Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 99: Haori Buddha Sea World

The power of the crickets gathered into a large lake, being scrambled by Zhu Qiqi and the ancient sea, the suppression of the three souls by Dongling Huohai disappeared for a moment!

Everyone can use the power of the three souls instantly.

Suddenly the momentum soared innumerable, a fierce and mighty majestic force rushed straight away.

However, Hou Gou is also a stiff ancestor of the water system. At this moment, there is no restraint. With the wave of his hands, countless Tianhe emerges out of thin air.


The battle between 妭 and 嬴 Hook crushed the void.

However, Jiang Lianshan and Shennongyu did not change much.

Shennongyu is a magic weapon. It was originally not suppressed by Dongling Huohai, so it was only possible to have a draw with Gu Hai before. Now that Dongling Huohai has not been suppressed, Shennongyu is still as usual. Only Jiang Lianshan suddenly showed panic.

Jiang Lianshan is only a **** of fire, because Dongling Huohai has survived to this day. Today, Dongling Huohai is about to go out, and this **** of fire cannot hold on for long.

If you do n’t rebirth again, you will be wiped out?

"No, you must get Nirvana immediately, old things, spread it out for me!" Jiang Lianshan roared.

While talking, Jiang Lianshan took out the gourd gourd, and rushed towards Shennongyu with his face in a cheek.

At this moment, the one who is most angry is Zhu Qiqi. Someone is contending for the power of Qi?

Zhu Qiqi's power is not comparable to that of the ancient seas. Although the complete power of the gods has vomited Nirvana, but the injection of the power of the Ji suddenly makes it stronger than the peak.


"Ten Sundays!"


With a loud noise, Gu Hai was suddenly blown into the sky again, breaking a large number of stars.


The ancient sea spurted blood, knowing Zhu Qiqi ’s power, but this injury has not hurt himself at all. The ancient body of the ancient sea is too strong, especially without the suppression of the East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire. Strengthens the body.

"call out!"

Without hesitation, Gu Hai rushed down again.

On the one hand, she did not want to give up the power of the great lake, on the other hand, she did not rush down, Waner was dead.

嬴 Hooking people and dragging 不利 against one's own advantage, let Teng Teng not start.


As soon as Gu Hai sucked the force of the cricket, Zhu Qiqi became instantly manic.

"Little thing, aren't you dead yet?" Zhu Qiqi yelled, glaring.

Zhu Qiqi soared into the sky, seeing that the ancient sea was about to be caught.

Gu Hai suddenly stared, his detective waved, "Hungry Ghost Road reincarnation, open!"

In front of Zhu Qiqi, a huge hungry ghost reincarnation entrance suddenly appeared.


The rushed Zhu Qiqi suddenly fell into the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road.

When Gu Hai waved his hand, the entrance suddenly disappeared.

"Gone?" Houyi said in surprise.

At this moment, the power of the concubine gathered, Zhu Qiqi disappeared, and the flames of Dongling Huohai suddenly disappeared. Most of them suddenly let the outside world see the inside clearly.

Yin Shen Diankou!

"There are so many people?" Da comfortable Tianmo suddenly surprised.

"Lord, it's the ancient sea, ancient sea and tadpoles? Ah, and Jiang Lianshan, it's impossible. Isn't he dead? Who is that?" Exclaimed the Scorpion God.

The scene in Donglinghuohai was unexpectedly out of a group of strong men in the Holy Land of Heaven.

The most important thing is that Zhu Qiqi is gone? Cleaned up by the ancient sea? impossible!

That is Suzaku Supreme!

Dazuo Tianmo waited for a long time for silence.

"Lord, you look at the ancient capital of ancient times, and Gu Hai's avatar didn't go?" Wu Shangtianmo suddenly sank.

The big free heaven demon looks to the ancient capital of Yin.

At this moment, Gu Hai, the skeleton of the ancient Yin capital, just turned his head and looked towards the direction of the Yin Temple.

The masters of the two forces, staring at each other from an infinite distance, saw the ancient sea of ​​skeletons smile coldly.

The big free sky demon is gloomy.

"Lord, Gu Hai is absorbing the strength of a large lake. What kind of power is that?" Asked the Scorpio God.

"That's the power of 卅, it should be the force of 卅 that has caused Dongling Huohai to die for millions of years!" Da Zizui Tianmo said coldly.

"Yes, this is cheap Guhai?" Wu hurt Tianmo unhappy.

Dazuo Tianmo shook his head: "Zhu Qiqi can't be so dead, and, do n’t touch this power, and only those who know the life and death in Guhai dare to snatch. Of course, only Zhu Qiqi can use it. Who dares to touch his finger, that is only death! "


"Watch it!" Shenmian Shenmo said loudly.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

Eternal capital.

Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God, and others saw Dongling Huohai clearly, and all changed their faces.

"Holy, should we help?" Kong Xuan said anxiously.

"No, we can't move!" Skeleton Gu Hai shook his head.

"Why?" Long Wanyu was also surprised.

"We are standing here to guard against the interference of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land!" The skeleton Gu Hai cried.

"Protecting the holy land of the demon?" Everyone froze slightly.

"If we don't move, it means that we have more power. The demon holy land dares not to act lightly. Once we move to the nest, the demon holy land will intervene in it, then ...!" The ancient skull of the skull sank.

"Well, just ...!" Long Wanyu worried.

"Zhu Qiqi has been sent to my Hungry Ghost Road for reincarnation. Now the situation is in our favor!" Skeleton Gu Hai shook his head.

"Huh!" The crowd nodded.

In the distant Donglinghuohai, the ancient sea violently urged "The Great Compassion in Heaven and Earth" to quickly absorb this force.

The mighty power may be really given to Zhu Qiqi. There is a special stimulus for Zhu Qiqi's power. Even if the ancient sea absorbs it, it cannot be transformed into self-power. At a young age, Gu Hai felt that the world's great tragedy had broken through.


But when I saw Meixintianyan being hot, a black gas appeared, and the black gas floated above the ancient sea. It seems to condense a huge dark cloud.

"Heaven and earth are full of sorrow, the fifth heaven, and the sky's eyes appear?" Gu Hai suddenly opened his eyes.

What is outside the eyes of the sky, that is, the eyes of the sky float up to form the eyes of the sky?

Although it is still changing, with this trend, everything is moving in a good direction. Black gas is growing. The breath of black gas is also getting stronger and stronger.

But at this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in the void, and the endless fire reappeared.

"Gu Hai, you think you just sent me into the Hungry Ghost Path reincarnation? Six reincarnation, no matter which reincarnation, I can open, eh!" Zhu Qiqi's voice suddenly rang through the void.

But when he saw the void, he was torn apart by sharp claws, and Zhu Qiqi stepped out with a fierce sternness. Face exposed, straight into the ancient sea itself.

Eternal capital.

"Oops, brother-in-law, I forgot to tell you, Suzaku Supreme was a puppet in the past, six reincarnations, she has stayed for years and years, I ca n’t hold her back!" Long Wanyu's face changed. .

In the distance, Zhu Qiqi rushed to the ancient sea again.

Gu Hai waved his hand, and the reincarnation entrance of Hell Road opened suddenly.


Zhu Qiqi saw it clearly this time, his sharp claws yanked, and the huge entrance suddenly closed.

"Do you think you can use it a second time?" Zhu Qiqi sulked.

Gu Hai's face changed, but it was extremely tricky. Five reincarnations are useless? Zhu Qiqi will never be fooled again?

"call out!"

Zhu Qiqi once again absorbed the tumultuous force. Suddenly, the flames skyrocketed again and again, much stronger than Ji Dihong Ke at the beginning. Today's flames, even the breath of 妭 and 嬴 hook are also a bit short.

"Miscellaneous 嬴 嬴, get away!" 妭 face changed, and banged 嬴 with a punch.

"Ha ha ha ha, I can't get it, you don't want to go!" 嬴 Go stopped him suddenly.

妭 Face turned cold.

Suddenly, a fiery red cloud floated high. A breath of heavenly power suddenly suppressed.

妭 It's time to open her heavenly eyes.

嬴 The face changed suddenly.

"Oh? There is another girl who can use the master's power? Huh, all souls are destroyed, lock!" Zhu Qiqi yelled openly.

Suddenly, Zhu Qiqi spit out a golden light, rushed towards the red cloud, and instantly locked the red cloud. Let the heavenly eyes in that red cloud fail to open.

"What?" He looked coldly, turning his head.

"This is what the master taught me, to restrain the aura of magic, and to use the power of the master in front of me, you are not qualified!" Zhu Qiqi sneered.

"Well, did you see that? You ca n’t open the eyes of heaven, what's the use of not opening them? Hahaha!" Hook went wild again.

His face was gloomy, with a fierce flash on his face, and he jumped straight away.


I hit the real fire, this time with a fierce blow, I flew out, and the corners of my mouth overflowed with blood.

The two continued to struggle.

Zhu Qiqi continued to absorb the power of puppets, and the power went straight to the sky again, while tearing towards the ancient sea again.

Because Gu Hai was plundering his own things, he had to die.

The ancient sea also changed his face at this moment. The five reincarnations were unavailable, and they could only continue on Sunday ten. Gu Hai was ready to be hit again, but unfortunately, the absorption of maggots was slow.

Raising a sword in hand, Gu Hai is about to be cut again.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Suddenly the Buddha number.

But it was Da Riru who suddenly came to Gu Hai and Zhu Qiqi.

"Here you come, Da Ri, you are not his opponent!" Gu Hai's face changed.

What is Da Riru doing at this moment? He is a great success in the Heavenly Palace, but his power is similar to himself. If he was not invincible, he would have died.

"Bald man, you come to die too? Just because you want to stop me?" Zhu Qiqi said coldly.

"Jizang said, I don't go to hell, who will go to hell! Mr. Gu, I just saw that you can absorb the power of You, and the power of You can make you countless stronger? The poor monk was ordered by his teacher, before To help you, unfortunately, in these years, I have been busy and inactive. Immortality is imminent, and life is in danger of escape. The teacher once said that he wants to purify the world, destroy all souls, and then re-birth the spirit. The poor monk is incompetent and can only help you here. "Said Da Riru.

"There is no Amitabha Buddha in the south, there is no Sakyamuni Buddha in the south! There is no limit to the big day, and there is no limit to the number of Buddhas!" Day Sun suddenly rushed towards Suzaku.

"Dairi is here!" Gu Hai was surprised.

Zhu Qiqi's face was also cold: "The little Shangtiangong was so successful that he dared not say anything in front of me, ridiculous!"

Zhu Qiqi took Tianwei's claw and grabbed it.

The immense impact did not appear, but I saw that Da Ri Rulai and Zhu Qiqi suddenly converged and disappeared in place.

But it is where it is, a round of haunting days.

In Hao Ri, there is a phantom of the big sun, and the interior looks like a huge ocean of flames. A huge Suzaku is flying fast in the ocean of flames, as if trapped in this round of Hao Ri.

"This is it?" Everyone froze.

Da Zizui Tianmo also watched in distant scene with amazement: "This is impossible, can Da Riru trap Zhu Qiqi?"

Gu Hai also stared wide-eyed and looked at the light and shadow of Da Ri Ru Lai. How did Dairi Rulai do it?

"Mr. Gu, burn my corpse and create this world of Hao Ri Buddha Sea, at most you can only spend half a joss stick time, please cherish!" Hao Rizhong, Da Ri Ru Lai smiled lightly.

The ancient sea is an exciting spirit.

Burn my stubble? It's a suicide?

"Here is Da Ri, you are like this, I, I am not good enough to explain to Shakyamuni Buddha!" ​​Gu Hai bitterly, while absorbing the power of cricket.

"I'm a Fa phase, Mr. Gu need not be sorry for me. The teacher knows that I will be pleased. The teacher, Lao Tzu, they have great expectations for Mr. Gu. I have been in Dahan for many years, and I can see that Mr. Gu has a strong sense of The love of the people can now do their utmost for the lives of the people, without complaints and regrets, Mr. Wanggu treasures! "Day Sun Rulai falsely folded his hands and showed compassion.

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