Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 125: Depression of the Captive Cow King

Ancient Sea Ontology!

Coming out of the ancient immortal dome, while discussing with the girls how to increase cultivation, suddenly, a gust of wind came out of nowhere and blew into the ancient sea.

The physical body of the ancient sea should now be inaccessible, and water and fire invade, let alone a gust of wind? However, this overcast wind is weird. It penetrates through the body like a soul and enters the limbs and bones of the ancient sea.

This blow brought out the result of incomparable thriller, but it was the scattered consciousness of the whole body. It was strangely expelled all in one place, and went straight to the eyebrow.

At that moment, Liumo suddenly lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep of self-protection. Hands and feet can no longer move, and the head, nose and nose have no conscious control.

This consciousness is like the power in the nerves of the human body. All of a sudden, the nerves have no power to guide them.

Gu Hai wanted to cry, but he couldn't speak at all.

In a short moment, it was more than ten thousand years for Gu Hai. Even the three souls, under this overcast wind, suddenly all their consciousness was stripped away and they went straight to the eyebrows.

In a hurry, Gu Hai sensed all the magic weapons in the whole body. Without conscious reminder and no power to guide, all magic weapons seemed to be insensitive.

The only sensory thing is the weird candlelight.

In the past, when the magic weapon of the past Buddha did not even sense Pangu axe, the candle lantern appeared to be in the consciousness group.

All the consciousness of the ancient sea was poured into the seventh soul of the eyebrow.

The space of the eyebrows of the ancient sea, the sky above the town's seal, represses everything. Below are four small chessboards. Above the small chessboard, there are four chessboards with condensed chess power, but they have not yet fully consolidated. A semi-finished product.

All consciousness poured into the four chess souls. The wind was sweeping.


The four chess souls disappeared and disappeared, and then there was the candle lantern.

The flesh of the ancient sea suddenly fell to the ground, causing the girls to panic.

The four chess souls seemed to cross time and space. The next moment, they were dragged to a strange place by the wind.


The four chess souls were weirdly sealed by four firefly-like bright raindrops, descending from the sky.

In addition to the light spots where the four chess souls are located, there are endless light spots falling from the sky.

"What's going on? Where is this?" The four chess spirits all changed their faces.

The four chess spirits all have the consciousness of the ancient sea. Although they have lost contact with the ancient sea of ​​skeletons, they can sense each other and see each other here.

Suddenly, countless sounds rang out in all directions.

"The" God "of the ancient sea has arrived, and all the witches are careful. Anyone who sees the" God "of the ancient sea immediately reports it, the captive, and rewards again!"

"Yes, master!"

"Squeaky squeak!"




Listening to the roar of the Quartet, Gu Hai suddenly got excited. Looking down, but seeing a strange stream of light soaring into the sky, towards the light spots of fireflies, even more countless bats soared towards the sky, towards the countless light spots.

Between the electric light and flint, Gu Hai had guessed it probably, and he was out of it.

"Elder Blood Witch?" Gu Hai's face turned wild.

They must kill themselves and must escape from this place.

The four chess souls desperately hit the light spot enchantment, but they were sealed inside, and they couldn't impact at all.

All strength is gone, Chess? Chess is not completely completed, how much power?

Today's ancient sea, like a child, is trapped in an iron cage and cannot be ripped apart.

"No, once caught later, there is no resistance at all!" Anxiously said.

"Can't be anxious, calm down, calm down!" Another chess spirit also forced himself to calm down.

The four chess souls are all agglomeration of chess power, which is the condensation of ancient sea wisdom, but there is no way to think of it.

"No, I have a magic weapon here!" One of his chess eyes flashed.

In the enchantment of light dots, the chess spirit suddenly took out the candle lantern, sensed it gently, and urged it with a weak force.

The strength was extremely weak, and the flames that spurred them were small and pathetic, so small that no one could see them, but this small, poor flame suddenly stimulated the light spot enchantment.


The light dot enchantment exploded instantly.

The chess player's hand held the candlelight blue light came out instantly.

After coming out, you can escape.

In the distance, there are more and more bats, and some strange-looking people rush to the sky. Fortunately, at this moment, the sky is filled with blood and mist, and it is blurred, and it is difficult to see the ancient sea.

Chess is very small. It has just emerged from the light dot enchantment and is slowly becoming larger. However, the other three chesses are more important at this moment.

Fortunately, the four chess souls each had their own senses, and they were found instantly, and they were not far away. The chess soul holding the candle lantern suddenly touched the other three enchantments with a small flame.

"Wave!" "Wave!" "Wave!"

Suddenly, the three enchantments exploded, and all three chess spirits came out instantly, holding the candle lantern together.

"Get out of here!" The four chess souls immediately eagerly said.

It didn't spread apart, but leaned together and floated away. However, the four chess souls at the moment did not have any strength at all, the power was too small, and the speed was too slow.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, found it!" A sudden voice sounded.

The four chess souls suddenly changed their faces, holding the candlelight blue light, hoping to resist.

However, the chess spirit at this moment is too weak. Where can I resist?


A glass ball-like magic weapon, the four chess souls were suddenly covered in it, leaving the four ancient seas nowhere to escape.

The faces of the four chess players changed, and they turned their heads to look at them, but they saw a big bearded man wearing a dragon robe. At this moment, his face showed excitement and seemed to shout.


Suddenly, from the back, a huge fist slammed it into the ground.

"Huh?" The faces of the four chess players changed. What happened?

However, it was seen that the man who attacked Daxu Han was also a man wearing a dragon robe. The man's large sleeves were thrown away, and the glass ball magic weapon that wrapped the four chess souls was put into the sleeve, and then disappeared.

"The ancient sea is here!" A roar suddenly came from below.

But it was the newly attacked Uncle Han who was accidentally attacked and rushed up again.

However, when he came back, the glass ball magic weapon disappeared.

"Human? Human? Who sneaks up on Laozi!" Wu Xu Dahan said with resentment.


Perhaps Dahan's voice was too loud, and suddenly a large number of bats came over.

"Prison Cattle King, what did you call just now? Found the ancient sea? Where is the ancient sea?" One of the bats suddenly excited.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" ...... …………

In addition to bats, more and more people came over, all the nine kings gathered, and even Wu hurt the heavenly demons and black impermanence.

"I just saw that there are four gods in the ancient sea. He actually has four gods, and there was a cursed seal. I caught him, but I didn't know who was attacked by someone, fell down, and came up again. The four gods of the ancient sea are gone! "Said the prisoner bull king with a depressed face.

"Four gods? How could he possibly have four gods?" King Jue stared at disbelief.

"The cursed seal? He can't escape the cursed seal. He is just a god. How can he escape?" Another king Shen said.

"Sneak attack on you? How is it possible, I am underground blood city, how can there be people from the ancient sea?" Another king did not believe.

The bat looked coldly at the prisoner king.

"It's true, master, it's true. I really caught the ancient sea just now. His **** is still growing. He must have just escaped the cursed seal soon." The prisoner bull king eagerly said.

"You were attacked, and then you lost the **** of the ancient sea?" Hei Wuchang sank.

"Yes, the Jiuding sacrifice spell has been cast. Our nine kings are both **** and weak, and we are so weak. I didn't expect anyone to attack me. The only weak one at this moment is the power of Yuanying. It must be Yuanying in the city. The witches around me are attacking me! "Said the prisoner king, looking depressed.

Seeing to catch it, but ran away to the ancient sea?

The bat looked coldly at the prison bull king, some of whom could not be sure what it said.

The four gods? Who would be so bored and cultivate the four gods? God is absent. Instead, it distracts the divine power.

Secondly, although the light-like cursed enchantment is not very strong for people outside, but for a god, it is horrible and powerful. How could the ancient sea be broken?

Then, a sneak attack? How could anyone sneak up on a prisoner of cattle? Is there a spy? impossible!

"Master, you have to believe me!" The prisoner king said depressed.

Because everyone around them looked at their own eyes, they didn't believe it.

"Everyone, keep looking for the **** of the ancient sea!" The bat drank again.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"Master, what I'm saying is true!" The prisoner bull King depressed.

"I know, I didn't say you were lying, just in case!" Bat said coldly.

"Yes!" The prison cow was depressed.

"The King of Prison Cows has said that he has seen the **** of the ancient sea, indicating that the curse has worked. The **** of the ancient sea, whether it has escaped the cursed seal or not, is now in the underground blood city. From now on, it will be closed underground. Blood city, everyone can't get in and out! "Bat said again.


"Seal the city gate!" King Xi shouted loudly.


There was a loud noise in the distance, but the gate was completely sealed.

Hei Wuchang and Wu Shangtian demo stared at each other with a slight worry in his eyes.

"Blood City Lord, Bai Wuchang is waiting for news outside the city, isn't it ...!" Hei Wuchang frowned.

If you do n’t say anything, just close the gate, will Bai Baichang make a misunderstanding?

A bat looked at Black Impermanence: "Now, the most important thing is to find the **** of the ancient sea, and then destroy it, isn't it? Although it can't be contacted with Bai Wuchang for a short time, if it is to contact the impermanence of the ancient sea, let the ancient sea **** What if I run away? Will you? "

The black impermanence pupil shrank: "Okay, listen to the Lord of the City. As long as the ancient sea **** is gone, then everything is worth it. You must find the ancient sea **** and erase it!"

"Hmm!" Bat nodded.

"Continue to find me, find the **** of the ancient sea, and reap the reward!" The prisoner bull screamed.


All witches and countless bats searched again quickly.

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