Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 98: 卅 power


Five thousand feet high Zhu Qiqi, like Tianwei, oppressed towards the ancient sea.

Gu Hai guarded Jingwei behind him, holding the scabbard handle in his hand, and looked diligently at the opposite Zhu Qiqi.

"Extreme Suzaku, I, Dahan is facing the ancient sea. I have to use Nirvana this time because of a loved one. In the next day, I will return your treasure to the cost of this time!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Also? I want you to return? What qualifications do you have to talk to me about the conditions? Mine is mine. Nirvana is not what this cheap girl can enjoy. Get away and let me tear this cheap girl and release the power of Nirvana. Concentrating back, you can restore Nirvana as it is! "Zhu Qiqi yelled coldly.

Ripped this cheap girl? Gu Hai's eyelids leaped wildly, and the former friendliness was completely gone. There was a trace of coldness.

"Oh, I respected you as the Suzaku Supreme and didn't plan to be evil with you, but you want to die with your heart, then you offend. Nirvana is not from me, but from Jiang Lianshan Taken from the hands of Wu Hou, hum, since you are toasting and not eating, come to punish the bar! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Ignorant junior, ridiculous!" Zhu Qiqi said with a cold drink, and the huge Suzaku's claws rushed towards the ancient sea.

"Ten Sundays!"

Gu Hai shouted loudly.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The fierce sword slams into a collision with the sharp claws. Under the powerful strength, Zhu Qiqi was in a stature, but he was unable to grasp the palm of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai didn't expect that it would be so simple to block Zhu Qiqi's claws?

"Oh? It turns out that you are also suppressed by Dongling Huohai and can't use the power of the three souls? But that's all!" Gu Hai eyes brightened.

"But that's it? Hehe, if you just vomited Nirvana, can you still stand in front of me and talk?" Zhu Qiqi said coldly.

"I said, wait! The three souls suppress, you may not be my opponent!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Since it is impossible to use the power of the three souls with his own fire **** and flesh, Gu Hai is not afraid of anyone.

Zhu Qiqi looked at Gu Hai with red eyes, showing a sneer: "Do you think that by suppressing the three souls, you can sit on an equal footing with me? You are not qualified!"

The ancient sea looked coldly at Zhu Qiqi, and did not talk. At this moment, as long as the Jingwei is protected.

"Donglinghuohai, it will not die for millions of years. Do you know what it is? This is the power my master gave me, but it was given too much at the beginning. We did n’t deal with it. Now, I ’m out of seal. It's time to use strength! "Zhu Qiqi sneered.

"Huh?" Gu Hai's face changed.

Not far from the crickets, crickets, Jiang Lianshan, Shennong crickets frowned? the host? Suzaku Supreme and owner?

"The master is up. Thanks the master in seven or seven, and gave the supreme power. Master, please give me the power!" Zhu Qiqi shouted loudly.


Suddenly, Dongling Huohai, which had been boiling, trembled.

Then, a stream of transparent red energy swept inexplicably from all directions, and the other flames evaded in all directions.

The sudden appearance of red transparent energy suddenly caused the world to shake inexplicably.

It seemed that a mighty man came, and a horrifying breath directed at the heartland radiated from the sea of ​​east spirits in all directions.


Within the Donglinghuohai, countless fire monsters knelt down in fear, not only the Donglinghuohai, but the outside world, one after another, the souls and necropolises, all kneeled down. Like the power of the heavenly eyes opening, all living beings and necrotic spirits were terrified and radiated toward the underworld in all directions.

This is a breath of sorrow, and in this breath, all the suppressed people bow down.

Eternal capital. There were no hundreds of people or officials bowing down.

Gu Hai and a group of powerful people survived.

"Holy, what kind of breath is this? Why do I feel like six immortals are here?" Kong Xuan was surprised.

Mosquitoes and dragon gods came from all directions, and they also showed their thrills.

Gu Hai and Long Wanyu looked at each other.

"Is this the breath of my power?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

Yin Shen Diankou.

There are also many monsters and undead kneeling in the Holy Land of Heaven.

The scorpion gods and Wu injury gods all looked in horror at the big free gods.

"Whew, wow!"

Two figures flew over again, one in a black robe and one in a white robe.

"Boss, second child, are you out of customs?" Wu Tiantian's eyes brightened.

"My third and fourth year, what's going on, where's this breath coming from?" The white robe figure surprised.

The figure of the black robe looked at the big free spirit: "Lord, this is Zhu Qiqi? The power of Zhu Qiqi's sacrifice?"

"Yu's power! It turned out that the sacrifice did not fail, but was successful. He hasn't died yet?" Da Zi took a trace of confusion in the voice of the demon--


The red transparent energy condenses from the energy body into a gas, and then condenses into a liquid, floating in the air, like a large lake. There is a gap on the lake, and that gap is the tributary that flows to Zhu Qiqi. Zhu Qiqi slowly absorbed this force, only a little bit, and suddenly the momentum soared ten times and twenty times. For a time, an air that crushed the void Coming straight into the ancient sea.

In this breath, if I want to resist, I can't bear the thoughts.

"Boom, boom!"

Not far away, Da Ri Ru came, Hou Yi broke out of the Dream Force field immediately.

"Mr. Gu, this is, this is my power?" Da Riru exclaimed.

"Yeah, it might be worse now!" Gu Hai bitterly.

Houyi aside is unknown.

"No, this puppet power does not have a mark of puppets. It is only his power, Mr. Gu. Lao Tzu once had a showdown at that time. Whoever gets this power may be who it is!" Said Dairi.

"What did you say?" Gu Hai stared.

"You can grab it, Mr. Gu!" Da Ri Ru Lai excited.

"How to grab it?" Gu Hai flashed his eyes suddenly.

"I don't know! I didn't say it!" Da Riru smiled bitterly.

"Did not say? I may have a way!" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

"What?" Da Riru said in astonishment.

"Houyi, Da Ri, come here, protect Jingwei's body well, don't disturb her resurrection, I'll deal with Zhu Qiqi!" Gu Hai stared, and fluttered in an instant.

"Okay!" Da Riru came, Hou Yi said.

The ancient sea rushed to Zhu Qiqi.

"Sunday Ten ~~~~~~!"

"Look for something dead!" Zhu Qiqi snorted.

Detective hand, a claw grabbed towards the ancient sea.


Gu Hai's sword smashed and burst open, and Gu Hai was instantly bombarded by sharp claws.

If you change people, under the claws of carrying the power of the puppet, it will definitely catch instantly, but there is no ancient sea, the physical body of the ancient sea, but the world is invincible.

With only a loud noise, the ancient sea flew into the sky.

The huge pain not only did not make Gu Hai lose his combat power, but he became more sober.

When flying to heaven, Gu Hai suddenly felt that the power to suppress the three souls had disappeared, and the three souls trembled, but they could be used.

Yes, Dongling Huohai is the three souls suppressed by the power of the scourge. With Zhu Qiqi's summoning power, the strength of the lake-like transparent power condenses, and the suppression of the three souls is gone.

No longer suppressed, Guhai can also use the three souls.

"Destroy the light!" Gu Hai drank softly.

Tianyan appeared at the center of his eyebrow, and a light of annihilation directed at Zhu Qiqi.

"Destroy the light of God? You will also use the Chen Gong method? Huh!" Zhu Qiqi looked cold.

The wings flew open.


Suddenly, the billowing flames offset the annihilation.

The suppression of the three souls of the ancient sea disappeared, as did Zhu Qiqi. Zhu Qiqi is the supreme Suzaku, and the gods have already been fulfilled. His strength is naturally more fierce.

The Dongling Huohai was originally drawn because of the power of the puppet, and it was about to disintegrate. But Zhu Qiqi's wings spread, and the endless Nanming once again left the fire and covered the four sides again.

Zhu Qiqi, who blocked the light that destroyed the gods, took a closer look.

But when I saw the ancient sea opened its mouth, the Great Lake, which originally belonged to its own strength, divided the second tributary, and went straight to the ancient sea, and instantly poured into the body of the ancient sea. Absorbed by the ancient sea?

But it is the ancient sea that urged "The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth"!

Shouyun Shenwenling, "Talent" is used to cultivate ‘spirit’.

Spirit, aura. It was the cultivation method created by that year, just like Cangtian created 'Yunxiu', Fuxi created 'Shouxiu', and Xun created 'Spiritual'!

"Talent" is the spiritual light of cultivation. It is the cultivation of the power of puppets.

Nowadays, the ancient sea merits of "The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth" are fully absorbed. Without the power of the will, they naturally found the **** and rushed to the ancient sea frantically.

This frenzy was actually faster and more anxious than Zhu Qiqi.

"Impossible, the power that the host gave me can only be absorbed by me, I must have read it wrong!" Zhu Qiqi rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

The wings rubbed across the eyes, but the power of the urn flowing toward the ancient sea was still increasing.

He Guhai, is really robbing me of power?

"Miscellaneous account, that was given to me by the host, do you dare to move? Seek to death!" Zhu Qiqi roared, his wings fluttered, and the blistering fire came towards the ancient sea.

The ancient sea naturally resisted with a spatula, and its strength soared countlessly.


Zhu Qiqi's strength was too strong, and Gu Hai was blown out again, but Gu Hai could not penetrate the body. Although Gu Hai was painful, he could still bear it. Absorbing the power of Yan, she rushed to Zhu Qiqi again, disturbing her and not letting her rob Nirvana.

Zhu Qiqi's heart was really terrible at the moment.

Sacrifice the master, but finally borrowed the power, but he did not handle it properly, but was sealed for thousands of years, and then it was easy to get out of the seal, but the power borrowed by the master was to be snatched away?

"Don't try to steal the power of my master, it's all mine, roar!" Zhu Qiqi fiercely rushed to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai was waiting, but at the same time he was pleasantly surprised.

The newly absorbed power is helping myself to break through the "Fate of Heaven and Earth"?

"The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth" is too difficult to cultivate, and the ancient sea has been unable to do anything.

I thought there was no hope of further improvement, but I didn't want to, and the power of Ji was helping himself to break through. The eyes were so hot that day, Gu Hai knew that it was about to break through.

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