Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 112: The purpose of the unified world


In the underworld, Dong Linghuo's Qi Yun, above the sea of ​​clouds, two loud noises, Zhu Er'er and Zhu Liuliu's Fa phase collapsed. The entire Donglinghuohai was suddenly immersed in a great shock.

"No, second brother, sixth child ...............!"

A cry of sorrow sounded in the East Linghuohai.

The remaining four Suzaku Supremes all stared angrily and angry above the sea of ​​Yunyun.

"Who dares to kill the second brother and the sixth?"

"I want to kill him!"

"It must be the Manshou Taoism in the Yangjian. I'm going to see. Who dares to touch my brother!"




Suddenly, a group of Suzaku Supremes suddenly became angry.

"Stop it!"

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Let me stay here, no one is allowed to go!" Zhu Yichi said coldly.

"But the enemies of Lao Liu and Er Brother don't care?"

"Second and sixth, the time of death is short, it shows that they have no resistance at all, you are going to die? You just die, what about the master?" Zhu Yiyi said coldly.

"I, we ...!"

"You can remember well, the master's patience, even if you die, will allow you to live, and then you will be tortured, you cannot survive, you cannot die!" Zhu Yichi said coldly.


"Let me stay here obediently, and inquire into the situation. What about the second, sixth, and seventh dead? As long as the master comes back, even if the time and space are reversed, they can be saved!" Zhu Yiyi said coldly.


"Nothing, but this revenge is to be reported, but not now, keep me here, and slowly explore the situation in the world!" Zhu Yiyi said coldly.

"Yes!" The crowd nodded with reluctance-

The sun. Wanshou Taoism.


A breeze blew by, and Zhu Er'er, who was destroyed by the light of the **** of destruction, was scattered in the void.

That's Zhu Er'er. Although the previously stunned God's Eye can take him seriously, compared to Yuan Shi Tianzun's God's Eye, it can be a bit different, and let his flying ash die.

It is also the Eye of Heaven, Yuanshi Tianzun is even stronger.

Of course, only the ancient sea knows the power of the heavenly eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun. You must know that in the flawed fairy sky, Yuanshi Tianzun fought with the eyes of heavenly gods of the six immortals.

The heavenly eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun are infinitely close to the eyes of the Six Immortals.


The eyes of heaven suddenly closed and rose, and the purple clouds gradually dissipated.

Above the Yuanshidian Square, the masters of the forces were afraid to breathe.

Before I came here, I still felt that I was one of the most powerful men in the world, with great qualifications. After seeing a few strong people on the seat, everyone felt that they were not in the same grade.

But looking at the strength of Yuanshi Tianzun, everyone's last trace of pride was completely gone.

In Wanshou Taoism, let's be low-key.

As Ziyun cleared up, Yuan Shitianzun killed two Suzakus and turned to look at the five people on the seat.

Jiang Chen, 暝, 妭, Gu Hai, Bai Ziren!

Although generals and princes were surprised at the strength of Yuanshi Tianzun, they did not show a trace of timidity, but thoughtfully looked towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

Xun and Guhai, looking at Yuanshi Tianzun is quite dignified.

Bai took a deep breath, his face was gloomy. Obviously was also scared by the strength of Yuan Shitianzun.

Bai Zizui is the White Tiger Supreme, the same level as the Suzaku Supreme, but the White Tiger Supreme is one, the Suzaku Supreme is seven, and one is equivalent to seven of them. Therefore, Bai Ziren's strength is stronger than Zhu Erer and Zhu Liuliu. However, it is not so casual as Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's strength was greatly unexpected.

"Dear everyone, welcome to Yuanshi Hall!" Tianshi Zunyuan looked at the five people and said.

All five looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, waiting for his next words.

When Yuan Shi Tianzun finished speaking, he closed his eyes, raised his head, and took a deep breath, as if feeling the mystery of this world.

The five waited patiently, but no one bothered. Everyone understood that Yuan Shi Tianzun was brewing his own emotions, which may be too grand and need to be accumulated for a while to be revealed.

Others around, naturally dare not disturb.

After half a fragrant incense, Yuanshi Tianzun opened his eyes.

When the eyes were opened, two golden lights that pierced the heavens and the earth were sprayed out of the eyes.

Slowly bowed his head and looked at the five people present. At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to be changed with another person, still so indifferent, but it was more powerful, like a sharp blade, straight into the hearts of everyone.

"Everyone should be curious. This deity summoned all of you to come, what meeting? Oh, in fact, from the name, you can hear that the unification of the world will naturally convene all of you, unification of the world!" Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

The people all around suddenly changed their faces, but under the fierce breath of Yuan Shitianzun, no one dared to insert his mouth.

"Unifying the world? Oh, why suddenly want to unify the world?" Gu Hai looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun and asked lightly.

Yuan Shi Tianzun suddenly looked at Gu Hai: "Kill the sky!"

"Kill the sky?" The lords of influence around him finally changed their faces.

"You mean, six immortals?" Shen Shen said.

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at Xiang Xi, and nodded: "Yes, that is to kill the six immortals!"

"Six Immortals, hidden in the invisible, blended into the heavens and the earth, how do you kill?" Wu curiously said.

"The deity knows where he is hiding. Two years later, he will come back to the top, but now, he is not the peak, I can beheaded him now!" Yuan Shitian said in a deep voice.

"I remember, not long ago, the Dragon Warring States once killed the sky once, but unfortunately, it ultimately failed! You are so sure, you can kill six immortals?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

"The defeat of the Dragon Warring States does not mean that I will also lose, and I have no ability to kill him. What does this deity call you?" Yuanshi Tianzun confidently said.

"What if you can't kill the six immortals?" Bai Zi frowned.

In the eyes of Yuan Shitianzun, he looked coldly at Bai Zili: "I must kill him!"

Without any ‘if’, since Yuanshi Tianzun made this decision, then he must go forward. There must be no luck at all, not killing heaven, being killed by heaven?

"Kill the sky, become immortal?" Gu Hai asked again.

"Good!" Yuan Shitianzun nodded, and did not cover it.

On Thursday and Monday, the lords of the forces looked at Yuanshi Tianzun with a shock, and they also understood that killing the sky is not for immortality. What is it for? In this world, how many strong people practice in one's life, the ultimate goal is not to become immortal?

That the Dragon Warring States was against the sky at the beginning, wasn't it for immortality?

Even the six true monarchs killed the heavens in order to become immortals?

But Gu Hai asked again, "Why do you want to be immortal?"

Why become immortals?

Most people are stunned, isn't this ancient sea a nonsense to ask, if you want to be immortal, why else? From now on, the world is the only one who respects me. The whole world is mine.

Only Xun, Jiang Chen and Xun showed a hint of curiosity and looked at Yuanshi Tianzun.

It's because everyone has reached today's height, and they have a deeper view of things.

Although Yuan Shi Tianzun is powerful, from all his past look, his desire for rights is not particularly strong. In these 800,000 years, the Taoism of Wanshou was in charge of the master of Tongtian. For such a desperate person, desperate to become immortal, for what?

Yuan Shitian looked at Lin Waner subconsciously, and then Lin Waner behind Gu Hai.

"There is no reason, the deity is to become a fairy!" Yuan Shi Tianzun said coldly.

Everyone nodded for granted. Chengxian, who doesn't want it! Isn't the ultimate goal of every practitioner to be immortal?

Only Gu Hai and others understood.

spear? Lin Waner? These two are Wanshou Taoism.

Yuanshi Tianzun became an immortal, perhaps for the sake of being too high and being in the sky?

Gu Hai still remembers that Yuan Shitian Zun shed a tear for the moment that Tongtian died?

Chengxian? Use the three thousand rules to resurrect old people?

Perhaps, in the moment that Tai Shang died, Yuan Shi Tianzun made this big determination. So much that it hasn't moved for 800,000 years.

It is rumored that the Supreme Master ’s desolation was too early. It was the Supreme Master who brought Yuanshi and Tongtian together and taught everything. To the Tongtian leader, Yuanshi could cry for his death, kill hundreds of millions and face the Emperor Hung. Right, it's definitely more uncomfortable.

Yuanshi Tianzun, seemingly the most unforgiving person, and perhaps the most unforgiving person!

Gu Hai does not ask much.

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at five people: "Killing the Six Immortals, this deity needs the strength of the whole world, and everyone must rely on me to help the deity to kill the six ways!"

"What do you mean, all of us, mobilize luck and lend it to you?" Jiang Chen curiously.

"Yes, the golden dragon wrapped in the left arm of this deity is a sky-shaped body that can connect you with Qi Qihai, and you can collect the power of the people, etc., and it can be transmitted to me through Qi Qihai. The ruler is you. The unification of the world will be the voice of the whole world. Everyone lends their strength to me and must lend me! "Yuan Shitian looked coldly at five people.

Yuan Shi Tianzun ignored the emperors and suzerains at all.

Five were lost in thought.

"What? You have questions?" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

The five looked at each other, and there was a dignity in their eyes, only Gu Hai was the easiest.

Because the ancient sea and Liudao Xianren also have revenge. Since 800,000 years ago, they have killed Liudou several avatars, and the Dragon Warring States will be leaked sooner or later.

Now, Yuanshi Tianzun wants to kill six immortals and borrow from himself? Guhai naturally has no burden at all.

"I can promise, as long as it is to kill the Six Immortals, I can mobilize the power of the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, and use all the power of the people to help you!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Huh?" Yuan Shitian Zun looked at Gu Hai with a sudden look.

But I didn't want to, the ancient sea agreed.

"Six immortals, Dahan will never be peaceful!" Gu Hai nodded.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's gaze toward Gu Hai was softened instantly.

"Also, I once accepted the love of the Supreme Master. I have to remind you that even though the Supreme Master and the Supreme Master are ridiculed, their heritage is still there, and their spirit is immortal. I hope you will not be involved in the death of Taoism This is the place where the spirit is too high and the sky is upheld! "Gu Hai said again.

Yuan Shitianzun frowned and looked at Lin Wan'er, and finally nodded towards Gu Hai.

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