Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 127: Find direction

Underground Blood City!

Originally, Bai Wuchang was going to enter the city together with Hei Wuchang, but considering the strangeness of the underground blood city, Bai Zichang requested that only one person enter each time.

Outside the city, Bai Wuchang was waiting for news through the gate, and saw the blood mist inside the sky, and his voice came. Bai Wuchang even listened with his ears up.

A shout came from the sudden prisoner King.

"The ancient sea is here!"

A shout was tantamount to the advent of immortal sounds, which instantly made Bai Mochang's eyes bright, and then, a large number of powerful people swarmed away, noisy and not clear enough for a while. Vaguely heard, Gu Hai's "God" was inside, just lost?


But at this moment, the city gates closed.

Obviously, the **** of the ancient sea was prevented from escaping and the whole city was blocked.

Bai Wuchang squeezed his fists, revealing a touch of satisfaction.

Only the **** of the ancient sea? I can't escape it. It should be eradicated soon.

However, the first thing is that there is no news for a long time, and Bai Mochang's face is ugly for a while. Why haven't you found it yet?

The underground blood city has a cursing atmosphere. It is isolated from the inside and the outside, and Bai impermanence cannot explore the internal situation, let alone destroy the underground blood city, in case the ancient sea runs away.

After staying there for a while, Bai Wuchang thought about it, and went back step by step. There is a black impermanence in the palm, and there should be no major events.

He reportedly felt comfortable and waited for a few days, but the underground blood city still hadn't opened the door. Bai Ziran could not wait, so he sent Bai Wuchang to steal the ancient body of the sea and explore the news of the Dragon Warring States.

So much so that I encountered the ancient skeletons in Wanguyin.

Bai Zou was frightened in shock, and immediately waved back impermanence. At an infinite distance, we face the ancient sea far away from the ancient capital.

The ancient sea of ​​skeletons at this moment, although it was only a great consummation in the Heavenly Palace. However, the luck of Dahan's dynasty is smashing against the sky. No one in the whole world can express his luck.

It is impossible to mobilize the trend even if it is free.

This is why Bai Ziran is so anxious.

"Bai Zexun, Yuan Shi Tian Zun is about to be against the sky. You are not good at conquering the world and gathering luck in the world. Instead, you send impermanence to attack you? What do you mean? Is it caused by six immortals to destroy Yuan Shi Zun's plan in advance? "Gu Hai stopped drinking.

The white complexion changed.

If Yuan Shitian respectfully believes this, he will certainly end up with himself.

"Gu Hai, don't let your blood blow out!" Bai Ziyuan stared.

"Blood spurting people? What is the impermanence coming to do? Huh, the heavenly demon holy land, passively collecting luck, so far, less than one-third of Dahan's dynasty, not thinking about speeding up the gathering of the people, but wanting to undermine Dahan's layout of the world, not the instructions of the six immortals What do you mean, Kong Xuan! "Cried Gu Hai.

"I'm here!" Kong Xuanying said.

"You immediately go to Yangjian, Yuan Shidian, and see Yuan Shi Tianzun, and say that Bai Zizuo conspired with the Six Roads, bad Yuan Shidian's covenant, quickly go!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Yes!" Kong Xuan responded, rushing towards the valley of yin and yang.

The white complexion changed. I did not expect Gu Hai to play such a topic.

"Kong Xuan, stop me, Gu Hai, you don't have to go in!" Bai Ziran angrily said.

However, the ancient sea did not bother, Kong Xuan had already stepped out of the sun.

Just a little effort.


Above the mouth of Yin Shendian, purple clouds are densely packed, and then for a moment, a huge crack is separated from the center of purple clouds, and a purple eye of heaven looks down.

"Yuanshi Tianzun?" Bai Ziren's face changed.

As soon as the purple heavenly eyes opened, a sudden horror breath washed down, and went straight to the white.

"White comfortable? You colluded with six?" Purple eyes heard a cold drink.

"No, all misunderstandings!" Bai Ziren smiled bitterly.

"Misunderstanding? Is it a misunderstanding to passively charge the world? Or is it a misunderstanding to assassinate actively collecting the puppets of the world?" Gu Hai said coldly.

The purple heavenly eyes looked at Bai Zilai.

Although Bai Zizai was not afraid of Yuanshi Tianzun, but nowadays, Gu Hai used the title to play. If Yuanshi Tianzun was also brought in to deal with himself, he would have suffered a great loss.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, I said it was a misunderstanding. Before, Bai Baichang went to the ancient capital of Yin, just to steal a treasure! If I promised you in the past, I would do it naturally!" Bai Zizai Shen said.

The purple heavenly eyes stared at Bai Ziran.

In itself, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't trust the dialogue easily. Now, Kong Xuan suddenly came to sue, making Yuanshi Tianzun's dialogue more comfortable. You are sprinting in the final retreat. How could you get the moth at this time?

Although Yuanshi Tianzun was angry, it was not convenient for him to go out at the moment.

"What do you guarantee with this deity?" Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

In the distance, Gu Hai brightened his eyes and said, "Yuanshi Tianzun. Previously, Bai Wuchang sneaked into the ancient capital of Yin. Should we imprison Bai Wuchang and wait for one year, when you leave the customs, I will release it again? Not only can they be restrained, but they can also be prevented from continuing their destruction? "

"Huh?" There was a hint of thought in Yuan Shitianzun's voice.

"No!" Bai Ziren's eyes glared, suddenly angrily.

If Bai Wuchang was detained by Gu Hai, wouldn't all the secrets against Gu Hai be exposed?

The white impermanence that has just returned is a change of face, this ancient sea is so wicked. I used Yuanshi Tianzun to arrest me, and obviously required torture and confession. Want to press the news of the underground blood city?

Purple heavenly eyes stare at impermanence.

"Science can be killed, not humiliated! Yuanshi Tianzun, if you are partial to the ancient sea, then I promised your covenant, I can't keep it!" Bai Zirong said coldly.


Suddenly, the eye of heaven shot a purple light curtain, which instantly drowned white impermanence.

"Don't!" Bai Zixin's complexion changed and he wanted to stop, but everything was late.

Bai Wuchang was also in amazement, submerged in purple light, and the purple light did not disperse, but fixed Bai Baichang on the square like ice.

"Bai Wuchang temporarily puts the seal here, no one is allowed to touch it, whoever helps him to unlock the seal, this deity kills anyone!" Yuan Shitianzun's voice came.

Bai Zizun's face sank, and he felt the murderous spirit of Yuanshi Tianzun.

This murderous anger was the anger that was awakened from the retreat.

It was supposed to be furious at Kong, but after all, it was provoked by himself. In the end, the murderous spirit could only fall on himself.

Yuanshi Tianzun was really angry, and Bai Zizai could only compromise: "Okay!"

The purple heavenly eyes look in the direction of the ancient sea. It seems to tell Gu Hai that this is the way to neutralize, aren't you worried about impermanence? I'll seal it for you now, so don't say more.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

"The deity once again reiterates that during this period, if there is any further fighting and disturbs the retreat of the deity, the deity will kill it first!" Yuan Shi Tianzun's voice came again with a chill.

Gu Hai and Bai Zi frowned as they looked at each other without speaking.


As soon as the purple heavenly eyes closed, the purple clouds slowly dissipated.

From the perspective of Yuanshi Tianzun, Bai Ziren did undermine his own plans, but Gu Hai was too trivial to make a big fuss. It would be enough to knock on both sides.

Gu Hai didn't say to him "Jiuding captures the curse of God". After all, this matter has no further influence. Yuanshi Tianzun is not a good stubble. He has no obligation to help himself to find the “God” of the body. Once he feels that he is useless, he will not hesitate to take the shot and let others replace it.

However, fortunately Bai Baichang was sealed. Bai Zi must also be daunting there. More importantly, the culprit has been found.

A long distance away, Gu Hai smiled coldly at Bai Zi, flung his sleeves, and turned his head back to the town hall.

At this moment, Kong Xuan also returned from the sun. Coldly looking at the distant Bai Bairen, also entered the town hall with the ancient sea.


The gates of the hall slammed shut.

Bai Zilai's face was gloomy for a while.

"How could this be? Guhai is okay? Didn't Jiuding rob God's curse?" Bai Zizai's complexion was complicated.

Turning his head and looking at the impermanence of white, Bai Zizai would like to ask clearly, but Bai impermanence has been sealed, making Bai Ziran's face ugly.

Bai Zizai stepped back to the Yin Temple, attracted the Scorpion and the Demon.

"Scorpion, you go to the underground blood city to find out why the ancient sea is fine!" Bai Zishen said in a deep voice.

"But, the underground blood city, I don't know where the subordinates are. Only the eldest, the second and the third know!" The scorpion and the demon said blankly.

"They gave the map of the deity before, please follow the map!" Bai Zizuo took out a map to the Scorpio Demon.

"Yes!" The Scorpio Demon nodded blankly-

The ancient capital of Yin, in the town hall.

There are only a few dignitaries in the Dahan dynasty.

Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon Gods, Mo Yike.

"Holy, it's a pity just now. If we could hold Bai impermanence, we would find the underground blood city!" Kong Xuan said unfortunately.

"Anyway, since it is definitely made by the demon sacred place, we also have a direction!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Sacred is right, the news of the underground blood city should not be known to everyone, but the most important people in the Holy Land of Heaven may know it. White comfortable, black impermanence, Wu hurt the demon, the Scorpion Demon?" Mo Yi Ke looked slightly moving.

"The white gods and the black and white impermanence have the perfect strength of the gods, and it is difficult for them to do nothing for a while. Only Wu hurt the demon and the scorpion demon, and found their whereabouts, and found a way to catch them!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Relax on the holy, the minister has just arranged it, and closely monitor several peak masters of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land!" Mo Yike nodded.

"Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God, and the three of you cooperated with Mo Yike. As soon as you found the traces of Wu Shangtian Demon and Scorpion Demon, you immediately followed them quietly. Only the strength of the three of you will not lose. , Don't hit the grass and scare the snake, and tell me, one hit will hit! "Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes, holy!" The three said in response-

Underground Blood City.

The curse that controlled King Wu has been lifted, King Wang is excited for a while.

"Mr. Gu, the overlord is my life and death. Otherwise, can you help him unravel the curse, too?" King Wang looked forward.

"Big King?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Mr. Gu, the Overlord King will definitely not speak out!" King King Xuan once again advised.

"After three days!" Chess said in a deep voice.

"After three days? Why?"

"Sorry, King Xi, thank you for your rescue this time, but now I am weak, and I accidentally annihilated. I implore you to help me get out of trouble!"

"Mr. Gu helped me to undo the curse, and I naturally cooperate with you, but I don't understand, why wait three days?" Curious King Wu.

"Three days later, I can trust him completely," Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

PS: Explain the hatred of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land and Dahan. Many of the peak masters of the Heavenly Holy Land died in the hands of Dahan. The old sixth, old seven, old eight, old nine, and eleven all died in the ancient sea. In his hands, the old seven's Lingshan holy land is also an important sun layout of the heavenly demon holy land, and it was also destroyed by the ancient sea. Replacing the position is equivalent to Da Xuan's Kong Xuan, Mo Yike, Sima Changkong, Shangguanhen, and Bingji, all killed by others, and also put on all the underworld's territory. Can ancient seas not be regarded as the enemy of life and death?

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