Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 126: King's Retribution

Underground Blood City!

With a loud noise, the door closed, and the blood-mist-filled city began to search around.

Although there are many doubts about the prisoner's cattle king, it is clear that the **** of the ancient sea has entered the city.

Numerous firefly-like light spots were investigated one by one, but there was no trace of the ancient sea.

"No? No?" A bat exclaimed.

Black impermanence, Wu Shangtianmo, and others also showed anger.

Originally, a very simple thing was to wait until the ‘God’ of the ancient sea was found and wiped out. That ancient sea has completely turned into an idiot. One such simple thing was actually messed up?

"Prison Cow King, are you sure you saw it before?" Bat looked coldly at the Prison Cow King.

"It's true, I really saw Gu Hai, and I must have been hidden by some spy!" The prisoner king immediately swore and vowed.

In addition, the eight kings also have complex faces. I don't want such weird things to happen.

"Hey, hey, hey hey!" The bat suddenly burst into a grim smile.

"Master!" The Nine Kings suddenly startled.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, there are traitors in the city? Nine Kings, this is your duty!" The red eyes of the bat glowed coldly.

"Lord, forgive sin!" The Nine Kings suddenly looked ugly.

"Apologize? Oh, I will give you three days, investigate me all the witches in your seat, and search out the ancient sea for me, otherwise, I will just ask you, after three days, start to bone curse ...!" Bat chirped.

"Master, don't, don't bite the bone curse, I'll do my best when I wait!" The prison bull king suddenly panicked.

"Master forgive me, I will do my best when I wait!" The kings immediately knelt down.

Bat whispered: "Knowing scared? Find it quickly, my patience is limited!"

"Yes!" The Nine Kings suddenly nodded in despair.


Billowing bats, all flew into the sea of ​​blood.

Wu hurt the demon, Hei Wuchang frowned slightly, followed the bat and flew back to the Blood Witch Temple.

"Blood City Lord, aren't you all descendants of the Wu tribe in this city? How can there be spies?" He continually frowned.

"Rest assured, the ancient sea cannot escape, and now the underground blood city is completely closed, and no one can go out. Even if you dig the ground three feet, you can find out that ancient sea is now repaired, what are you afraid of?" Cold road.

"But, after all, we are a bit worried, in case ...!" Wu Shangtianmo worried.

"Don't worry, soon, I can curse the‘ God ’of Guhai again. He ca n’t run away!” Bat said coldly.

"Okay!" The two nodded--

The ancient sea escaped, and the city suddenly fell into chaos.

There are numerous underground blood cities, but there are also high and low strengths, not all of them have the ability to find the ancient sea, there are many limited capabilities, and even reduced to beggars.

The prisoner Niu Wang first inquired about Wu Xiu who has more strength than Yuan Yingjing, but at this moment, it looks like a needle in a haystack. Moreover, I don't know where the ancient sea is, maybe I fled into other ordinary witches' houses.

The entire city was blocked, and the city was hunted down.

The nine kings cursed. At this moment, they were also losing blood, arranged a search situation, and quickly returned to their residences to adjust their rates.

上 On the King's Mansion.

King Xi explained the affairs of the courtier and entered the practice room to heal his injuries.


The gate of the practice hall closed suddenly, and King Wang opened the enchantment again, so he took the glass ball out of his sleeve very carefully.

In the glass ball, it is the four ancient sea chess souls who witnessed everything.


King Detective took off the glass ball and released four ancient sea chess spirits.

At this moment, Gu Hai's chess spirit is already the size of an ordinary person.

"Thank you for your help!" The four ancient sea chess spirits saluted to the king.

All previous conversations were clear, and the person in front of them saved himself.

"Mr. Gu, have you forgotten me?" King Dao smiled bitterly.

"Are you ...?" Gu Hai looked slightly and quickly remembered.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Gu Hai's brain, remembering it.

"Is it you? King Ma?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"That's right. We found a treasure in the city. I forced Mr. Gu to lead the way. Finally, I found Ziwei and Changsheng. A painting by Changsheng made me and everyone pregnant. At that time, Mr. Gu changed his subject and guest, and he could kill us all in revenge for shame. However, Mr. Gu complained with virtue. He not only did no harm, but also instructed the caesarean section to get rid of the plight. It is a pity that he always keeps it in mind. Long and Feng among Mr. Gu's people have never had the opportunity to repay them! "Said King Wu with a bitter smile.

"Master Wang, if it weren't for you this time, I've planted here, thank you!" Gu Hai once again saluted.

At that time, I just did it by myself, but I didn't want to. The grandma always remembered in my heart. This time, I would rather risk offending the blood elder elder than risking to save myself.

"Mr. Gu is polite, but unfortunately, I can only save you here. I can't take you out for the time being. The situation is just now, and I don't dare to reveal the emotion of knowing you in the slightest!" Said King Wu bitterly.

"It's a great help to give me a chance to breathe. King Xiong, don't worry, as long as I get out of trouble, I will report your gratitude today!" Gu Hai solemnly promised.

King Xi smiled slightly, but did not know if Gu Hai could go out.

"Master Wang, can you tell me what is going on here? How am I here? Who is going to deal with me?" Gu Hai asked.

King Wu didn't conceal. He started talking about Wu Shangtian demo coming to ask for help, and continued to talk about the situation today.

"Jiuding wins the curse?" Gu Hai sank.

"Yes! I was previously involuntary and did not dare to disobey the command of the master, so I could only cast this curse, Mr. Gu forgive me!" Wang Daxi smiled bitterly.

"This is not to blame you, to blame, but also to the elder Blood Witch!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Gu, do you know him?" King Wu was surprised.

"Yes, I suffered a great loss in my hands in the past. I never thought about it, and possessed my courtiers!" Gu Hai explained.

"No wonder!" King Nod nodded.

"By the way, I listened to your conversation earlier. It seems that your nine kings, although they recognize him as the master, seem to be afraid of him?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"The underground blood city has been passed down for countless years. It is in charge of nine kings, and one person is in charge. In my generation, everything was in peace until the master's sudden arrival. When he first came back, he was very familiar with this place. It is a show of its powerful curse. It also instructed our nine kings to practice. We were quite grateful to him, but we did n’t want him to host a banquet at our banquet, and the poisonous puppet was poured into the wine. All of our nine kings were recruited. And a curse is placed on our 'God', which can control our life and death, and control our nine kings. Then, he enters the underground blood city! "King Wang wryly smiled.

"All nine kings are subject to him?" Gu Hai frowned.

"His curse is so powerful that even the cursed sea of ​​blood can be manipulated. Although it also improves our level, but he controls our god, we can only be his slaves forever. Later, We only know that he is an elder blood witch in ancient times! "Said King Wu with a bitter smile.

"Your god, is it cursed? Can't you untie it?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"He is the elder of the blood witch, but the elder of the ancient witch family was the most glorious. He even participated in the creation of the curse of the ancestral class of" Jiuding wins the **** curse ". What is in our" **** "is' The curse of the second ancestor '. Where can we solve it? "King Gao smiled bitterly.

The ancient sea looked slightly, looked at King Wu, and finally solemnly said, "Can you show me your curse?"

"You?" King Ye was surprised.

I was wondering why Gu Hai wanted to bring a curse. When the great king suddenly looked, he suddenly remembered that Gu Hai had previously broken the cursed enemies by any means.

After being silent for a while, King Ye's heart was a little bit uncertain. After a while, King King nodded his head: "I open my eyebrow space, Mr. Gu's god, you can enter one!"

Gu Hai didn't know that the space of eyebrows was the biggest taboo for those who cultivated gods. Never allow anyone to set foot.

King Xi is grateful to Gu Hai on the one hand, and may be too eager for freedom on the other.

狴 犴 The king's eyebrows created a suction, and Gu Hai stepped into it.


Instantly, Gu Hai entered King Bian ’s eyebrow space, but it was a small chaotic space, much smaller than Gu Hai ’s eyebrow space.

In the eyebrow space, at this moment is circling a fierce beast, which is the **** of the sloppy appearance!

The surface of the ferocious beast is tangled with blood-red silk, which seems to be bound.

Gu Haiqi approached, and Xi opened his eyes: "Mr. Gu, this red line that binds me is the curse of the master!"

As the ancient sea approached, I immediately felt that the red line had an evil breath.

"I don't know if I can succeed, let's try it!" Gu Hai said.

"Mr. Gu, please!" He nodded.

Gu Hai turned his hands to take out the candle lantern, and immediately urged a very small flame.

"Oh? Mr. Gu's god, can he still carry magic weapon?" He said in surprise.

The small flame burned above the red line.


The red line broke instantly.

"What? Broken?" I was surprised.

The small flame kept burning other red threads.

"Slap, slap, slap ........."

After a series of incineration, the red line broke in succession. In a blink of an eye, all the red lines that bound God of God were disconnected.

"Don't burn it, don't burn it, ha ha ha, Mr. Gu, thank you Mr. Gu!" Shouted in joy.

The rest of the red line quickly huddled into a blood-colored ball under the trigger, and fell on the paw of God.

A rush of suction surged into the ancient sea.


The ancient sea chess player holding the candle candlelight suddenly appeared on the outside of the king.

King Wang was surprised to check himself, and really unlocked it.

Gu Hai looked at King Xi ’s excitement and smiled slightly. Gu Hai did not hide the candlestick blue lights, nor was he worried about King Xi ’s snatch. If it had not been for King ’s help, it might have been wiped out It's nothing to expose the candle lantern, even if you can go out, why don't you give it to the king?

"Thank you, Mr. Gu!" King Wu said excitedly to Gu Hai.

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