Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 128: Who is the spy?

Underground Blood City, the King's Mansion!

"After three days? Mr. Gu, do you want to wait for the master, no, after the curse of the elder Blood Witch?"

"Yeah, the King will save me from fire and water if he has a high moral character. He is the best of all? Although he is your best friend, I don't know if he has the fighting spirit in front of the Blood Witch Elder, just in case ... ...! "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"I see. It's something I think is simple, but the overlord is going to suffer a bit!" King Nod nodded.

"Thank you, King, thank you this time, but this time save me and put you in crisis ...!" Gu Hai thanked.

"Mr. Gu needless to say, I long for freedom by myself. Besides, I have also been favored by Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu's ability, I heard about it when I went out last time. Next, my ability is limited. "Big King laughed.

Looking at King Wu, Gu Hai nodded.

Gu Hai no longer said words of gratitude, but she truly remembered the kindness in her heart.

At the request of Gu Hai, King Xi brought all kinds of information from Underground Blood City for Gu Hai to understand, but King Hai was better injured, and Gu Hai let him go out to continue the search, at least to ensure that nothing strange was seen.

The materials sent by King Wu are very common. Some curses cannot be studied in depth for a while. Gu Hai can only study the character of the nine kings first.

After the King of Kings search for a while back. Gu Haicai consulted one by one.

"Master Wang, I don't know much about cursing. You know, Chang Ming, how is controlled by the blood elder elder?" Gu Haishen said.

"Chang Ming, commander of Dahan Bloody Guardian, the blood clan possessed by the elder Bloodwitch?" King Wu frowned.

"Yes, Chang Ming is still alive now? Is there any way to recover?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Chang Ming is controlled because of‘ God ’. Can Mr. Gu understand why God ’s cultivation?” King Zheng solemnly said.

"God? I don't know very well, but, as far as I am concerned, my‘ God ’is the condensing of chess power, should it be the crystallization of wisdom?” Gu Hai frowned.

"Similarly, it should be a condensed body of consciousness. In ancient times, the cultivation of the gods was to create a body of reserve consciousness in addition to the three souls. Even if the three souls are damaged, they can be repaired because of the" god. " Condensation is also the will of a person, "explained King Wu.

"Will?" Gu Hai frowned.

"It's as if the soul lays down a person. It is not the possession of the soul that can control a person's body. The most important thing is to overwhelm the other person's will, let it be replaced by it, and control the whole body!" Explained Da Wang.

"Chang Ming's will was overwhelmed by the elder Blood Witch, the **** of the Elder Blood Witch, the manipulative Chang Ming?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, in fact, we are a blood witch, and we can even abandon the three souls until the end of our cultivation. As long as God is present and keeps robbing, we can live forever. The physical body of Changming is obviously a good place to live, so blood Elder Wu has been using his body! "Explains King Wu.

"Chang Ming is dead?" Gu Hai frowned.



"If the soul robs the house, Changming may die, but the elder Blood Witch does not have three souls. He only has 'God'. Therefore, Changming's soul is still there, only Changming's 'God' is suppressed." King Wu explained.


"Of course, only the curse of the ancestral class, such as the" Jiuding wins the **** curse ", can all the consciousness in your three souls be cleaned up. Among Changming's three souls, the remaining consciousness is controlled by only their will, which is Changming's "God". If the elder's "God" forcibly controls Changming's three souls, they must conflict with each other, The elder should suppress the **** of Changming with God, and control the three souls of Changming through the **** of Changming, so as to control everything of Changming!

"Wanting to save Changming, only by evicting the 'god' of the Blood Witch Elder, can Changming recover?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, but the" God "of the Elder Blood Witch is extremely powerful. With millions of years of sedimentation, it is difficult to expel!" King Wang grinned bitterly.

"The power of God is the strength of the will! How to judge the strength of the will?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Experience is very important. The reason why the demon gods are strong is because they have accumulated countless years, read more and are more intelligent, and their will is stronger. However, the human race is unclear. The intelligent and powerful can also be extremely powerful. This may have something to do with talent! "Explained King Wu.

"Look, what about my" God "?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I ca n’t say, the **** of ordinary people is only an inch tall, but looming, but the four gods of Mr. Gu are eight feet? And so solid? Mr. Gu is not too old, and his experience should not be so high, But ...! "Said King Wei strangely.

"I'm good at chess!" Gu Hai explained.

King Wu suddenly changed his face: "Chess? I understand. Chess is the accumulation of wisdom. Chess? Mr. Gu's chess is difficult to find in the world, so it is so arrogant?"

"So, can my will be compared with the elder blood witch?"

"It should be possible, at least. The will of our nine kings is definitely not as good as you!"

"I see, thank you!" Gu Hai nodded-

Three days passed by.

The ancient sea was hidden by the king of puppets, and naturally others could not be found.

The ancient sea was lost in the city, and the nine kings couldn't blame it. The city owner also agreed, and at the end of the third day, he began to punish the nine kings.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"




There were painful roars at the palaces of the nine kings.

"Master's life, master's life, ah ~~~~~!"

The screams of the Nine Kings screamed throughout the city, and all the shamans in the city shuddered and chilled.

上 On the King's Mansion.

As soon as the red ball in God's hand trembled, King Wang pretended to cry in pain. Lie on the ground, cold sweat all over.

Although Gu Hai knows that King Wu is pretending, he also understands how painful the Bone Bone Curse is.

Use curses to control God, use God to give instructions to the body, and let the body produce a strange energy that will corrode your bones.

All the kings, except King Wu, were paralyzed, as if all their bones had melted, and they uttered an extremely painful cry.

Rolling all over the ground for three full hours.

For others, three hours, but for those in the curse, it is a hundred years, thousands of years. Under the curse, this pain makes life worse.

After three hours, all the nine kings slumped to the ground, sweating all over their bodies, and extremely scary and painful. It seems like I never want to experience this nightmare again.

"Three days, you found nothing, you were punished! Remember the taste just now, and give you three more days, three days later, you can't find the" God "of the ancient sea, come again, next time, it will not be three hours, and It's six hours! "The voice of the city master came again.

"Yes, yes!" The nine kings lay on the ground in horror.

After suffering the nine kings, they were naturally imposed on other subordinates. For a time, this curse was tortured from top to bottom and spread throughout the underground blood city.

"Master Wang, what you did just now!" Gu Hai joked.

"Thanks to Mr. Gu, my acting is just acting, and the other eight kings are really true!" King Wang Xi smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, you can go and invite the king to come. Now, he should hate the elder Witch of Blood!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Okay!" King Nod nodded.

It didn't take long for the overwhelming King to be paralyzed and invited to the King's Mansion.

"Brother, what do you want me to do, how can I have time now, and I will really die if I don't find the guy in the ancient sea!" The King of Kings looked anxiously.


King Shu suddenly shut the door and opened an enchantment.

"Brother, don't say I don't take care of you, but I was the first one to think of you!" King Wang smiled.

"Huh?" The king stunned slightly.

"Brother, do you want to be a slave for all your life? From now on you can't be free and be a dog for the owner of the city?" King Wang asked.

His Majesty King frowned: "Brother, what do you mean?"

"I just ask you, do you want to continue to be controlled by the curse!" King Wu asked again.

"I'm crazy just to be controlled, but, brother, you don't have to dream, we are cursed by old things, and we can't solve it for a lifetime!" The King of Kings looked depressed.

"No, I came to you today to help you unleash the curse!" King Jue solemnly said.

"What a joke, how can I untie this curse?" The King of Domination looked unbelieving.

But at this moment, not far away from the side door, slowly walked out of a chess soul of the ancient sea.

"Gu Hai? He's here? Brother, it's all right, three days later, you won't have to suffer any more, hahaha, you actually caught Gu Hai!" The overlord King excitedly rushed to Gu Hai.


King Xi suddenly stopped in front of the hegemon: "Brother, if you want to unravel the curse, be polite to Mr. Gu!"

"What?" The Conqueror wondered.

"Mr. Gu has helped me to unravel the curse. Do you want to grab Mr. Gu to go to the old thing and then continue to be a slave, or do you want to get rid of the curse once and for all?" King Wang asked.

"Can you unlock it?" An excitement flashed in the eyes of the king.

King Nod nodded.

The overlord is also fully transparent at one point, and immediately looked to Gu Hai a lot of respect: "There is more rudeness just now, Mr. Gu forgive me!"

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "King's friend is my friend, how can I care?" ——

The House of the Prison Cow King.

The prison cow king collapsed on the bed, and several maids carefully rubbed his body. Relax your previous pain.


The prisoner bull slaps him in the face of a maid.

"How hard?" The prisoner bull stared.

"The King forgives sin, and the slave accidentally touched the wound on the Queen's neck! The King forgive sin." The maid kneeled on the ground, terrified.

"Wound?" King Prisoner raised a brow.

With a wave of his hand, several mirrors drew in, and the prisoner bull saw a palm print.

"This is the paw print of the person who attacked me three days ago? This is the left palm? This force is a left-handed man? The king is left-handed? Is that the man who attacked me that day is the king?" The prisoner cow's pupil shrank.

"Well, Lord King, it turns out that you are a spy!" The prisoner King showed a faint expression.

PS: Anime stills are out. The ancient anime of the ancient heavens has to wait for a few days, but watching Qiqi and the iQiyi producer asked for some stills in the production, anime stills, if you are interested, you can check it out.

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