Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 85: Malingering


"Did you just see Jiang Lianshan?" He said, his face grim.

Gu Hai nodded.

Seeing Gu Hai nodded, his pupils shrank, and his hand waved.


The flames of the entire Bafang Sea suddenly sank below the surface of the sea, looking beyond boundless distance.

"It's no use. If he really is Jiang Lianshan, he stayed here 800,000 years ago and wants to hide from you, you must not find it!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"What you see is really Jiang Lianshan?" I saw that Jiang Lianshan could not be found, but looked at the ancient sea.

"Unclear!" Gu Hai shook his head.


"He has the shadow of Jiang Lianshan, but some are not human nature that Jiang Lianshan deserves!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Human nature?" I looked at Gu Hai doubtfully.

Gu Hai nodded: "Yes, although he didn't say much to him, but his tone was filled with a kind of coldness, a kind of cold-blooded love like Yuanshi Tianzun, no, it should be more thorough than Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun Remember that there is a Master of Heaven, but this Jiang Lianshan doesn't! "


"I mentioned Murong Yan to him, but his expression was very bland, just like a passerby! Seeing Murong Yan died that year, there would be no waves in my heart!" Gu Hai frowned.

"That's fake!" Shen Shen cried.

"No, I said just now. There is Jiang Lianshan's shadow. In addition to cold blood and affection, his mode of thinking is Jiang Lianshan, and he has all his memories of Jiang Lianshan, so I think it's strange!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Way of thinking?" I frowned slightly.

"Yes, even the attitude towards Chi You is the same, but he doesn't care at all. Oh, yes, he said that he has been in Donglinghuohai for 800,000 years. He used to teach that he did not go to Jiang Lianshan 800,000 years ago. "Gu Hai curiously.

"That's right. Many of Jiang Lianshan's secrets were obtained from the Dongling Huohai. Of course, few people know about this. It seems that he got it from somewhere else!" Shen Shen said.

"I have a feeling that he wants to use the Suzaku god, what to do, Jingwei may be dangerous, so ..." Gu Hai Shen said.

妭 His face sank.

"The Dongling Huohai array is numerous. It should be mostly arranged by him. I do n’t know how to crack it or how deep it is! His Vulcan was severely damaged by me. It is not something that can be recovered in a short while, but he still has Hook, that Hook, I saw her performance was very gloomy, I am sure, she did not go all out, she and Jiang Lianshan may use each other! "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Old thing, you can't survive without death, huh!" He sank.

"Holy, Gu Hai, he seems to be seriously injured now?" Houyi whispered to him.

A wounded ancient sea, would you kill him?

Houyi's cold light in his eyes made Gu Hai's face cold and extra alert.

妭 After looking at the eyes 羿: "You want to kill Gu Hai? Oh, you can't kill him, we should go!"

"Eh? Yes!" Houyi nodded with a hint of blankness.

Gu Hai's pale face was obviously a very weak one. Why can't I kill him?

I didn't explain, and Houyi didn't dare to ask more.

"No matter how many tactics there are, the old things are immortal, after all, the disaster is so great, I went to him!" I said to Gu Hai and was ready to go.

"Be careful to protect Jingwei, let me cultivate, and catch up with you as soon as possible!" Gu Hai said.

甩 Big sleeves flung, and disappeared into the Happo sea instantly with her Houyi.

"Holy, are you okay?" The unborn suddenly rushed up.

The ancient sea gathered a lot of gourds, and a burst of blood spewed out.


Blood spewed and Gu Hai collapsed to the ground.

"Holy!" Exclaimed Weisheng.

"Leave here first!" Gu Hai was extremely weak.

"Yes!" Weiren was extremely anxious.

On a big ship, the ancient sea and the unborn left the Bafanghai quickly. The ancient sea leaned against the railing, as if dying.

But left in Guhai and his party not long.

From below the Bafang Sea, slowly climbed out a Nether Vulcan handsome.

All the previous things fell into the eyes of Nethervulcan.

At the same time, in a quiet valley in Donglinghuohai.

Xia Houshou saw everything before him through this Netherfire god.

"Jiang Lianshan? Dayan Heavenly Pilgrimage? What 800,000 years ago? When I entered Donglinghuohai for thirty years, has there been any earth-shaking changes outside?" Xiahoushou fainted a moment.

Thirty years, these 30 years have happened too much. Xia Houshou has been in Dongling Huohai for the past 30 years. At most, he occasionally went out to catch a large number of ghost people. Where did he know that the heavens were upside down?

"Well, no matter how it changes outside, it has nothing to do with me. As long as I get the treasure here, I can reach the top, which is Fuxi, and it may not be reached! That is the treasure of Suzaku, the power of Suzaku supreme!" Xia Houshou pinched his withered fist.

"Unborn? Oh, I can see your attitude, you want to find me? We have eight pulses, each has its own strengths, and the well water does not violate the river, but you come to me? It seems you are greedy. Woke up, want to have my life? Oh, you are really looking for death! "Xiahou Shou looked at the picture in front of him.

"Since I know that Jiang Lianshan has been in Dongling Huohai, then I can rest assured that Dongfang Shou has no understanding of gossip as Jiang Lianshan? Take your time, don't worry, I will deal with unborn people first, haha, in Here, your strength is only Yuanying Realm, and you dare to break into the Donglinghuohai. You are really impatient. If you want to deal with me, I will eat you first, hehehe ...! "

"That ancient sea is the helper you found? If I had to be careful before, unfortunately, Sansha has gone through all the scars and holes that Vulcan has penetrated, so it's gone! , I do n’t have to worry about it. Oh, I brought it to my own house. It ’s not bad to refining it into cormorants! There are extremely cold gourds, real fire gourds, and rattan gourds? All of them are good babies, all mine , And the soil, although weaker, but not bad, hehehehehe ... "Xia Houshou gave a grim smile-

The unborn person drove through the sea in a big boat.

Gu Hai leaned on the railing, her face was pale and extremely weak, and she seemed to want to adjust her breathing and cultivation in general. However, here is Dongling Huohai, and Vulcan is not easy to recover.

"Holy, let's go out of the Donglinghuohai first, and then come back!" Said the anxious man.

Gu Hai seemed pale and did not speak.

But at this moment.


Suddenly a roar, but a Nether Vulcan handsome riding a war horse, rushed over the sea.

"Minghuo Shuai?" Weiren's face changed.

"Use the extremely cold gourd!" Gu Hai turned his hands over and took out the extremely cold gourd.

The unborn did not dare to hesitate, and immediately urged the extremely cold gourd to go straight to the nether fire **** handsome.

The chain of the underworld vignette smashed into the two-person ship instantly, and the cold of the extremely cold gourd burst out instantly.


Under the great cold, the chain froze and opened instantly, and the cold went straight to the Nether Vulcan handsome, and the Nether Vulcan suddenly turned back.


A lot of cold air washed over, and the Nether Vulcan handsome suddenly hit his whole body and retreated to a distance.

"Holy, your extreme cold gourd, I urge, at most one percent power, far worse than yours!" Weisheng smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, be careful!" Gu Hai shook his head.

In the distance, Nethervulcan sucked some flames from the sea of ​​fire, warmed his body, and rushed again.

However, the unborn had a very cold gourd, which made them dare not approach, and the Nethervulcan could only hit the sea of ​​fire again and again, setting off a huge wave.

The ancient sea took out the true fire gourd for the unborn to use, and let the unborn to protect the boat.

"Fortunately, this is just the Ningtian God of Zhongtiangong's strength!" Weisheng took a deep breath.


But at this moment, the sound of a war horse suddenly burst into the distance.

But there are another three Nether Vulcan handsome came on the horse.

"Three more here? Yeah, the Nethervulcan is fierce and fierce, often killing each other! Take the life of each other. Maybe we can leave in chaos!" Weiren looked forward.

However, the fact is not what unborn people think.

The three new Netherfire gods suddenly attacked the ship at the same time. Even if no one was protected by two gourds, they still blasted a big hole in a loud noise.

"No, they are a group!" Weisheng cried.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The four Great Vulcan masters constantly attacked the ship. Unborn people used real fire gourds and extremely cold gourds to resist again and again, and they barely blocked them.

No one happened to happen by chance, and he retreated with a cold gourd to a Netherfire master and snatched his flame war horse.

The weak body of the ancient sea rides on the war horse.

The unborn used two gourds and continued to resist the attacks of the four Nethervulcans.

Along the way, life was dying and no one was tired of resisting. And the four Nethervulcan handsomes, after a short time, became six, six Ningtiangong strength Ninguluoshuai?

No one swallowed and was in a bad mood. Tired of resistance is also embarrassing.

"Your Majesty, they are actually a group, and this is bad. Moreover, Chen feels that they are not in a hurry to attack us, as if to drive us somewhere!" Weiren anxiously said.

"Keke cough!" Gu Hai coughed for a while, looking at the six Nethervuls, and nodded ugly.

"Are they with the self-exploding Nethervulcan handsome? A group of them, aren't they all Xiahoushou controlled Netherflag handsome? If he controls, Xiahoushou's position to us is clear?" Anxiously.

"Going one step is a step, blocking them first, and then finding out the way!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" The unborn person anxiously.

The unborn continued to reach the six Netherfire gods, guarding the weak ancient sea, and was driven to somewhere while looking for a way out.

That quiet valley.

Xia Houshou looked at the picture in front of him, but he sneered: "This ancient sea has really become a wasteful man. Real fire gourd? Extreme cold gourd? In the hands of the unborn, it is really a waste. Come, you come to me Come on, ha ha ha ha! "

Xia Houshou looked at the screen and laughed, most of his eyes focused on the unborn. No longer pay attention to the sick Yangzi Guhai. Because I wasn't paying attention, I didn't notice a trace of coldness in Gu Hai's eyes, and I didn't notice that when Gu Hai coughed, the corner of his mouth covered by his hand revealed a playful arc.

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