as if the fire dragons rushed towards the golden bowl.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

It seemed that the mountains hit the golden bowl, and the sound was so loud that the golden bowl just wobbled and didn't break.

"Is the treasure from the Great Sun so good to break? Unless you have the strength of the Holy Spirit, the strength of your Xiahoushou is still far behind!" Weisheng sneered in the golden bowl.

"Well, you're not born, come out for me!" Xiahou Shou sang coldly.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Constantly impacting the golden bowl, the golden bowl still protected the unborn people and the cat Tianyun inside.

Not far away, Gu Hai and the Scarlet Gods battle became more fierce, and the ancient sea was exposed, resisting the opponent's holy sword again and again.

But the moment Gu Gu became familiar with the Holy Sword, the Scarlet Devil changed his moves fiercely, his hands stretched, his wrists bent like a hoe, and he slashed towards Gu Hai's shoulder.


This slash was more powerful than the holy sword just now. Unexpectedly, under a single blow, Gu Hai's arm slammed and collapsed.

"Ah!" Gu Hai shouted in pain, avoiding another blow.

"Click, click!"

After twisting his shoulders, the collapsed shoulders were restored again, but Gu Hai was more surprised by the identity of the Scarlet God.

"This is Jiang Lianshan's Shennong's move," Let's make the world's grass. "Jiang Lianshan's move?" Gu Hai was surprised.


The Scarlet Goddess pounced on the ancient sea again, with the ‘Holy Sword’ of six true monarchs, and the ‘killing the world ’s grass’ with Jiang Lianshan, which immediately made the ancient seas extremely tricky. It's hard to win or lose.

During the battle, Gu Hai turned his head to look at the land of Xiahoushou, and his eyes suddenly lighted.


Once against the Scarlet Goddess, Gu Hai showed weakness, and suddenly gave a blow to the back, but Gu Hai rushed to Xiahoushou in the distance instantly.

Xia Houshou is attacking Da Ri Ru Jin Jin, where would you think that Gu Hai focused his target on himself?

"Xiahou Shou!" Gu Hai shouted.

Xiahou Shou was shocked and turned around, but everything was too late, and the ancient sea had arrived.

"What? Save me!" Xiahoushou exclaimed.

The Scarlet God handsome rushed forward, but, with the palm of the ancient sea, Xiahou Shou had already been hit hard.


Xia Houshou was shot and fell to the ground instantly, a burst of blood spewed out instantly.

The strength of the ancient sea was so huge that Xia Houshou instantly had no resistance.

"Hurry, save me, save me!"

Xia Houshou shouted at Scarlet God, but the head of Scarlet God was not very clear, he did not rescue Xia Hou Shou at all, instead he fought against Gu Hai again.

"Boom boom!"

In a series of battles, the Scarlet Goddess was irritated and lost his mind, hitting Gu Hai again and again.

At this moment, the unborn person put away the golden bowl of Da Riru, and sneered to Xiahou Shou's approach: "Hahaha, this scarlet **** is handsome, you cannot control it!"

During the talk, the uninhabited spy held Xia Houshou seriously.

"Unborn, you have to die, what do you want to do?" Xiahoushou growled.

The unborn person immediately imposed some restraints on him, and then flicked his fingers in Xiahou Shou's eyebrows.


Xiahou Shou's eyebrows opened, and the unborn person took out a drop of his eyebrows and put it on Mao Tianyun's eyebrows.

Cat Tianyun's eyebrows trembled suddenly, and a scarlet gas came straight from Xiahoushou's head from Cat Tianyun's eyebrows.

"No, no, resentment passed on? Unborn, you dare to kill me!" Xia Houshou exclaimed.

"These are the" resentments "that stunned Cat Tianyun's head. Enjoy the resentments yourself, hahaha!" Weisheng laughed.

Resentment rushed into Xia Houshou's head, Xia Houshou suddenly screamed in pain: "Ah ~~~~~!"

After a series of yelling, Xia Houshou had no heart to speak.

Cat Tianyun was agitated and awakened weakly.

"What's going on?" Cat Tianyun was surprised.

"Holy, Cat Tianyun is awake!" Weisheng cried.

In the air, the ancient sea of ​​battle was a wave of hands.


The three gourds immediately broke away from the cat sky cloud, and instantly turned to the ancient sea.

"Meow, what's wrong, my head hurts so much, I'm not born? Why are you here?" Cat Tianyun twisted his body and was surprised.

"Even without Xia Houshou's control, the Scarlet Handsome is still unaffected? Cat Tianyun, can you help the Saint first and surrender that Scarlet Handsome?" Weisheng said.

Cat Tianyun looked up and immediately saw the battle between Gu Hai and Scarlet Goddess.

"Here, what the **** is this? Six real monarch moves?" Cat Tianyun said in surprise.

"Not only, he will use Jiang Lianshan's moves!" Weisheng smiled bitterly.

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