Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 129: Loyal, King of the Cow!

狴 犴 Big King Mansion!

"Enter the space of my eyebrow?" The King of Kings frowned.

Ordinary practitioners may not understand the importance of the eyebrow space. The Overlord King has a thorough understanding of Shinto. The eyebrow space is a taboo place for one person.

Even though the king is his best friend, he cannot compromise.

Because if the other person's will is stronger than himself, he is likely to control himself. just in case……?

The overlord looks at the king.

"Brother, wouldn't you think I'm conscious of it?" Wang Daxiao laughed.

In the eyes of the Overlord King, there was a cloud of uncertainty, and he was not sure. Confrontation King also became alert.

"Brother, you have forgotten the pain of the" Bone Eater Curse "? But you ca n’t survive or die. Not only that, do you think that old thing is only the Bone Eater Curse? There are many others, and you want to slow down in the future. Feel slowly? "Shen Wang said in a loud voice.

There was a struggle in the eyes of the king, and the pain really didn't want to be suffered for a lifetime.

"Trust me, I won't hurt you. You and I are fateful friends, and I will be the first one to find you! Mr. Gu, who haven't you been to the land of Shenzhou a while ago? Once Mr. Gu got out of trouble, he must let That old thing shouldn't die! "Shen Wang cried.

There was a change in Ba Xia's eyes. He looked at King Wu and looked at the ancient sea as if he could not make a decision.

"Perhaps this is a gamble for you!" Gu Hai smiled suddenly.

"Huh?" The king looked at Gu Hai.

"You doubt me, it is normal. After all, the eyebrow space is definitely a restricted area, but now you can bet and send me to the Blood Witch Elder, you will always be his slave. Outgassing. Or choose to believe me and believe in King Wu, although it may seem dangerous, may it be true? "Gu Hai solemnly said.

After looking at King Bian, the overlord King finally said: "Okay, my life was saved by my brother. What else do I worry about? Mr. Gu, please!"

Gu Hai and King Ye looked at each other, King Ye nodded.

Gu Hai slowly walked to the king of the king, and his body touched the eye of the king of the king lightly.


Gu Hai's chess soul got into it, and he suddenly saw the overlord God bound by countless red lines.

Overlord God does not speak, as if waiting for a fateful decision at this moment.

Gu Hai took out the candle lantern and lightly burned it.



The first red line is broken.

"Really?" His Majesty exclaimed.

"Slap!" "Slap!" "Slap!" ...............

A series of red lines were blown out one after another, and finally were condensed in the palm of God.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu, thank you, Mr. Gu!" The Lord God was extremely excited.

I did doubt Gu Gu just now. I did not expect that Gu Hai really did.

"Let me go out!" Gu Hai laughed.


Gu Hai stepped out of the eyebrow of God.

"How's it? Are you still scared?" Da Wang Xi smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu!" The King of the Overlord was extremely grateful to pay homage to the ancient sea.

I really suspected Gu Hai's words before, but the pain of 'Bone Devouring Curse' was so severe that I made this decision. I never expected that everything would be true.

The overlord at this moment is extremely grateful and grateful to the ancient sea.

"The King of Hegemony is not polite, but next, you have to trouble me to help me out of trouble!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, you can do it, or else, I will call the other kings and unblock them all?" The king, excited.

Gu Hai shook his head.

The Overlord King believes in the ancient sea because he has a great friendship with the King King. People's hearts are separated by the belly. How can other people agree so easily? ——

上 On the King's Mansion.

His Majesty the King is invited to the main hall of the Great King, the Great Hall. After a while, the prisoner bull came suddenly.

"The king of prison cattle later, the king is seeing the guests, please wait a moment, let me report!" A subordinate stepped forward immediately.

"Get away. The King of the Highlands came before. Don't think I don't know. The King of the Highlands can see him, but I can't see him anymore?" The prisoner Niu King suddenly angry.

"No way, the King has explained, no one can disturb you, please wait, you wait!" Said the minister anxiously.


With one kick, the captive of the captive bull king broke away.

"Well, this king is doing things, and you still need to teach? This kick was owed to me by the king, get away, otherwise, I will be rude!" The prisoner bull angrily.

"No, come, stop the prisoner King!" Suddenly, a large number of guards came over.

"Toasting without eating and drinking, hum!" Detective Cow King patted his hand.


Suddenly, a large number of his subordinates were blown out, and the prisoner bull lord rushed to the palace.

"Stop, don't disturb the King!"

"Arrow the arrow!"

"Stop him!"




At the Great King's Mansion, there was a moment of chaos.

The King of the Prison Cow was superior in strength, probing with a palm, swinging everyone, and then suddenly opened the gate of the palace with one palm.


As soon as the door opened, the prisoner bull rushed in.

There are three people standing in the hall, one of Gu Hai's body, the king of the king, and the king of the hegemon.

The three were discussing the next thing, and suddenly they were rushed in by the imprisoned cattle king. The three's faces suddenly changed.


King Wang waved his hand and closed the hall again.

"Waiting outside, don't approach!" Suddenly Wang's voice passed out.

"Yes!" A respectful tribute from the outside world.

King Wu also set up a soundproofing enchantment again.

None of the three had expected that the King of the Prison Cow broke in at this time.

"Here is the ancient sea? It turned out that it was you that sneaked into me that day, King!" The prisoner King suddenly stared.

"Prison Cow King!" Exclaimed King Lu.

"Master, you are also spies? Have you forgotten the punishment of your master?" The prisoner King suddenly stared.

"Calm down first, Captain Niu, I'm here to deal with this!" Said the king.

"Take care of this?" The Prison Cow King frowned.

"Mr. Gu can help you unleash the curse of old things!" The king of the hegemon said immediately.

"Huh? Unlock the curse? He?" The prisoner King looked at Gu Hai.

"Yes, our curses have been untied. If you like, you can ask Mr. Gu to help you unleash the curse!" Explains King Wu

"How to untie it?" The prisoner king Shen Sheng asked.

The overlord recounted the process of unsealing just now.

The prison bull king was silent for a while, but a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth: "Do you think I would believe it?"

"Prison Cow King, this is a real thing. We don't need to lie to you, and ...!" The High King eagerly said.

"Don't say it, hum, I don't know what ecstasy soup the two of you have been filled by the ancient sea, open up the space of eyebrows? Dream it, still want to rebel against the master? You are really looking for death, the curse of the master is to worry about your rebellion. It turns out that you have The betrayal, okay, okay, okay, since that's the case, it's no wonder I am. I want to tell the master that you are actually hiding the ancient sea! "The prisoner cow sneered.

"You're crazy, Captive Cow King, don't you want to unravel the curse? Want to be slaved by that old thing all your life?" King Peng stared.

"Huh, why do you want to undo the curse? The master is the founder of the Blood Witch. I have to inherit him. Following the master, we can reproduce the ancient glory of the Blood Witch. You two are not worthy of witchcraft! I want to tell the master, don't even want to run any of you! "The prisoner cow stared suddenly.

During the talk, the prisoner bull king would break out of the temple.

"No, King Prisoner is a loyal to old things!" The King of Kings changed his face and rushed immediately.


The two fists collided violently, and a wave of strength waved out. Seeing that the entire hall was about to be destroyed, everything was about to be exposed.

The side hall of the hall was suddenly a ripple of energy.


There was a sudden thick fog all around, and it became extremely wide. The aftermath of the power just melted away by the fog.

"This is the formation method? Grandma, you actually set up the formation method here? What kind of formation method is this?" The prisoner cattle king stared.

"Qidao formation method!" Gu Hai faintly said.

The ancient sea has been set up since King Wu ’s full support of himself. In the past three days, he has used all the stone and treasure storages of King Wu to set up some chess arrays.

The power of the chess course arrangement with the spirit stone is naturally normal. They can't deal with the impermanence of black, but it is not difficult to trap the prison bull king.

As soon as the chess path formation came out, the hall was instantly enlarged by countless times, turning it into a foggy world, trapping the prisoner bull king.

"Don't run away for him!" Gu Hai cried.

"Okay!" King Jue and Hegemon suddenly rushed to the King of Captive Cows.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The three men fought fiercely, making a roar of noise.

"Unfortunately, the king has too few spirit stones and spiritual treasures, so he can only arrange the weakest chessboard formation, otherwise, if he gathers a cloud beast, he can defeat the prison bull king!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

However, fortunately, under the powerful strength of the two kings, the king and the king, the prisoner king was gradually suppressed.

"Asshole, you collude with outsiders, betray the master, there will be no good end, do you think that I can't help it? Hahahaha, useless, you forgot I have a prison cattle tripod?" The prisoner cattle king loudly laugh.

"Not good!" The face of King Jue and Hegemony changed.

However, everything came too fast and it was too late.

However, he saw that the King of the Prison Cow suddenly took out a giant tripod, urged it suddenly, and the giant tripod trembled.

"Listen the kings, the ancient sea has been found. In the hall of the palace, come, come, come in the palace of the palace!" The prisoner cow yelled loudly.

"Oh!" "Oh!" .........

The king and the overlord trembled around their waists, and each took out a giant tripod.

"Lords, listen, the ancient sea is found. In the palace, come on, come on, in the palace!"

"Lords, listen, the ancient sea is found. In the palace, come on, come on, in the palace!"

There was a loud noise in both of them.

"Jiuding resonates, all nine kings hear the voice of the prisoner king!" The king's face changed.

PS: Anime stills are out. The ancient anime of the ancient heavens has to wait for a few days, but watching Qiqi and the iQiyi producer asked for some stills in the production, anime stills, if you are interested, you can check it out.

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