Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 96: Nirvana

Giant gossip array, linking heaven and earth, block Zhu Qiqi!

Although Zhu Qiqi is Suzaku's supreme and powerful, but under the control of the Suzaku god, he can't resist at all, not to mention, Jiang Lianshan prepared an 800,000-year formation method, which was used to deal with Zhu Qiqi.

Zhu Qiqi made no words and Jiang Lianshan also showed his fangs.

Zhu Qiqi did n’t have the means to show it, but if he did n’t, it means that the means were useless. Jiang Lianshan would not give Zhu Qiqi time, waved his probe, the giant gossip array trembled, Zhu Qiqi stared and felt Suzaku. To be shredded.

Under strong persecution, Zhu Qiqi could only take a humiliating unwillingness and spit out a nirvana in flames.

Nirvana spit out, floating in mid-air, and the void in the surroundings trembled slightly, as if this Nirvana was incompatible with the surroundings.

Nirvana contains the huge power of Zhu Qiqi. The moment Zhu Qiqi expelled Nirvana, it suddenly withered a lot, as if all his blood was spit out with Nirvana.

"Nirvana? Hahaha, really Nirvana!" Jiang Lianshan's eyes suddenly became hot.

Because as long as Nirvana is swallowed, Jiang Lianshan will be able to regenerate Nirvana. From now on, it is no longer the body of this Vulcan god, but reunited with three souls and seven souls and reshaped the body!

"Nirvana is here for you, let me go now!" Zhu Qiqi shouted with animosity.

Jiang Lianshan didn't bother, but stared at Nirvana all the time, and seemed to go to grab it.

But at this moment, the eyes of the next gang hook suddenly brightened, and he jumped up without hesitation.

Jiang Lianshan's face changed: "What are you doing?"

"I'll get it for you!" Heng rushed forward without looking back.

The almost crazy attitude of Jiu Go immediately made Jiang Lianshan unhappy.

"You are so brave, you dare to grab my stuff!" Jiang Lianshan's face changed, and he rushed over in an instant.

嬴 Hook and see that you will catch Nirvana.

Jiang Lianshan ushered in an instant.

"Huh?" Su Gou's expression suddenly sank, and she met this palm.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the void trembled suddenly, and Hou and Jiang Lianshan paused in midair.

"Yu Gou, how brave you are, my Nirvana, dare you dread?" Jiang Lianshan glared angrily.

The two were not far from Nirvana, and no one was allowed to stare at each other, and they were not allowed to approach Nirvana.

"I'm the new commander of the Wu tribe. Why don't I dare to get involved?" Wu Gou said lightly.

Withered, Zhu Qiqi stared at Xiangu Go with a stare in his eyes: "Are you the new commander of the Wu clan? What about the generals?"

Wu Gou and Jiang Lianshan ignored Zhu Qiqi.

"Yu Hou, you can have today, and I helped you cast it!" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

"No, it's not you, it's Jiang Lianshan. You're just Jiang Lianshan's Vulcan. It's different. Besides, what's the matter?" Wu Go sneered.

"You deliberately pretended to come to me. It turned out that you came from Nirvana!" Jiang Lianshan looked annoyed.

"What's the matter, huh, Jiang Lianshan's time has passed, and you want to stir up the wind and rain with this defective product, I don't think it's necessary!" Wu Gou said coldly.

"Don't forget, you can't even beat Gu Hai with a punch, and you want to turn your face with me, you really are looking for death!" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

While talking, Jiang Lianshan rushed to the hook immediately.


The two fists collided in the void, but this time, Jiang Lianshan did not retreat, but the two were deadlocked together.

"No, your strength, you can't even beat Gu Hai's fist that day, even the arrow of Houyi can't stop it!" Jiang Lianshan was surprised.

"If I don't hide something, how can you be assured of me?" Wu Go sneered.

"Okay, okay, okay, yoke, I really underestimated you, but here is Donglinghuohai, you are just a stiff ancestor of the water system!" Jiang Lianshan hated.

Originally everything was under control, but I didn't expect that the hook was actually against the water. Jiang Lianshan hated this feeling, and was even more angry with the hook.

"What about the zombie ancestors in the water system? Water can overcome the fire, Jiang Lianshan, obediently, I will help you shape a zombie body and let you leave the East Linghuohai!"

"Ha, ha ha ha, the body of a zombie? From now on to submit to you? Jokes, jokes, yoke, you created it with me, and today you dare to disobey me, then there is no need to exist!" Jiang Lianshan chilled.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ……………………

Jiang Lianshan and Lu Gou suddenly struck their arms and violently bumped up again and again.

Dong Ling Huo Hai, a sudden strong shaking.

Neither of them wanted the other side to get Nirvana. On the battle, they were getting farther and farther away from Nirvana.

Zhu Qiqi, who had already faded, had his eyes brightened: "Hehe, it really is a dog biting a dog!"

Nirvana is not far away, and Zhu Qiqi shone a little red light around him. At this moment, although bound, Jiang Lianshan did not preside over the giant gossip array, and he would not be able to break away from the fetters for a long time. You can recapture Nirvana once again.

"Hit, hit, wait a little longer, for you to look good, mine is always mine, Nirvana, my Nirvana!" Zhu Qiqi stared at Nirvana not far from the air with an excitement. Dan.

But when Zhu Qiqi was full of hope, a right hand suddenly appeared below Nirvana.

A right hand?

Zhu Qiqi was surprised. Where's the right hand?

But I saw that right hand grabbed.


Nirvana was caught in his right hand, but the ancient sea suddenly appeared, grabbed Nirvana.

"What? Anyone else?" Zhu Qiqi exclaimed.

Gu Hai was the first to come out of the Dream Force Field, and went straight to this place when he came out.

As soon as the ancient sea arrived, Jiang Lianshan and Wugou fought so much that they did not find the sudden extra ancient sea.

As soon as Gu Hai arrived, Zhu Qiqi was as big as five thousand feet. However, at this moment, there was no time to pay attention to Zhu Qiqi, and Gu Hai quickly sought Jingwei.

In an instant, I saw a faint smoke above the altar.


Gu Hai suddenly panicked when she saw the smoke.

Late? Jing Wei was still sacrificed, and Lin Waner was also sacrificed.

died? Their fly ash annihilated, leaving only a trace of residue.

"No, no!" Gu Hai cried in horror.

At the same time, the land of eternal capital.

"No!" Skull Gu Hai exclaimed instinctively.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong?" Long Wanyu worried.

"It's a step behind, Lin Wan'er has already died of flying ash, and only a trail of smoke is left!" Skeleton Gu Hai said with regret.

"A wisp of smoke left? No, there is Zhu Qiqi, brother-in-law, if you ask Zhu Qiqi for help, her Nirvana can be reborn in the ashes!" Long Wanyu said.

"In the ashes, Nirvana is born again? Is there salvation? You say Waner is still salvation?" Gu Hai suddenly looked up in surprise.

"Yeah, but it may be difficult, she needs Nirvana, she is such a stingy person, it is impossible to agree!" Long Wanyu smiled bitterly.

"Nirvana? I saw Nirvana, how to use it?" Gu Hai eagerly said.

"Placed directly on the ashes of the dead. As long as you haven't died for more than an hour, you can regenerate Nirvana, but brother-in-law, you said Zhu Qiqi could agree?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Promise, you must promise!" Skeleton Guhai was surprised.

Dong Linghuo.

The ancient sea protagonist took a big shot while Jiang Lianshan and Wu Gou suddenly rushed to Nirvana and immediately held it in his hands. There was no time to think about it, and he went straight to the Jingwei on the altar.

"No, what are you doing, that's my Nirvana, and also Nirvana, eh!" Zhu Qiqi shouted in anger.

In the distance, Jiang Lianshan and Wu Gou suddenly heard Zhu Qiqi's roar and turned their heads suddenly.

"Gu Hai? How dare you! It's mine!" Wu Gou yelled suddenly.

But he saw that Gu Hai grabbed the ray of smoke that Nirvana pounced on Jingwei. Jiang Lianshan suddenly understood what Gu Hai was going to do. He wants to save Jingwei?

You have been busy for 800,000 years and killed Jingwei. In order to get this Nirvana, you waste it on Jingwei again. Is n’t your 800,000 years busy?

"Gu Hai, you are looking for death!" Jiang Lianshan screamed suddenly.

How could the ancient sea pay attention to the threats in the distance? When it came to the outline smoke of Jingwei's ashes, Nirvana was gently placed in the smoke of Jingwei's mouth, as if put into his mouth.


Nirvana suddenly emits a colorful light, which instantly covers all the smoke of Jingwei. The flames around it are absorbed immediately, and the surface of Jingwei is instantly grayed out, like countless streamers rushing to Jingwei.

At this moment, under the powerful effects of Nirvana, the ashes of Jingwei seemed to be turning back in time, reversing time, and being reborn quickly.

The power of time is Nirvana. Nirvana is slowly melting and slowly regenerating Jingwei.

"No, my Nirvana!" Zhu Qiqi, Jiang Lianshan, and Qi Gou screamed at the same time.

Right now. Two loud noises not far away.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

But it was the magpie and Shennong magpie that also broke through the field of dream power and suddenly appeared.

The moment they came out, they saw Jiang Lianshan and Wu Gou rushing towards the ancient sea.

In front of Gu Hai, it was the hazy Jingwei.

"What's going on?" 妭 flew quickly in anger.


Huo Gou and Jiang Lianshan arrived, and they fought with their own palms, bringing out a fierce breath. This breath will blow away the ashes of Jingwei.

"Stop them, I'm saving Jingwei, hurry up!" Gu Hai guarded Jingwei's smoke, and shouted at the confrontation and Shennong.

The two of them instantly grasped the mind, blocking the ancient sea at the same time, and hit the sky.

A slap in the palm, a slam in the palm. The palm of Shennongyu bombarded the palm of Jiang Lianshan.

"Boom, boom!"

Two super bangs blew the entire Donglinghuohai.

He and Shennong He blocked the Hook and Jiang Lianshan in anger.

"Don't blame you, I blame you!" Jiang Lianshan shouted in depression.

Almost, I succeeded, but I fell short.

"Nirvana has just consumed one-tenth, and there is still a lot. I don't blame you. I didn't let Jingwei fly ash die out to give the ancient sea a chance!" Wu Gou also angered.

Fly ash annihilation?

妭 Worried and turned to look at the ancient sea again.

"Jingwei was reborn in Nirvana, and can't be interrupted, stop them!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Okay!" I nodded and turned my head, looking grimly at the opposite Jiang Lianshan and He Hou.

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