Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 87: Layer by layer

The underworld **** is itself a necromancer. The east spirit and the sea of ​​fire suppress the power of the three souls. The underworld god's power is mostly the force of the **** of fire. The extremely cold gourd is specially restrained. The extremely cold gourds have even damaged Jiang and even the mountains, not to mention a mass of fire gods?

The unborn person's previous power was too small to cause great damage, but ancient seas are different.

Thousands of Netherfire gods were handsome, and instantly lost their fighting power.

Gu Hai smiled coldly, turned his head to look at the ghost head again.

In the ghost head life array, Xiahou Shou, who was just arrogant just now, was dumbfounded. No way, this scene is too weird.

Usually, a few small things, let the Underworld Vulture Master properly handle, thousands of Underworld Vulcan Masters, outside the East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire, is also a force to deter the world.

But, that extremely cold gourd suddenly froze?

Gu Hai once again walked in front of Guitou Shouzhen, tapping, and bombarded with one punch.

"Boom ~!"

The whole ghost head Shouzhen was suddenly shaken, and countless ghost heads suddenly stunned, and seemed to be awoken by some excitement. Look at the ancient sea together.

"Kill me, kill me, please kill me!"

"I don't want to do this anymore, save me!"





Among countless screams.

Gu Hai's face sank, but it was just a punch that opened the gap in Ghost's Head Shou Zhen. Through this gap, Gu Hai saw the inner scene.

There are also some flames inside, but there are countless fewer than the outside.

It was a canyon, all around the canyon, and there were countless ghosts trapped and unable to escape, one by one crying in terror.

At the top of the canyon, at this moment was sitting cross-legged on a peculiar phantom of the fire god, the body of the phantom of the fire god, emitting a scarlet firelight, as if all blood.

"Sin turns into blood? Xia Hou Shou is renewing his life?" Weiren was surprised.

But I saw that the scarlet underworld **** was constantly trying to grab the ghost people, biting one by one and devouring them, but only devouring the ghost people's bodies, not eating the skull, and throwing the ghost head to the sky. , The ghost head entered the ghost head longevity, making a terrible sound.

The ghost heads nourish a burst of weird forces. Keeping the ghosts one by one does not annihilate the consciousness, but only reveals boundless fear.

A ghost's fear is nothing, but what about this billion? One billion?

The billowing horror rushed to the Scarlet Wraith Master again, as if to provide the Scarlet Wraith Master with the power to repeat this action.

Scarlet God creates fear, and fear provides strength. The purpose of Xia Houshou is to keep the whole Shou array stable and continuous.

The **** and handsome eyes were flushed, as if he had no self-consciousness, but Gu Hai felt a threat from him.

"What is Xia Houshou doing?" Gu Haishen whispered.

"I don't know!" Weisheng looked at the distance in shock.

At the top of the canyon is Scarlet.

Below, at the valley at the end of the canyon, it was Xiahou Shou in a black robe.

"An extremely cold gourd is indeed a good baby, but it falls on your hands and is too wronged!" Xiahoushou stood sneer at the mouth of the valley.

"Oh, in your hands, you don't feel wronged? You ghost life, it doesn't look very bad, I will break it again with another punch?" Gu Hai said coldly through the gap. .

Gu Hai ’s fist is extremely horrible. Although he has not exhausted all his strength, Gu Hai can say that he can naturally do it. With another punch, the ghost's life will be invincible.

"It's really troublesome to deal with you a few days ago, but now, even if you are powerful, what can you do?" Xiahou Shou said coldly.

"Oh? In addition to the Underworld, you have other means?" Gu Hai said coldly.

Xia Houshou's hand seemed to be stroking something. Gu Hai took a closer look and suddenly her pupils shrank.

"Cat Tianyun?" Weiren exclaimed.

Under Xia Houshou's thin palm, he was stroking a black cat. The black cat was extremely docile, and there was a blood spot in his eyebrows.

"Cat Tianyun? Originally here?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Originally, do you know? It's better to know. This is a pet I caught a few days ago, oh, by the way, calling the cat Tianyun, controlling the fire is unparalleled, and dry and invincible, in order to catch him , But I took a lot of effort! "Xiahou Shou sneered.


Cat Tianyun's eyes stared at the ancient sea and the unborn person outside the gap. At this moment, Mao Tianyun no longer knew the two, and only listened to Xiahoushou's order.

"Cat Tianyun, but the Heavenly Palace is so complete, how can you control it?" Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

"Holy, look at Cat Tianyun's eyebrows. It should have caught Xia Houshou's tricks, and his head was stunned by Xia Houshou," Xia Sheng said.


"Yes, these billions of ghosts not only produce fear, but also produce resentment. They are taken off their heads inexplicably. Who doesn't complain? And they look at the enemy every day, but they can't fight back. How much resentment, But there was no resentment around this time, indicating that it was collected by Xia Hou Shou, as if it had been manipulated by Dahong's human heart. This is also to faint Cat Tianyun's mind with resentment, and then take advantage of it! "Weisheng worried.

"Then how to save the cat Tianyun?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Control Cat Tianyun and Xia Houshou, I can unlock this control!" Weisheng said.

"Haha, stop it? You still worry about yourself, this cat Tianyun, but the fierce heavenly palace is a great consummation. Although the power of the three souls is suppressed here, it is also a heavenly palace a great consummation. "Xiahou Shou sneered.

Gu Hai didn't bother, and punched him again with a punch.

"Hum, go, tear up the ancient sea!" Xiahou Shou chuckled coldly.


Cat Tianyun yelled out. It was only a moment before he came to Gu Hai, and a claw came toward Gu Hai.

Gu Hai's face sank, her punch was deflected, and she slammed away.

"Boom ~!"

The cat Tianyun and the ancient sea are all in shape.


A cat screamed. Suddenly, the Four Seas of Fire seemed to be summoned, and the force of the tumbling flames came straight to the cat sky cloud. Around the cat sky cloud, a flame force field was instantly formed. A mighty might came straight to the ancient sea.

"Cat in the fire department?" Gu Hai sank.

It is seen that Mao Tianyun is strong, but, no matter how strong, it is worse than Jiang Lianshan at the beginning. However, Gu Hai didn't want to hurt him.

The extremely cold gourd was not used immediately, and Gu Hai could only reach out his fist and bombard it.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

Gu Hai's fist and cat's claws collided again and again, and the huge power was like the sky falling apart.

No one was hiding in the distance.

The internal Xiahou Shou was shocked.

"Gu Hai? How is it possible that his injury is all right? Can he stop the Great Heavenly Palace from consummating?" Xia Houshou was not convinced.

I thought the ancient sea's ability was the magic weapon.

"Unborn, who is this ancient sea, why haven't I heard of it before?" Xia Houshou drank again.

"Of course you haven't heard of it. Did n’t God say it just now, he was just mortal 30 years ago!" Weiren sneered.

"Mortal? Thirty years? Who is his reincarnation?" Xia Houshou asked again.

"No, the Holy One is not the reincarnation of anyone. The Holy One is relying on himself, step by step, and stepped up to where he is today, killing the world in the sun and opening up the dazzling dynasty. Can you understand the frog at the bottom of your life?" Wei The stranger sneered.

"Impossible, open up the Great Han Dynasty in Yangjian? Where is Yangjian? Can the three holy places and three heavens in Yangjian allow him to open up?" Xia Houshou disbelieved.

"Oh, so, I said you are the frog at the bottom of the well, the three heavens and the three holy places in the sun? What year is this?" Weisheng sneered.

"Which year? Thirty years ago, everything was okay, yes, and that Yitiange, the old man who watched chess must have been swindled to death, they can tolerate the next big Han Dynasty?" Xia Houshou revealed a trace of unbelief.

"It's not intolerable, but it can't be blocked at all. The Dragon Warring States, the old man who watched chess, Jiang Rulai, and Ji Dihong were all killed by my holy family. Everyone knows in the world, but you don't know?" Weisheng sneered. .

Xia Houshou: "………………!"

After being silent for a while, Xiahou Shou sneered, "You lied to me? Then Gu Hai was mortal 30 years ago, could you kill these 30 years ago? Do you think I'm stupid?"

Xiahou Shou is really unacceptable. The most top-level existence has actually died in the hands of the ancient sea?

"Why is it good for me to lie to you? There are only three holy places and three heavens in your mouth, and now only Wanshou Taoism still exists, and everything else is like dust!" Weisheng sneered.

Xiahou Shou still did not believe it.

But you can work on this unbelief for a while.


With a loud noise, Cat Tianyun in the distance was hit by Gu Hai with a punch.

"True fire gourd, **** fire! Extreme cold gourd, cool! Rattan world gourd, bundle!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

"Meow!" Cat Tianyun heard an angry roar.

But the sound of fighting in the distance stopped. The battle is over.

The true fire gourd absorbs all the flames controlled by Cat Tianyun, including the pink breath formed by that dry spring. The extremely cold gourd constantly freezes the cat Tianyun, making its whole body stiff, and the vine world gourd has tied it to a large flower.

Cat Tianyun was caught by Gu Hai in an instant.

Everything came so fast that Xia Houshou could not accept the fact.

Is it true that no one is saying? The Dragon Warring States, the old man watching chess, Ji Dihong, and Jiang Rulai were all killed by Gu Hai? If so, what kind of murderer did you make?

"This is impossible, Cat Tianyun is a great consummation of the Heavenly Palace!" Xia Houshou exasperated.

"Outside the Dongling Huohai, he is the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace. Here he is not!" Gu Hai said coldly.

The ancient sea is once again in the gap of the ghost head life array.

"Unborn, you said, as long as you grasp Xia Houshou, you can unlock the control of Mao Tianyun?" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Yes, Holy!" The unborn person affirmed.

"That's good! Hold on to him, and you'll save the cat Tianyun!" Gu Hai turned his head and looked at Xiahoushou again with a cold eye.

ps: Something is happening today.

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