Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 109: Defeat the enemy with one finger


The fire dissipated, revealing two men in red robes, their eyes were cold, and they glanced around the emperors and suzerains, revealing a disdain.

Then, the two talents looked at six seats.

"Oh? Zhu Erer? Zhu Erliu? You are not dead yet!" Jiang Chen suddenly sneered.

"Well, general, aren't you dead yet?" One of the men in red robes said coldly.

"Zhu Liuliu, are you still hot-tempered? But it seems that the old thing is still alive, and you still have his strength breath left on you? Oh!" Jiang Chen's voice was icy.

Anyone can hear the hostility of General Chen when he mentioned the time.

"My master must be alive and well. How can you be like a beaming clown? Huh!" Zhu Liuliu said coldly.

Jiang Chen smiled coldly.

"Bai Zixun, are you living more and more back? Sitting in the last place? Oh!" Another Zhu Erer sneered at Dazuoyou Tianmo.

"Are you still so empty-eyed? Oh, I should have been used to it. This place is not a place to talk about the old. After the conference, we will find a place to talk, and there is a place, first sit down!" Shen said.

The two looked coldly at Jiang Chen and Dazuo Tianmo, and then turned to the others.

"Little girl?" Zhu Liuliu's face suddenly changed.

"Huh?" Zhu Er'er also turned to look at Jingwei.

Jing Wei's face changed, and she leaned behind Yi.

"It turned out to be you, the little girl was killed by you!" Zhu Liuliu suddenly became angry. Seems to have to rip up the health.

"It's really a haunting spirit!" He looked so cold and stood up from the throne. Suddenly, red clouds rose over his head.

The eyes of heaven opened instantly.


A breath of heavenly power came straight to everyone, and immediately the hearts of everyone around him shivered, and there was an urge to bow down.


Not far away, I waved a hand, countless swords gas skyward, for everyone to resist the suppression of the eye of heaven, of course, just to block the suppression for ordinary people.

The suppression of Suzaku by the Eye of Heaven has not weakened.

When Zhu Erer and Zhu Liuliu saw their enemies, they were very jealous and were about to shoot.


But at this moment, the two trembled, so that the angry two were instantly awake.

"Before leaving, the warning set by our elder brother in our body will wake us up if we are furious?" Zhu Er'er sank.

"Big brother's warning? But second brother, the enemy who killed Qiqi is here, just let it go?" Zhu Liuliu expressed indignation.

Zhu Er'er was slightly silent.

"Also, that's the body of Seven or Seven, brother, that's okay? Just meet the enemy, and the enemy is right in front of us, shall we just watch it openly?" Zhu Liuliu called again.

Zhu Er'er's eyelids leaped wildly. Although there was an order from the host and a warning from his elder brother, the big enemy was sitting in front of him, and would he care nothing?

Zhu Er'er also started to kill. Even if the sky has the eyes of heaven, he will kill this woman today.

The two seemed to have made up their minds to beheaded and killed immediately. But at this moment, a voice came from behind.

"Zhu Qiqi's soul was murdered. Did you find the wrong person?" Gu Hai's voice came quietly from behind them.

"Huh?" The two turned their heads suddenly and looked at Gu Hai, who was in the second position on the right.

The lords of the forces on Thursday and Monday have already retreated.

Zhu Erer and Zhu Liuliu's breath was so horrifying that they shuddered everyone. If they hadn't protected the crowd, they would be out of character at this moment.

Many people already believe that they are Suzaku Supreme.

Everyone was thinking, Can I stop these two Suzaku Supremes, but didn't want to, the ancient sea suddenly plugged in, and they instantly attracted hatred to themselves.

Even the generals and uncle looked curiously at Gu Hai. Gu Hai was crazy?

"You?" Zhu Er'er looked cold.

"Why? Don't believe it?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Gu Hai, thank you for your kindness, Jing Wei occupied Zhu Qiqi's Suzaku body. This matter will be resolved sooner or later, or I will come!"

"Well, what do you say, wasn't Zhu Qiqi's soul destroyed?" Gu Hai shook his head.

Gu Hai, contending to pull hatred on himself? Really when we are furnishings? Zhu Er'er, Zhu Liuliu's eyes were cold.

"Boy, look at your breath, you haven't even arrived at the Tiangong great consummation, so you can kill Qiqi by yourselves?" Zhu Liuliu said coldly.

Gu Hai smiled coldly and twisted his head.


The sky instantly condensed a vast dark cloud. Then separated instantly from the middle.


A black pupil of the heavenly eye suddenly appeared.

As soon as the heavenly eyes of the ancient sea emerged, a powerful breath came down again, and came straight to everyone.


Even if there were crickets to protect everyone, there were still people who could not bear the pressure of the two heavenly eyes, and immediately knelt down.

Repair for? Xiuwei has become extremely ridiculous today, what about the great consummation of Heaven? Under the suppression of the eye of heaven, nothing is going on.

Dazuo Tianmo's face was gloomy. The general on the opposite side moved slightly, a little flash of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at the opposite.

Even though the breath of the two heavenly eyes was oppressed, I still drank the wine comfortably and looked flatly at everyone.

"Eyes of heaven? This is the strength of my master. The master left this world and left all his strength and was obtained by the two of you. Yeah, then let us see how much you have mastered!" Sneered.

During the talk, Zhu Erer suddenly rushed to the puppet, while Zhu Liuliu suddenly rushed to the ancient sea.

妭 and Gu Hai are cold in their eyes.

The two heavenly eyes instantly shot down a beam of light.


The terrible light of the **** of destruction is like shattering the void, straight down, and the Yuanshidian Square is about to break.

But at this moment, the tightly closed Yuanshidian gushed out a purple light, and suddenly the surrounding void became solidified countlessly, except for the battlefield, everything was settled.

"The leader has shot?" Xu looked at Yuan Shidian in surprise.

Obviously, the Supreme Master Yuan Shitian in the hall protected the Quartet, allowing the Suzaku Supreme to fight with the ancient sea and the urn.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the light of the **** of destruction shot by the eyes of the heavenly **** blasted Zhu Er'er's body surface suddenly. Zhu Er'er trembled suddenly, and his whole body burst into countless moments.

Without mobilizing the power of the avenue, Zhu Er'er suffered a big loss in an instant. If it were not for his body to emit a colorful light, that moment would be a hit.

"Protective body protection? Huh!" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, Zhu Er'er's colorful power just now is the power of puppets in Zhu Er'er's body.

Zhu 221 is excited, it was just dangerous! I shouldn't be careless. The eye of heaven is the power of the master. I didn't go all out just now?

On the other side, Zhu Liuliu did not make a loud noise.

Because the ancient eye of the heavens is even more weird, it does not attack matter, it only attacks the soul.


With a muffled sound, Zhu Liuliu must have been motionless there, but not far away from the body, a fiery red soul flashed out.

But like Zhu Qiqi in the past, the soul was bombarded from the flesh.

"What?" Zhu Liuliu's face changed.

Zhu Er'er was also a thriller, and he immediately waved his hand.


Help Zhu Liuliu's body and soul recover quickly.

It's dangerous. The soul just got rid of the body. That was the most vulnerable.

The soul and the flesh blend together, Zhu Liuliu turned to look at Gu Hai fiercely: "It really is you, how did you kill Qiqi?"

"Do you want to come again? Next time, there will be no such good luck!" Gu Hai looked coldly.

"Good luck? Huh, I just care about you. The power of your God of Destruction is not small, but, what about the speed? If it is not my intention, your Light of God will not touch me at all, because you are too slow. Come, come again? Look at me tore you up and take revenge for the seventy-seven! "Zhu Liuliu showed his face and flew towards the ancient sea again.


Sure enough, the speed of the jump was too fast, and he came to Gu Hai in an instant.

The speed of the gods' completeness is not comparable to that of the ancient sea. The eye of heaven is affected by ancient sea repair. The speed is not fast enough. It could kill Zhu Qiqi at the first time, and it was also the reason why Zhu Qiqi restrained him.

Today, Zhu Liuliu was in front of the ancient sea in an instant, and the eyes of heaven were too late.

Everyone's face changed and they felt that Gu Hai was worse.

Xu's face sank. Suddenly, a red light from his heavenly eyes shot at Zhu Liuliu.

"You want to save him? It's too late!" Zhu Er'er blocked in an instant.

At this moment, Zhu Erer didn't dare to carelessly, and immediately mobilized the power of the avenue. Three imaginary shadows appeared behind him, condensing endless power in his fist, and violently struck the light of the **** of destruction.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Zhu Er'er was beaten again by the light of the **** of destruction, but after all, he blocked the light of the **** of destruction.

Although it was a cricket, it was enough. In that short time, Zhu Liuliu flattened the ancient sea.

Dazuo Tianmo, Jiang Chen, and Xuan Jing all stared at the ancient sea.

Zhu Liuliu's fist is indeed infinite and mighty. It seems that Tianwei is coming, and Gu Hai is about to smash it.

But at this moment, Gu Hai's eyes narrowed, he reached out his right index finger and pointed at Zhu Liuliu's fist.

"Axe meaning?" Jiang Chen showed a hint of doubt.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the whole Wanshou Taoism shook suddenly. A lot of gravel spattered billowing soot.

In the smoke and dust, Gu Hai kept the original posture, and the right index finger was still the same, but Zhu Liuliu was shot by this finger.

After flying a hundred feet away, it stopped suddenly. All the robes were torn up. There are a lot of rifts on the body.

Zhu Liuliu looked at his fist as if stupid, a huge crack on his fist ripped open, as if broken by a sharp weapon.

"No, no, how could this happen?" Zhu Liuliu was incredible.

In the smoke, Gu Hai flew herself without even moving a single hair or a finger? This is impossible, but the gods are fulfilled. He has n’t arrived at the Great Palace until he has completed it!

The others around already looked at Gu Hai in amazement. A finger?

Only Gu Hai understands that if it were not for the help of Pangu Axe, today would be a big ugly!

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