Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 113: Force the world to bow

Gu Hai's first promise was also a good start for Yuan Shitianzun!

The second general nodded and said, "If you have the ability to kill the sky, I will be fine. Most of the 2,000 cities in the shrine's control will be listened to by me. I can cooperate with you!"

General Chen's promise made Wei slightly embarrassed.

Because, promised Yuanshi Tianzun, that is torn the skin completely with the Six Immortals. The ancient sea has vengeance with the Six Immortals. General Chen is indifferent to the six immortals, but what about himself?

Yuan Shi Tianzun was not in a hurry, but waited patiently.

I glanced at Gu Hai, and then looked at Jing Wei. Speaking, I seem to owe an affair to Gu Hai. If Gu Hai was hunted down by six immortals, would he pretend not to see it?

After being silent for a while, I only hesitated: "I can promise you that when you need the power of the great people, I will borrow for you, but before that, if the six immortals find out ...?"

"If he starts in advance, I will block everything for you!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"Okay, Ma'am, I can cooperate with you!" Ma nodded.

The strong men in Yangjian nodded, and there were only two men in Hades, free and easy!

Bai Zizai frowned suddenly, extremely reluctant. However, Yuan Shitian Zun stared at him desperately, and Bai Zizuo believed that as long as he did not agree, Yuan Shitian Zun would be the first to pack himself.

Silent for a while, Bai Zi nodded his head after all: "Heavenly Holy Land can promise you!"

Bai Zizai promised verbally, but whether he would do it or not, then he said otherwise. Bai Zizai can live safely for millions of years, and his ability to avoid evil is rare.

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at Xi.

"My Jiuyinzong is just a Zhongzong gate, I can promise you, but how much can a small Zhongzong gate help?" Xiao laughed.

"Now that everyone agrees, that's fine, then the deity will help you solve it!" Yuan Shitian said in a deep voice.

"Oh?" Everyone wondered.

Yuan Shitian respected and then looked at the masters of all the forces.

The emperors and suzerains evaded the eyes of Yuan Shitianzun.

You group of perverts, dare to accompany Yuan Shitianzun to kill the sky, don't pull us! As soon as the fairy ’s eyes opened, we were all on our knees. Do we still need to write names?

If I had known to do this decisive thing, I would not have come. This is bad, you want to make a statement? Rebellion with Yuanshi Tianzun?

The lords of all the powers were panicking, most of them very repulsive, and only a few dared to look up.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun did not ask their opinions.

The left hand trembled slightly, and Xiao Jinlong, who wrapped around Yuanshi Tianzun's left arm, immediately exhaled a lot of clouds.

"Oh, there are 126 emperor dynasties and Zhongzongmen from Yangyang? And forty-two did not come?" Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes narrowed.

Forty-two Sovereigns, the Emperor did not come?

The lords of the forces were envious for a while, they were so lucky that they could not be used to participate in the rebellion. Unlike yourself, riding a tiger is so difficult now, so unlucky?

At the time when the envy of the forty-two suzerains and emperors was envy. Yuan Shi Tianzun suddenly felt a cold in his eyes, and his right sleeve was thrown at Tian Yi.

Yuan Shizhang suddenly zoomed in ten thousand times and floated at high altitude.


But looking at Yuan Shizhang, who was hunting in the wind, suddenly a thousand chaos swords burst out. As soon as the Chaos Sword Qi came out, it flew in a circle, flying less and less, and gradually merged into a forty-two huge Chaos Sword Qi.

The crowd looked up at the sky and did not understand what Yuanshi Tianzun would do.

But when he saw Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes stared, "Go!"


Forty-two chaos sword pierces the void in an instant, blasting in forty-two directions. Through the clouds and fog, disappeared instantly.

At the same time, there were forty-two ancestral gates and emperor dynasties in Yunyang world, and the sea of ​​clouds suddenly trembled.

On top of the cloud of luck, Jinlong's scales suddenly exploded, as if feeling something terrifying.

Forty-two great emperors and lords gave warning signs. Suddenly his face changed dramatically.

This is the emperor dynasty closest to Wanshou Taoism.

He thought that the **** of Yuanshi Tianzun would not be a good meeting, so he didn't come.

On this day, during the meeting, Jinlong roared suddenly, the emperor's heart gave a warning sign, his hairs exploded, and he stood up instantly.


A chaotic sword gas instantly blew the Chaodu array, and then instantly smashed the Chaohui hall, heading for the emperor.

"What?" The emperor's face changed and he greeted him with a punch.

"His Majesty!"

"Protect Your Majesty!"

"There are assassins!"




There was a sudden mess in the hall.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the place of the dragon chair burst into countless moments, and the void even tore a huge black hole under this loud noise.

In the hall, it was even more chaotic. When the black hole was restored, the previous emperor had exploded to pieces, leaving only a flat crown that was still intact and dropped on the ground.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The imperial dynasty's Qi Yun Jinlong wailed for a moment, and then, the imperial dynasty's Qi Yun cloud burst into pieces.

"Emperor, luck falls!"

"Your Majesty crashed!"

"Your Majesty ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The courtiers shouted sorrowfully, and then the people suddenly burst into sorrow.

Not only the people but the forty-two forces at the same time, the same thing happened at the same time.

Yuanshi Diankou.

The lord of one hundred and twenty-six forces can also see that the nearest emperor's luck in the distance collapsed suddenly.

The hearts of the lords trembled, feeling unreal. The emperor dynasty suddenly disappeared like this?

"Om, um, um ...............!"

There was a flutter in the body. The masters of the forces turned their hands and took out each of the figurines.

"Your Majesty, I am facing the dying Liang Dynasty, just now. I was wiped out by the unknown sword gas. I am so happy. Your Majesty, do you want to go south immediately?"

"Master Qilu, my ancestor was dead against Sanyo sect. Just now, the ancestor was destroyed by the unknown sword spirit. The Sanyo sect's altar was instantly razed to the ground!"

"The lord of Kailuan, the neighbouring Tianshui dynasty, the dynasty was flattened to the ground by a sword falling from heaven, the luck fell, the emperor drove down, and the Tianshui dynasty was destroyed!




News from the terracotta warriors came from all over the world.

It was quickly summarized that the forty-two emperor dynasties and Zhongzong gates who had not come to participate in the unified world meeting were instantly destroyed.

The culprit who destroyed the forty-two forces stood in front of everyone, the Yuanshi Tianzun who slowly put away Yuanshizhen.

Everyone chuckled in their hearts, showing a hint of chill.

I heard that Yuan Shitian Zun was ruthless and ruthless, and he was very spicy. Today I know how hot this Yuan Shitian Zun is.

Forty-two forces, because they didn't come to your conference, they all uprooted?

Yuan Shi Tianzun has not asked everyone if they would like to accompany him to kill the sky, and everyone has no idea of ​​rejection.

Reject it again? That is the rhythm of wanting to die!

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the crowd again. The masters of the forces no longer evaded Yuan Shi Tianzun's gaze, but greeted them one by one, ready to speak beautifully.

If Yuan Shitian Zun asked his intention, he must express his willingness to follow immediately.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun did not have the same attitude as Gu Hai and Jiang Chen, but he was very sure: "There are three major forces in the Yang Jiang, Gu Hai, and You, you choose, surrender allegiance!"

"Ah?" Everyone's face changed.

"The deity does not have the energy to manage all the people and all forces in the world. That is why I chose to cooperate with Gu Hai, Ye, and the generals and let them help the deity to manage the entire people. However, as long as they have a few management, it is enough, too many people Management is easy to be chaotic. At that time, if anyone is against the water, the deity does not have the energy to inquire one by one. It is enough to stare at them! "Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly.

"No, Yuanshi Tianzun. We are willing to listen to you. When you order it, we will immediately mobilize it for you, and never let it go!" An emperor cried.

Everyone nodded, anxious. Is this forcing us to surrender all rights? To Gu Hai, generals, and grandma? Who can do it.

"The deity is not asking for your opinion!" Yuan Shitianzun eyes a cold.

"Uh?" Everyone's face suddenly changed.

Yuan Shitianzun's icy eyes revealed a murderous look.

murderous look? Yuan Shitian respected his murderous spirit, do he have to fight again?

Everyone had the urge to cry and didn't play with it. The world we managed to fight, we have to let people out?

However, Yuanshi Tianzun has a very resolute attitude. He has no time to manage the whole world. He found the five people in Guhai, and he just stared at them. There are too many people. Moreover, time is limited and I don't want to toss, so let's do it once and for all. Whoever refuses to die!

Under the domineering eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, the hearts of all the forces were completely cool, but even so, they had to bow their heads. Everything you see today has already surpassed everyone's ability to bear it, and then stalemate, only death.

"Yes!" The crowd was helpless for a while.

"The deity will give you ten days. After ten days, if the sea of ​​luck is still there, the previous forty-two forces are your example!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"Yes!" The crowd was helpless for a while.

Turning his head, Yuanshi Tianzun no longer cares about them, and the lords of these forces can only stand aside and keep licking the wound.

The ancient sea and the maggots moved slightly, but there was no stop. Such a good thing was the best time for the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom and the Dacheng Heavenly Kingdom to expand their territory. General Chen smiled slightly, and did not take it seriously.

Unification of the world? General Chen has also gone through countless years. At that time, the battle of the Lich was that the world was divided into two camps, only these two camps.

"Heaven, here are you. Huh, since it is impossible to come, it is the same as Yangjian!" Yuan Shitianzun immediately took out Yuan Shizhen, and wanted to slaughter all Zhongzong gates and imperial dynasties in Hell.

"Wait!" Gu Hai cried instantly.

"Huh?" Yuan Shitianzun looked at Guhai doubtfully.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you have limited time and I have limited abilities. It is easy to destroy the masters of the underworld, but what will happen next? Underworld will become a piece of scattered sand. In two years, we have no time to master!" Gu Hai cried instantly.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned slightly.

"The forces of the underworld can't cross the two realms of the yin and yang, so they can't come. Otherwise, you can send them a message of luck and describe them today. I will send someone to persuade them in the underworld. There are people who don't listen. You kill it all again? "Gu Hai advised.

After Yuan Shi Tianzun was silent, he finally nodded: "Okay!"

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