Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 97: Bad birds come out

Jiang Lianshan and Wu Go stared at the altar!

Over time, Nirvana is constantly decreasing, and Jingwei is constantly reborn from the ashes. Zhu Qiqi is shrouded in giant gossip arrays, unable to move, and no longer plugs in, just watching coldly.

"Jingwei was reborn in Nirvana, and can't be interrupted, stop them!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Okay!" I nodded and turned my head, looking grimly at the opposite Jiang Lianshan and He Hou.

"Jiang Lianshan, aren't you saying that it is not easy for the Dream Force Field to pass?" Wu Gou sullen.

Jiang Lianshan's eyelids leaped wildly, and Gu Hai and his party were so quickly found.

"Nirvana is still more than half, it must be recaptured, Hou Hou, you help me recapture Nirvana, everything before, no blame!" Jiang Lianshan said in a deep voice.

Because Jiang Lianshan knew it was bad when he saw the magpie and Shennong magpie.

Shen Nong looked coldly at Jiang Lianshan and coughed: "Cough, cough, vulcan, as early as 800,000 years ago, I could follow the holy, but it was you who swayed against the holy. Only obsessed with this rotten wood body. Until now, the last time you were attacked by you, today, there is no chance, you should go to the holy place! "

"Old hoe, you lunatic, my business, what does it matter to you?" Jiang Lianshan said with a stare and depression.

"If you change your face, it doesn't matter to me. If you pretend to be holy, it's about me, Vulcan, take your life!" Shennong stepped out.


Suddenly, Shennongyu and Jiang Lianshan collided with one fist, and the huge impact drove the whole void into strong shaking.

The two didn't even win.

"Old wood, old things!" Jiang Lianshan growled angrily.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The fierce collision between the two powerfuls.

He Gou didn't help because He Gou's eyes kept on Nirvana. Jiang Lianshan has too many causes and effects, so he is restrained everywhere. He doesn't have much cause and effect. He still has a chance to get Nirvana.

However, I have been staring at Hook.

Vulcan and Jiang Lianshan's Vulcan also have cause and effect. Qi, Jingwei, Chiyou, Gui are princesses and princes of the dynasty, but experienced a very miserable life. The tragic fate of their life was previously thought to be caused by Jiang Lianshan. However, they could not vent to the full of anger, but they were born fathers. But now, this resentment can be vented. It turned out that the enemy is the Vulcan. Not only did his three brothers and sisters suffer, but even his father Jiang Lianshan died. If he did not lie to Jiang Lianshan that year, Jiang Lianshan would not lose Murong Yan, and there would be no calamity of death!

With such hatred, I can't wait to rush up to tear it to pieces, but I finally bear it.

妭 Protect Jing Jing, and don't let Jing Wei's resurrection be disturbed.

There was another stare staring at him.

Looking at the appearance of 嬴 hook, 妭 eyelids jumped wildly, 嬴 hook is Jingwei's former corpse. This appearance is the appearance of my sister.

I was anxious, and I stared at myself. How could I rob Nirvana?

However, if it is consumed, the effect of Nirvana will be completely gone.

"Huh, it doesn't matter anymore!" Suddenly his face became cold and suddenly rushed straight.

When Hook rushed, Haw was cold in his eyes and stepped forward.

The two fists slammed into each other.


With a loud noise, I stepped out suddenly, and I stepped out.

"Yu Go? The strength is extraordinary!" Yen Yan said coldly.

"Huh, that's of course. You are the fire ancestor of Jiang Lianshan Refinery. I am the water ancestor of Jiang Lianshan Refinery. You were sealed in that hell, and I was suppressed under Huangquanhai. The experience is almost the same. Therefore, I can't weaken you! "Wu Go said coldly.

"Yu Gou, Jingwei is your soul, you are her physical body, I don't want to hurt you, you don't have to go any further!" Lu said coldly.

"Soul? Flesh? Hahahaha, joke, do you think I care about her?" Wu Go sneered.

"Huh?" I glanced at Hook slightly.

"Yes, you are right. My physical body was once integrated with Jingwei, but that is only a thing of the past. Now, this physical body has given birth to a new soul, which is my tick. Do you think that I will annihilate my consciousness? , Will the body be swayed by people? "Wu Go sneered.

"So, your new soul, never intended to return the body to Jingwei?" Said Leng Leng coldly.

"Never, she doesn't deserve it. What kind of ability does she have that can make me self-conscious? Let me let my body go?" Wu Go sneered.

"Yes, she didn't have the ability to **** back her body, but she has me as an older sister!" Tong Lengyan said.

sister? Suddenly his face sank.

"My elder sister will help him recapture everything. Since you cannot coexist with Jingwei, then I will come and annihilate your consciousness!" 妭 His eyes were cold, and he rushed again in an instant.


There was a loud noise, and Hou and Hou collided again, and the huge force shocked him.

"You, you are qualified? You and I have the same experience. When Jiang Lianshan separated my physical body from Jingwei, I even trained my physical body to become a pure Yin body, and I am more pure than you!"嬴 Hooked coldly.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Two zombie ancestors collided, and again and again, no one let them, as if they did not win or lose.

"Yes, your innate conditions are better than mine, but my will is stronger than you!" He narrowed his eyes.


With a stun in his eyes, the fierce eruption erupted, and he immediately flew out.

Hook was knocked open, and he looked at Haw in surprise: "Will? Huh, it doesn't have to be much stronger. I am the new commander of the Wu clan. You are all witches, but you have to listen to me!"

"It's ridiculous!" His eyes narrowed and he fluttered again.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

妭, 嬴 hooked fierce fighting together. Although the strength of the two is similar, the strength of the puppet bears a fierce, a kind of suffocation. Makes the smashing move more fierce and fierce, hitting the slam hook again and again.

嬴 Gou face exposed 狰狞, but it was a period of depression, although not much suppressed, but it can not exceed 妭.

Jiang Lianshan and Shennong Chan also had a real fire. Unfortunately, Shennong Chan was too old and coughed while fighting, but was suppressed by Jiang Lianshan.

Two battlefields, extremely fierce.

Gu Hai stood at the altar, but there was no thought to help. There are more important things in the ancient sea, guarding Jing Wei's resurrection and protecting Lin Wan'er's resurrection.

With the release of Nirvana's power and the rebirth of Jingwei in a countercurrent of time, Jingwei's eyes seemed to slowly solidify.

Those eyes moved slightly, as if with a little consciousness.

The look was not Jingwei but Lin Waner, and Gu Hai recognized it at a glance.

In Lin Waner's eyes, there was no fear, only tenderness. When she looked at the ancient sea, she was full of love and cherished the general.

"Waner, it will be fine soon, and we will go home!" Gu Hairou whispered.

Waner is going to be resurrected? Gu Hai felt warm.

Just as Gu Hai's mood softened, a sudden Suzaku tweeted all over the place.


Suzaku drank, and for a moment, the sky was rushing towards Zhu Qiqi.


There was a sudden loud noise, but it was the sixty-four altars of the giant gossip array, and one of them suddenly exploded.

With a loud scream and a loud bang, Gu Hai suddenly changed his face and turned to look at Zhu Qiqi.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

But it was the Quartet, and the altars one after another exploded, and the entire East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire was exploding.

Seen from the periphery, the entire Donglinghuohai has exploded into a mass, with countless mountains, rivers, and earth surrounding it.

The ancient capital of ancient times, the skull Gu Haiyu stared into the distance.

Yin Shendian, the free spirit Tianmo is also a good silence.

"Dongling Huohai? What's going on? Zhu Qiqi is it impossible to demolish Dongling Huohai?" Dazu muttered.

Even though Dazuomian Tianmo's heart was boundlessly curious, but Dazuomian Tianmo didn't go to inquire, watching from a distance, quietly.



Another super bang came from the East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire. The whole hell, countless peerless powerhouses were disturbed at this moment, and I wondered what was happening in the East.

Only the ancient sea inside knows that things are going to be big at this moment.

Because Zhu Qiqi, who had been silent for a while, was actually accumulating strength. At this moment, he burst into a blast and burst the giant gossip array instantly.

The golden light locks that bound Zhu Qiqi's body were all blown open.

With a shout, the flames enveloped the body, and the injury that was previously penetrated by the large array of holes was instantly reborn, and all recovered.

The flames of the entire East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire revolved around Zhu Qiqi. Zhu Qiqi descended like a **** of heaven. In this sea of ​​fire, the king came to heaven.

A vast and immense breath came straight to the ancient sea at the altar.

In the distance, the face of Jiang Lianshan and others changed.

"Old thing, you are still stopping me, Zhu Qiqi is trapped! Not yet dodging!" Jiang Lianshan roared.

"Oh, Vulcan, I didn't want to live at all, kill you, I can rest, how can I let you go?" Shennong shouted with a cheeky face.


The battle between Shennongyu and Jiang Lianshan continued.

On the other side, I was suddenly worried too, not about Zhu Qiqi, but Jing Jing, could the ancient sea over there stop Zhu Qiqi?

"Hahaha, eh, aren't you stronger than me? Right now, don't want to help Gu Hai, Nirvana, I can't get it, don't you want to get well either, I'm the new commander of the Wu tribe, I want You know, offending the new Commander of the Witch Tribe! "Hook continued to stop him.

"You're really a lunatic!" I looked cold.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The battle between 妭 and 嬴 hook did not stop.

That's it.

Only Gu Hai is left.

Zhu Qiqi stepped, the fire that swept the entire Donglinghuohai, surging toward the ancient sea with the might of Tianwei. The body of five thousand feet is like a monstrous beast, completely crushing the ancient sea.

However, the ancient sea couldn't go away at all, because behind the altar, Jingwei's body was only half recovered, and Nirvana was reborn half. Then Nirvana was still not effective.

Zhu Qiqi wants to take back Nirvana. The ancient sea must be stopped.

Only Gu Hai could look up at Zhu Qiqi, who was five thousand feet high, and Tianwei was the best.

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