Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 116: 暝 Gift

The minister looked at Cangjie, and was slightly silent!

Cangjie's thinking is very different from his own thinking, and it can even be said to be extreme. However, Jiang Chen also understood that Cangjie can create a pulse of literary cultivation, and his will is extremely firm. It is almost impossible to change Cangjie by himself.

"Do you think the ancient sea is Mingjun? The Mingjun you need?" Shen Chen said.

Cangjie shook his head: "I don't know!"

"do not know?"

"I have assisted eighteen kings, but all failed. Who can guarantee that this ancient sea is also right?" Cangjie laughed.

The minister was silent for a moment: "Otherwise, you can help me and help me kill the slugs! In addition, I can satisfy your attitude towards the Cangsheng!"

"You?" Cangjie looked at the general.

"Good!" Shen Chen said.

Gently shook his head: "I can't help you, specifically, you should understand!"

The minister frowned slightly. Take a deep breath and finally exhale slightly.

"Nothing, nothing, since you are so upset this time, I will see your results!" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Heavy heart?" Cangjie said lightly.

"Isn't it? Look at the four corners of your mansion. There are mysteries in all the grass and trees. I have never seen it before. You will arrange a ritual array so carefully, so carefully. It ’s very important! This array is made for the ancient sea? Ha ha! You know, time is running out! ”Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Cangjie is not denying it. Drink a cup of tea lightly.

Jiang Chen knew that he could not get any other answers from Cangjie, and he could only sigh slightly.

"Gone!" Jiang Chen drank all the tea.


The minister flickered and disappeared.

On the high platform, there is only one Cangjie, facing the breeze, looking at the direction of the borderless sky, drinking and drinking--

Dasao Dynasty, Honghuang City!

Uncle's uninvited, let the uncle and Jingwei be skeptical. Although he did not use force, his spiritual cultivation methods were beyond everyone's expectations. The curse in one hand made the Heavenly Palace great success.

At a command, the sun cut off its contact with Suzaku.

You know, Suzaku has a unique talent for the sun, but he is not sure, Zhu Liuliu won't get the sun's approval. This ability is so good that I haven't forgotten it yet.

Honghuang City.妭 Banquet at 暝.

Accompanied by the ministers above the banquet, it was considered to be the highest standard of courtesy.

After the banquet, the grandmother withdrew from the banquet and waved everyone back. In a gazebo in the palace, Jingwei made tea, and the two sat down to talk.

"I don't know the Jiuyin lord, come to my aunt, why do you ask?" Zhu solemnly said.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I haven't asked until now, and it's pretty bearable for the Holy Lord!" Qi Dan smiled.

"Huh?" Frown frowned slightly.

"In the past, when Lord Dao Sheng was sealed down, I have noticed that Dao Sheng is indomitable and determined to achieve today's success!"

"Seal to the heart of the earth? Do you notice? Three thousand years ago, you saw me sealed?" Shen Shen said.

"No, it was a thousand years ago, I toured the center of the earth, and I saw you!" He laughed.

"Cruising the earth's center? You know where the earth's center is? Haha!" He was a little unbelieving.

He did not explain, but continued to say, "For fire, you have a unique talent, this is my most important purpose here!"

"Fire? I'm the zombie ancestor of the fire department, and everyone in the world knows it, it's not unique!"

"How much does your lord know about fire?" Mi laughed.

"Fire? Oh, today, I have reached the pinnacle of fire, how much do you think I know?" Wu said from his channel.

"Is the peak of fire? Not necessarily!" He shook his head.

"Huh?" He looked at him in wonder.

Fire repair in the world, you are the strongest, who else can compare to yourself? Even if Suzaku is supreme, the fire department does not necessarily have its own strength. So isn't it the pinnacle?

"Sir, how is it better than the sun?" I glanced at the sun in the sky.

I looked at the sun that was about to go down in doubt.

"The sun, the ancient existence, is the condensed heart of the Three Thousand Avenues, and the power of the Three Thousand Avenues cannot be compared with one another!" Chen Shen said.

"No, you're wrong, the sun isn't condensed by the Three Thousand Avenues!" He shook his head.


"The sun, it was only one eye!" Shen Shen said.

"Eyes? Haha, who has such a big eye? It's so powerful?" He looked unbelieving.

"It is indeed an eye. For special reasons, I can manipulate it, so I can make him disgusted with Suzaku Supreme!" He shook his head.

"Impossible, the sun is vast and vast, a hundred times and a thousand times bigger than my Honghuang city. I once went to the sun once and smashed the fire. Even I didn't stay long. One eye? How can it be controlled by you? Ha ha, before you dealt with Zhu Liuliu, it should not be that you ordered the sun, but cursed Zhu Liuliu, right?

"You don't believe it?" Mi laughed.

Jingwei was also disdainful. What a joke, how could the sun control it? Do you think you are the Six Immortals?

He looked at the sun in the sky and said again: "Oh, the sun, bother you again, ascend to the sky from the west, and prove to me what is true!"

Jing Wei suddenly looked at him, wasn't she stupid? Let the sun rise from the west? You said it, can it listen to you?

There was only 妭, and the pupils suddenly shrank, because the sun that was about to go down was suddenly trembling, soaring into the sky again, slowly rising to the air, and then floating again.

The sun rose from the west.

"This, how is this possible?" Jing Wei exclaimed.

More than Jingwei screamed, at this moment in the world, how many strong men looked at the sky wildly.

"The sun is rising from the west!"

"I'm dazzled, right?"

"Did the sun go down just now?"




How many people are horrified and think that the end of the world is normal.

The general who had just returned to the temple, frowned at the sun rising slowly, and then turned his eyes to the Eastern Honghuang City. There seemed to be a sense that the sun rising from the west should be caused by a cricket.

Yuan Shidian, Yuan Shi Tianzun sitting cross-legged on a futon suddenly raised a brow, but soon recovered his calmness.

Honghuang City, among the gazebos.

妭 His face looked solemnly towards 暝.

"I didn't lie?" Mi laughed.

"What do you want to say?" Shen Shen said.

I waved to the sun.


The sun went down slowly again, as if the sun had just risen from the west, just an illusion.

"Now, how do you think your fire repair is compared to the sun?" He laughed.

"Hao Ri Tian Wei, incomparable, it is the pinnacle of fire, the ancestors of all fires in the world, unparalleled!" 妭 solemnly said.

"No, in fact, you have a chance to compare with it!" Mi laughed.

"Huh?" I wondered.

"You are the only person I am optimistic about, and here I am sending you a good fortune!" Wei Wei smiled.

While talking, flipped out a volume.

"This is it?" I wondered.

"A chance to let you and the sun side by side!" Mi Wei smiled.

Talking, I slowly stood up.

"You are right, you are already at the top of the world's fire repairers, but you are not the first in the world, at least, you ca n’t deal with Yuanshi Tianzun. You ca n’t deal with this" God of Fire and Fire " Whether you see it or not, you can do it as you wish, but I hope that only you can see it, and don't give it out to anyone, except you, who cultivates, I will destroy who! "Lu said coldly.

I took the volume and showed a hint of doubt.

He did not explain more. Not far away, the carriage was near, and He stepped on the carriage.

"Well, the power of the sun, the vastness, it is indeed an eyeball. I can order it not because I can control it, but because I have the same old master as this eye. The sun recognizes my identity before giving it I look! "I said before I left.



The horse-drawn carriage quickly flew to the distance, flying, and the carriage disappeared into the void, as if crossing the two realms of Yin and Yang and going to the underworld.

He watched him leave, revealing a doubt, and slowly opened the volume.

"God's cremation day and magic?" I looked at it carefully.

After watching it, he became extremely dignified.

To remember every word of magical power, a large fire was suddenly condensed in the hand, and the scroll instantly extinguished.

"Sister, is this practice true or false?" Jing Wei curiously.

"I don't know, but it's really overwhelming. After training, you can become the sun and be with the sun! With me, I feel three thousand roads." Shen Shen said.

"So exaggerated? I heard that Suzaku Supreme is born in the sun. The sun is a world of fire, the source of heat in the world. It is too exaggerated to embody the sun?" Jing Wei Shen said.

"Unclear!" Shen Shen cried.

"Otherwise, sister, try your cultivation?" Jing Wei looked forward.

I shook my head: "There is no free lunch in this world. I am not clear about this person. He gave me this exercise, but I don't know any purpose!"

"What should we do? We can't see it again. Sister took it all, don't you practice it? No matter what the purpose is, let's see how to do it. What's more hesitant to make ourselves stronger?" Jing Wei Advise.

妭 Slightly silent.

I feel that I definitely have a more profound purpose, but from this exercise, I can see that I can really make myself stronger and stronger. Would you like to practice?

妭 Looked at where 暝 disappeared, he came to attend the Yuanshi Tianzun Conference. A year and a half later, Yuan Shi Tianzun and the Six Immortals will have a decisive battle.

At that time, you can only do wall observation? Fate is dominated by Yuanshi Tianzun and the Six Immortals?

He condensed in his eyes: "Okay, let me try it, is this magical power really so powerful!"

"Sister can definitely be more powerful!" Jing Wei expected.

"Xintian!" Howled.

"Chen is here!" Xing Tian, ​​not far away, quickly approached.

"You immediately go to the underworld and find out the details of the Jiu Yinzong. I need all relevant information!" Shen Shen said.


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