Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 95: Zhu Qiqi

Above the altar, Jingwei was almost burned, leaving only a smoke outline, or this is the residue after burning, and the only trace of remnants lingering, keeping the smoke outline intact.

Regarding Jing Wei's death, Jiang Lianshan and Wu Gou didn't even take a look. At this moment, they both stared at the Suzaku Supreme who swallowed the Suzaku god.

As big as five thousand feet, there is no limit to fierce might and mighty sky.

The awakening of Suzaku supreme, the flames of the entire Dongling Huohai suddenly calmed down, as if in front of Suzaku, all the flames were only subject to submission.

Suzaku wings spread.


Endless Nanming erupted from the fire instantly.

"Ha, I am Zhu Qiqi, and finally came out again, oh ~!" Suzaku Supreme suddenly shouted to the sky.

In the long whistle, the voice spread to the world. For a moment, the entire East Linghuohai, no, the whole world of the underworld was filled with Suzaku's supreme voice.

That scream, like the return of the king, the bird shouted, the world was shocked.

The endless birds and beasts shivered. It seemed that when they heard the voice of the king, they could not help but worship.

Dahan Tianchao.

Kong Xuan was sitting in Shuaiying, listening to the reports from several ghostly ancestors in front of him. Suddenly a suzaku tweet came through, allowing Kong Xuan who was drinking tea to crush the tea cup in his hand.

"Master, what's wrong?" Laoshan ancestor was surprised.

However, Kong Xuan stepped out of the hall and looked in the direction of Dongling Huohai with surprise.

Who is Kong Xuan? Today, the birds and beasts, Kong Xuan almost reached the top, but under this Suzaku tweet, his heart trembled unconsciously.

Kong Xuan's eyes were uncertain.

"You are waiting here, the coach is going to see the Holy!" Kong Xuanshen said.

Heart tremor? This is a kind of suppression of lower poultry by high birds. Higher than yourself? Who, whose call is this?

Kong Xuan went straight to the ancient capital of ancient times.

Underworld West. Yin shrine!

The scorpion gods and Wu injury gods came straight.

"Lord, who was that voice just now, is it Kong Xuan?" The scorpion and demon surprised.

There was a dead silence in the Yin Temple, and then a vague figure came out of the Hall. The Scorpio Heaven Demon and Wu Shangtian Demon followed closely, and were very respectful.

But it was the free spirit that the demon heard this voice, with a solemn look to the east: "Zhu Qiqi? Are you still dead?"

"Zhu Qiqi? Suzaku Supreme?" Wu hurt the demon, surprised.

Dazuo Tianmo squinted his eyes and stared at the East.

"Lord, should we go and see?" The Scorpion and the Demon curiously.

"No, Zhu Qiqi? Well, she's notoriously careful. She had failed in the sacrifice. We thought she died in the sacrifice. Road.

Kong Xuan went straight to the ancient Yin capital.

Outside the ancient capital.

Skull Gu Hai and Long Wanyu look towards the East of Hades together.

"Holy, whose voice is that? Chen felt a repression!" Kong Xuan was surprised.

"Zhu Qiqi!" Long Wanyu frowned.

"Zhu Qiqi?" Kong Xuan exclaimed.

"It is Suzaku Supreme! She is resurrected!" Gu Hai explained.

"Suzaku Supreme?" Kong Xuan's face changed.

"Brother-in-law, have you seen Zhu Qiqi on your own?" Long Wanyu worried.

"Quickly, the body is trapped in the field of dream power, but because of the golden sign of the character" 卍 "from Da Ri, you should be able to break out of the field of dream power immediately, and you can see Zhu Qiqi!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Brother-in-law, you have to be careful about Zhu Qiqi, but Zhu Qiqi is careful, and she is normal and insidious, insidious and cunning!" Long Wanyu recalled.

"Curriculous? No credit?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

"Yeah!" Long Wanyu nodded.

Gu Hai was in deep contemplation. Zhu Qiqi was doing things. ——

The Suzaku Supreme screamed from the sky, the sound of the world was loud and clear, Nanming was away from the fire, and fierce surrounding, a torrent of weather broke out.

Tong Gou and Jiang Lianshan were all excited.

After the Suzaku Supreme has vented. Jiang Lianshan suddenly said: "Congratulations, Zhu Qiqi!"

Zhu Qiqi looked down at the two at the altar below.

"Jiang Lianshan, you are doing a good job. You can use all your strength to protect the Vulcan!" Zhu Qiqi was extremely satisfied.

"Although it took a long time, after all, it was done, you that little Suzaku **** just now, have you refined it?" Jiang Lianshan asked.

"Yes, that little Suzaku **** has been integrated into my great Suzaku god, and has helped me light the fire! My strength will be all back!" Zhu Qiqi nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, Jiang Lianshan's expression was relieved: "In this case, please also fulfill your promise and help me to be born again and condense the three souls and seven souls!"

"Huh?" Zhu Qiqi gave a meal and suddenly squinted at Jiang Lianshan.

"What you said, as long as I help you out, you will help me to be born again. I am only the body of Vulcan and can't leave Dongling Huohai, so I need your help!" Jiang Lianshan said again.

"Vulcan's body is not very good? Dongling Huohai will be my general altar after you, you are here, be the general manager of my general altar!" Zhu Qiqi said lightly.

"Manager? Oh, you laughed, I just need to be born again, I help you be born again, now, it's your turn to help me, right?" Jiang Lianshan laughed.

"You're just Vulcan. It's impossible to reunite the three souls and seven souls. Don't think too much about it, it's fine now!" Zhu Qiqi said lightly.

Jiang Lianshan's eyes narrowed, and his face was slightly gloomy. He said he would help me to be born again, but now he is pushing three obstacles?

"Nothing is impossible, others can't do it. You Suzaku can do it, because Suzaku has the ability that all spirits don't have, Nirvana is born again! You can help me be born again!" Jiang Lianshan said again.

"Nirvana is born again, I can only be born again, I cannot help others be born again!" Zhu Qiqi said coldly.

"No, the news I probed is not so, but it is something unique to your Suzaku, your Nedan, Nirvana, as long as you swallow Nirvana, you can regenerate Nirvana!" Jiang Lianshan solemnly said.

Zhu Qiqi suddenly looked cold: "Oh, you have a lot of probes!"

"It's about whether I can be resurrected, so I have to inquire carefully!" Jiang Lianshan said in a deep voice.

"Hahahahaha, do you know how difficult it is for us to cultivate and help Nirvana rebirth? If you help Nirvana, it will be gone. Nirvana can only be done once, why can you give it?" Zhu Qiqi changed his face instantly.

"I know that Nedan is gone, it is very difficult to cultivate, but it is not impossible, but it costs a lot. However, this Nirvana, you promised me!" Jiang Lianshan solemnly said.

"Promise you? Oh, Jiang Lianshan, I have given you everything. If it weren't for me, you would have been ruined that year. You don't want to thank me, but you want to get in on it?" Zhu Qiqi said coldly.

Zhu Qiqi's attitude is very obvious. It is impossible for life or death to give Nirvana to Jiang Lianshan. However, Jiang Lianshan was not particularly angry, but showed a slight smile.

"Zhu Qiqi, are you sure you won't give it to me?" Jiang Lianshan confirmed again.

"Yes, Nirvana, don't even think about it!" Zhu Qiqi stared.

"Never mind, I'll take it myself!" Jiang Lianshan shook his head.

"Huh? You take it yourself?" Zhu Qiqi was surprised, and Jiang Lianshan did not seem to understand.

But he saw Jiang Lianshan's hand waving: "The God of Suzaku, the power of gossip, the sea of ​​east spirit, the gossip array of Zhouyi, get up!"

Jiang Lianshan screamed, but saw the whole Dongling Huohai suddenly shake the mountain.


The earth moved, the sky shattered, and the flames of the void suddenly trembled rapidly. At the same time, in the 64 places of Donglinghuohai, suddenly a huge altar was raised.

As soon as the altar came out, a golden light shot instantly, and came straight to Zhu Qiqi.


The first light was like a chain, penetrating through Zhu Qiqi's body and binding it.

"Ah, it hurts, what?" Zhu Qiqi's face changed.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom ... ………………!"

A series of golden lights, one after another, came quickly from the altars, and quickly tied Zhu Qiqi through the body. In just a few minutes, the gossip array linked the world, and the rolling forces bound Zhu Qiqi. Numerous rays of light surrounded, slowly forming the pattern of sixty-four hexagrams on the surface of Zhu Qiqi.

Suddenly Zhu Qiqi's body was agitated.

"Ah, what, let me go, Jiang Lianshan, you're looking for death!" Zhu Qiqi struggled and roared endlessly.

Jiang Lianshan showed a sneer: "Suzaku Supreme, Zhu Qiqi! I know you are great, one of the four monsters of the ancients is so powerful. If you repent, I can't fight you, so from 800,000 years ago , I have already started the formation. This is the transformation of the gossip formation. I have arranged 800,000 years just for today! "

"Jiang Lianshan, you think, you can trap me, Nanming is out of the fire, broken!" Zhu Qiqi shouted.

The billowing blue flames instantly burned the altars around.

"Useless, before releasing you, I used the little Suzaku **** to blend in the fine blood, and dripped blood on the sixty-four hexagram altar, that is, my gossip array, but Tonglianxiao Suzaku god, is n’t your big Suzaku **** melding the little Suzaku god? This is what I have been waiting for. Now, if you are struggling, I can instantly blast your big Suzaku god. Believe it or not! Road.

Zhu Qiqi's induction suddenly changed his face, and Suzaku Shen was locked by the power of the gossip array.

"Jiang Lianshan, you, you despicable man, I save you, you just treat me like this, calculate me everywhere?" Zhu Qiqi stared.

"You must do what you say. Naturally, there will not be today ’s disaster. You will go against it, and I will resist you. Now, it is I who destroyed your Suzaku **** and then took you Nirvana, or did you spit it out?" Jiang Lianshan sneered and looked at Zhu Qiqi.

Zhu Qiqi looked desperately at Jiang Lianshan. He originally thought that Jiang Lianshan was deadly counted, but he never thought that he would be counted by Jiang Lianshan deadly.

Suzaku god? He has set up traps for 800,000 years, just to trap himself today? Take your own Nirvana?

"Jiang Lianshan, I will kill you!" Zhu Qiqi shouted in depression.

"Spit Nirvana," Jiang Lianshan looked at Zhu Qiqi coldly.

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