Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 122: Powerful curse

Bai Zizai paced in the shrine!

"Lord, that ancient sea and my heavenly demon sacred place, but the enemy is as deep as the sea, and now that the underworld is turbulent, the Jiuyin sect disappears, and the Suzaku Supreme is out. Almost we and the Dahan Tianchao divided the world of the underworld, and we can no longer sit on the ancient sea. Big! "Bai Mochang frowned.

"The deity knows, but, the bottom line of the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom ...!" Bai Zi frowned.

"The Lord is worried about the Dragon Warring States? But, to this day, the Dragon Warring States has not shown up! Not necessarily true!" Hei Wuchang worried.

"Lord, do you think the lion in the underground blood city has spoken a lot?" The scorpion and demon curiously.

"The lion opens its mouth? No, if they can curse the ancient sea, even if the three trillion top-grade spirit stones? I have accumulated millions of years in the Holy Land of God, can't I really take it out?" Bai Zishen said quietly.

"That ...!" Everyone worried.

"The current situation is turbulent, not only a dragon warring state, but also Yuanshi Tianzun's tiger eyes, wait for a while!" Bai Zizai Shen said.

"Okay!" The crowd nodded-

The people of the great forces invited by the ancient sea to Yangjian have returned to Hades, and the news brought back to Yangjian is so desperate.

Yuanshi Tianzun's merciless and ruthlessness is even more terrifying than everyone thinks.

The Dahan Tianchao did not urge any forces, but the forces were more anxious than ever, because a knife hung from the top of their heads, and it was about to fall after ten days.

This time, Dahan not only showed the cruelty of Yuanshi Tianzun to the forces, but also allowed the forces of the underworld to see the generous policies of the Dahan heaven.

The best example is the Lord of the Powers who voted sincerely.

The introduction of the Qin figurines also allowed the major forces in the underworld to communicate quickly. The conclusion reached is always so desperate.

In just five days, the first group of devoted forces arrived in the ancient capital of Yin.

Like Yang Jian, the Lord of the Five Powers expressed loyalty at the first time. Suddenly, I got the courtesy of the ancient skull. Named the Upper Marquis.

With these five leaders, everything will be much easier next.

Although the underworld was the most domineering place of the demon sacred place in the past, with the Qin figurines, various news summarized and found that the Dahan dynasty is no worse than the demon sacred place.

Because, the Great Heavenly Palace was a great success, and there were a large number of Dahan dynasties. Secondly, I heard that most of the lords of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land died in the hands of Dahan Tianchao.

Even if the eight major peaks of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land fell and were killed by the ancient sea, the Heavenly Demon Holy Land still did not dare to avenge.

Once the decision to surrender was made, the underworld forces also analyzed which one should vote for.

The Jiuyin Zong can't be found at all, and can only be selected by these two forces.

The northern part of the underworld is already under the control of the ancient sea. The eastern part of the underworld, the Suzaku Supreme has also regained luck, and at this time did not compete for the power of the world. After analysis, most of the major forces in the east chose to join the Dahan Heaven.

Originally, all this was expected in a free and easy way.

But, then, the changes in the south of the grave made Bai Zirong look ugly.

Because, although only one-third of the forces in the south of the underworld surrendered, most of this one-third chose the ancient sea instead of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land?

Yin shrine.

In Bai's anger, a palm was shot on the throne armrest.

"Lord, except the West, all chose to surrender to my demon holy land, and not much was charged in other places."

"This time, Gu Hai was full of money!" Heichangchang looked ugly.

"Lord, the curse of the underground blood city will not be known, and the Lord can also take the opportunity to test the borderless heaven and see if the Dragon Warring States is really alive. As long as the curse is on, everything is natural and we do n’t need to use it every day. I'm afraid for the Dragon Warring States! "Bai Wuchang advised.

Bai Zizui was silent for a while, and finally said in a deep voice: "Okay, impermanence, go and tell the underground blood city, the deities have agreed to their requirements, and after fifteen days, after Yuanshi Tianzun re-bloods the underworld, Yuanshi Tianzun should If you fall into a deep retreat, you don't care about the world, and then you begin to curse the ancient sea! "

"Yes!" Hei Yingying said--

Although the forces of the underworld have been invited to observe the ceremony of the yangjian, even so, who can easily give up their rights?

The Dahan Empire now radiates to the north, and some to the east. Sixty percent of the forces in the east surrender to the Dahan dynasty, while the south, although it also surrenders to the dahan, has at most only 30% of the forces.

But even so, Dahan Tianchao was coping with some difficulties. Busy.

Billowing gas rushed to the ancient capital of Yin. A large number of talents were transferred to the Quartet and stationed in cities.

Gu Hai didn't force anyone, because it was too late to accept these forces. How could they be pressured again?

In a month's time, it's just around the corner.

There are countless forces waiting in the underworld. There are unbelief, fear, and expectation. Their emotions were mixed, and they stayed until noon. A thunderous sound rang through all luck.

"Time is up. One month, the deity gave Seoul and others the greatest tolerance. When the time is up, all will be destroyed!" A loud drink rang.


An endless stream of chaos sword air emerges out of thin air, straight into the sea of ​​luck.


Countless imperial palaces exploded and opened, innumerable ancestral altars were destroyed instantly, and the stubborn emperors and suzerains were all destroyed.

After the Great Destruction, the news was quickly passed through the Qin figurines to the masters of the forces who chose the scattered country, the suzerain, and the surrender, and everyone took a cold breath. In the same way, all forces are out of the big wave of competition for the world.

Everything is cruel.

"Gu Hai, Bai Ziran, 妭, in the next year or more, you will step up to subdue the forces of all parties! This deity wants to retreat for some time, adjust the strongest state, and when the exit, kill the six!" The three of them sang softly and rang out In the ear.

The ancient sea, the lotus root, and Bai Zi's eyes are all condensed.

Finally, the **** underworld is over.

The next step is to sort out the forces of the underworld. The sacred place of the demon has existed for millions of years. After all, it still has some details. It quickly sorts out the underworld.

In the north, east, and south of the underworld, even though the ancient sea has countless talent reserves of the ancient immortal vault, it is somewhat stretched.

In the middle of the sun, the ancient sea combed Chen Tianshan, Sima Changkong, Ancient Qin, Ancient Han, Ancient Tang, and Ancient Ming.

In the underworld, Mo is also the main guest, and Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, and Dragon Gods fully cooperate.

For the sake of conquering the world, the ancient sea is just a little for the purpose.

In the middle of the sun, the ancient sea ontology dealt with these trivial matters, and began to enter the ancient immortal dome.

Gu Hai understands that after one and a half years, there will be the most violent decisive battle. If Yuan Shitianzun loses, he will have to meet the wrath of the six immortals. Even if Yuan Shitianzun wins, he will not rest easy. I don't want to look at Yuan Shitianzun's face for a living, everything depends on myself.

Time is short, and Gu Hai's biggest dependency now is Pangu Axe.

Last time he could defeat the enemy Zhu Liuliu, Pangu axe contributed. However, Guhai can only use so much today.

Pan Gu's axe caught in his hand, Gu Hai slightly urged.


The Pangu ax trembled slightly, and there was a shock in the void.

"No, there is not enough power. There is a large amount of power in Pangu axe, but I can only use it less than one percent. To urge more, the repair must be closer!" Gu Hai frowned.

For Pangu axe, Guhai does not need a break-in period. Like the most familiar partner, Pangu axe also recognizes Guhai. However, Guhai's strength can not motivate too much power.

Heavenly palace eighth? Seems to be extremely powerful, but Gu Hai understands that it is still far behind. Only when the gods are fulfilled can the power of Pangu axe be fully utilized. Nowadays, less than one percent can be used. It is still given to Pangu axe by himself.

But how to improve today's cultivation?

One and a half years, time is running out!

Great Compassion in Heaven and Earth? Which is so good? The ancient sea needed a huge amount of gas to absorb all kinds of gas, and it was hard to understand at one time.

"Double repair!" Gu Hai could only helplessly said.

After the double cultivation, after all, you can see the growth of the cultivation. Apart from the double cultivation, there is really nothing you can do for now.

Therefore, Gu Hai asked Chen Xianer, Long Wanqing and Lin Waner to help practice together.

One day outside, ten years of the ancient fairy.

Ten days later, Gu Hai and her three daughters returned to the imperial palace of the borderless sky.

The three women's expressions were radiant, and their cultivation had improved greatly. However, Gu Haixiu has limited improvement. It's a little better than no double repair.

With a hint of anxiety, Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Fu Jun, why don't you call Sister Bingji back to try?" Chen Xianer frowned.

The three women were also anxious for Gu Hai.

"Fu Jun! How do you intend Wan Yu? Or ..." Long Wanqing said with a touch of expectation.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll think of a way!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Gu Hai knows his own situation. Since the beginning of the Great Compassion of the Heaven and Earth, spiritual practice sometimes requires great opportunities.

"Otherwise, husband, let's try it again in the Ancient Fairy?" Lin Wan'er blushed.

The two women smiled slightly. Also persuade the ancient sea.

But he saw Gu Hai suddenly shake his body.

"Fu Jun, what's wrong with you?" Long Wanqing wondered.

Why is the husband shaking?

"No, husband, are you okay?" Chen Xianer's face changed.


But when I saw Gu Hai suddenly fell to the ground, it was unconscious.

"What? Husband, what's wrong with you?" Lin Waner exclaimed.

But Chen Xianer rushed over and lifted up the ancient sea with a look of panic: "Fu Jun, are you okay, what happened to you?"

Chen Xian'er kept shaking the ancient sea, but the ancient sea was just unconscious and unconscious.

"There is something wrong, Wan Yu, Wan Yu!" Long Wanqing rushed out anxiously.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xianer called.

"Sister, husband is awake?" Long Wanqing turned her head suddenly.

"No, the husband's coma cannot be leaked. You quietly ask Long Wanyu to come over, don't let others know!" Chen Xianer anxiously said.

"Oh, okay, okay!" Long Wanqing walked out anxiously.

"Sister Waner, go to the underworld immediately to see how the husband's avatar is, pay attention to the expression, don't show this crying face, the husband will definitely be fine!" Chen Xianer commanded again.

"Okay, okay, sister Chen!" Lin Waner hurried out.

"Fu Jun, what's wrong with you? Breathing is normal, and your body is normal. Why, you suddenly feel dizzy? Fu Jun, you will be all right!" Chen Xian'er, holding the ancient sea, was anxiously na na whispering to herself while examining.

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