Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 86: Ghost Shouzhen

The ancient sea was indeed hit by Vulcan's **** sand, but Vulcan was not weak and had no power to fight back. Otherwise, I wouldn't say it at the time, Houyi would not kill the ancient sea at all!

There are more and more Ninghuoshuaishuai driving away unborn people all the way. After exhausting for two days and two nights, ten Ninghuoshuaishu have been dispatched from various places by Xiahou Shou.

In the past two days, in the East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire, the sound of bangs hitting again and again. Under the bang, the ground shook, and you could even hear the loud voice of the sky.

The ancient sea was weakly sitting on the flame war horse, quietly listening to the loud noises everywhere, but it was clear that this was the array of methods left and right to destroy Jiang Lianshan.

"Jiang Lianshan, is this you?" Gu Hai was lost in thought.

"Holy, we're going to be bad this time!" The unborn suddenly smiled bitterly.

Gu Hai turned his head. At this moment, the ten Nethervulcans have stopped attacking, and Gu Hai and the unborn have been expelled from a giant blue enchantment.

The blue enchantment is extremely gloomy, because the blue enchantment is densely covered with human heads. No, it should be a blue ghost head.

It's just the ghost's head, and there are only ghost heads. These heads, as well as spirituality, are twisted to the extreme, showing a terrified look.

A giant enchantment with endless ghosts is everywhere, and all the flames are forced out.

Looking from a distance, it is extremely thrilling.

"Ghost head? This is a very evil life array, Xiahou Shou is in it?" The unborn person anxiously said.

"Ghost head? Cut the ghost head lineup? What use is this Shouzhen?" Gu Hai asked.

"Collect the horror of these ghosts!" Weiren said.

"Aura of fear?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I don't know what I'm doing, I'm frightened. Generally speaking, it's used for life extension, but it's too poisonous and evil. For thousands of lives, it's continued life. In the life-survivor, there is generally no life master to use, and there are hundreds of millions of ghosts. What kind of life is this, what needs to be so big? "Weisheng worried.

"Unborn, a long time ago, you didn't expect that we would meet here, right?" A cold voice came out from the front of the ghost head.

"Xiahou Shou? What are you doing here?" Weisheng cried suddenly.

"Now, I should ask you, what are you doing here? Wouldn't you come to tell me the old?" Xia Houshou's voice came from the large array.

There was no gloom for a while.

"Don't pretend to be full of confidence, but here is Dongling Huohai, which is suppressed to everyone. Our eight-pulse sage master, except that I am Lia Guamai, the seven of you add up, and here is not my opponent. Oh, yes Now, you are two of them? Simon Shou, Qiu Feng Shou? "Xiahou Shou sneered.

"Seven add up? Oh, haven't you been out for a long time?" Weiren sneered.

"A long time? Just thirty years, thirty years, what can change? Even the changes? We Bashou Shoushi, still care about these thirty years? What do you mean, is this ancient sea next to you? Is it great? Two days ago, I fought against Jiang Lianshan. I can see clearly. If he had been at the peak, I would not have expelled you here. Now, his Vulcan is abolished, Vulcan is abolished, basically Abandoned, wouldn't you still count on him? "Xiahou Shou cold laughter came again.


The ancient sea at this moment jumped off from the flame war.

"Holy!" The unborn came up worried.

Gu Hai shook his head and explored a move to put away the extremely cold gourd and true fire gourd.

"Well, still want to resist? As for your sick seedling, if I hadn't previously restrained the Underworld Master, you would have become a pile of dead bones!" There was a sneer again in the ghost head life array.

Gu Hai looked at Guitou Shouzhen, showing a sneer: "What can change in thirty years? Oh, thirty years ago, I was still a mortal. Do you think the changes in thirty years have changed a lot?"

"Huh? Thirty years, did you cultivate like this?" Xia Houshou's voice came again.

"Thirty years, every year, you go out once and grab a large number of ghosts to come, just for this ghost's life?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Why, you want to walk for the sky? Hahaha!" Xia Houshou sneered.

"It's not for the sky. I just think that the dead spirit is also the spirit. If you blaspheme the dead spirit, then you are a dead man!" Gu Hai said with a narrow eyes.

"There is more to die than to die? Hahaha, do you still want to clean me up? Your Vulcan has been battered, you are already a waste!" Xia Houshou's voice came again.

"Really?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Well, don't you sympathize with these dead souls? Yeah, watch me turn you into dead souls first, and then let you accompany these dead souls!" Xiahou Shou said coldly.

"It's just that these gods of the underworld are handsome?" Gu Hai revealed a slight disdain.

"You have been seriously injured now, and you still want to motivate the true fire gourd and the extremely cold gourd? If it can be used, why should you let the unborn be urged for two days? If I hadn't pressed before, you would have died!" Xiahou Shou chilly.

"Five of you, go and give me this ancient sea, turn your head down!" Xia Houshou's voice came again.


The five Nethervulcans yelled.

"Holy!" Said the anxiety.

"Anyway!" Gu Hai shook his head.


Suddenly, a Nether Vulcan handsome came forward first, and a chain rushed to the ancient sea in an instant, and it seemed that it would penetrate the ancient sea chest.

But he saw that Gu Hai snatched his hand.


The flames were rising, and the powerful chain head was caught by Gu Hai.

"What?" The Nether Vulcan was handsome.

But he saw Gu Hai slamming the chain head.

The Nether Vulcan Master was instantly dragged up and hurled towards several other Nether Vulcan Masters.

"Presumptuous!" Exclaimed the Nethervulcans.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

The ancient sea seemed to have divine power, and the Nether Vulcan handsome was like a meteor hammer. In a moment, nine people who were smashed by the Nether Vulcan handsome were turned over and screamed.


In the end, it was thrown away by the ancient sea detective, and the Nether Vulcan Master was thrown into the ghost head life array.

One Shake Room, defeated ten Nethervulcans?

The unborn person looked aside and looked at Gu Hai a little by accident, but immediately realized what was going on. The Holy Spirit had pretended to be sick in order to find Xiahoushou.

Yes, if it is impossible to find a needle in a haystack, here, Xia Houshou is a ground snake, so why not show it weak and let him come to you?


The smashed people smashed the crowds of the Nethervulcan handsome and suddenly flew over.

"Slap, pop, pop!"

Gu Hai shot three palms in a row. Three huge palms were gathered in the void, and a crowd of Nether Vulcan Masters was shot into the ghost head life array.

The sudden change really surprised Xiahou Shou.

"Originally, you lied to me on purpose?" Xiahou Shou Binghan's voice came from Guitou Shouzhen.

Vulcan is full of sores and wounds, but it has been a serious injury, but it has been down for two days. How much tonic has entered Vulcan to repair it, and there is nourishment from the Spirit Mother God, and the ancient sea is already injured at this moment.

Even if the injury is not good, the powerful physical body is not comparable to the Netherfire **** of strength in this group.

Gu Hai stepped forward and looked coldly at the ghost in front of him.

"Xiahou Shou? Did you come out by yourself or should I come in to catch you?" Gu Hai said coldly.

Among the ghosts, Xia Houshou's face was cloudy.

"Ancient sea? You abandon that effort to pretend to be sick, just to find me? Why?" Xiahou Shou said coldly.

"Because I promised the unborn, help him find Qi Bamai Shoushi!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Find the eight pulses?" Xiahoushou exclaimed.

"In addition to you, there is Dongzang Shou, and you don't want to suffer, just come out!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"What? Unborn, you've caught four? Unborn, hahaha, I saw your wolf ambitions that year, but you didn't think of it, you found a backer, did you really do that?" Xiahou Shou sneered. .

"Is it so useful? Xiahoushou, I am now a Dahantian courtier, this is my holy Dahan Saint. In these years, you have been destined for repairing life and are inhumane. It is destined not to end. Today is the time when you drop the law!" Wei Sheng The man sneered.

"Oh, I ’m inhumane? You ’re not so good. At that time, you followed the old man who watched chess, and you also hope that he would help you catch us. Unfortunately, the old man watched chess did not take care of you, you found this backer? Guhai? Huh? I'd like to see if your injury is healed! "Xiahou Shou sneered.

But Gu Hai looked at the unborn person: "This ghost lives, you know how to break it?"

"Chin doesn't know what he's doing inside, so ..." Weisheng shook his head.

"Since you don't know, just forget it, just smash it!" Gu Hai stepped forward.

Just as Gu Hai stepped forward.


In all directions, a full roar came suddenly.

Gu Hai looked back, but saw that batches of war horses came from the distance to break the mountain peaks, and suddenly came close.

Underworld fire handsome.

Successive servants of the Nether Vulcan handsome, in a short time, thousands of Nether Vulcan handsome have rushed on. One by one, the anger is extremely fierce.

"Is this all of Xia Houshou's subordinates in Dongling Huohai? One thousand fire gods are handsome?" Weiren's face changed.

This group of Nine Vulcan handsomes has a huge breath. There are ten breaths that are as big as the heavenly palace. Commanding other Nine Vulcan handsomes quickly surrounds the ancient sea and the unborn.

"Take me down these two people!" Xiahou Shou's voice came from the ghost head Shou array.

"Yes!" Thousands of Nethervulcans yelled.


Suddenly, thousands of chains rushed towards the ancient sea and the unborn.

Thousands of locks struck, and there seemed to be ten thousand horses galloping, especially the ten gods of the Vulcan **** in the heavenly palace. The ten chains, like ten fire dragons, opened their mouths of blood basins and swallowed towards the ancient sea.

The ancient sea smiled coldly, and suddenly there were extremely cold gourds in his hands.

As soon as the gourd mouth opened, the overwhelming blue cold air rushed straight into the square.


There was a loud noise, all the flames around were forced to open, and the scene of thousands of locks just now was all still. No, it's frozen.

Thousands of Netherfire Masters, including the ten Heavenly Netherworld Masters, were all frozen into ice sculptures, thousands of chains, all stopped in mid-air, facing the ancient sea, stiff and unmovable.

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