Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 130: Manipulating prison cattle

Underground Blood City!

As Jiuding resonated, the voice of the prisoner Niu King appeared instantly in the other place.

The other six kings all changed their faces and rushed towards the palace without hesitation.

Among them, the Great King's Mansion.

Because Wu Shangtian still has some cursing gas in his demon body, the nine kings are responsible for helping him to expel it slowly. Although the king Wang has just been pained by the blood witch elder with the bone-bite curse, he still works hard for Wu Shangtian Drive away the cursed air.

"Wu hurts the demon, here it is today. In a few more days, the cursing spirit on your body should be able to completely clean it up!" Wang Da laughed.

"Huh!" Wu Shangtian magic nodded: "A dozen days is nothing, after all, the" God "of the ancient sea has not been found!"

When King Nod nodded, his waist trembled suddenly.

"Huh?" King Ye suddenly took out Ju Ding.

"Lords, listen, the ancient sea is found. In the palace, come on, come on, in the palace!"

There was a loud noise in Juding.

"Ancient sea? Found it?" King Jue's eyes lightened.

"Where is the Temple of Heaven? Hurry up!" Wu Shangtianmo eagerly said.


The two rushed out of the hall at about the same time.

The six kings were previously under the "bone-eating curse", but they have exhausted their sufferings, and now they can find the ancient sea, and they are naturally excited. This means that after three days, they no longer need to suffer double pain.

In just a short while, the six kings arrived outside the palace.

"King, why are you here? King is entertaining the king and the prisoner of cattle in the house.

"King, King, the King said, don't go in!"

"Master Wang, please wait!"

"Master Wang? Why are you here too?"

"The king has orders and is not allowed in!"

"Kiss the King, wait a minute ..."




The sudden arrival of the six kings widened everyone's eyes at the palace of King Da. How did the nine kings come together today?

Originally, the kings also had to take care of the king ’s face. There was no hard break, but as more and more kings came, everyone seemed to be anxious and could not wait.

"Get away, don't stand in the way!" Suddenly King Wang rushed forward first.

"Stop him!" Exclaimed the guard at the palace.


With a loud noise, all of them were kneeled down under the breath of Wu hurting the demon.

Is the heavenly palace's great consummation comparable to these people? Even the six kings are cold in their hearts.

"Wu Dian?" Wu Tiantian's eyes were cold, and he immediately reached the front.

Stepped out and slammed on the door.


The door burst into a bang.

Six kings, Wu Shangtian demons swarmed in, and instantly entered the hall.

There was a mess in the hall, as if there had been a battle before.

The overlord and the overlord King looked coldly at the opposite prisoner King.

The prisoner cow trembled slightly, and at the moment when the door was opened, his eyes suddenly converged from the reddish color, restored as before, and his body was shaken and restored as usual.

"King of the ox, where is the ancient sea?" King Ji suddenly called first.


Wu Shangtianmo even waved his hand, and a poisonous gas swept the entire hall, but no trace of the ancient sea was found.

Everyone looked at the King of Prison Cows together.

"Why are you here? The King of Prison Cows is crazy, do you really believe him?" Exclaimed King Wu, depressed.

"Crazy?" Everyone looked at King Prisoner.

The prisoner King looked at the King with his face exposed: "Crazy? Huh, King, you haven't handed over the ancient sea!"

"I didn't see Gu Hai, how can I hand it over?" King Dao stared.

"Prison Cow King, what's going on? What ancient sea are you talking about? Where is it?" Exclaimed King Lu.

"Well, everyone is here. Just look at the paw print on my back neck. Whose paw print?" The prisoner king cried.

A large number of kings immediately saw that the palm print was still there, but it seemed that there were a few more palm prints left behind.

"What do you think? A palmprint, can you see the instructions?"

"This is the paw print of a left-hander?"

"King is a left-handed man?"

"That's right, who can attack me that day? Who dares to attack me? Definitely the king of the puppets, you saved Gu Hai, right, quickly surrender the ancient sea!" The prisoner bull king stared and drank.

"Prison Cow King, are you crazy, left-handed, just me? And, will no one intentionally frame me? I don't have ancient seas at all here, don't spit people out of your blood!" Suddenly King Wang was furious.

The kings looked ugly for a while. It turned out that they were busy for a long time, but it was just the speculation of the prisoner King that they did not really see the ancient sea.

"You didn't see Gu Hai, what are you scared to yell at?" Wu Shangtianmo exclaimed depressed.

"What's the blind name? Gu Hai must be here with King Ye, and he must be hiding there, absolutely!" The prisoner King bite a bite.

"Huh?" Wu Shangtian's dejected expression stared at King Wu.

"Oh, King Prisoner, you have no evidence, it's all speculation, what's the use of hiding the ancient sea?" King Wang sneered.

"That's right, the old king also invited me to come and find a way to find the ancient sea. If he kept the ancient sea in private, what am I to do?" The hegemonic king frowned.

"Hum, definitely there, do not believe it, you search for me!" The prisoner bull King depressed.

"Search? What qualifications do you have to search my mansion?" King Wang stared.

"He's not qualified, I should have it!" Wu Shangtianmo said coldly.

"Wu hurt the demon, what are you doing, you are a visitor to the underground blood city, this is not your holy land of the demon!" King Wang's face changed and stopped.

"Hum!" Wu Tiantianmo sighed coldly.


A strong breath was suppressed. Suddenly, all nine kings could not move.

Wu hurt the demon and waved his hand.


Numerous crickets emerged out of nowhere, and a quick search of the wall and the ground was launched.

All the nine kings were suppressed at all times, and even a group of kings also penetrated into the clothes of king king, hegemon king, and prisoner bull king, and searched for a while.

"Oh, Wu hurt the demon, I waited for all the hard work to find the God of the Ancient Sea, so you did to us? Are we your slaves, or your enemies?" Exclaimed King Da.

The kings also looked ugly. But it was extremely dissatisfied with Wu Shangtianmo. The nine kings, no matter how they say, are also the masters of the underground blood city. Even if they now have the elder master of the blood witch, they can be trampled on by their own at home. Suddenly, the kings have a great deal of damage to Wu Tiantian disgust.


Suddenly, a large number of buildings were shredded and collapsed.

However, during a search, there was no trace of the ancient sea.

Wu hurt the demon for a while, and gave the prisoner the king a glaring glance: "Next time, you don't see the ancient sea, don't mess about, hum!"

With a cold hum, Wu hurt Tianmo stepped away.

The nine kings remained, paralyzed together, panting heavily.

"Oh, when my witch tribe is booming, you are a scumbag, you are a fart!" King Dao said with a resentful face.

"All blame you, King Prisoner Cow, what are you talking about blindly?" King Ye also cried.

Although all the kings complained about the prisoner king, they were even more disgusted with Wu hurt Tianmo.

"Well, if it wasn't for the curse of that old thing, why do we pretend to be grandchildren every day? We still get punished everywhere? I am also anxious to find the ancient sea!" The prisoner bull king said depressed.

Old thing?

When the kings heard the title of the king of prison cattle, his face suddenly changed.

"Be quiet, you want to die!" King Dao stared.

"The King the Prison Cow is right. Damn, if I were not cursed, I would have left the underground blood city long ago!" Da Wang stared.

"In the future, don't say it again! We can only do this in our life!" Wang kissed the king slightly and sighed.

"The prison bull king said something, I can't stand it anymore. This kind of day is endless. I used to be the king, underground blood city, one of the nine kings, the master here!" King Wang also exasperated.

"The master is the elder Blood Witch of the ancient times. Followed by the master, haven't they buried us? Haven't we all improved our cultivation? Everyone is a colleague in the future, and the master will definitely not treat us!" King Wang Shen said.

The king looked at King Wu, and his complexion suddenly became complex. He no longer complained when he bowed his head.

Obviously, King Wu is extremely loyal to the Blood Witch Elder. The other kings were resentful at the Elder Bloodwitch.

After a period of exchanges among the great kings, they all dispersed.

There are only three kings: the king of kings, the king of kings, and the king of prisoners.

Now that the Great King's Mansion was destroyed, the three went to the High King's Mansion.

In His Royal Highness, the High King set up an enchantment and looked at the Prisoner King together.

"Mr. Gu, your will has suppressed the prisoner bull king and controlled his will?" The lord king looked at the prisoner bull king in surprise.

"Isn't that nonsense? Mr. Gu must have done it, otherwise, the King of Cattle Cows would play a show with us?" King Wang smiled.

"I just thought it was too fast. Mr. Gu suppressed the will of the prisoner bull almost instantly. This required Mr. Gu's will to be too many times stronger than that of the prisoner bull. "The King of Kings laughed.

"Prison Cow King" nodded: "It was really dangerous just now. Thanks to the two of you, you were struggling to be seriously injured, and suppressed the Prison Cow King. It gave me a chance to enter into the eyebrow space! I have suppressed him!"

In the eyebrows of the prisoner king.

At this moment, the prisoner of the cow **** is dull, a chess spirit of Guhai sits on his head cross-legged, and all his right fingers are inserted into the brain of the **** of the cow god. He will control all actions of the **** of the cow **** by will.

The other three ancient sea chess monsters stood aside, just hiding in the eyebrows of the prison bull king.

A chess player in Guhai controlled the prisoner bull king.

"I just purposely counted the Bloody Witch Elder as an old thing. It seems that all the Kings except the King Wu are very resistant to it. This is great. From the simple beginning, try to persuade them to stand with us one by one. , Just like a prisoner of cattle, like the way! "Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Okay!" Said the Emperor King solemnly.

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