Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 111: The fierceness of Yuanshi Tianzun

Yuanshidian Square!

Bai Zizai, Gu Hai, Xun, Zhu Er'er, and Jiang Chen were all in the eyes.

This awkward method is too strange, is it a curse? Can curse the sun? What the **** is this?

The masters of the other forces around him had long since lost their voices, silently watching a group of peak strong players fighting, and a rush of anger was rising in their hearts. In the face of these perverts, they are the same as they have not been.

"How can this be?" Zhu Liuliu was dumbfounded.

You let the sun ignore me, the sun really ignores me? You gave birth to the sun?

"It's impossible, the sun heart inflammation, only my family of Suzaku can call it, how can you cut off my connection with the sun heart inflammation?" Zhu Liuliu looked gloomily at Xiang.

Only at this moment, Zhu Liuliu never dared to underestimate.

"Who said? You can also call the Sun Heart Puppet on the big sage behind you. I heard that not long ago, I was baptized with the Sun Papillitis and transformed into a stupid ancestor!"

Frown frowned slightly, but did not refute.

Zhu Liuliu turned his head to look at him, and then looked at him again.

Unlike the one that dealt with Gu Hai just now, this puppet has hardly attacked himself, but on the fluttering method, he gave Zhu Liuliu a feeling of powerlessness. Gu Hai defeated himself, which was Gu Hai's own strength. What can be used is the strengths of his Suzaku family. One that uses your weaknesses to defeat you and your strengths is not a concept at all.

"Sixth, okay, don't make a mess, stand behind me!" Zhu Er'er cried not far away.

Zhu Liuliu also knows that if he continues to fight with Xi, he will be humiliated, but he and the emperors are standing on a level, standing?

Would Zhu Liuliu be willing?

Look around for six thrones.

He, Jiang Chen, Gu Hai and He, seem to have no chance of winning. Bai Zizai and Zhu Er'er didn't make shots themselves.

But let yourself stand stupid? Where is Zhu Liuliu willing?

If you live in Taoism, prepare for another throne, you will die?


But at this moment, the gate of Yuanshidian opened suddenly.

He suddenly gave a gift to the main hall, and all disciples of Wanshou Taoism immediately gave a gift to the main hall.

Obviously, Yuanshi Tianzun is coming out.

All of them suddenly looked at each other and looked at the mouth of the Yuanshi Palace together.

Even the courtiers and grandsons set down tea cups and wine glasses, respectively. Gu Hai, Xi, Bai Zuri, and Zhu Er'er all looked pale.

Only Zhu Liuliu, standing in the middle of the six thrones, was extremely embarrassed. At this moment, the silence around him seemed to be like a clown jumping a beam.

"咚, 咚, 咚, 咚 ...............!"

There was a sound in the Yuanshi Hall, as if drumming on the ground.

I saw that the Yuanshi Tianzun in white clothes stepped out of the Yuanshi Hall slowly. Every time he set foot, the ground was shaken gently, as if hitting the ground, but the floor was not damaged in the slightest.

"Strengthen the heart? The power of Yuanshi Tianzun has increased?" Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Yuanshi Tianzun slowly stepped out of Yuanshi Hall, his eyes were still cold, and a golden dragon was wrapped around his left arm. The dragon's head fell on the back of Yuanshi Tianzun's left hand, and he swallowed golden clouds.

"River map?" Gu Hai, who was not far away, recognized the identity of the golden dragon.

"I've seen Yuanshi Tianzun!" The masters of the forces around him said slightly.

Yuan Shitian Zun's gaze was still cold, and he looked around. Then he looked around the six thrones. Although her eyes have been indifferent, she still reveals a slight difference.

There are only six people on the throne, and the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun have the same meaning. As for all the standing people, Yuanshi Tianzun has a condescending attitude.

Being overlooked by Yuan Shitian, Zhu Liuliu felt uneasy.

On what grounds? Lao Tzu came late and didn't grab a seat.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, right? Give me another seat!" Zhu Liuliu called.

Ancient seas and sorrows looked strange for a while, was Zhu Liuliu really a professional? Pointing at Yuanshi Tianzun again?

Yuan Shi Tianzun glanced at Zhu Liuliu, and turned his head away, ignoring him, as if looking at Zhu Liuliu like the air.

That indifferent attitude suddenly made Zhu Liuliu Mao.

Just eating tadpoles in the hands of Guhai and Tatars has made Zhu Liuliu feel a great deal of anger. In front of him, Yuanshi Tianzun still looks indifferent? Really, but the same as that garbage?

"Yuanshi Tianzun, I speak, do you hear me?" Zhu Liuliu said coldly.

This is provoking Yuan Shitian Zun. Not far away, Zhu Er'er's complexion changed. It was too late to stop. Yuan Shitian Zun suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhu Liuliu coldly.

Yuanshi Tianzun is not as good at talking as Xun, his eyes are cold, that is to move the idea of ​​killing.


A loud noise was heard, and the crowd had not yet discovered what was going on, but they saw that Zhu Liuliu was sucked in front of Yuan Shitian Zun, and Yuan Shi Tianzun grabbed his neck.

"What?" All eyes widened suddenly.

What happened at that moment? As soon as his eyes were flowered, Zhu Liuliu was held by Yuan Shitianzun?

This sudden operation, even if hesitant, generals are all dull. Obviously, Yuanshi Tianzun's strength is somewhat unexpected.

"Stop, Yuanshi Tianzun, what do you want to do?" Zhu Er'er suddenly stood up from the throne in anger.

"Let's, cough, let me go!" Zhu Liuliu said in shock.

It is not only the eyes of all the powers that have flowers, but even Zhu Liuliu is also a flower. In the next moment, Yuan Shitianzhuang got stuck in his neck and sealed his whole body strength. This is how it is possible.

"Let go, let go of me! Don't want to die, let go of me, otherwise, my master ...!" Zhu Liuliu roared.

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked coldly at Zhu Liuliu: "Today's unification of the world will be your most noisy. Wanshou Taoism is not the place for you to win publicity. Here, you will pay the price!

"Wait!" Zhu Er'er's face changed, as if he heard the killing in Yuan Shitianzun's tone.

But everything came too fast.

Zhu Liuliu has not had time to beg for mercy.


In the shocking eyes of everyone, Zhu Liuliu's head was severed by Yuan Shitianzun. Not the spine was broken, but the skin, meat, blood, and bones were all disconnected. For a split second, the head was separated, and the two were broken?

Flying in the air, Zhu Liuliu's head never thought that this Yuanshi Tianzun was so bold and so fierce.

There was a breath of inhalation all around, and all the suzerains and emperors all showed horror. The strength of Yuanshi Tianzun is too scary.

"Oh? There is a spiritual body in his head?" Yuan Shitianzun suddenly looked at Zhu Liuliu's head coldly.

The head was stunned, and he had not suffocated, but just looked at Yuan Shitianzun inconceivably. Above his head, a colorful light shrouded in protection of Zhu Liuliu.

"That's the power of howling!" Shen Chen, not far away.

"Huh, I don't care what kind of power I can kill. No one can save the person I want to kill!" Yuan Shitianzun looked cold.

Flicked between the hands.


Zhu Liuliu's head and body seemed to be sucked into the palm of Yuanshi Tianzun instantly by a huge suction.

"Presumptuous!" Zhu Er'er furiously punched.

Behind him was the imagination of three roads, huge fists, carrying all the power of Zhu Er'er, rushing in.

However, Yuan Shi Tianzun even had a fierce scourge on his face. faster.

The palm of my hand shook.


It seems that all the bones of Zhu Liuliu's body have been crushed, and even when he grabbed a piece of Zhu Liuliu's body, a colorful light was crushed. Even the power of cricket was crushed and cleaned by the palm of Yuan Shizun.

The clenched fist slammed into the palm of Zhu Er'er.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and Zhu Erer suddenly blasted out and shot out of Baizhang before suddenly stopping his body.

The whole body exploded again, covered with countless scars and blood.

Zhu Er'er looked in horror not far from Yuan Shizun.

"How is this possible, how is it possible?" Zhu Erer showed a daze.

With one punch, aren't they actually Yuanshi Tianzun opponents? He is Suzaku Supreme.

"Oh, the ancient Suzaku Supreme? Really ridiculous!" Yuan Shitianzun showed a slight disdain.

The generals not far away had bright eyes.

Yuan Shi Tian Zun was powerful and needed by Jiang Chen. Seeing Yuan Shi Tian Zun defeated Zhu Er'er in one punch, Jiang Chen was even more happy. Because the power displayed by Yuan Shi Tianzun at this moment is only a small part of his total power, the Eye of Heaven is not used, and his Yuan Shi 幡, Chaos Sword Qi!

"Lao Liu, how did you get your sixth?" After Zhu Er'er was hit hard, the first thing that came to mind was Zhu Liuli.

Yuan Shitianzun slowly released his right palm.


From the beginning of Yuanshi Tianzun's palm, slowly spill some pieces.

There was no flesh, because when the blood was crushed, it had dried up instantly. Zhu Liuliu's body was as if it had been cremated, leaving only some ashes.

The ashes were scattered on the ground, bringing out a handful of smoke.

There was a shock in Zhu Er'er's heart. Even if Zhu Liuli was initially controlled by Yuan Shitian, could he not die so thoroughly? Even the crickets in it have been crushed?

Yuan Shitian honored Zhu Liuliu's ashes and looked at Zhu Er'er's throne.


Gently clap your hands.


The throne exploded.

"Since you stand up, you don't need to sit!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

Yuanshi Tianzun cancelled a throne and disqualified an equal treatment.

Opposite Zhu Erer was trembling all over, and he was burning in anger. How can I explain this to them?

Yuan Shitianzun's cold eyes looked again. The look was emotionless, as if looking at the dead. This indifferent attitude is only a little lighter than the look before killing Zhu Liuliu. However, it becomes colder at any time, which creates a killer heart.

"Well, Yuanshi Tianzun, you wait, I will want you to look good, my elder brother will not let you go, my master will escape justice for today's disgrace!" Zhu Erer snarled.

Turning around, Zhu Er'er flew towards the distance to leave Wanshou Taoism. Obviously he didn't dare to fight with Yuan Shi Tianzun again, only dare to say a harsh word.

However, with this ruthless remark, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes became colder, and a killing intention shot in his eyes.

"Wangshou Taoism, is it where you want to come and where you want to go?" There was a chill in Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes.


But I saw that in the far sky, where Zhu Er'er escaped, a huge purple cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and the purple cloud opened away from it, and a purple heavenly eye was suddenly born.

The purple heavenly eye is more powerful and powerful than the ancient sea and the sacred heavenly eye.


A purple god-destroying light descended from the sky and headed for Zhu Er'er.

"What? No ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" Zhu Er'er only growled loudly.


With a loud noise, Zhu Er'er instantly exploded into pieces, like Zhu Liuliu, turned into fly ash and disappeared.

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